IT was krazy they came in as i finished up my work out w/ pwo cardio.
i watch em kinda
a GIANT WHALE OF A BEAST! w/ many strange colors in her hair .. the other chunky yet average w/ a weird die'd red hair color bout a 5 in my book i bet she could clean up to a 6.5.
they work out and of course later they hop on th elipicals next tme YAY
a whale and an orangatuang.
they finish up
they leave
... finally my 40min done
so i lave
and my SHIRT IS SOAKED like bad
OKlahoma has humididyt u kant imagine its unreal rright now so i wear a jacket to kinda.. catch the droppin sweat/towel.
on way out im taking off jacket then i take off soaked shirt k uz **** if im sweat stating my car seat... as im doing difficult task of trying to get soaked strectcyh shirt off i kan feell "EERRRRR" in back of hed
i turn around its the 2 chicks in thei car facing me starint
hard CORE
windows down
some gay rap blazing
both have their CIGs hangning out the window kuz we are 19 and COOL and can SMOKE (which is why ur fat) and THEY JUST WTSACH ME
everthing i do .. i was skared
so i hop in my car
grab my bankai (Zangetsu)
and charge
cutting their vehincle right in two so they cant fallow
then i go hom