Are you actually typing these words?Originally Posted by unclemoney
What are you trying to pull here, by no means was I attacking you, but your posts are a dirrect attack to me!!! I won't stand for this!!!
Oh how I wish I could square off with you in real life. Let you know this... I have been to jail, I have been to juvey, And I will tell you the first 3 weeks of basic training was FAR WORSE than EITHER!!! so don't tell me about how you're going to **** me up, etc.
Look, I'm trying to keep this a peaceful conversation, but by no means am I a "peaceful" person. Just I feel SOOO ****ING STRONGLY about my views!!!! I want to keep this discussion going so it can be informative to other people. So please lets not bash each other persay but question each others belief's (wow did I just say please?!?!?!)
A satanist know's when to let his true colors show and when not to for this is the perfect example. Why would I full fledge out do something that could get a harmless thread closed or get people worked into a dither??? I by no means can be offended by anyone on here just that my oppinions are held soooo dam close it might come off the wrong way to most!
moving on...