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Thread: help with my drinking problem

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    S.Florida by way of NY
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    as SC would say..
    your desire to change has to be greater than ur desire to remain the same..
    thats bout it.. no one but you can do it.. if you change for anyone but your self your just going to end up reverting to the way u used to be in due time.

    basically the only advice i can really give you is.. MAN UP and dont be a p*ssy.

    That pretty much sums it up right there.

    That's one of the greatest quotes ... and Swolecat is right.

    "Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same."

    I hope all goes well for you bro ... man up, stay strong, and do what you gotta do in order to better yourself.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    With Your Mother
    I know what you're going through man. I'm only 22 and have a couple of duis and I've been drinking since I was 15. I'm clean now, only because I have to be, but to be honest, I don't even think about it anymore. AA doesn't work for me at all, I just go because the courts said I need to. What works for me is to think about every situation I go through differently. For instance, if I was going to have a drink I'd need to ask myself why am I going to have this drink? If it was to escape something or something is on my mind and I'm turning to alcohol to use against it, I would walk away. If I was going to have a beer with the guys and watch a game, that's another story. You need to just analyze the decisions you make and decide if it's worth it ahead of time. Also, strict dieting and body building have also helped me. It's a hell of a lot easier to get up and do cardio in the mornings without a hangover, or lift on the weekends without a pounding headache and puke coming up ever time you push serious weight.

    It's time to start thinking about yourself, and not everyone else. Take care of yourself first and foremost. I'm one of the nicest people you'll meet, and I used to allow people to use that. I'd be the one to suggest a cab, but because no one wanted to come get the car in the morning, I'd be the idiot that would break down and drive. Things like that. Today I take a look at the big picture and I can actually say no to people. And by the way, I can have a drink and stop. It's not a big deal to me. But when somethings wrong in my life, I will NOT approach alcohol, I approach the gym, it's my new outlet.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    With Your Mother
    Another thing, is your woman part of the problem? I know mine was. I was in a relationship for 2.5 years and broke it off in March. I love this girl to death too, but I can't be in a relationship because of the way she tries to control me, and make me not me. It's not healthy, and I'd drink to avoid her. Maybe you need to step back and find what's really important and work from there.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    With Your Mother
    I didn't realize this all on my own either, with the help of an outpatient treatment therapist, I am still working on bettering myself. Since I began to work with him I haven't needed a drink, nor will I need to. If the day comes that I feel the need to have a beer on a hot day with the boys, I'll be ready to either say no if I have to or have one and be done.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by notorious_mem
    tai im guessing you've never battled this one but thanks for replying none the less.and no ive never tried aa.Maybe this was a bad place to ask for help but its the only online family ive ever had and most my friends drink so advice is kinda thin there.
    next time take a look at your friends when your out drinking and look real hard while there talking to each other realize there talking bout the same shit everyweekend there losers bro a real friend gets you from "a to b" not repeats "a" every weekend. AA works at first you will think they are losers, i went to aa when i was 16 cause i got caught at the age of 16 with a beer in my hand on the 4th of july so the court made me go 2 times a week for a year, i seen these guys crying in there i thought are they serious, then after a while it honestly worked i said i aint ending up like that, you luv your kids bro, you say your having a failing marrage you want to hit rock bottom, see your kids every other weekend thats the the bottom bro and it could get worse than that. LEAD BY EXAMPLE for your little ones bro what you do is what they are going to do x 2 cause your there hero. You do for what you want them to do, everyone pays the devil there dues bro, if you see a beer or liq grab it and break it on the floor and if someone hands you 1 , drop it and say thats how i like my beer, make you feel better and say to your self
    familys more. start at AA **** what people think, your family will be there in the end as in 70yrs when there wiping your ass

  6. #46
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Sober in AA Since 1992

    "I cant go to a detox because ive got too many bills and too good of a job to lose to take off for it.As for aa ive thought about it but i think i might go see a counselor and c about getting out patient help for this."

    It's commonly suggested at AA meetings that we should attend meetings as often as we used to drink. That was daily in my case. 90 meetings in 90 days is a great way to jump in with both feet and become aquainted with the program and other alcoholics. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. I needed to be willing to go to any lengths to get sober before I found lasting sobriety. For most of us that means hitting a bottom. There are many "high bottom" drunks who've gotten sober, which means you don't have to loose everything before you get sober. I voluntarily went to a 30 day inpatient program in 1985 and to a court ordered outpatient program several years later. Neither of them got me sober, but they did introduce me to AA where I went to get help when I was truly ready in 1992. AA is the way to go! Take what you need and leave the rest. Find a good sponsor and you'll be on your way to a far better life. Good Luck

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by epno
    "I cant go to a detox because ive got too many bills and too good of a job to lose to take off for it.As for aa ive thought about it but i think i might go see a counselor and c about getting out patient help for this."

    It's commonly suggested at AA meetings that we should attend meetings as often as we used to drink. That was daily in my case. 90 meetings in 90 days is a great way to jump in with both feet and become aquainted with the program and other alcoholics. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. I needed to be willing to go to any lengths to get sober before I found lasting sobriety. For most of us that means hitting a bottom. There are many "high bottom" drunks who've gotten sober, which means you don't have to loose everything before you get sober. I voluntarily went to a 30 day inpatient program in 1985 and to a court ordered outpatient program several years later. Neither of them got me sober, but they did introduce me to AA where I went to get help when I was truly ready in 1992. AA is the way to go! Take what you need and leave the rest. Find a good sponsor and you'll be on your way to a far better life. Good Luck
    GREAT POST !!!!!!!!!!That's carring the message.

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by notorious_mem
    Alright its been awhile since ive posted on here and heres why I took the last 6 months off drinking and parting like a crazy man.Ive been battling a drinking problem for at least 7 year now since ive been about 17 .I never went a weekend without drinking from the time i was 12 to almost 18 when i got my first dui im now 24 with 2 kids and a failing marraige i need to quit and ive tried so many times,is there anything anyone on here can point me too to try to help myself with this?

    Hello Light weight
    sounds like a mellower me at age 17. i used to have to run in the back of the plattoon in the am because some of use just came back form the bar.
    There is some good post here and some not so good, but all are sincere.
    You have to find the addicts that stopped to learn how, just like you have to find the people that lift weights to learn how to get big.
    AA is were you have to go to start and your wife needs to go to ALINONE.
    Your ****ed up and you need help. RIGHT!? Its okay.
    You have a lot riding on you and your ****ed up. Its fixable but its not going to happen in the time you want it to happen. Your worring about shit you cant control now. If your marriage is on the outs it too late, maybe. If you dont get right how do you expect to help you family or your kids.
    To quite you have to try again and again because it does not happen the first time, usually. I cant believe you havent been to AA yet. What are you afraid someone might find out your an alchy??? Duh, " they " already know.
    Only a percentage of the people that try to quit actually quite. But if you keep trying and trying eventually youll become part of that percentage. same with smoking.
    You might need counceling.Oh yeah you dont want any one to know you are crazy, "they" already know somethings not right.
    Get a big book, twenty four hour book, and start praying cause your ****ed up and pretty quick its all your gonna have to fall back on so you better get used to it now.
    Last edited by 39+1; 09-06-2007 at 11:57 AM.

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