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Thread: muscle and pick up woman

  1. #1
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    muscle and pick up woman

    does guys like ronnie coleman pick up lots of woman?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    man anyone who is in the SPOTLIGHT can pick up chicks..

    though if he was a NO NAMER im sure he would have a hard time finding a chick that would wanna hook up w/ him.. shit im just a fraction of what he is .. and having muscles has NOT been an advantage in picking up chicks...

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    man anyone who is in the SPOTLIGHT can pick up chicks..

    though if he was a NO NAMER im sure he would have a hard time finding a chick that would wanna hook up w/ him.. shit im just a fraction of what he is .. and having muscles has NOT been an advantage in picking up chicks...
    Not an advantage?!?!? Chix can't lay eyes off of me I'd definately say it's a huge plus... especially when all the other guys around look like they never touched a weight in their life.

  4. #4
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    Not an advantage?!?!? Chix can't lay eyes off of me I'd definately say it's a huge plus... especially when all the other guys around look like they never touched a weight in their life.
    not where im from..
    unless ur like 6'3 180lbs w/ bed head hair and tight velvet pants.. u dont stand a chance of snaggin a chick around here .. unless A) she is obease or B) she has kids ><

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    not where im from..
    unless ur like 6'3 180lbs w/ bed head hair and tight velvet pants.. u dont stand a chance of snaggin a chick around here .. unless A) she is obease or B) she has kids ><

    Dude I hear ya on that makes me sick to see some of the hot @$$ girls going with these cabage patch kids.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    Not an advantage?!?!? Chix can't lay eyes off of me I'd definately say it's a huge plus... especially when all the other guys around look like they never touched a weight in their life.

    ya but tais on a different level man. most girls are into ur body type (judging from ur pic) and a lot of girls arnt into big muscly men

  7. #7
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    lol im not telling :D
    yeah.. if u got traps.. UR NOT GETTIN LAID

  8. #8
    lol they call me "traps" at work

  9. #9
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by pgilligan10
    lol they call me "traps" at work
    well u might as well go gay now.. and start gettin used to it..

  10. #10
    proceeding with gay transformation...

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by beatango2008
    Dude I hear ya on that makes me sick to see some of the hot @$$ girls going with these cabage patch kids.
    It does piss me off when I see half the dudes some hot chix are with... 75% are skinnier than I used to be years and years ago (which is really skinny) and have haircuts that look like straight up shit.

  12. #12

  13. #13
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    It does piss me off when I see half the dudes some hot chix are with... 75% are skinnier than I used to be years and years ago (which is really skinny) and have haircuts that look like straight up shit.
    the 40dolla frosted bed head look?

  14. #14
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    i hope you guys aren't doggin every guy that wears his hair spiked up i have some short hair, but on top i spike it up to make the so called "messy" look....its a neat messy look though, hard to explain....don't tell me you guys still gel your hair and comb it straight forward??????? or worse yet- slick it back?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by qualityclrk1
    i hope you guys aren't doggin every guy that wears his hair spiked up i have some short hair, but on top i spike it up to make the so called "messy" look....its a neat messy look though, hard to explain....don't tell me you guys still gel your hair and comb it straight forward??????? or worse yet- slick it back?
    hair?!?!?! what hair?!!??! buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  16. #16
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    lol im not telling :D
    i use a 1 on the sides and the top is maybe an INCH?!

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by qualityclrk1
    i hope you guys aren't doggin every guy that wears his hair spiked up i have some short hair, but on top i spike it up to make the so called "messy" look....its a neat messy look though, hard to explain....don't tell me you guys still gel your hair and comb it straight forward??????? or worse yet- slick it back?

    used to gel it kinda like that. then buzzed it for a while #2. now its long, no gel or anything like that tho.

  18. #18
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    muscle has worked for me, but i wasnt all that picky. i would rather bang 10 ones then one 10. i was trash for sure. but thats all in the past

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by wascaptain5214
    muscle has worked for me, but i wasnt all that picky. i would rather bang 10 ones then one 10. i was trash for sure. but thats all in the past
    lol not hatin on ya, but i disagree, i always go for quality...and the quality ones look better on the self called "***** resume"....if good looking girls start seeing you've "talked" to or in other words "f*cked" some nasty chicks...then they won't even give you a chance.....

  20. #20
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    Bed head hair? Tai, do you use pomade and part it down the side like a mini-Himmler?

    My Uncle has been body building for quite some time now all naturally... he's around 35 and the other day he maxed 550lbs and a 610lb negative on bench. He has a hard time getting women. I guess it just isn't that appealing to most to be freakishly huge.

  21. #21
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    I just buzz my hair with a 0 or razor it bald. Who the hell needs hair?? Chicks love touching my head

  22. #22
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    my girl is a cosmetologist, so i always got a nice hair cut....she'd be lost if i buzzed it....that and as someone else said it "i'd look like a dick with ears"

  23. #23
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    personally, wouldnt ya think an ugly person, is still and ungly guy after developing muscles..........and a good looking cat is just still just a good looking cat with bigger muscles?

    plus, bodyfat probably has somthing to do with things.....

    and body frame

  24. #24
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    i have been told by a female who wanted my nuts that having muscles and working out is "just so ****ing hot"

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04
    personally, wouldnt ya think an ugly person, is still and ungly guy after developing muscles..........and a good looking cat is just still just a good looking cat with bigger muscles?

    plus, bodyfat probably has somthing to do with things.....

    and body frame
    Most defently!

    How could having muscles and a greate physick being a disadvantage in getting woman?! Makes no sense whatsoever...

    The type of muscle guys woman dont like are the: Puffy, bald, stocky, moonfaced type of guys, ofcourse they wont get anything...Unless they ¨happens to be rich, famous or something like that...

  26. #26
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    Well I think women enjoy the athletic build the most. You know where you are a solid looking male with around 10% b/f not overly huge like a heavyweight BBer, but a lean toned look. Idk for me though F that!! Ima be as big as I can get at this damn height and people will like me for it and if not well to the curb you go ;D

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    yeah.. if u got traps.. UR NOT GETTIN LAID
    Fu3@k me to tears, I have huge traps. All the girls around here like the guys that are built like basketball palyers.
    Last edited by buffgator; 09-17-2007 at 02:57 PM.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    Most defently!

    How could having muscles and a greate physick being a disadvantage in getting woman?! Makes no sense whatsoever...

    The type of muscle guys woman dont like are the: Puffy, bald, stocky, moonfaced type of guys, ofcourse they wont get anything...Unless they ¨happens to be rich, famous or something like that...
    Yup - no chicks like Stocky!

  29. #29
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    Most defently!

    How could having muscles and a greate physick being a disadvantage in getting woman?! Makes no sense whatsoever...

    The type of muscle guys woman dont like are the: Puffy, bald, stocky, moonfaced type of guys, ofcourse they wont get anything...Unless they ¨happens to be rich, famous or something like that...

    off season type shit...........i think some guys just have a propensity to be grotesque also...

    take me right now......i am in full blown off season, i am holding as much water and glycogen as i can, my ass and hips are just huge from off season squatting and deadlifting.............I am exactly the type of body chicks dont dig

    but in the face, i am a good looking guy (lol i like to think at least) parents were both very good looking people in their prime, so i still have a shot

    and come spring time, when i diet all the bodyfat away, shed some water, those same hoes that looked at me and said ewe, will be in envy.....

    so its the choices we have to wanna put on muscle mass as absolutely god damned fast as possible, you gotta make some sacrifices some times which affect how you look to the opposite sex....

    but its all worth it when you have your glory come diet season

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    Most defently!

    How could having muscles and a greate physick being a disadvantage in getting woman?! Makes no sense whatsoever...

    The type of muscle guys woman dont like are the: Puffy, bald, stocky, moonfaced type of guys, ofcourse they wont get anything...Unless they ¨happens to be rich, famous or something like that...
    Because to most people being 5'10 and 250 is to much. Yes some muscles makes you look better but there is a point.

    Most girls would pic the athletic looking guy of the bb look any day

  31. #31
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    to a point muscles always attract women. being 50 pounds heavier than i was a year ago the attention i get is unbelievable.

  32. #32
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    lol im not telling :D
    chicks dont like vascularity either LOL..
    cant blame em.. i dont want a chick thats fuxin veiner than me! ><

  33. #33
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    vascularity to a point helps, not when your entire body is covered in veins though

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic
    vascularity to a point helps, not when your entire body is covered in veins though
    sub 7% is usually a turn off to chicks.

  35. #35
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    Chix love my veiny monster

  36. #36
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    good thing im fat still

  37. #37
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    if you're big, some girls think its weird or that all you care about it training. anyone who is truly worth your time won't care though. case and point... WEBB.

    now if you just wanna have sex... find girls who train too... great bodies should never be a downfall.

  38. #38
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    Everyone here knows the answer. Most girls do not like the mountains of muscle on a man.

    Honestly, being 250lbs of muscle and being 5"8 or below does not look that appealing to most women.

    Of course there are exceptions, some women like it, most do not.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  39. #39
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    if you're big, some girls think its weird or that all you care about it training. anyone who is truly worth your time won't care though. case and point... WEBB.

    now if you just wanna have sex... find girls who train too... great bodies should never be a downfall.
    so your saying webb likes big men?

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    so your saying webb likes big men?
    So your saying webb is a girl?!??! hahaha wow I didn't even know that!

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