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Thread: Dire situation with girl. Please help.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002
    South Jersey

    Dire situation with girl. Please help.

    Ill keep this stary short. Have this girl for two years. Dump each other for stupid reasons. Stay real close for a year. Tell her i still love her and made a big mistake. Problem is, she has a boyfriend. SHe tells me she wants to be with me. And that she is dumping him. Always see his car out there. Tell her I want to kill him. She dumps him for good. No more car for a good month. We are starting to get back together, hanging out all the time. Doing everything. no poontang though. taking it slow. just some innocent pecks.

    Now the shit gentleman, i am coming home from work, which is 8:30 in the morning. I see his muther*cking car out there. Gentleman, it was rough. I thought my f*cking heart was gonna explode. anyway, she comes over later. i told her i saw his car. She goes and syas that he didnt sleep over and then fed me this line of bullshit that had so many friggin loopholes it wasnt even funny. I just called her bullshit and told her to leave. Now what the hell do I do? I cant just forget about her, i lover her too damn much. also, what if she is telling the truth? I have no freaking clue guys, gals, please help before i totally mess things up like i always do.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    GET OVER HER bro, that's it. Obviously she don’t feel the same way about you, if she did she wouldn’t be f***in the guy at 8:30 in the morning, right?…well she might have not been screwing him, but any guy that is at my woman’s house at 8:30 in the morning better be a f***ing milk man drop off the milk, because if not…well you know the rest of the story. Sorry Bro, but I think it’s time to let GO…XXL

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Tough situation to be in....

    2 yrs is a LONG time to be with someone, Im coming up on it Sept 4th.
    So i know how nyou dont wanna beleive what could be the truth.
    And also not wanna letr her go...

    What was the bullshit line she was feeding you about his car being there that morning?
    Seeing that you know what his car looks like, and had seen it coutless times before, She cant deny the fact that it was out there...

    Skipping around, but how long were the 2 of you apart for?
    Keep in mind....She jumped ight back on the bandwagon and started GOINGOUT with someone...not just seeing, But going out.

    Seems to me like shes trying to throw you for aloop....Shes fuckin with you. If she cant be straight up and honest with you, then shes not worth your time. As much as you may love her, shes not being upfront with you.

    And without that how can you ever trust her...and without trust youll never be happy and never have a good relationship
    Last edited by adaptations; 08-28-2002 at 07:23 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    In the R.V.
    Once a liar-cheater, always a liar-cheater. Cut your losses now.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    sarasota fl
    I agree with all of the above. Because you love her you will keep falling for her bullshit. You gotta let her go. Don't talk to her don't answer her calls. Nothing for 6 months, date other people and do your best to stay away from where ever she is. Sorry to say it but she's just a player. It happens to everybody. Good luck Bro.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    It's time to find another home chicken bro.
    If she's feeding you a line of bullshit that you can see right through, it's time to hold on to your integrity and hit the *ucking door.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Originally posted by Cousin Eddie
    Once a liar-cheater, always a liar-cheater. Cut your losses now.
    NOT TRUE!!!!!!

    In all cases that is....I used to cheat....cheated on my current GF ONE TIME in the begining(when i was still a moron and didnt know what i had)...and now i would never even think about doing it again...

    So that statment is not true

    Originally posted by dacgator
    I agree with all of the above. Because you love her you will keep falling for her bullshit. You gotta let her go. Don't talk to her don't answer her calls. Nothing for 6 months, date other people and do your best to stay away from where ever she is. Sorry to say it but she's just a player. It happens to everybody. Good luck Bro.
    Yea, play it off like you dont need her....Go out with the boys, meet other your thing, and if shes smart enough shell come around eventually....and realize what she had and wont want to loose you for good....
    Last edited by adaptations; 08-28-2002 at 07:53 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    no where
    dude never talk to her agian. Just let this one go, the is always another place to barry the bone

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    South Jersey
    Geez guys, thanks for all the prompt responses. Pretty much all your statements lead to the same thing. It may have not been what i wanted to hear in my heart but it def is the right thing I guess. Thanks

    Mike- the milkman, that is great. Last time i checked he wasnt.

    The bullshit she fed me was that he came over to pick up a course book for my university to find out when add\drop was. First, 8:30 in the morning? 2nd, i do not think he even goes to that school! 3rd, any person that has been to college nows that add/drop goes into like the first week or two of classes. We havent even started yet! She thought of that excuse way too quick and totally f*cked it up. Pray to god that i dont see him and his pansy ass walking around on my campus, if he does go to are school. Friggen decapitate that F'in prick and shove it up her ass, (oh so nice though), sideways.

  10. #10
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    Feb 2002
    Take it from a girl. Don't look back. There are many of nice & pretty gals out there that you will find & you will only overcome her much faster once you get on the dating circuit again. Trust me. Everyone eventually gets over it.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Valhalla, where the brave live forever!
    cut your loses and run. I know it will be hard but it is something that will make better for the next girl your with. I had something similar happen and I took a good 3 1/2 years away from the crap and found a new girl and things couldn't be better. cut and run, it will hurt but time will heal your pain.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Originally posted by Cousin Eddie
    Once a liar-cheater, always a liar-cheater. Cut your losses now.
    true true. i've recently been broken up with my gf (2-3 months now). we were together for near 2 years i think. anyways, long story short, i raided a house and found her naked inside some dude's bathroom...this was just 6 hours after we just had a massive sex session...what a slut, eh? you shoulda heard the bs she tried to feed me about it. "uhh, i was too drunk to drive home to your house so i was just changing into some night clothes." i wanted to believe her and i did for a long while, but i kept busting her in lie after lie. crap like lying about where she was when she was calling me and who she was hanging out with. the crappy thing is is that i never got mad at her, so i have no idea why she kept lying...guess she felt her own guilt. anyways, she broke up with me (ha, i couldn't even do it myself), but in the long run...>god damn< i wish we were still together...but i think being apart is the right thing...and the more healthy thing...and she's a lying ho bitch slut dyke whore.

    i totally think you should cut your losses now cuz let me tell you from does get worse...=)

    -clocky baby

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Originally posted by Cousin Eddie
    Once a liar-cheater, always a liar-cheater. Cut your losses now.

    NOT TRUE!!!!!!

    In all cases that is....I used to cheat....cheated on my current GF ONE TIME in the begining(when i was still a moron and didnt know what i had)...and now i would never even think about doing it again...

    So that statment is not true

    Ya adap I cheated on my gf plenty of times, I broke it off after two years, and I realize what an asshole I was, and I will never do it again.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Originally posted by dacgator
    I agree with all of the above. Because you love her you will keep falling for her bullshit. You gotta let her go. Don't talk to her don't answer her calls. Nothing for 6 months, date other people and do your best to stay away from where ever she is. Sorry to say it but she's just a player. It happens to everybody. Good luck Bro.
    yeah man, he's absolutely right. in order to get over an ex, you gotta >totally< cut off communication. no phone, no email, no seeing each other.

    also, i find listening to Eminem helps a whole lot. especially one of his songs called "superman"...=) seriously, i gotta write Eminem and personally thank him for getting me through some tough times...haha. if you don't listen to superman, at least look up the lyrics on the internet...=)

    =clocky baby

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    You don't even want to know what I would do!!!

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    In the R.V.
    NOT TRUE!!!!!!
    So that statment is not true
    OK, I shouldnt have made a blanket statement like that. My goal wasnt to offend any reformed cheaters that might have read it. Sorry if it did.

    I really dont think it's about her "not knowing what she has" though. She made a commitment to do something, and she wont honor the commitment. Apparently she has done it before, and is still doing it, even after assuring Tank that she "knows what they have together." IMO this makes her a liar and a cheater, multiple times! I dont think he is going to make her see the error of her ways. For his own well being I think he should move on and NEVER look back. It's just my opinion. She may eventually grow up and see herself for what she is, but I dont think he should wait around for that day. He will find someone better, and happiness will be the best revenge.

  17. #17
    Dude, bail on her. If you take her back, and you love her like you say you do, that moment, or future moments as well, when you saw that dudes car there will ALWAYS pop up in your head and fuck up your world. Seriously, Ive been there.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    South Jersey
    I appreciate all your responses. Great advice especially from Babyweight. It was good to hear a females perspective other than my sister. Thanks all. She is history! bitch

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    In a cold dark hole in total isolation.
    gotta let a hoe be a hoe

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Forget about her. But to get over her you have to cut all communications with her. Its hard but you will get over it. Find you another girl and you will get over her real quick. If I caught my wife cheating on me, I will fucking slit her throat and the same to the guy too. Make sure you kick the shit out of the dude. Go on a test cycle right before!!! Take care

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2002
    at the gym
    always go with ur frist instinct ...especially if u have the doubt and there is no way of finding out....

    sweetie, it doesnt matter how much u love her, if she cant love u back the way u deserve, then, she isnt right for u... and anybody can tell u what u want to hear, but without any actions followed, they just dont mean anything !! action talks louder than words.

    and it will probably be the hardest thing u could possibly do (let her go) but in the long run, u will be glad u did it now, than later...

    just like with my ex. we were together for 4 years. and even though i loved him when i broke up with him, i had to let him go. its being 8 months we've being apart, and he recently start calling me....he wants to get back, and he has a girlfriend right now.
    hes all talk, no actions!!!

    and beside, single feels good. and when the time is right, u'll meet someone much better than ur ex and it might be sooner than u think so enjoy being single while it last

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    South Jersey and HATING I
    BS....DON'T GO WITH YOUR 1ST FEELING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Bro, your 1st feeling is "Oh crap...I'm all alone, I love her, I can't live without her..." That's what happens, your hurt and it sucks!
    (This is very embarrasing takes alot for me to say , but ...)
    Bro, listen I've been through all sorts of shit. My, now ex-wife with whom I have 2 kids and was married 7 1/2 years, cheated on me, I mean she flew from SJ to Seattle to do it! Some F**K head off the internet even...and you know what, it was the best thing that ever happened to me! Not gonna lie it hurts! but you know what I'm better for it, I know what to look for more now. I was a cheater extrodinare man when I was younger and living in Cali! I was running and gunning! 24-7 juggling 6 chicks and cheaten on all them! The big guys paid my ass back! but it was worth it!
    Sit back, take a break, listen to what she had to say...If it's crap it's crap! but atleast you know what you are dealing with! 1st thing find out why he was there.
    I hate to see a bro go through this shit! It hurts and sucks major! If she loved you she wouldn't have 1) Lied about Weed being there 2) even had him there! Think, man your #1 and she'd put you #2 is that what you want? Hell NO!

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Originally posted by Babyweight
    Take it from a girl. Don't look back. There are many of nice & pretty gals out there that you will find & you will only overcome her much faster once you get on the dating circuit again. Trust me. Everyone eventually gets over it.
    Sorry Babyweight I have to use your quote.

    This is so true..

    Love yourself dude... Treat yourself better and you will realise the fact that there are more stuff besides her that is worth your attention.

    Hope you stay strong and believe in making yourself really happy in the smart way.

    Lastly, when you looked back at this thread in the future, there are some things worth looking back and those things are happy feelings that have stayed in your heart for a long long time naturally. This incident is definitely NOT one of them.

  24. #24
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    Mar 2002
    Yeah, my ex-gf shit on me bad...We were together for like a year, I loved her and believed all the lies she fed me...she told me that she had to move in with her dad for financial reasons, but I couldn't come see her at the house because her dad had never met me and she wanted to keep him out of our life together, she says he muddled...

    Well, long story short, she kept calling me ANONYMOUS, my cell phone bill came and showed all these incoming calls from a strange number. I did a reverse lookup on the Internet and come to find out it was her ex-boyfriend's house!! I got the address, went on MapQuest and drove by her house while I was talking to her on the phone. Sure enough she said she was at her dad's and her car was parked right in front of her ex-boyfriend's (well had to be a current live-in boyfriend) house!! I was pissed as hell!! I told her to look out the fucking window and that I was sitting out front...she shit a fucking brick!! She proceeded to try to lie more and more to get herself out of the hole she had dug for herself...

    In the end, I was stupid, I took too much shit from her, she told me she loved me, but like Sweetgirl said, she didn't love me like I should have been loved and her actions did not show that she loved me. It hurt like hell and I moped around for a bit...then went and found some strange hole and proceeded to get over her...

    Keep your head up bro!! You deserve way better!!

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    not where I want to be
    bump to everybody elses post.....

    p.s. you may feel better if you beat the ever living S**t out of him...jmo

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    north of the South, east
    Originally posted by Babyweight
    Take it from a girl. Don't look back. There are many of nice & pretty gals out there that you will find


    The pretty ones aren't nice, and the nice ones aren't pretty!

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Ontario, Canada
    Originally posted by superbeast


    The pretty ones aren't nice, and the nice ones aren't pretty!
    ......................LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for cheering me up Bro!

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    I don't think you should kill the guy, it's not his fault. He's just trying to get some ass just like most of us have in the past. Your broad should've told him to stay the fuck away from her, but she didn't did she?

    That being said, FUCK that douche bag ho! You should call her over and slap her in the face with your dick to show her what a 2-bit ho she is. The toss her ass out naked on the front lawn.

    Anyways, don't deal with shit like that. Go get yourself some strange-hole and hit the gym.

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Miller's Crossing
    Good workout, cold beer, and a late night session of cardio with a dirty leg bro.

    Vegas is right about the guy. unless he delibrately tried to break you up, he was just trying to get his. He's the goober, and she's the goober smoocher.
    Forget'em both and find something better.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Originally posted by superbeast

    The pretty ones aren't nice, and the nice ones aren't pretty!

    And that's all I have to say about that!

  31. #31
    I know how you feel bro, my fiancee and gf of 4 years cheated on me and i didnt find out til we almost got married. Once was a WEEK after we got engaged. It's the hardest thing i've ever delt with, and i didnt want to, but as everyone else has said, it is the best thing and you WILL realize that if you give it some time.

    I'm only about 2 months out and I allready feel 100 percent better about myself. She's just dragging you down bro, you deserve much better. But in the end you are the one who has to make and live with the decision so make the right one. Mexicali

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    if she really wanted to get back together with you, she wouldn't allow him into her house. Even if she wanted to hwlp him out and give him a book, the right thing to do would have been just to leave it outside the door or something like that. Forget it bro, move on. I know it sucks when someone you love just f's with you. Been there and it hurts but you can't waste your time on it. Trust me, you will look back on it and be glad you didn't wait around.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2002


    easy for all you guys with awesome bodies to say "just move on"...=P


    -clocky baby

    P.S. i'm not saying Tank has a bad body, i'm saying its hard for >me< to move on... getting a new chica is hard...hence the balls to the wall working out...=P

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