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Thread: the satanic bible and satanism

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    What are you trying to pull here, by no means was I attacking you, but your posts are a dirrect attack to me!!! I won't stand for this!!!

    Oh how I wish I could square off with you in real life. Let you know this... I have been to jail, I have been to juvey, And I will tell you the first 3 weeks of basic training was FAR WORSE than EITHER!!! so don't tell me about how you're going to **** me up, etc.

    Look, I'm trying to keep this a peaceful conversation, but by no means am I a "peaceful" person. Just I feel SOOO ****ING STRONGLY about my views!!!! I want to keep this discussion going so it can be informative to other people. So please lets not bash each other persay but question each others belief's (wow did I just say please?!?!?!)

    A satanist know's when to let his true colors show and when not to for this is the perfect example. Why would I full fledge out do something that could get a harmless thread closed or get people worked into a dither??? I by no means can be offended by anyone on here just that my oppinions are held soooo dam close it might come off the wrong way to most!


    moving on...
    Are you actually typing these words?

  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by Titleist
    Way to generalize. Not all Christians try to tout their religion as best.

    There are extremists in every religion. We don't need any around our steroid board- Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Satanists, etc...
    whoa whoa whoa... This thread is purely for informational purposes only!!! If you don't like it well then STOP READING!!! If I affend you well then TOO BAD!!! You're in this thread by your OWN FREE WILL!!!

    I happen to use this board to obtain knowledge (I ****ing love knowledge). I learn from the board on Diet, supplements, workingout, roids, juice, pct, etc, etc, etc... The same reasons we're all here...

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    What are you trying to pull here, by no means was I attacking you, but your posts are a dirrect attack to me!!! I won't stand for this!!!The aren't a direct attack. I posted my views. Don't be so sensitive.

    Oh how I wish I could square off with you in real life. Let you know this... I have been to jail, I have been to juvey, And I will tell you the first 3 weeks of basic training was FAR WORSE than EITHER!!! so don't tell me about how you're going to **** me up, etc.
    I never said I'd **** you up. I only said you wouldn't scare me whatsoever. I'm not going to argue with you over who could beat who up, because honestly it's pointless.

    Look, I'm trying to keep this a peaceful conversation, but by no means am I a "peaceful" person. Just I feel SOOO ****ING STRONGLY about my views!!!! I want to keep this discussion going so it can be informative to other people. So please lets not bash each other persay but question each others belief's (wow did I just say please?!?!?!)Here you go...You want to inform people? Then, why when someone asks you a question do you tell them to look it up? At least do some informing.

    A satanist know's when to let his true colors show and when not to for this is the perfect example. Why would I full fledge out do something that could get a harmless thread closed or get people worked into a dither??? I by no means can be offended by anyone on here just that my oppinions are held soooo dam close it might come off the wrong way to most!


    moving on...

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    whoa whoa whoa... This thread is purely for informational purposes only!!! If you don't like it well then STOP READING!!! If I affend you well then TOO BAD!!! You're in this thread by your OWN FREE WILL!!!

    I happen to use this board to obtain knowledge (I ****ing love knowledge). I learn from the board on Diet, supplements, workingout, roids, juice, pct, etc, etc, etc... The same reasons we're all here...
    If the thread is for informational purposes then how come when I ask you a question rather than answer it you call me a ignorant and tell me to find out for myself? - Well of course I'm ignorant (look the word up, I think you're misusing it) of the subject matter at hand or I wouldn't ask questions would I?

    You are obviously easily influenced/taken in and have thrown your weight behind something which you do not understand, look a little deeper...

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    If the thread is for informational purposes then how come when I ask you a question rather than answer it you call me a ignorant and tell me to find out for myself? - Well of course I'm ignorant (look the word up, I think you're misusing it) of the subject matter at hand or I wouldn't ask questions would I?

    You are obviously easily influenced/taken in and have thrown your weight behind something which you do not understand, look a little deeper...
    Tiny, don't get all worked up. You may burst a blood vessel!

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    If the thread is for informational purposes then how come when I ask you a question rather than answer it you call me a ignorant and tell me to find out for myself? - Well of course I'm ignorant (look the word up, I think you're misusing it) of the subject matter at hand or I wouldn't ask questions would I?

    You are obviously easily influenced/taken in and have thrown your weight behind something which you do not understand, look a little deeper...
    Just like how EVERY OTHER PERSON on this board will tell a NEWBIE asking NEWB questions to go search for the answers on there own, please one person tell me they havn't seen sum1 say this to sum1 at one time or another???

    The whole reason I started this thread was for the fact to see who my fellow satanist were on this board and for the knowledgeable (knowledgeable refering to one of having knowledge of satanism) vs. having people that have no idea what it is asking questions and making me explain everything!

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by Titleist
    Tiny, don't get all worked up. You may burst a blood vessel!
    It's cool baby, I'm not remotely worked up - more amused actually by how excited and evangelical our colleague has become so quickly despite apparently not really knowing much about his new found belief system...

  8. #128
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    ALSO!!! to go on to say I don't know anything on the subject...

    Go back to Post number1... did I not state (or something very similar to what im about to say) that "the satanic bible" was like reading a book in which all my EXACT THOUGHTS on life were written down and into and described a bit more in detail. That's how it didn't take me long to realize what I was!

    So that's why I have such a vast knowledge on the subject, though I might be new to the term "satanism" or "satanist" or "satan" persay, I definately know the philosophy behind it, which is why I'm able to speak about it so abundently! Because b4 I willingly ever said I was a satanist, I definately lived and had the same exact views that a satanist did!

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    It's cool baby, I'm not remotely worked up - more amused actually by how excited and evangelical our colleague has become so quickly despite apparently not really knowing much about his new found belief system...
    We're on the same page man.

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    If the thread is for informational purposes then how come when I ask you a question rather than answer it you call me a ignorant and tell me to find out for myself? - Well of course I'm ignorant (look the word up, I think you're misusing it) of the subject matter at hand or I wouldn't ask questions would I?

    You are obviously easily influenced/taken in and have thrown your weight behind something which you do not understand, look a little deeper...
    Oh and about the purely informational purposes, I'm trying to keep it thus, purely informational... However it's informational for the ALREADY informed. Ie; a supplement to already knowledgeable subjects! How I was implying this thread was informational, it was intended to be informative for ME!!! As with satanists ones pure motives are for the betterment of oneself, numero uno. So it shouldn't come to shock that's what I meant by it!

    I didn't come here to preach to others, I just wanted to recognize my fellow satanist. And to those who hath oppinions against it or want to challange me to the duel of religions go ahead as I will shake the very foundations of your religion and make you rethink everything for which you have ever stood for!

  11. #131
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    I think its time to lock this shit up.

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    I think its time to lock this shit up.
    I saw this happening... Or so I was told through a "grapevine" hahahaha and lets say the owner of this grapevine is a fat ninja! hahaha. Anyways... all threads that deal with any shred of religion always end up getting closed. They also end up chasing circles around each other or more of a mere "barking up a tree" persay.

  13. #133
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    Yes, it sure is.

    Enough of this my internet penis is bigger than your BS.....
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  14. #134
    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    I think its time to lock this shit up.
    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    I saw this happening... Or so I was told through a "grapevine" hahahaha and lets say the owner of this grapevine is a fat ninja! hahaha. Anyways... all threads that deal with any shred of religion always end up getting closed. They also end up chasing circles around each other or more of a mere "barking up a tree" persay.
    Religious discussions are allowed. The thread will remain open.

    Completely Cleanse Your Body of Steroids in Only 5 Days!

  15. #135
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    my only problem is it seems like you have read the satanic bible and now you seem to be acting like you know everything and you are the all mighty prophet or something and you are trying to tell us to open our eyes to the the way you believe...that is pushing, religion is right imo and none of them are wrong is up to each individual to choose what is best for them like you have and i have as well, but when you say yours is right and we are blind, well that is just ignorant...

  16. #136
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    and stop using the word sounds

  17. #137
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    What would a religious thread be without having at least 1 post from Mavs? Well here it is.

    You are what you are because of what you believe in. It's not your job to convince to the others as to what you believe in. The only thing that you have to worry about is when you find yourself having to convince YOURSELF as to what you believe in. Because it's through crisis that we learn the most about ourselves and what we believe in. We allow ourselves to survive crisis by sticking with what we believe in. Having faith is believing, regardless of what you believe in.


  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    It is sweet, nice name by the way!
    You and godk###a are two attention whore's,nice name??Like you would know,who have you killed ?? So your a killer ? lmao.I would love to see what your faith is and how sinister you are ,when facing death,a black scarf and a sword you will squeal like a pig. Then you can truly enjoy your masters work,untill then,I guess you can bask in the light..enjoy
    Last edited by ftony; 09-21-2007 at 10:13 AM.

  19. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by ftony
    You and godkilla are two attention whore's,nice name??Like you would know,who have you killed??So your a killer?lmao.You two are, ah, no name calling.I would love to see what your faith is and how sinister you are ,when facing death,a black scarf and a sword you will squeal like a pig. Then you can truly enjoy your masters work,untill then,I guess you can bask in the light..enjoy
    It's okay, man. We're not called to agree with everything that we hear and everything that we see. We are, however, called to maintain our integrity through our faith. With that in mind, we're less likely to make irresponsible comments. Because frowning upon others is not what makes you who you are.


  20. #140
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    persay.... lol..

  21. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    It's okay, man. We're not called to agree with everything that we hear and everything that we see. We are, however, called to maintain our integrity through our faith. With that in mind, we're less likely to make irresponsible comments. Because frowning upon others is not what makes you who you are.

    Your right,thank you for the reality check..I read crap like this and get very angry...I Wonder why the name godki##a is OK,would the name babykiller be OK as well???But your right,to spare myself more anger and probably getting banned,I wont look at this again.Not worth my time.Thanks again dude ..

  22. #142
    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB
    and stop using the word sounds
    BWhahahahaha... Everytime I read it, I just picture some "Trench Coat Mafia" kind of kid with painted black finger nails.
    Last edited by Mogamedogz; 09-21-2007 at 10:48 AM.

  23. #143

  24. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by pewntang
    persay.... lol..

    Quote Originally Posted by ftony
    Your right,thank you for the reality check..I read crap like this and get very angry...I Wonder why the name godki##a is OK,would the name babykiller be OK as well???But your right,to spare myself more anger and probably getting banned,I wont look at this again.Not worth my time.Thanks again dude ..
    Look man I'm not here to argue... And I have realized I was trying to push my views. However in what I hold true, there is no god (except for oneself) so if in fact there is no "god" what is wrong. By you admiting your "anger" that's not a supposed "good" thing in your religion if you are the religion im guessing you. Anger is just another human emotion, and even though it isn't excepted in the christian community and such it truely does show your dedication to it for you believe in your religion enough that it would piss you off enough to get banned on a forums defending it...

    however this thread isn't designed at bashing other religions. I went back over and have read previous stuff I have said, all of which I hold very VERY true. However I realize I was trying to "push" persay (persay lol ) which I'll admit I'm sorry for as that was not intended.

    Just that I've been between being an aetheist and a christian for a long time. And when I finally read this book, I knew from the first few pages, because it was like I myself had written this book. It was then that I was able to denounce my old religion and get rid of my spiritual "crutch". For maybe not to you guys, but christianity was a true blindfold to me! Which is why I'm now a Satanist

  25. #145
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    I got a headache and now I'm leaving only made it till the first of page 2

  26. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB
    and stop using the word sounds
    Well I wasn't going to go there but since you have - it's not persay it's per se and he keeps using it out of context...

  27. #147
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    Well I wasn't going to go there but since you have - it's not persay it's per se and he keeps using it out of context...
    well thank you, I was wondering how the **** to spell that word, I searched on and nothing came up, I knew there in fact was a word "per se". Thanks for sheding some light

  28. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    However in what I hold true, there is no god (except for oneself)
    OK, this is something I'm confused about so help me out (rather than just calling me ignorant! ) - you refer to satan as not being an actual being but rather satan is representative of flesh or us ourselves, also you say there is no God and yet you say that satan is lucifer so this is what gets me confused - lucifer was surely a fallen angel, a cherub cast out of heaven by God himself so surely your ackowledgement that satan is lucifer is also an acknowledgement that lucifer is an actual entity and that God does exist.

  29. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    well thank you, I was wondering how the **** to spell that word, I searched on and nothing came up, I knew there in fact was a word "per se". Thanks for sheding some light
    My pleasure! - Now stop saying it!

  30. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    OK, this is something I'm confused about so help me out (rather than just calling me ignorant! ) - you refer to satan as not being an actual being but rather satan is representative of flesh or us ourselves, also you say there is no God and yet you say that satan is lucifer so this is what gets me confused - lucifer was surely a fallen angel, a cherub cast out of heaven by God himself so surely your ackowledgement that satan is lucifer is also an acknowledgement that lucifer is an actual entity and that God does exist.
    No see, we love symbolism and metaphors. We play or make a mockery out of modern day religions for there willingness to follow such religions without even questioning. aka having "faith" instead of asking questions and seeking answers for oneself.

    However satan is in fact the flesh and as for lucifer that is purely a metaphor... Hey if the bible wants to admit that lucifer was the bearer of light and knowledge, it could just be there metaphor for people with a free will who question everything and prefer truth rather than a manufactured lie. So we'll just play off of the fact of that, not the fact that he does exist. A lot of it is just a play on words!

    The bible says it's sin that lives within the flesh, and that mankind is sinful and such. Hey I'm not going to stand for that. I'm going to embrace the fact that I am who I am and that there's nothing wrong with it. I'm not going to say the ultimate sin is being my true self, man **** that.

  31. #151
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    Also if your thinking in terms of metaphors... I'm not trying to offend anyone here but just think about this... Say the bible is like I say it is, a manufactured lie, which different people sat around and choose what and what not to put in the bible, or even the prophets and such who wrote the bible. For maybe they knew the true thinkers and questioners with free wills would be able to see threw the religion, and thus they used the metaphor of lucifer.

  32. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by ftony
    Your right,thank you for the reality check..I read crap like this and get very angry...I Wonder why the name godki##a is OK,would the name babykiller be OK as well???But your right,to spare myself more anger and probably getting banned,I wont look at this again.Not worth my time.Thanks again dude ..
    Godkilla is way more acceptable then babykilla ... that comparison is horrible are you kidding me? Babies are our children offspring of us!!! God is a entity that some believe in along with that Gods are also all over the world in different religions. You know you have Zeus, Athena etc... So saying you are a Godkilla in that sense is just more so of a I am a badass kinda thing. Saying your a childkiller is just sick and twisted .... I mean go play the game God of War and go kill some Gods

  33. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by Renesis
    Godkilla is way more acceptable then babykilla ... that comparison is horrible are you kidding me? Babies are our children offspring of us!!! God is a entity that some believe in along with that Gods are also all over the world in different religions. You know you have Zeus, Athena etc... So saying you are a Godkilla in that sense is just more so of a I am a badass kinda thing. Saying your a childkiller is just sick and twisted .... I mean go play the game God of War and go kill some Gods
    I got stuck in that game hahahaha. But I've made up for it in real life lol

  34. #154
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    are we aloud to make religion threads? cuz, i have come up with a great question that i think will make for great intellectual discussions

  35. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    No see, we love symbolism and metaphors. We play or make a mockery out of modern day religions for there willingness to follow such religions without even questioning. aka having "faith" instead of asking questions and seeking answers for oneself.

    However satan is in fact the flesh and as for lucifer that is purely a metaphor... Hey if the bible wants to admit that lucifer was the bearer of light and knowledge, it could just be there metaphor for people with a free will who question everything and prefer truth rather than a manufactured lie. So we'll just play off of the fact of that, not the fact that he does exist. A lot of it is just a play on words!

    The bible says it's sin that lives within the flesh, and that mankind is sinful and such. Hey I'm not going to stand for that. I'm going to embrace the fact that I am who I am and that there's nothing wrong with it. I'm not going to say the ultimate sin is being my true self, man **** that.
    OK but in previous posts when you refer to lucifer you say "he" and "him" and say he is the bearer of light etc - kinda sounds like a person...

    If he is not a person however, but just a metaphor then where did your "religion" and it's rules/principles come from? - Did someone just sit down and write down the basic principles of being self centred?

    Do satanists believe in anything other than the flesh? i.e. is there any "afterlife" and if so what qualifies one for it?

    You say above that you do not like the bible saying that sin lives within the flesh - look around the world at all the terrible things people do to one another - if sin is not within the flesh then where is it? - or are all these terrible things not sins to you and are acceptable because they are just people being their true selves?

    And if the satanist's answer to someone wronging them is to spite them back then where does it all end? - with us all descending into a spiral of revenge and retribution? Showing kindness to someone who wrongs you is not a sign of weakness or cowardice - it is a sign of strength and courage and breaks the cycle of revenge and retribution and if more people were of this mindset then the world would improve whereas your mindset can only make things worse and send the world downhill.

    What is the aim/goal of satanism, what hope does it offer?

  36. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    I got stuck in that game hahahaha. But I've made up for it in real life lol
    Loser that game is easy to beat :P

  37. #157
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    Religion threads are allowed. Flaming people in them is not.

    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04

    are we aloud to make religion threads? cuz, i have come up with a great question that i think will make for great intellectual discussions

  38. #158
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    Never understood the locking thing for discussions... are the people offended really unable to physically control themselves from clicking on the thread?

    Also, Unclemoney... I read your arguments and I'd have to say that it doesn't sound convincing to me at all. I believe in DNA base pairs and the laws of atoms and mathematics. ;D

  39. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serotonin
    Never understood the locking thing for discussions... are the people offended really unable to physically control themselves from clicking on the thread?

    Also, Unclemoney... I read your arguments and I'd have to say that it doesn't sound convincing to me at all. I believe in DNA base pairs and the laws of atoms and mathematics. ;D
    There you go, truth lies within math, atoms, science, etc!!! We try to grow in our knowledge and understanding. The more we understand, the better!

  40. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    Religion threads are allowed. Flaming people in them is not.

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