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Thread: Gun for home protection

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    Gun for home protection

    I am one of those that believes there is nottn wrong with having a gun in the house for protection incase something was gonna go down.

    I've settled in getting a Glock, but not sure what type of ammo to choose since the Compact/Subcompact models come in:
    (9mm / .40SW / .357Sig /. 380ACP / 10mm / .45ACP)

    What is the most common and practical ammo type to go with?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    It all comes down to price and stopping power. If price is no object go with the .45. I have a beretta 92FS 9mm. It will definitely put the hurt on someone, but wont blow a big hole in them like the .45 would.

  3. #3
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    My current "home protection" tool is a remington 870 12ga with an 18in barrel and pistol grip loaded with alternating OO and #2 buckshot.


  4. #4
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    I carry a glock 23 in .40" caliber but for you I would get a glock 19 since one day you may want to get your concealed carry liscense and ammo prices are going through the roof and 9mm is alot cheaper to shoot. Get +p or +p+ loads that the police use and it will do anything the other calibers due w/o the recoil or expense Do a search for glock forums and they have alot of info that will help I would tell you which one I go to but they might get "wierd" here? Don't get anything but a glock, you will either spend too much, hate the DA/SA pulls or get a piece of junk. DO NOT GET A 1911 .45", you can not keep them loaded with one in the chamber (don't blast me .45" fans, he won't want to do the "cocked and locked") Glocks don't rust even when I sweat on them.

  5. #5
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    127 gr. +p+ win
    124 gr. +p gold dot
    These are in 50 rd. boxes from difference sources, don't get bent over with those stupid 20 rd boxes for the same price
    Practice with any cheap round and carry the others after you test a few out to get use to them.

  6. #6
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    btw, you can not buy a .380" glock, only police can buy (which they never do, why carry a .380" in the exact size gun as a 9mm or .40"?) them since they are illegal to import.

  7. #7
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    and hes starring down the barrel of a .45..........

    but there is something about the click click of a shotgun that makes some ones hairs stand up....

  8. #8
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    10 mm sub compact not fun at all to shoot and I hated the glock 27, damn thing kicked like hell

  9. #9
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    Pump action shotgun, bad choice for home defense since you WILL forget to hit the slide release button to cycle the first round in the chamber!!! (talking about new shooters, don't get mad all you experienced guys)

  10. #10
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    revolver here 38.Remember revolvers don't jam. I have a loaded 38 over my bed. I do not have kids. I also have it in a quick access safe.

  11. #11
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    mossberg 12 gauge would be best for home protection. I plan on grabbing my Wilson Combat M4 if someone ever comes in though. I'd just get satisfaction out of their look before I used it. Plus,.....they said they had a gun.... and it was dark....

    And if you're gonna get a handgun, get a 9mm if you're an inexperienced shooter, it all comes down to efficiency, and you can get 3 boxes of 9mm round fors the same price of 2 boxes of 45. therefore 50% more shooting practice. 9mm do tend to overpenetrate more then a 45 from a ballistics POV though.

  12. #12
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    benelli M2 tactical and me...sometimes I think I could do more damage than a gun

  13. #13
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    For the bedside I have a Glock 36 which is a .45 subcompact handgun. It holds 6 rounds in a magazine and I opt for winchester super-x hollow points. The hollow points are nice so if you miss you don't fkin blast through the walls... and they have a high mortality rate if you land a shot.

    Subcompact glocks are very nice though. No safeties aside from the trigger safety so if its loaded and cocked... just point and shoot. Great for pitch darkness.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    Pump action shotgun, bad choice for home defense since you WILL forget to hit the slide release button to cycle the first round in the chamber!!! (talking about new shooters, don't get mad all you experienced guys)
    Unfortunately in this country the average person cannot legally get a handgun, so a shotgun is the only choice available. I could pull out my 30-06, but I don't like the idea of shooting thru a robber and killing a neighbour 3 condos down

    And as mentionned before, the noise of as 12ga action cycling is often more than enough to scare the bad guys away (or make 'em shît themselves!).


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    12 ga auto, plug out holds 7 shells, and will **** someone up

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Donkey calf raises
    dis cracka packin' a glock gets the job done...

  17. #17
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    Price is not that much different within the Glock models at least at the store I was in today so it's not really an issue for me.

    besides your recommendation of getting a Glock, the rest is all foreign to me (Get +p or +p+ loads / DO NOT GET A 1911 .45",) you can not keep them loaded with one in the chamber) since looks like I need some more reading up to do. I am not all that experienced shooter and will also be looking to take a few classes at the local gun range.

    is Glock .45 more problematic and requires more experience over the 9mm models? I am sure after a few sessions I should be able to rock .45 just fine.

    I'm gonna hit the Glock forum and see what's the ideal Glock model would be for me. I get the feeling 9mm is a bit on a weak side and not used as the primary, but rather a backup gun.

    I assume you need only one license to own a gun or are there more permission requirements or licenses needed for example to carry a gun outside the house like in a car. If you get pulled over and police searches your car and finds a gun, but you have a license to own it, do you still get penalized for it having the gun in your car even though you got all the paperwork in the glove box? See, I am not sure how all that workout.

  18. #18
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    one of the 50 states....
    Next to my bed, I have locked and loaded a .45 HK USP... shoots like a dream and I would love to see the face on someone right before they see me in my boxers and this bad boy in my hands

    I plan on getting my CHL this year and then i'll get a 9mm HK that way it will be easier to conceal

    If i get a daughter.. then I am getting a 12 gauge

  19. #19
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    Nov 2004
    I have a 30 round home defense magazine for my Berretta 92fs, makes it look a little funny, but it's got rounds to spare.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    @ Work Mostly
    Sage, ill PM you the best glock forum out there. it is VERY informative.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2007
    i loooove my mossberg... i want a mariner

  22. #22
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    Jan 2007
    If it's for home protection only. I suggest two clips and rotate the rounds from clip to clip every mounth. So the springs do not weaken, hence no jams

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    if it's just for home...don't get a compact / sub ... get a full because they feel better in the hand and won't make you fumble as much on a pinch. Only reason for the subcompact is to carry and I dont' think your a CHL.

    P.S. about the 9mm reference's not about power... it's about velocity. 9 mm are high velocity rounds and have a habbit of going through their targets.

  24. #24
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    sage....glocks are well made and proven. .45 would me my choice, for the caliber.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    im source cheks
    ive got 2 guns for the protection of my is featured in my avatar....BAYYYYYMMM.. *slowly tip toes backwards out of thread*

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    I've got a Yugo SKS for looting protection. S & W shotgun. and I want to add the llama minimax for conceal carry.

    minimax 45cal

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by batlin
    Next to my bed, I have locked and loaded a .45 HK USP... shoots like a dream and I would love to see the face on someone right before they see me in my boxers and this bad boy in my hands

    I plan on getting my CHL this year and then i'll get a 9mm HK that way it will be easier to conceal

    If i get a daughter.. then I am getting a 12 gauge

    I like that one.

    One gun for "Home Protection" and one for "Daughter Protection". Good help me if I have a daughter.
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  28. #28
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    I see a few misconceptions here. 9mm with +p (plus p only means they load them a little hotter "ie faster" than normal factory loads but they will not harm a glock since they are factory rated for them) will do anything a .45" will do with good loads and is alot easier to shoot for first timers. Shot placement matters more than anything since compared to a r***e, a handgun is not near as good I would feel safe carrying any glock I bought the .40" before ammo went through the roof and I must admit to being an "old timer" in my thinking sometimes that bigger just gives you a little more security Still the colt .45" auto 1911 is the worst choice for a new guy. damn things always give you hammer bite even with extended beaver tail and are no where near reliable as a glock

  29. #29
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    A double barrel short barrel shotgun is a good choice since you can usually keep them loaded and alot easier to use and alot shorter overall lenght (same barrel lenghts compared). use "reduced recoil" or "tactical" loads since full power loads kick like hell. Put a very thick recoil pad on it and even have a gunsmith trim the stock if the lenght of pull is too long.

  30. #30
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    ex 1911 fan and ex glock hater till I actually bought one You will pay about $500 or so new for one but will out last you and probably your kids' kids

  31. #31
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    Dude, Go with the Glock 357.sig caliber. It is basically the same as the 40 caliber except the round itself is bottle necked at the end the way a r***e cartridge is, thus getting all the stopping power of a 40 or 45 but with a hell of alot more velocity. However if you go with this fast caliber I would opt for a Golddot Hollowpoint or a well made hollow point in general. If you put a regular ball round in it itll just blow right through at a higher velocity not inflicting as much trauma to the vital organs.

  32. #32
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    I love the .357" sig but the ammo is too high for regular paractice. He needs lots of practice to get good with it.

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    @ Work Mostly

    .357 Sig

    i had a few .357 sigs. One was a Sig 229 which was a .40 with a .357 replacement barrel, and the 2nd was a G33. However, like Goodcents said the ammo cost is too high. Not to mention that the G33 just plain hurt to shoot. My hands are too big. Also the ole 9mm VS 45 debate will go on forever.

    ask the badguy if he feels the difference between a double tap in the chest with a spear 124gr+p 9mm and a .45.

  34. #34
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    Like they say if it doesnt start with w 4 it better end with a magnum. Right now I dont apply to that either. I carry a .380bersa Very nice and reliable. In the bed is a Taurus pt92 9mm. All legal.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by skoaler29
    i had a few .357 sigs. One was a Sig 229 which was a .40 with a .357 replacement barrel, and the 2nd was a G33. However, like Goodcents said the ammo cost is too high. Not to mention that the G33 just plain hurt to shoot. My hands are too big. Also the ole 9mm VS 45 debate will go on forever.

    ask the badguy if he feels the difference between a double tap in the chest with a spear 124gr+p 9mm and a .45.

    to another body building glock user I like sigs too but they are just out of my budget

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    @ Work Mostly
    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    to another body building glock user I like sigs too but they are just out of my budget
    Hell ya brotha, the Sig was out of my budget too, thats why i sold it. nice smooth trigger pull for sure though.

  37. #37
    I would go with a 9mm... it has enough stopping power and the loads are less expensive. Personally, one of my faves is the Para Ordinance P16 .45. I had it done with a custom trigger (sensitive) and had a compensator machined onto the barrel. I could empty my clip at about 30 feet and 1 bullet every second or less and still maintain a grouping that was only about 4" in diameter. It had way less kick than any 9mm I had ever fired.

  38. #38
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    To answer your question, the most common and practical would be the 9mm out of that list. A ton of people have them and you can find really good deals on ammo. Wouldn’t be my first choice, but that isn’t what you asked.

    I would recommend that you go to a shooting range and rent a few of them to try out. You want to hit what you aim at, and you will undoubtedly be better with some than others. If you’re like me, you’ll catch a bug and end up owning lots of guns, so your first one doesn’t have to be the one you think is the coolest.

    Since everyone else posted their recommendation, here is mine. Go with a .357 magnum revolver as your first home defense firearm. Pick up a few speed loaders and some pre-fragmented ammo and you are good to go. Most residential gun battles last less than six shots so you’ll probably be okay with a few speed loaders ready to go. Although with that said, more and more cops are carrying pistols now days so they don’t get caught in battle and have to reload. (I saw a cop once with a gun that had probably a 30 round clip in it. It stuck out almost a foot behind his butt and looked kinda funny)

    Good luck and happy shooting

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I use a 500 Mossberg with pistol grip and few other nice modifications. For a new use wanting a handgun I would recommend a revolver instead of a auto. The main reason: if it does happen to miss fired you dont have to jack the slide. Just squeezing trigger is alot easier in rough situation.

  40. #40
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    Guys, just being picky I guess but these are the correct terms
    Magazine- box like structure that holds ammuntion
    clip- small metal (or other materials have been used) strip that you use to push ammuntion in to a gun. ie stripper clips like used on old mauser r***es.

    Empty my clip just sounds like gang bangers.

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