Ill keep this stary short. Have this girl for two years. Dump each other for stupid reasons. Stay real close for a year. Tell her i still love her and made a big mistake. Problem is, she has a boyfriend. SHe tells me she wants to be with me. And that she is dumping him. Always see his car out there. Tell her I want to kill him. She dumps him for good. No more car for a good month. We are starting to get back together, hanging out all the time. Doing everything. no poontang though. taking it slow. just some innocent pecks.
Now the shit gentleman, i am coming home from work, which is 8:30 in the morning. I see his muther*cking car out there. Gentleman, it was rough. I thought my f*cking heart was gonna explode. anyway, she comes over later. i told her i saw his car. She goes and syas that he didnt sleep over and then fed me this line of bullshit that had so many friggin loopholes it wasnt even funny. I just called her bullshit and told her to leave. Now what the hell do I do? I cant just forget about her, i lover her too damn much. also, what if she is telling the truth? I have no freaking clue guys, gals, please help before i totally mess things up like i always do.