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Thread: and so another school year begins...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    and so another school year begins...

    today was the first day of school. what a wonderful feeling. many new freshman, new classes to learn from and expand your mind, another chance to try and make a 4.0.

    so i partake in the time honored tradition of...sleeping in and skipping class...=)

    bahaha, all those silly freshman dragging their butts outta bed early and sitting thru hours of class, doing nothing except going over the boring ass syllabuses...=)

    -clocky baby

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    New York
    yeah I start next week. I just transfered to a new school. Learning the campus and being at a new school will be rough,.

  3. #3
    The way I look at it is that I am paying out the assload (actually Im not, the school is) but anyway I am going to get the most out of class. I feel like a loser if I skip, because if I do it once it snowballs into me dropping the course...everytime. So I go to class like a freshman geek even though I am a junior, and we go over the sucks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Originally posted by FaTbAcK
    The way I look at it is that I am paying out the assload (actually Im not, the school is) but anyway I am going to get the most out of class. I feel like a loser if I skip, because if I do it once it snowballs into me dropping the course...everytime. So I go to class like a freshman geek even though I am a junior, and we go over the sucks.
    somewhere between freshman and junior year i learned that if i go to class everyday, do all the homework and do all the projects...i make a B...and if i don't go to class, read the book, cram for finals...i make a B. kinda pisses me off.

    i also found out that if i take a class on automata theory outta the blue, i learn a little. if i get interested in automata theory on my own, learn about it on my own, try to do things with it on my own...>then< take a class on it a couple months later, i learn a >ton< more...=)

    arg, but yeah...i should go to class more...=)

    -clocky baby

  5. #5
    I hate guys like, I need an overkill of class to pull even a B, while you sleep until noon, damn you!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    2nd year in college and it pretty much sucks. Teachers give you work to do but really dont tell you how to do it. And all ready got 4 tests this week and its my first week back. Damn.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I still have next week off so you guys suck somethin' fierce. So there.

  8. #8

    Re: and so another school year begins...

    Originally posted by clockworks
    so i partake in the time honored tradition of...sleeping in and skipping class...=)

    bahaha, all those silly freshman dragging their butts outta bed early and sitting thru hours of class, doing nothing except going over the boring ass syllabuses...=)
    see, this is where you went wrong. you should realize that on the first day, all the girls go to class so they won't miss a thing. this is the most important time, because you get to see if there are any potential draft & follows anywhere. they usually stick to their seating arrangment, so you can plot that out. then, later on, you can casually go to class as you see fit, sit next to some hot chick, make up some excuse like you were hungover from a killer party you threw and ask if you missed anything last time, then get some digits and invite her to the next killer party you throw.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    Re: Re: and so another school year begins...

    Originally posted by KeyMastur

    see, this is where you went wrong. you should realize that on the first day, all the girls go to class so they won't miss a thing. this is the most important time, because you get to see if there are any potential draft & follows anywhere. they usually stick to their seating arrangment, so you can plot that out. then, later on, you can casually go to class as you see fit, sit next to some hot chick, make up some excuse like you were hungover from a killer party you threw and ask if you missed anything last time, then get some digits and invite her to the next killer party you throw.
    i have learned the err of my ways...=)

    -clocky baby

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    geesh! i know what you guys mean i had a hard time in high school too!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    "Its the most wonderfull time of the year" I just love it when school starts. All the children and pre-adults are off the streets, out of the stores. You can drive to where ever you need to go with out the masses getting in your way with no real destination, cutting everyone off and just being a pain in the royal ass. YES!!!! I love when its school time.
    Last edited by thejoe_l; 09-01-2002 at 05:54 PM.

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