So tonight Im sitting there in the bathroom getting my gear all ready for a shot in my delt and I have some nervous jitters but some excitement runnin to. This is my second shot on my first cycle and Im still learning. I hook the needle up to the syringe, insert it into the vile, draw back and get the excess bubbles out, which by the way, is quite alot. Im using a 22 gauge for my delt becasue thats all I have. I dont really care about the pain but their is a voice in my head that tells me that "22 gauage is kinda big for the delt buddy." Oh well. I look in the mirror and push my left hand down on the sink so I can get a clear view of my delt. I stick the needle in and I draw beck a little to check for blood. A little air bubble pops into the syringe after quite a pull on the plunger. Following the bubble was one little tiny drop of blood. Im thinking well since there was a bubble prior to the blood then it musn't be a vein. Oh well. I push the plunger down and get about 1cc in and it hurts so Im like "**** this" and I pull it out. What do I do next? Push it right back in, same needle and all, about 2 centimeters from the original puncture. Is this a bad idea? I get the other cc in pull the needle out and theres a couple of pretty thick drops of blood that run down my arm. I wipe em off and it bleeds just a smigen more, but thats it. After tonights clumsy episode I think my career with AAS is getting off to a great start. What do you think guys?