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Thread: the satanic bible and satanism
09-20-2007, 09:42 AM #81
ok...but then all your rules are basically not from satan but you???? how does this work...did you make them up or did someone else, cause if it was you or some other person then that is really just head is spinning...our rules came from God, your came from yourself....i dunno...i have to go...later man....
09-20-2007, 09:42 AM #82
Originally Posted by WEBB
09-20-2007, 09:43 AM #83
Originally Posted by unclemoney
09-20-2007, 09:54 AM #84
Roid...that is my only question...i hate arguing over beliefs, but would still like some answers....gotta run a gas plant emergency...peace out...
I would never crush your skull renesis....i might keep it as a trophy or something...HAHAHHAHA...everyone has there own views and that is the best part about
09-20-2007, 09:57 AM #85
Originally Posted by WEBB
MAN has always created GOD. MAN creates GODS not the other way around, before this GOD you speak of in your religion, there were the pagans who worshiped THEIR gods of which THEY created!
Ever since the DAWN OF MAN, man has MADE GOD. Not the other way around, don't confuse this.
Thus, satanism truely has been around a longgggg time when you think about it. It's names just keep changing!
And what does it matter if I made up satanism or another man made up satanism??? For it has been around since the dawn of man. And it happens to be your own views once you truely have your eyes opened, your OWN outlook on life, your OWN philosophy, your OWN god, aka yourself!
09-20-2007, 09:59 AM #86
Originally Posted by WEBB
Me too bro..I just thought it was a very good question considering the given info.
09-20-2007, 10:02 AM #87
Originally Posted by WEBB
Whoa oh its the predator!!
09-20-2007, 10:10 AM #88
Originally Posted by Renesis
anyways... Any more questions anybody???
Can I at least get some people even if they won't call themseleves "satanist" persay, but will at LEAST admit to the fact that this is the way of themselves and that they do basicly have the same views?!?!?
09-20-2007, 10:20 AM #89
Also speaking on symbolism, I love my favorite tattoo, my right arm happens to be sleeved (yes I know, my avatar pic is old, very old, the 30 pounds me ago old). I have the angel of death fully extending up and down my right forearm, standing on the inverted pentagram with the book of death and another inverted pentagram on it. Also what appears to most is the regular cross he weres around his neck hanging from a chain, however say in court or so I swear on the "holy bible" well my mochary to that is when I swear with my right hand up to god that cross is now inverted
oh how i love symbolism!
09-20-2007, 10:28 AM #90
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Originally Posted by unclemoney
So now lying, stealing, murder and adultery are all cool? - Sounds great mate!- wouldn't the world be great if everyone thought that way?
09-20-2007, 10:35 AM #91
Originally Posted by NotSmall
09-20-2007, 10:40 AM #92
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Originally posted by: unclemonkey
No satanism isn't what religion classifies it as it has nothing to do with the worshiping of satan, the sacrifcing of unbaptized babies, raping, murder, or anything else unmoral of that sort...
IMO, LaVey did what musicians have been doing for years; recycle and repackage for an audience that doesn’t remember the last time a certain style was popular. (oddly enough, Anton was a musician). Dig a little deeper and you just might find that there is a much darker side lurking under this modern façade.
09-20-2007, 10:46 AM #93
Originally Posted by TAPPER
However... Us satanist do NOT sacrifice animals, children, etc, etc. Go read the satanic bible (I'm sure you already have at least you have been a very educated person unlike all these other ignorant people). It specifically states such things! So tell me, if you remove the unmoral things from the older practices but keep what is good and TRUE, then what harm is there being done to todays modern society??? The answer to that is, there is NONE!!! No harm at all.
I embrace my ways, willingly accept it, and am dam proud of it!
09-20-2007, 10:59 AM #94
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Originally Posted by unclemoney
Point 8 says - "Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification" - so satan represents these sins, not that satan finds them acceptable under certain circumstances, ergo satan represents lying, stealing, murder and adultery.
If what I have said above is incorrect please explain where I have misinterpreted things because so far to me it seems as though you have a very loose grasp of what you claim to believe in, which is possibly why you act so rudely when questioned - which is ironic given your closing plea in the first post of this thread...
09-20-2007, 11:05 AM #95
Originally Posted by NotSmall
09-20-2007, 11:06 AM #96
i read a little about this a long time ago
satanism, i believe, is like an eye for an eye philosophy....a satanist would never ever go out of his way to be immoral.....For the most part, they treat people as they want to be treated......"but", if they are wronged, then its fair game to get even
correct me if im wrong
"beware of evil doers, be on your toes all the time....people will try to trick you"
"satans greatest tool is convincing man he doesnt exist"
being a satanist is truly the greatest way to get people straying from god.....its a trick in disguise
these were my initial thoughts on satanism, later today, i will read through this entire forum, its very interesting
09-20-2007, 11:11 AM #97
Originally Posted by IronReload04
09-20-2007, 11:13 AM #98
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Originally Posted by unclemoney
09-20-2007, 11:33 AM #99
Originally Posted by unclemoney
modern day religion is ****ed up........and i think their are to many people that dont question things, and just go through the motions......people that question things are not blinded, people that just go along and dont question things are the ones who are blinded
Satan lies, and is deceitful.....true knowledge comes from God.......I am personally more interested in what Jesus has to say, rather than the rest of the bible
09-20-2007, 11:42 AM #100
Originally Posted by IronReload04
I have definately have the blindfolds taken off and view life on a complete different spectrum and am able to see threw the bullshit of so much. and I love it!
However, I don't see how on earth I ever used to be a christian, I totally denounce it in any way shape or form. For there is no grounds on which I aggree with it on... How can you choose meekness, turning the other cheek, and such??? I couldn't, nor will I ever!
09-20-2007, 11:55 AM #101
Originally Posted by unclemoney
is that we will have the knowledge and comprehension of anything and everything in heaven..
on what grounds do you believe that satan is knowledge
09-20-2007, 12:06 PM #102
The apple.
09-20-2007, 12:14 PM #103
Originally Posted by Renesis
Satan, Lucifer, is the wisdom, I will always refer back to him being the true bearer of light!
For through satanism one questions EVERYTHING and draws his own conclusions. Through Satanism one believes and worships oneself as a god, when you can see the world for what it really is, and realize how easy it is to corrupt, you can then use this for your further personal gain, people are so easy to manipulate out here, you'd be surprised! So thus in having this knowledge I'm not blinded like all these other ignorant people out here!
09-20-2007, 12:32 PM #104
I wouldn't ever choose to follow a religion that is named after the epitome of evil. Maybe it's just me...
09-20-2007, 12:43 PM #105
I hate speaking about religion as well....especially when people think THEIR religion is BEST....not saying anyone here thinks that but that always seems to be the consensus when someone brings religion up.
I will only say this, to me, it's all about treating others the way YOU want to be treated, giving back, and living a moral life.....those are the principles that I think GOD will judge someone upon.
I'm a Christian btw.
09-20-2007, 12:45 PM #106
Originally Posted by audis4
Why not treat people as YOU are treated, if someone treats me like shit well they'll be in a whole nother dimension of pain to have crossed my path! That's what us satanist believe!
09-20-2007, 12:50 PM #107
i am c total 100% athiest, always will be. my main problem is that religion prevents people from doing what people naturally do- discover!
we are a species that do not like not knowing (imagine going to the doctor and being really really ill only for him to tell you he doesnt know what it is- you would panic)
religion holds people back and tells people to jsut see things as that religions gods doing!
for me, there is too much to question in religion (excuse my ignorance but mainly christianity, but only because i know more of it because of where i live and what i was taught at school!) that accepting it as gods doing just makes no sense
09-20-2007, 12:53 PM #108
Originally Posted by unclemoney
09-20-2007, 12:54 PM #109
cant we just live with morals assigned by man rather than trying to please someone (ie God)
09-20-2007, 12:56 PM #110
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Originally Posted by unclemoney
09-20-2007, 12:58 PM #111
Originally Posted by NotSmall
btw, did you know satan can't read your mind....forgot where I heard that but ill try to look it up
09-20-2007, 01:00 PM #112
Originally Posted by unclemoney
No offense, but if you walked up challenging me I wouldn't be frightened in the least.
Then, say you wouldn't plan on fighting me. Say, you might wanna ambush me and "jump" me with a horde of satanists. Or bust out a window on my car, shoot me, etc...
Have you ever been to prison? Hell, have you ever even been to county? Guys would have a field day with you in there.
I'm glad you've found something that you agree with, but stop trying to push it onto others.
09-20-2007, 01:00 PM #113
Originally Posted by audis4
09-20-2007, 01:01 PM #114
Originally Posted by Titleist
09-20-2007, 01:04 PM #115
Originally Posted by nirish_mark20
09-20-2007, 01:07 PM #116
Originally Posted by nirish_mark20
I'm tired of educating the ignorant! But I feel a strong will to at least lead the ones who are so close to the true light into it!
09-20-2007, 01:09 PM #117
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Originally Posted by unclemoney
You've been into it for a few days and you're talking like you're a bloody prophet!
09-20-2007, 01:11 PM #118
Originally Posted by nirish_mark20
There are extremists in every religion. We don't need any around our steroid board- Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Satanists, etc...
09-20-2007, 01:13 PM #119
Originally Posted by Titleist
Oh how I wish I could square off with you in real life. Let you know this... I have been to jail, I have been to juvey, And I will tell you the first 3 weeks of basic training was FAR WORSE than EITHER!!! so don't tell me about how you're going to **** me up, etc.
Look, I'm trying to keep this a peaceful conversation, but by no means am I a "peaceful" person. Just I feel SOOO ****ING STRONGLY about my views!!!! I want to keep this discussion going so it can be informative to other people. So please lets not bash each other persay but question each others belief's (wow did I just say please?!?!?!)
A satanist know's when to let his true colors show and when not to for this is the perfect example. Why would I full fledge out do something that could get a harmless thread closed or get people worked into a dither??? I by no means can be offended by anyone on here just that my oppinions are held soooo dam close it might come off the wrong way to most!
moving on...
09-20-2007, 01:14 PM #120
Originally Posted by unclemoney
You start this thread, change your location, and all of a sudden you're some sort of Messiah? Gimme a break.
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