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Thread: Why do people drop the weights ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    north west (uk)

    Why do people drop the weights ?

    It can be early in the morning, late afternoon or into the evening,
    but it's inevitable! Boom! Slam! Crash! It's the sound of free
    weights falling to the ground. Now, this is not to be confused with
    the pleasurable, soothing, rhythmic clanging of weight being lifted,
    and/or added and removed from bars or racks. Boom! Slam! Crash!
    There it goes again, but why?

    Is it because the weight is sooooooooo heavy that there just is NO
    other way to put it down/back?

    Is it to pump ego? (To impress a member of the somone, your workout
    partner) if somone is trying to impress the pretty girl
    or boy next to them, they shouldn't waste their time. Others are
    probably annoyed by the distraction caused not to mention the
    interruption to their workout. Also you should be thinking about
    your set not showing off for them.

    Is it to let the whole gym know how much weight was just lifted? Who
    cares? (Only you is the correct answer).

    Is it because you are weak in your core musculature? (If so, seek
    out a trainer)

    Is it that you just don't know how to put the weight back safely
    and under control?

    If you can't put it back appropriately. you shouldn't be lifting
    that much to begin with. What does that say about your OVERALL
    strength if you can ONLY lift your heavy weight in a set, but
    you can't lift it functionally?

    Reasons Not To Drop Weights:

    1. Can be dangerous to your joints, ligaments and tendons.

    2. Can be dangerous to someone working out next to you.

    3. Distracts other members who are trying to concentrate on a

    4. Loosens and weakens the integrity of the weight itself (can
    become dangerous, and also, the owner does not appreciate having
    to go out and replace damaged weights more often than necessary).

    My point is that you can, and should still be able to get a great
    and intense workout without dropping the weights. Try it! See how
    QUIET you can put your heavy weights back!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Moms Basement
    well if your the size of ronnie coleman and your throwing around 200 pound dumbells its perfectly fine... lol....

    But yea i undertsand where you are coming from.... i drop the weights from a little distance from the ground.... like dumbell presses push them off to the side maybe 1 foot drop or less.... but theres not need for the people who just shoulder pressed to drop them from there knees.... especially if its a upstairs gym... shakes the whole place...

    That does not piss me off any where near as kids walking up asking if you juice... or where they can score some sauce.... I just tell them gnc..

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I flip the 150lbs dumbbells and let them fall to the ground after doing flat bench. That makes quite the stir, but there is just no other way for me to put them down.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    at times i throw light weight around... like on super sets or drop sets were i fail with 10lbs on reverse flyes or something, also heavy dumbell presses withouth a spot and squeezing some forced reps may lead to dropping some weights... with that said, i couldn't agree with you more- i hate when people drop weights on every set with every workout

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    This sounds like a Hiku....I wrote one in 8th grade and read it out loud in front of my class.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I used to only train in sandles. One day we where doing incline presses with somewhere around 100lb bumbells. My partner dropped the weight (one of the hexagon rubber ones) and it bounced up and came down on my big toe. Blood started spewing everywhere, I could not walk for like a week, and the toe nail fell off.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by buffgator
    I used to only train in sandles. One day we where doing incline presses with somewhere around 100lb bumbells. My partner dropped the weight (one of the hexagon rubber ones) and it bounced up and came down on my big toe. Blood started spewing everywhere, I could not walk for like a week, and the toe nail fell off.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Good point. I don't drop them unless I have to. For example if your doing a dumbbell press with 100 pounds each. How do put them down nicely if your lying on the bench? The arms only go that much.. You still have to drop it like from about a feat. Hate to do that, but if there's no spotter to pick them up when your done, nothing can be done.

    Now what pisses me off is one guy in the gym cursing at the weights... ,like takes huge weight that he can only lift 3 times. Drops the damn thing after failing the 3rd one, curses it like it had fcuked his mother, face turns really read... you have to see it to believe it!

    I'll have to bring in the camera 1 day to film it

  9. #9
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    I drop the weights.

    I've had 2 rotator cuff injuries and a forearm injury. When I’m doing incline dumbbells I feel pain or a pinch when lifting them to position or bringing them down. I bring them down half way then drop them so I don't feel pain.

    You don’t' like it. Get over it.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  10. #10
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    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by buffgator
    I used to only train in sandles. One day we where doing incline presses with somewhere around 100lb bumbells. My partner dropped the weight (one of the hexagon rubber ones) and it bounced up and came down on my big toe. Blood started spewing everywhere, I could not walk for like a week, and the toe nail fell off.
    Now that is nasty! I almost had a simmilar accident when spotting one of the guys, but it would have landed on my foot straight, just accidently moved it like a second before he dropped it.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    There was this guy at my old gym that was like 50, and he was into powerlifting. He would put 4 plates on each side for deadlifts, perform the lift, and then drop the weight back to the floor. On cleans he would clean the weight up to his chest, and then drop the weight back to the floor. One day the owner came over and tore him a new asshole. Told him that if he ever wants to step foot in the gym again that he better not ever drop a weight again. The guy complied.

  12. #12
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr newbreed
    It can be early in the morning, late afternoon or into the evening,
    but it's inevitable! Boom! Slam! Crash! It's the sound of free
    weights falling to the ground. Now, this is not to be confused with
    the pleasurable, soothing, rhythmic clanging of weight being lifted,
    and/or added and removed from bars or racks. Boom! Slam! Crash!
    There it goes again, but why?

    Is it because the weight is sooooooooo heavy that there just is NO
    other way to put it down/back?

    Is it to pump ego? (To impress a member of the somone, your workout
    partner) if somone is trying to impress the pretty girl
    or boy next to them, they shouldn't waste their time. Others are
    probably annoyed by the distraction caused not to mention the
    interruption to their workout. Also you should be thinking about
    your set not showing off for them.

    Is it to let the whole gym know how much weight was just lifted? Who
    cares? (Only you is the correct answer).

    Is it because you are weak in your core musculature? (If so, seek
    out a trainer)

    Is it that you just don't know how to put the weight back safely
    and under control?

    If you can't put it back appropriately. you shouldn't be lifting
    that much to begin with. What does that say about your OVERALL
    strength if you can ONLY lift your heavy weight in a set, but
    you can't lift it functionally?

    Reasons Not To Drop Weights:

    1. Can be dangerous to your joints, ligaments and tendons.

    2. Can be dangerous to someone working out next to you.

    3. Distracts other members who are trying to concentrate on a

    4. Loosens and weakens the integrity of the weight itself (can
    become dangerous, and also, the owner does not appreciate having
    to go out and replace damaged weights more often than necessary).

    My point is that you can, and should still be able to get a great
    and intense workout without dropping the weights. Try it! See how
    QUIET you can put your heavy weights back!

    I hear ya, and mostly agree

    but if i am doing military presses with 100 pound dumbells, somtimes its the safest thing to do, drop them..........gently setting them dwon after the set, and i am fried, can be qutiete dangerous...........when you are lifting weights, and holding your own with the big doggs, you gotta do what you gotta do somtimes.

    but incline benching the 50's, and throwing them down, than we have problems

    get the picture?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    theres a difference between carelessly throwing them down and dropping the weights the best you can.150lb db's are heavy and arent easy to drop but when i see someone literally throw dumbells on the floor it gets my back up.after all you wouldnt want a cracked db to fall on your skull while doing flies
    Last edited by helium3; 09-05-2007 at 12:01 PM.

  14. #14
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04
    when you are lifting weights, and holding your own with the big doggs, you gotta do what you gotta do somtimes.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  15. #15
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    Quote Originally Posted by helium3
    theres a difference between carelessly throwing them down and dropping the weights the best you can.150lb db's are heavy and arent easy to drop but when i see someone literally throw dumbells on the floor it gets my back up.after all you wouldnt want a cracked db to fall on your skull while doing flies
    ya, thats definately the main idea

    their are times where you dont have a choice.......I am not about to tear a rotator cuff on the lowering of the dumbell process when i just did my set in perfect form..........(this is why i stick to barbells)

    their is a difference between being a showboat jackass, and somone who legitatemately needs to stratagize their weight drops for safety purposes

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04
    ya, thats definately the main idea

    their are times where you dont have a choice.......I am not about to tear a rotator cuff on the lowering of the dumbell process when i just did my set in perfect form..........(this is why i stick to barbells)

    their is a difference between being a showboat jackass, and somone who legitatemately needs to stratagize their weight drops for safety purposes
    i agree

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    only time anyone ever needs to drop weights are decline dumbells alone.

    i can get up from every other exercise without being a fool.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    i drop the heavy dumbbells when i am pressing. its too risky to try and put em down nicely. besides, its a gym! you want peace and quiet build a sound proof room in your studio and dont ever have kids

  19. #19
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    only time anyone ever needs to drop weights are decline dumbells alone.

    i can get up from every other exercise without being a fool.
    if you want to tear a rotator cuff, be our guest....

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    in a dilapidated apt.
    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04
    if you want to tear a rotator cuff, be our guest....
    how do you figure, i'm not talking about lowering them slowly. if im pressing i lift my knees up, rock forward, and lower the weights on my knees. doesn't put my shoulder in an awkward position at all.

  21. #21
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    Jan 2005
    I use to bitch about this as well until i moved up in weight and now know what these guys are talking about when saying they dont want to get hurt lowering the weight. The only thing i dont get is when someone thorws the DB's and then just walks away leaving them in the middle of the floor.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    how do you figure, i'm not talking about lowering them slowly. if im pressing i lift my knees up, rock forward, and lower the weights on my knees. doesn't put my shoulder in an awkward position at all.
    When i am doing seated DB presses i do that. I really only throw then on flat/decline DB press.

  23. #23
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    Sep 2007
    Come on now, the reason MOST people drop the weights is so it makes a loud crashing sound and they draw the attention of everyone in the gym. That way every one can look over and see the 100 pound dumbells laying on the ground and think "WOW, that guy is really strong"

    Of course they didn't get to see the 4 sh1tty half-reps that you did.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stabone
    Come on now, the reason MOST people drop the weights is so it makes a loud crashing sound and they draw the attention of everyone in the gym. That way every one can look over and see the 100 pound dumbells laying on the ground and think "WOW, that guy is really strong"

    Of course they didn't get to see the 4 sh1tty half-reps that you did.
    When you start throwing them 100lbs DB's up you will know what we are talking about.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life
    When you start throwing them 100lbs DB's up you will know what we are talking about.

    Too late homie! How about when you catch ME....then you can talk?
    Last edited by Stabone; 09-05-2007 at 04:07 PM.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stabone
    Too late homie! How about when you catch ME....then you can talk?

  27. #27
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    how do you figure, i'm not talking about lowering them slowly. if im pressing i lift my knees up, rock forward, and lower the weights on my knees. doesn't put my shoulder in an awkward position at all.
    you know, honestly, you are right about the db matter how heavy i go with incline or flat benches with dumbells, i can always set them on my knees after the set, and then stand up with them and carry them to the rack no problem

    but when military pressing the dumbells, i think it could be bad news down the road to "properly" get them to the floor, shit like that is how shoulder pain creeps up and doesnt go away for months

    seriously though, thats why i stick to barbells for the military presses...(just one reason actually)...................

  28. #28
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    Sep 2007
    I throw the weights on the floor cause my gym ass rapes me on my monthly dues so I really don't give a fvck if i break stuff. I get my money's worth!
    Treat me like sh!t, I treat your equipment like sh!t

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stabone
    Come on now, the reason MOST people drop the weights is so it makes a loud crashing sound and they draw the attention of everyone in the gym. That way every one can look over and see the 100 pound dumbells laying on the ground and think "WOW, that guy is really strong"

    Of course they didn't get to see the 4 sh1tty half-reps that you did.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stabone
    I throw the weights on the floor cause my gym ass rapes me on my monthly dues so I really don't give a fvck if i break stuff. I get my money's worth!
    Treat me like sh!t, I treat your equipment like sh!t

    When others do it they are acting "tough" but its ok when you throw DB's. Oh wait, i forgot, your mad because YOU walked into a gym, YOU signed a contract and now YOU are a pissy little child because you don't want to pay for it anymore. Did you think the monthly payments where just going to stop after the first month ?

  30. #30
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    Sep 2007
    First of all, I didn't ask for your opinion. I signed the contract because I had NO CHOICE. Only 1 gym in my town other than the University rec center. I pay the $60 bucks every month and it is worth it because I am big and strong. I throw the weights because I can.......and you?

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life

    When others do it they are acting "tough" but its ok when you throw DB's. Oh wait, i forgot, your mad because YOU walked into a gym, YOU signed a contract and now YOU are a pissy little child because you don't want to pay for it anymore. Did you think the monthly payments where just going to stop after the first month ?
    Yes, just like it's ok for chicks to suck dik, but it not okay when YOU do it!

  32. #32
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    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Stabone
    First of all, I didn't ask for your opinion. I signed the contract because I had NO CHOICE. Only 1 gym in my town other than the University rec center. I pay the $60 bucks every month and it is worth it because I am big and strong. I throw the weights because I can.......and you?
    When you post in a thread you are asking for the opinions of others.

    Oh, you had no choice ? Did they stick a gun to your head and made you sign ? No, you signed it by choice.

    Your big and strong .... i wont even go there.

    I don't break stuff in my gym because im an adult. If i don't like the prices then i go somewhere else. If i am in a contract then i buy it out and move on.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stabone
    Yes, just like it's ok for chicks to suck dik, but it not okay when YOU do it!
    I don't find your comment funny at all and it will be reported.

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    In the gym
    I like to put the 130lb dumbbells on the bench and roll them off for no reason what so ever. It makes me feel cool! I also get a lot of chalk dust on my hands and clap to make the big cloud.

  35. #35
    The dropping of dumbells really bothered me for a long time. I finally got used to it. Personally the only time I drop them is on declines. Because as said by someone before, it is impossible to raise yourself with dumbells from that position.

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    In the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by Stabone
    Come on now, the reason MOST people drop the weights is so it makes a loud crashing sound and they draw the attention of everyone in the gym. That way every one can look over and see the 100 pound dumbells laying on the ground and think "WOW, that guy is really strong"

    Of course they didn't get to see the 4 sh1tty half-reps that you did.
    I didn't realize that Mr. O signed up here at AR!

  37. #37
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    the true north
    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Lifts-a-lot
    I like to put the 130lb dumbbells on the bench and roll them off for no reason what so ever. It makes me feel cool! I also get a lot of chalk dust on my hands and clap to make the big cloud.
    lmfao! is that you branch?

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Lifts-a-lot
    I like to put the 130lb dumbbells on the bench and roll them off for no reason what so ever. It makes me feel cool! I also get a lot of chalk dust on my hands and clap to make the big cloud.
    Ah yes...i forgot about the old chalk bath! They don't allow chalk in our gym. Too intimidating they say.

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    The South West
    Quote Originally Posted by Stabone
    I throw the weights on the floor cause my gym ass rapes me on my monthly dues so I really don't give a fvck if i break stuff. I get my money's worth!
    Treat me like sh!t, I treat your equipment like sh!t
    Why would you do that? Its more your equipment, you are the one that uses it everyday. Why would you want to destroy the equipment that you work out on?

  40. #40
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life
    I don't find your comment funny at all and it will be reported.

    Man why is it so hard to stay out of quarrels??? DSM somehow you always find yourself defending yourself after making very opinionated and at times condescending and sarcastic comments- I agree in all the comments you made, but it's like in sports... KYP Know Your Personel... know and understand who you are talking and debating with... sometimes it's all a waste of time on your behalf... if you look for trouble you will find it... my 2 cents


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