Thread: Zeitgeist movie, amazing
09-13-2007, 06:28 PM #1
Zeitgeist movie, amazing
For anyone out there that is into seeing a very informative and disturbing documentary, check this movie out.
If you're easily offended in areas regarding christianity, American politics or other closely related issues, watch at your own risk.
I found it absolutely fascinating, the common beliefs of thousands of years are challenged and they do a very good job exposing 'truths' about american life, religion and so on.
09-13-2007, 07:23 PM #2Senior Member
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wow. thats not 20min long.
09-14-2007, 03:16 PM #3Senior Member
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wow. now feel like a godless nazi. i think everyone should watch this.
09-14-2007, 04:34 PM #4Originally Posted by peteroy01
Bumpy bump bump
09-14-2007, 04:55 PM #5
A was brought up a catholic, but since av been old enuf 2 make me own choice a was never sure if a believed or not, watching tht (if true) is swaying me to think a was right not to believe. But even if i showed my granma that she would still not be swayed!!!
Last edited by energizer bunny; 09-15-2007 at 07:14 AM.
09-14-2007, 08:00 PM #6Originally Posted by energizer bunny
09-15-2007, 07:13 AM #7
No big reason mate its jst how i do it when im txtin!!
09-15-2007, 07:15 AM #8
There we gan!! Back to real words! lol
09-15-2007, 02:28 PM #9
09-15-2007, 04:34 PM #10
WOW that kinda freaked me the **** out!!!
09-15-2007, 05:16 PM #11
09-16-2007, 02:13 AM #12Banned
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They could have shortened that shit up a bit! Pretty cool though, although that 9/11 shit is played out. Unfortunately we will never know all the fvcked up realities of what REALLY happened. The first 20 minutes is pretty dope though. I'm not a religious person but i do try and keep an open mind. Scientology baby!
09-16-2007, 07:22 PM #13
wow ....I will not get to c the out come but my son will ...I hope it will not end up that way
09-16-2007, 07:31 PM #14Banned
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Originally Posted by Amorphic
get a life
09-16-2007, 07:37 PM #15Originally Posted by S431M7
09-17-2007, 10:15 AM #16
09-17-2007, 12:10 PM #17
Do a little research before you go believing this rhetoric. Just like supps and have to put in the research before believing what is advertised.
Otherwise we would all be taking every Joe Weider and Muscletech product out there...ha ha ha!
Trust me, I've got no problem with different religions and the whole church state division but some of what they have said is utter garbage. You can refute a lot of the film by just searching google much less actually visiting a library.
The only thing that chaps my ass is the info about the Amero and North American Union. Some of that is actually true...
09-24-2007, 08:48 PM #18Originally Posted by B.E.N.
09-24-2007, 09:11 PM #19Originally Posted by unclemoney
There are so many things you can literally watch the first part of the movie, pick anything, and it is likely false or manipulated facts.
- About being born on Dec 25th for most deities?! They didn’t even use a GREGORIAN CALENDER back then.
Let's go over just some of the data:
1. Horus was not born of a Virgin--that's a lie.
2. Horus was not baptized. That's a complete fabrication. "Anup the Baptizer"?--show me where you find that! That's a lie.
3. Horus never walked on water. He performed miracles, but raising the dead and walking on water were not among them. Nor did he cast out demons.
4. Horus had disciples--but you can't show me a single reference to his having twelve. That's a lie.
5. Horus never taught in the temple at age 12. That's a lie. Read the accounts above--it's not there.
6. Where was ever said that was Horus crucified? That's a lie! He died in a later version of the story and was brought back to life--but Jesus' "resurrection" was more than a mere coming back to life. His body was transformed and changed. Anyways, it was only later added to the Horus legend.
Let me know when you are done reading and I will have more for you...
09-24-2007, 09:24 PM #20Originally Posted by B.E.N.
09-24-2007, 11:13 PM #21Originally Posted by B.E.N.
This is among one of many facts that I have picked out myself, I will post this in my other thread as to stir up some of the readers in there as to there outlooks and how this was "justifiable". Apparently killing in the name of "god" is justifiable, thus a lot of the "crusades" and such. You can't tell me it wasn't people of power who thought up ways to manipulate and control there people. Even if all those facts in the zeitgeist movie were wrong like you claim, how can you deny the fact of "corruption of power".
Look I'm not gulliable to believe everything I say, I question EVERYTHING and I will read and educate myself further till I come upon my own conclusion based off of facts for I take other peoples word as mere grains of sand.Last edited by unclemoney; 09-24-2007 at 11:21 PM.
09-24-2007, 11:30 PM #22
I would also like to hear as to what you attest to as for the whole symbology of the fish portrayed as jesus, for what other sence would it make? You said they didn't even have the gregorian calanders, well even if this is true, what of that of the zodiac and it's symbology and strikingly SIMILARITIES to modern day christianity???
How do you know of your sources of info to be correct and not just people sitting behind the computer conspiring ways to "strengthen" the blindness (what I believe to be the blindness) of man.
Question everything!!!
09-25-2007, 06:51 AM #23Originally Posted by unclemoney
Agreed!!!! Start with the diatribes in this movie!!!!
Secondly, I never said that everything in the Old Testament was to be taken literally or everything the Catholic Church did was correct or promoting God's Will. So do not try to read a few Biblical passages and shove it down our throats as corrupt. The Bible was written by men. Men by Christ's and the Bible's own admission have faults. Some faults likely exsist in the Bible. Make no mistake, everything any Church in the history of the World has done has been wonderful, but you are trying to smear thousands of years of history and millions of Christian's faith with a few mesely facts.
That would be like someone saying because you have a 'cheat day' you are not committed to the sport of bodybuilding and have no business in the gym.
09-25-2007, 07:05 PM #24Banned
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Originally Posted by B.E.N.
YEAH!! How dare someone introduce FACTS into a discussion about Christianity??!!!? Everyone knows you're supposed to have FAITH and not bother yourself with little things such as FACTS! BWAAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Typical Christian! HEHEEH but hey!! At least I got a good laugh out of reading this!!
And by semi-accurate historical reports Jesus was more likely born in Autumn, nowhere NEAR December.. December 25 was and is a Pagan holiday and the christians used this day as their own so the people celebrating this day could call it a christian celebration rather than pagan since the christians couldn't stop them from celebrating the Pagan religion!
09-25-2007, 08:37 PM #25Originally Posted by Idunno
What I was trying to illustrate with the 'fact' comment was that this movie takes facts in the Bible, or elsewhere, and attempts to turn these facts against themselves.
You are correct that Jesus was actually born in August or September. I find it odd that you mock me as a Christian but have helped to disprove 'facts' in this movie. Early Christians did not even celebrate Christ's birth.
In Acts 2:42 "they continued steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine in fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers." The Apostles doctrine emphasized the death, burial and resurrection of Christ and not the birth. The first day of the week was given for the day upon which the Church is to assemble to show forth the death of Christ. Acts 20:7. The Apostles forbade the Church keeping days not authorized in Christ's New Testament plan. Gal. 4:10-11. "Ye observe days and months and times and years. I am afraid of you lest I have bestowed upon you labor in vain." Notice, Paul said his labor among them was in vain if they observed unauthorized days, etc.
Not sure what argument you were trying to make here, but thanks for the ammunition...
09-25-2007, 09:07 PM #26Originally Posted by B.E.N.
Images from the temple at Luxor described as associating Amenhotep III's relationship with his wife, Great Royal Wife Tiye by depicting a legend of the birth of Ra, in which (reading from left to right) the ibis-headed Thoth announced to Neith, the primordial waters, that she would become pregnant with Ra (the new king of heaven). In the next image, the impregnation of Neith was achieved by Kneph (on her left) and Hathor (on her right) applying the ankh, thereby leaving Neith "ever virgin". To the right are images of the subsequent birth over a birth brick, as well as the praise raised to the child by Neith's courtiers and fellow deities. The form of Ra at this point was Ra-Amun, who was becoming identified as Horus. The child of Tiye, who consequently is described as being Ra/Horus through this association with the legend, went on to become Akhenaten, when pharaoh."
"Since recognition of Horus as the son of Osiris, was only in existence after Osiris's death, and because Horus, in an earlier guise, was the husband of Isis, in late Gnostic traditions, it came to be said that Horus was the resurrected form of Osiris.[citation needed] Likewise, as the form of Horus before his death and resurrection, Osiris, who had already become considered a form of creator when belief about Osiris assimilated that about Ptah-Seker, also became considered to be the only creator, since Horus had gained these aspects of Ra."
This story doesn't sound a tad bit familiar???
09-25-2007, 09:09 PM #27
To further your knowledge, do a little reading
09-25-2007, 09:19 PM #28Banned
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Originally Posted by B.E.N.
09-25-2007, 10:41 PM #29Originally Posted by Idunno
Some of the Bible are stories relayed from God. Some are first hand accounts accord to Apostles.
Hey...I am not hear to tell you what to believe, but in the same light show some respect.
09-25-2007, 10:43 PM #30Originally Posted by unclemoney
09-25-2007, 10:50 PM #31
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[QUOTE=Idunno]YEAH!! How dare someone introduce FACTS into a discussion about Christianity??!!!? Everyone knows you're supposed to have FAITH and not bother yourself with little things such as FACTS!
i can agree with this. i think that over time, the "facts" have become distorted. i think that having "faith" and believing whatever fulfills you in life is the way to go.
09-25-2007, 10:54 PM #32Originally Posted by B.E.N.
Oh yeah, and that site you posted earlier to disprove the zeitgeist documentary is such a reliable christian affiliated source too... right???
09-26-2007, 12:19 AM #33Banned
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Originally Posted by B.E.N.
I grew up Southern Baptist and went to church everysunday and saw all the people and I lived in a small town so you also knew who was doing what.. Name ONE PERSON you know who's a christian who TRULY lives by his/her faith daily and without fail?? Why should I respect that? You're not "trying to convert me" but all your infected friends are to everyone everyday. You can not like my position on this and you do not need to respect it but understand it is my position and you can't change it just I as can't change yours and I respect your right to have a position even though I don't have to agree in any way and can debunk it all I choose.
half the stories are dreams and the other half are from apostles who were MEN (who are naturally shady and rarely altruistic) who could have very easily written things from their, misguided, point of view.. you know.. like how the misguided media writes incorrect stuff all the time because it's how "they interpret the information"
09-26-2007, 12:23 AM #34Banned
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Originally Posted by Idunno
THIS is EXACTLy the way I feel about it. WHATEVER you choose to believe in (or nothing at all); if it makes you a better person, gives you hope/drive/guidance/ambition/morals/whatever you want out of it then it is the way for you. If that way is christianity, at least learn its true form and know what it is you are believing and go from there rather than blindly believe teh "leaders" of the church.
I do not believe in anything curently yet I live FAR better than most christians I know. I live by the rules I set for myself and stick to them which causes me no moral quandry such as being a christian does.. most of the christians say they live righteously but in actuallity they are far far from it in their daily lives.. or is Sunday the only day that counts? then those people feel guilty and repent and recycle the same process all over again living in perpetual guilt (if they care at all about not living the way they profess
09-26-2007, 12:26 AM #35Senior Member
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ok, ive got a way to settle this. how bout we all just break into the vatican and steal their whole library. then we could have some answers.
i think ive read 1 to many dan brown books.
09-26-2007, 12:29 AM #36Originally Posted by peteroy01
09-26-2007, 04:28 AM #37
Outstanding find, puts things into perspective from another point of view. I will not post my feelings either way, but if you going to argue against the video, then please post FACTS that disprove certain parts of the video. BEING SPECIFIC IS KEY!!! ex: Well it was the fire that made WTC 7 collapse, bring something more than that.
09-26-2007, 06:44 AM #38Originally Posted by Idunno
09-26-2007, 07:02 AM #39
I find it odd how people rail so hard against Christianity. You dont see many Christian threads but you see many anti-
09-26-2007, 07:09 AM #40Originally Posted by roidattack
Same cat going off is the one asking about escorting in another thread...hum????
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