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Thread: Girl Problem

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Girl Problem

    I'be been with this girl for a bout 3 months. Everything was goin so great, the sex whas was nice, we got allong, likd the same music, we laughed a lot. Its was beatiful.I even met her parents cuz i felt that she wanted me to. Since we hooked up, she would be at my house sleeping over, and everyday on the wknd. It was our routine already. It really felt like we were gonna be togther for a while. This passed wknd was beatiful, she slept over, we had sex in the moring, we went out for breakfast and then watched movies and cuddled all day.Sunday night, we went out fpor sushi, rented movies and fooled around. She even tolf me, we're gonna watch these movies together this week, dont watch them witnout me. We had plans to do things together she asked me to go away with her this month but i couldn;t cuz of work.
    Then monday night she tells me that she isn't ready for a realtionship, and all the time we spend together is very over wellming and she need time.Asked if i had said or done somehitng wrongm] she said ur perfect and i love being with you. I almost begged her to stay, told her i wouldn;t hurt her.She said we can be friends and angout but no sex. I said no, i want you. She said, so give me time.
    whats ur take on this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Moms Basement
    Give her time and space.... get your pole out and go fishing in that big sea of women.... dont dwell on it or you will push her away more.... do not bother her let he come back to you... and what ever you do ... do not drop the L bomb on her.... and if this doesnt work ... rip her clit off... jk... good luck man... dont worry... and dont let her see that you care...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Houston, TX
    yaeh man..get your pole out and go fishing in a different lake for now..yeah you had a good run but the fish are scared for the time being, you overwhelmed them and took more than they really knew they wanted to offer, give em some time to regroup, sure hook em up with a few worms and minnows but for pete's sake, do not catch any of them for now...they wont let you...let em regroup and then come back for more..wait til they trust you mate...but for now...get your pole out lol

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Give her space and hang out with her when she asks you to. Who knows what she is thinking but sometimes even if shit is going good its a good idea to take a little time apart for your own life.

    BTW the no sex line is BS. Don't bring it up or worry about it. Guarantee if you give her some space the first night you do hang out she will want to ****.

  5. #5
    agree with the others. give her A LOT of space. go have fun while you're waiting for her to make a decision. make her feel like u DONT need her

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    New York
    don't show weakness bro, give her space and don't be textin or calling her, be busy and don't let her know this is effecting you

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    you spent too much time with her... first three months... think of it as a probabtion period. girls will try to feel you out.... test you for weaknesses... and they are doing it all subconsciously! you should not have been so available to her, seen her 2-3 times a week tops. I would forget about her man. You don't want to be the one chasing the girl; she should always be chasing you.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    The Steel City
    Sounds like you guys both loved being together but if she felt overwhelmed give her space. If she felt the way you do then she will come back. Keep in touch with her, but don't seem desperate for attention

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    personal space is the most important aspect in any relationship.. THATS why im alone!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    personal space is the most important aspect in any relationship.. THATS why im alone!
    what no shivving her with a spork?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    what no shivving her with a spork?
    that works too but thats not as user frindly

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Getting madcow treatments
    Normally when a girl wants space its to put another penis in it.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    It would be a good idea to re-read your original post here and ask yourself if you sound a little wussy... The sex was nice, It was beautiful, you met her parents because she might have wanted it, the cuddling and the movie thing...

    So, she gave you the let's just be friends spiel. Here are the reasons why- you let your intentions be known too quickly and with no ambiguity. Things got to the state they are now because you behaved like her girlfriend, in a non-sexual, nice, wussy way around her.

    Dude I think the near begging her to come back was the nail in the coffin. If I were you, I would move on to the next chick. Yes, you can recover this one, but what's more important is you get some inner game going on.
    Before you start thinking about how to convert this one, you should learn how to relate to women more. For conversation's sake, this one is done. Take this as a valuable lesson you learned and get your inner game back.

    There is one way you can use this to your advantage. As her friend, invite her to come along with you to clubs, parties, and other places where you have the opportunity to pick up chicks. This is known as social proof- you just arrived at a party with a hot chick who wants to hang out with you and that is instant social proof for other hot chicks- it signals you are someone who can pull chicks and elevates your status. In other words, use her to help you to attract other women.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    San Diego
    Quote Originally Posted by DCB83
    I'be been with this girl for a bout 3 months. Everything was goin so great, the sex whas was nice, we got allong, likd the same music, we laughed a lot. Its was beatiful.I even met her parents cuz i felt that she wanted me to. Since we hooked up, she would be at my house sleeping over, and everyday on the wknd. It was our routine already. It really felt like we were gonna be togther for a while. This passed wknd was beatiful, she slept over, we had sex in the moring, we went out for breakfast and then watched movies and cuddled all day.Sunday night, we went out fpor sushi, rented movies and fooled around. She even tolf me, we're gonna watch these movies together this week, dont watch them witnout me. We had plans to do things together she asked me to go away with her this month but i couldn;t cuz of work.
    Then monday night she tells me that she isn't ready for a realtionship, and all the time we spend together is very over wellming and she need time.Asked if i had said or done somehitng wrongm] she said ur perfect and i love being with you. I almost begged her to stay, told her i wouldn;t hurt her.She said we can be friends and angout but no sex. I said no, i want you. She said, so give me time.
    whats ur take on this?
    well, I had the same exact thing happen to me, except my girl said she wasnt happy because she knew she couldnt stay with me since i wasnt a christian. this was after we went through a lot, i met her parents, she visited my familly with me in chicago, then 3 months later it happened.
    it sucked for me because I loved her, and it took me like 5 months to get over it.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    whats really screwing me up is that she would always call me, wanting to do things.She would call me when she would be out with her friends and be like, i miss you, can i see you later. we never played games, to me, she was mine, theres no need to be a jerk or not call and all that.And im very capable of playing that game. All im hoping right now is that shes hurting and missing me and she call me soon. I told her how i felt and i have nothing else to say but listen to what she's got on her mind when she calls or if she calls. It all happened to unexpectedly, and thats what got me asking why, why, why all day. im pretty f@cked up right now.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by DCB83
    whats really screwing me up is that she would always call me, wanting to do things.She would call me when she would be out with her friends and be like, i miss you, can i see you later. we never played games, to me, she was mine, theres no need to be a jerk or not call and all that.And im very capable of playing that game. All im hoping right now is that shes hurting and missing me and she call me soon. I told her how i felt and i have nothing else to say but listen to what she's got on her mind when she calls or if she calls. It all happened to unexpectedly, and thats what got me asking why, why, why all day. im pretty f@cked up right now.
    yeah i was there.. this chick i dated for couple weeks was like always wanting me to stay out LONGER with her.. go out like 2-3nights in a row w/ her
    then she says she just doesnt have time to date lol.. women are confusing as hell

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    I'm with ginko on this one, your oversized mangina f-ed you over. Women are attraced to men and how they act, they don't want puddy in their hands.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos
    I'm with ginko on this one, your oversized mangina f-ed you over. Women are attraced to men and how they act, they don't want puddy in their hands.
    she told me saturday night, I really like you and i wanna be with you/. Then at the club, she couldnt get her hands off me, we practically goin at it infront of everyone until we just had to get out and go f$ck.
    could it be her pre pms mood swings f#cking with her emotions?? what the hell? doesn;t make sense.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    when she wants space
    give her space.. A TON OF IT

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    she just got out of a serious relationship or is possibly even dating someone else as well.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos
    I'm with ginko on this one, your oversized mangina f-ed you over. Women are attraced to men and how they act, they don't want puddy in their hands.
    Yep, be a man about it and she is yours. If not you could always start a band and sing about your broken heart...

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by rubix6
    she just got out of a serious relationship or is possibly even dating someone else as well.
    she got out of a relationship a long time ago. and its impossible that shes dating someone else, she never had the time 2, we were always together. i thought of that 2

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by DCB83
    she got out of a relationship a long time ago. and its impossible that shes dating someone else, she never had the time 2, we were always together. i thought of that 2
    THERES ur problem! lol

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Dude... fvck her in my opinon... you gotta be confident about yourself... there is always someone better out there... I remember i was in the same situation awhile back man stupidist thing to beg for them back... "women think like men they screw you than leave"

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    She's secretly addicted to World Of Warcraft and since she's been dating you she hasn't had to to play and when she doesn't have the time to play she thinks the world is going to end. OR she's just not in to you.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Playing w/ tits
    Run and never look back, she has problems and probably hitting some POS that treats her like shit

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    You need to move on, asking for her back or worst...begging, is just going to push her away. Stay friends, but dont call her and text.

    Oh...and make sure it's not this girl...

  29. #29
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    Jun 2006
    i didn't call her since she broke it off with me.then yesturday she calls me as im on my way downtown to meet friends for drinks, she says she wants to talk.I say im out right now ill call u when i get home. I get home around 1:30,i dont call and just go to sleep.I get a call from her at around 2:30, she says shes outside my house and really wants to talk. I let her in , listened to what she had to say. I was very firm, didn't show any emotion. She was so ashamed she couldn't even look me in the eyes.She said that she missed me and wants me to be a part of her life.Shes just afraid cuz im perfect for her but she doesn't wanna get hurt and is afraid to get attached. anyway, i took her back, we're gonna take things slow.
    What can i do, i really like the girl.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    It is, or was another dude. No way she can change that quickly unless somebody else was influencing her. Maybe things didn't work out and thats why she came crawling back. Maybe I don't understand women (then again, who does), but how could feelings change so much? Also, if things were so 'perfect', how can somebody be so afraid of getting hurt that they could just walk away? You said she got out of a relaitionship a long time ago, so I can't imagine she is still traumatized by that.

    I think you were right by playing the game back, not calling her back and not being a clingy bitch. However, I think you fvcked up by taking her back. That shows her that she can break things off, and start things back up whenever she wants. I know it's difficult to have self control in this situation, especially when such experiencing such strong emotions, but you have to take control of this relationship and start calling the shots.

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by DCB83
    i didn't call her since she broke it off with me.then yesturday she calls me as im on my way downtown to meet friends for drinks, she says she wants to talk.I say im out right now ill call u when i get home. I get home around 1:30,i dont call and just go to sleep.I get a call from her at around 2:30, she says shes outside my house and really wants to talk. I let her in , listened to what she had to say. I was very firm, didn't show any emotion. She was so ashamed she couldn't even look me in the eyes.She said that she missed me and wants me to be a part of her life.Shes just afraid cuz im perfect for her but she doesn't wanna get hurt and is afraid to get attached. anyway, i took her back, we're gonna take things slow.
    What can i do, i really like the girl.

    Good job!!! You were a Man about it by telling her you were out w/ friends having drinks and you would call her later. You didnt drop everything and go running to her, and you didnt call her when you got home. Then she show up at your door begging for some D! Now you know if you start acting like a needy b!tch again, she will dump you again...

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Getting madcow treatments
    That would be my guess. Like I said in an earlier post, usually when a women wants space its because she wants to put a penis in it.

    Quote Originally Posted by DNoMac
    It is, or was another dude. No way she can change that quickly unless somebody else was influencing her. Maybe things didn't work out and thats why she came crawling back. Maybe I don't understand women (then again, who does), but how could feelings change so much? Also, if things were so 'perfect', how can somebody be so afraid of getting hurt that they could just walk away? You said she got out of a relaitionship a long time ago, so I can't imagine she is still traumatized by that.

    I think you were right by playing the game back, not calling her back and not being a clingy bitch. However, I think you fvcked up by taking her back. That shows her that she can break things off, and start things back up whenever she wants. I know it's difficult to have self control in this situation, especially when such experiencing such strong emotions, but you have to take control of this relationship and start calling the shots.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    yep, im gonna be calling the shots from no on.
    I even told her last night, I don't like having my head f@cked with and there are plenty of other women out there dying to be with someone like me and be treated the way i treated her.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    That would be my guess. Like I said in an earlier post, usually when a women wants space its because she wants to put a penis in it.
    no, im 110% that there isn;t another dude.

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by DCB83
    no, im 110% that there isn;t another dude.

    NO ONE's 110% sure of that with anyone. But dont worry about that or you will send her back to him...

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Stock
    NO ONE's 110% sure of that with anyone. But dont worry about that or you will send her back to him...
    you can only be 110% if you are THE OTHER guy

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    you can only be 110% if you are THE OTHER guy
    What if there are 2+ other guys???

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Stock
    What if there are 2+ other guys???
    and a girl

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    and a girl

    Now you have a party

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Stock
    NO ONE's 110% sure of that with anyone. But dont worry about that or you will send her back to him...
    true true

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