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Thread: Weird Sex Question...

  1. #1

    Weird Sex Question...

    Ok so my libido is in check... my erections are in check... and i can last for days... except with this one chick. This is where it gets weird and confusing.

    I have sex with one of my ex girlfriends alot, and i get on command erections, and i can last for ever so i know im not impotent or lack a libido or sex drive. But about 2 weeks ago, I went home with this chick who was roughly a 7 - 1/2 to an 8 so she was far from ugly. She had a bad ass bady and all that. So were fooling around and i go in for the kill and my boy gives up on me and i get completely flacid. Now i was semi nervous so i blame it on nerves. But it happened again. So then finally I was able to get up and stay up. But the next night, SAME THING HAPPENED. But because it happened the first time, i get nervous each time now and then this happens. So wtf gives? Oh and I go out and buy one of those 6 dollar pills that "Keeps you up". Made me feel like i was about to have a heart attack with no erection. Anyone have a similar experience.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    TRUE knowledge, THE light
    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery
    Ok so my libido is in check... my erections are in check... and i can last for days... except with this one chick. This is where it gets weird and confusing.

    I have sex with one of my ex girlfriends alot, and i get on command erections, and i can last for ever so i know im not impotent or lack a libido or sex drive. But about 2 weeks ago, I went home with this chick who was roughly a 7 - 1/2 to an 8 so she was far from ugly. She had a bad ass bady and all that. So were fooling around and i go in for the kill and my boy gives up on me and i get completely flacid. Now i was semi nervous so i blame it on nerves. But it happened again. So then finally I was able to get up and stay up. But the next night, SAME THING HAPPENED. But because it happened the first time, i get nervous each time now and then this happens. So wtf gives? Oh and I go out and buy one of those 6 dollar pills that "Keeps you up". Made me feel like i was about to have a heart attack with no erection. Anyone have a similar experience.
    Yo bro... I know what you mean. Doesn't happen the first time I'm with a girl, but usually after being with a girl for a while it gets old and if they catch me off guard and I aint in the mood... wait a sec, did I say aint in the mood?!?!? wtf is wrong with me hahahahahaha. But yeah, I've had times were I was on pct that similar things have happend, I blame it on being nervous, don't even think about it man....

    Shoot, on command??? lucky bastard!!! I gota train mine, goes off at the worst possible times! hahaha

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    TRUE knowledge, THE light
    Oh yeah, a lot has to do with the girl man... I've had times were I couldn't with a specific girl but turn around and be fine with the next in a short amount of time... So whatever rocks your boat...

    However, with one of my more recent ex's, blonde, double d's, awesome face/body... Wasn't the first time we had done anything but I'd say after having a few goes at her consecutive nites in a row it got to the point were she'd catch me off guard n then I'd be like "ooooooo ****"... pretty embaresing I tell you.

    I'm hoping I don't need viagra, lol.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I use to have the same problem, I was reading all over the place. I was suddenly single and had a few girls, some girls the guy just did not want to work. For the most part, i think i felt bad being with a girl other than my ex girl so fast.

    I'd get some liquid cia and use that for a time or 2, after that you should be okay i would think. Stuff works.

  5. #5
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    Jul 2007
    heres a story for ya.....i used to dream about this girl when i was a freshman in highschool. She was a senior at another private catholic school just up the road, and she was the goddess of my dreams man- i'd have just about given a left nut for it....well she graduated and i rarely seen her (i mostly seen her at games and sorts)....long story short- mid of my senior year this chick sends me a message on Myspace (go figure- myspace), but she was just being flirty.... we started to hang out, and whenever i kissed this girl all i wanted to do was nail her to the bed, and my schlong got as stiff as a board....finally one night we went to do the deed, and my tool wouldn't just totally gave out on me....after years of wanting it, i had the chance, and can you believe it- my d*ck wouldn't work. lol Fortunately she was super cool and helped me out, and later that night we actually got the thing accomplished....and we've been dating ever since.....i have the same shit happen- its all because of nerves lol also happened when i used to have sex with girls, and i couldn't get off- talk about waste....

  6. #6
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    Jan 2006
    its phsycological bro, you KNOW your libido is in check and you KNOW you can pop a hard on in a couple min, but going soft on a girl is a big deal for any guy, thats some life changing shit... like wtf why wont my d*ck work? and you think about that everytime your goin in for the kill. Happened to me as well, you just have to relize its all nerves. just shake it off and tell urself, i no im getting it up because shit this girl is beautiful and she wants to be f*ckin railed, and i want to be the one banging her brains out. and boom watch it rise. no pun intended.. haha

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz
    its phsycological bro, you KNOW your libido is in check and you KNOW you can pop a hard on in a couple min, but going soft on a girl is a big deal for any guy, thats some life changing shit... like wtf why wont my d*ck work? and you think about that everytime your goin in for the kill. Happened to me as well, you just have to relize its all nerves. just shake it off and tell urself, i no im getting it up because shit this girl is beautiful and she wants to be f*ckin railed, and i want to be the one banging her brains out. and boom watch it rise. no pun intended.. haha
    what he said....

    The biggest erection killer is thinking you are going to lose your erection.

    If you know her well & she's cool - explain it to her. Then have play sessions where the objects is to play but not necessarily to come. **** for a bit, back off, eat her out, get her to blow you, etc. If you take away the pressure to maintain your erection, things will get back to normal. Go out in the car & have a play, in the park (best at night etc) get her to dress up etc.

    It takes balls on your behalf to explain this to her though. If she's cool about it - great. If not - dump her.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    its ok man ur just turning gay thats all,there r lots of gay threads just lately for u to post in

    it happens to us all now and then mate dont worry about it

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    IN your walls
    i feel for you dog, just happen to me like 2 hours ago. BULLSHIT! Im even on a low dose of test.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    IN your walls
    but i did get it done just took a little push to help him out

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    God's colon.
    Sounds pyschological man. There seems to be a pattern now, and you expect bad things to happen. You should try to make her cum without even taking your pants off. If you're successful and you still don't have a hard-on then maybe dump her or get some liquid-V!

  12. #12
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    Send her to my house...Ill let you know if its her.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by pedro01
    what he said....

    The biggest erection killer is thinking you are going to lose your erection.

    If you know her well & she's cool - explain it to her. Then have play sessions where the objects is to play but not necessarily to come. **** for a bit, back off, eat her out, get her to blow you, etc. If you take away the pressure to maintain your erection, things will get back to normal. Go out in the car & have a play, in the park (best at night etc) get her to dress up etc.

    It takes balls on your behalf to explain this to her though. If she's cool about it - great. If not - dump her.
    Thats actually good advice coming from one of the most perverted bastards on the planet !!!!!

  14. #14
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    a van down by the river!
    get some cialis, problem solved

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by scaramouche
    its ok man ur just turning gay thats all,there r lots of gay threads just lately for u to post in
    X2, you are in what we call a transition period. See you on the other side

  16. #16
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    Getting madcow treatments
    Keep wishin cinderfella

    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life
    X2, you are in what we call a transition period. See you on the other side
    Last edited by RA; 09-13-2007 at 10:59 AM.

  17. #17
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    Dec 2004
    It happened to me once and it was pretty embarassing. Usually a brisk wind will get me ready to go but this time I was down for the count...

  18. #18
    It happened 3 times with this chick, the second time it happened i fell asleep and walk up like 2 hours later with a concrete erection and just woke her up and twisted her out. But the third time she didnt know because we were just fooling around and then she got on top and i thought about it and he bounced on me lol. Im thinking about cialis just until my nerves with this chick dissipates. I need to redeem myself thoroughly.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Thats actually good advice coming from one of the most perverted bastards on the planet !!!!!
    yea - but still not as twisted as you....

    you ready for the 18th ? She is....

  20. #20
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    The Nut House
    All good (well mostly) advice

    It's happened to me a few times as well.. the more you think about having an erection, the more your attention is just diverted away from enjoying the moment. Like Kbiz said, it's all about not allowing your mind to go down that vicious cycle, just visualize the unholy things you're gonna do to her and your soldier should be up and ready for action!

  21. #21
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    Aug 2004
    Is this a senior citizen forum?

    So many ****ing posts about this its not even funny anymore. "I can't get it up bla bla bla bla bla".

    I suggest you stop taking AAS or go see a doctor. Its obvious you ****ed something up if you can't get it up.

    How old are you 18? Nervous?
    ***No source checks!!!***

  22. #22
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    Oct 2006
    HAHAHAH...yeah yea... Sometimes its the woman.

    I was railing this one chick who just loved to scream at the top of her lungs and yell out " IM COMMING, IM COMMING!" biggest turn off ever for me...he would shrivel up I hated it so much...that was her falut I really didnt like that gurl...she was hot and had a nice body but everything about her was just YUCK to me....gowd...I should have just smacked her across the face a few times with my cock... one cool thing she always wanted me to cum in her face...that was nice...dirty slut.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    you are putting the ***** on a Pedestal-40yr old virgin.

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