Back in the day,when you first decided to go to the gym,whether it be weights/boxing/wrestling/cardio-you name it.what was your motivation to take it up ?
Back in the day,when you first decided to go to the gym,whether it be weights/boxing/wrestling/cardio-you name it.what was your motivation to take it up ?
there was this girl i wanted and i thought a nice body would nail her, i saw my first gains and became addicted
Did you manage to nail her?Originally Posted by Ajc330
was always the small one growing up
when i was a kid, watching arnie and stalone films made me want to emulate them.
My youth minister and his friends 1978 i could bench 55lbs. He would yank off the three plates on each side he had on the bar and then put the big nickle on there and id strain to press up for my five reps.
moved to a different state middle of my senior year in high school to a tiny ass town. didn't have any friends so instead i went to the gym everyday. gained 15 lbs in about 3 months, got addicted
The movie Rocky, and trying to keep pace with all the black kids in my neighborhood at sports. I had to train 3x's as hard as them to compete (Boxing/Football/Baseball/Basketball) with them.
i was a slow maturer, i didnt hit puberty till i was 15 or so, i was smaller than everyone and so i hit it,HARD.9nth grade i was 5'2" and 100lbs, by the time i graduated i was5'11" 175lbs @9%bf and benched 305 and squatted 450, i wasnt the biggest but i was one of the strongest,lol. im still at it and lovin it
My older bro was at least 50 pounds heavier than me and had three years on me. I hated getting my ass kicked and I am extremly competitive. So I decided to hit the gym, decovered creatine and protein shakes and over about a year I put on quite a bit of muscle...mind you I was still in my teens and growing at the time. I then became a hard fight for my older bro because I overpowered him and beat him a few younger bro would hide in the basement during these action packed fights because we shook the house and really went at it a few younger bro used to be scared shitless of us. Now its no prob for me to take the older bro....which I don't like to say in public at all...He's in the army and I am in the airforce ( snicker, he he)Originally Posted by mr newbreed
my hs football coach was a dick........only the biggest might be able to read an offensive line better, but the other guy played if he was bigger........(i was the other guy who played because i was bigger heheheheh)
fortunately for me, i got addicted to the gains
P u s s yI think it got alot of people started and then they found out it was fun (the p u s s y and working out
) " I did it all for the nucky"
i did it to get hotties... but... so far no luck...
I was tired of being a little bitch in high school. Started researching training and diet, and saw the results (both in the mirror and w/ females).. THAT is what makes it all worth it... bitches all up on your nuts.
I was always a bigger kid and used to play football throughout high school. I played around with weights in my first year because of it but I also got tired of being made fun of for being quite fat and not being able to meet girls so I lost about 65lbs during the summer through some extremely unhealthy methods. Once I came back to school I pissed off my football coaches from the weight loss and started getting more serious about weight training to put size back on again. That's pretty much the story of how my obsession began...
Mama said foosball is the devil!! (waterboy) j/k But I played.
My older brother use to beat me up. Now i can woop his @$$![]()
Originally Posted by Ajc330
Same here.
+1Originally Posted by wascaptain5214
rowing in high school
I like getting the feeling of acheivment through training and diet,when you see your body change into something impressive it's a great feeling.But back in the day my friends brothers were in the BB game pretty heavy and they inspired me.
the hope.. the desier .. the wishfullness of to one day.. be able to sport SHORT SHORTS and make em look GOOD
i saw a muscle & fitness mag.
I have always since a young age loved big things. Dump trucks, Arnold in the movies, semi trucks, gorillas, ect. When I was 14 I did not want to take p.e. because I did not enjoy playing sports. I signed up for weights class and two things happened. First I got pumps that where tighter than anything that I have ever has since, and I loved it. Also I went from like 120 to 150 in like 6 months.
To look good, feel good 1st off. To combat the effects of aging. It makes a tremendous difference. Ppl are always forgetting how old I am!
Had back problems in 7th grade, they wanted me to wear a brace to school, thats why my back is pretty big. One summer of swimming and training it was straightened out.
Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Great place to start researching !
football. but then i got addicted to the high it gave me, and then getting the girls are a nice side too
Wrestling and vagina. And wrestling vagina
how do u pen something w/ a HOLE in it?!
I got involved pretty much the same issues as this guy. I felt a change in attitude in way people communicated with me and approached me.
Originally Posted by S431M7
why u gotta contaminate a perfectly legit threadOriginally Posted by Prada
I was 6'4", 150lbs, 15 years old. Being skinny was not cutting it anymore.
I was tired of being skinny so I started training. Then I got fat and was tired of being fat so I started eating properly.
Originally Posted by taiboxa
I know, I have skinny white boy genetics. If I don't hit the gym, I go skinny in a hurry.
On a positive note, I graduated around 230lbs gained (mostly) naturally.
encino man, the movie, came out in 92........that puts me at about 6 or 7 years old at the timez? 21 now
and after watching this movie, being this young, i came to the realization that i cant grow up pussies like the main characters (rudy and pauly shore).....being anytihng less than a muscle bound freak was just unacceptable
i can even remember being like 3 or 4 and watching arnold movies like commando, anything less than being huge and jacked was just unacceptable, i knew even back then
then that went away for a long time, and awoke in hs football
Originally Posted by IronReload04
Dont flame me or I will piss on your shoe, but I did it cause I wanted to look like the guys in the boy bands... They seemed to be fit and getting the pus$y at the time... Now, we find out half were gay, and the other half was, wait, gay as well.
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