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Thread: the satanic bible and satanism

  1. #161
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    OK but in previous posts when you refer to lucifer you say "he" and "him" and say he is the bearer of light etc - kinda sounds like a person...

    If he is not a person however, but just a metaphor then where did your "religion" and it's rules/principles come from? - Did someone just sit down and write down the basic principles of being self centred?

    Do satanists believe in anything other than the flesh? i.e. is there any "afterlife" and if so what qualifies one for it?

    You say above that you do not like the bible saying that sin lives within the flesh - look around the world at all the terrible things people do to one another - if sin is not within the flesh then where is it? - or are all these terrible things not sins to you and are acceptable because they are just people being their true selves?

    And if the satanist's answer to someone wronging them is to spite them back then where does it all end? - with us all descending into a spiral of revenge and retribution? Showing kindness to someone who wrongs you is not a sign of weakness or cowardice - it is a sign of strength and courage and breaks the cycle of revenge and retribution and if more people were of this mindset then the world would improve whereas your mindset can only make things worse and send the world downhill.

    What is the aim/goal of satanism, what hope does it offer?
    The first part... like I said, metaphor...

    You ask if he's just a metaphor were did he come from??? Well like I said, man has always created gods, and man has also purged his gods. Ie; take for example the old pagan gods of the day, then another man comes along and makes up new gods, and to get rid of the OLD ones they cast them down saying they're "devils" or such. Do a search on wikipedia and see how many different names come up, that's how all devils get created, just like Lucifer and satan. That's why satan traces back to the dawn of man. He has had many names but all in all are the same!

    As for the afterlife, it is stated in the satanic bible chapter 10: "life after death through fulfillment of the ego" No techniqally we don't know if there is life after death. But we don't believe in wasting your whole life to please a god for the unknown afterlife. Also take for instance in impoverished countries it's easy to see how they have teachings of denial of the ego to get people to accept were they're at. Then that's were reincarnation comes in, they are able to accept were they're at because there able to think that in their next life they will be higher up or better. That's how they get their ego fulfillment however us Satanist don't need to play the self-deceitful games.

    As for sin and the flesh... I agree, it is true there are things that are wrong, immoral and such. However I'm not going to say being myself is a sin, I'm not going to say my flesh is the ultimate sin, if you wana lable it that way, then I chose sin. However to us satanist if you want us to use the term sin well then there are things that are immoral and such, and we are able to recognize this.

    As for that last big chunk of your statement. If you choose to be kind to someone who wrongs you, hey, nothing wrong with that if that's how you are... However I for one could never live like that. (ie; if someone screws me over and I ever get the chance to return the favor... they deserve it, I'm not going to leave it to "god" when I can do something myself)

    You ask what hope does Satanism have to offer??? Satanist don't "hope" we don't "hope" for anything, we perform. I believe hoping for something is weak, why hope for something, why not go out there and DO SOMETHING! Satanism offers joy through doing what you love, doing for yourself, self fulfillment, pride, the ego, etc. For are you truely happy when you live for someone else, even if that someone else is god??? I know I'm not, and I won't be a hypocrit either... That's why I choose Satanism

  2. #162
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    through what mechanism does majic work?

  3. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04

    through what mechanism does majic work?
    I'll pull the definition straight from the book "the change of situations or events in accordance with one's will, which would, using normally accepted methods, be unchangeable"

    Therefore, a perfect example of magic would be to decieve and manipulate people.

  4. #164
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    God was created out of ignorance and fear.

  5. #165
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    Also applying what I just said above, and as stated maybe a page or 2 back saying how LaVey himself was this way and how I was deceived into believing in what I believe in... Which is why I'll reference back to my first post, it was like reading a book my thoughts had written, for I was not deceived into being this way I already had these views and this philosophy down before

  6. #166
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    I'll pull the definition straight from the book "the change of situations or events in accordance with one's will, which would, using normally accepted methods, be unchangeable"

    Therefore, a perfect example of magic would be to decieve and manipulate people.

    so, your will can influence certain events by process of ritual.......that makes magic a supernatural power.......How can you have a supernatural power without a higher being?

  7. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    Well like I said, man has always created gods if man has always created gods like you say here...then is that not possible with your religion....

    I am glad you realized that you were getting pushy and thats why your thread was locked cause it went from a conversation to a flaming argument and was going to get worse....the way it is now is great and could go on for pages....i am very happy you have found areligion that you believe and is for you....

  8. #168
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    has anyone seen my steroids i seem to have lost them

  9. #169
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    Quote Originally Posted by scaramouche
    has anyone seen my steroids i seem to have lost them
    did they magically disappear?

  10. #170
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    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB if man has always created gods like you say here...then is that not possible with your religion....
    Well... in Satanism oneself is a God, therefore you view the living essence of yourself, a god.

  11. #171
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    The first part... like I said, metaphor...

    You ask if he's just a metaphor were did he come from??? Well like I said, man has always created gods, and man has also purged his gods. Ie; take for example the old pagan gods of the day, then another man comes along and makes up new gods, and to get rid of the OLD ones they cast them down saying they're "devils" or such. Do a search on wikipedia and see how many different names come up, that's how all devils get created, just like Lucifer and satan. That's why satan traces back to the dawn of man. He has had many names but all in all are the same!
    Why keep saying he? - I know metaphors can be useful to illustrate something but if "he" does not really exist why the need to keep using the metaphor constantly - explain the point of all this without using any metaphors or refferring to "him".

    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    As for the afterlife, it is stated in the satanic bible chapter 10: "life after death through fulfillment of the ego" No techniqally we don't know if there is life after death. But we don't believe in wasting your whole life to please a god for the unknown afterlife. Also take for instance in impoverished countries it's easy to see how they have teachings of denial of the ego to get people to accept were they're at. Then that's were reincarnation comes in, they are able to accept were they're at because there able to think that in their next life they will be higher up or better. That's how they get their ego fulfillment however us Satanist don't need to play the self-deceitful games.
    I realise I am just seeing a snippet out of context but what on earth is that (in bold) supposed to mean? - Please yourself and you'll live forever?
    Well I too think the caste system is a con but an argument against one other specific religion is not justification for another.

    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    As for sin and the flesh... I agree, it is true there are things that are wrong, immoral and such. However I'm not going to say being myself is a sin, I'm not going to say my flesh is the ultimate sin, if you wana lable it that way, then I chose sin. However to us satanist if you want us to use the term sin well then there are things that are immoral and such, and we are able to recognize this.
    Being yourself is only a sin if you choose to do sinful things, by "sin" I mean morally reprehensible things like lies, deceit, stealing, murder, adultery - these are "sins" or just plain wrong whatever way you want to dress it up or whatever religion you do or don't subscribe to.
    The more I hear about this the less it seems like a religion and the more it just seems like being completely self absorbed and doing whatever you damn please irrespective of how it affects others - there are plenty of people in the world doing this already who don't feel the need to overcomplicate it and dress it up under the banner of "satanism"

    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    As for that last big chunk of your statement. If you choose to be kind to someone who wrongs you, hey, nothing wrong with that if that's how you are... However I for one could never live like that. (ie; if someone screws me over and I ever get the chance to return the favor... they deserve it, I'm not going to leave it to "god" when I can do something myself)
    I said nothing of leaving it to God, I am not coming at this as a Christian and it's not about revenge or retribution and getting God to smite them back - you have a warped "eye for an eye" mentality which just leaves everybody blind! - An old joke I know but as you like your metaphors dwell on that one for a minute, your way of thinking (and I'm repeating myself now) can only lead to a downward spiral of spite and revenge - where would it end?

    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    You ask what hope does Satanism have to offer??? Satanist don't "hope" we don't "hope" for anything, we perform. I believe hoping for something is weak, why hope for something, why not go out there and DO SOMETHING! Satanism offers joy through doing what you love, doing for yourself, self fulfillment, pride, the ego, etc. For are you truely happy when you live for someone else, even if that someone else is god??? I know I'm not, and I won't be a hypocrit either... That's why I choose Satanism
    You are (clumsily) twisting my words, I did not ask what satanists sit around and hope for, I asked...

    "What is the aim/goal of satanism, what hope does it offer?"

    ...and you took the word "hope", went on a ramble with it and in no way attempted to answer my question, if you cannot differentiate between the two different uses of the word "hope" the concentrate on the first half of the question.

  12. #172
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    their cant be hope with this notsmall

    satanism is a form of atheism.....with no afternife, their can be no hope........what he means by fullfilling his ego here on earth, goes by my interpretation.....

    the next best thing to living an afterlife, is dieing on top

    basically, at death, he will have the satisfaction of knowing all of the things he achieved, and material things he had, and joy, and pleasure he had on earth......he dies knowing he lived his life to the absolute fullest.....he fullfilled his ego, which brings him comfort at death

  13. #173
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    unclemoney, please comment on post 166

  14. #174
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    Hey, good luck with that one condition! Lol. In my understanding of Satanism, it's anti-Christian and anti-hypocrisy both of which seem like overlapping concerns. It's been a while but I also had the impression that it's kind of an ego-religion. By that I mean, it's practical and it's about free will and self-interest - which seem at variance with social interest but in as far as it's against hurting others - maybe it promotes win-win over win-lose. In many ways, I think of typical Christians as "lip service" people and authentic Satanists in practice - at least in some ways.

    The images or metaphore of satan is, as I recall, pro-nature. The snake represents the carnal while Jesus or God are symbols for ideals or abstract thinking in general. The stuff of the sky! By contrast, Satanism is more "down to earth." So in as much as I'm right about the above, I'd say there are elements of Satanism I can appreciate (just as there are elements of Christianity I can appreciate - abstract thought has put man on the moon). Ultimately, I'd trust a typical Satanist over a typical Christian any day! Darkness definately has a way of cloaking itself in white.

    Someone below said something about using the metaphore of Satan - he raised the question that if Satan doesn't exist than why is "he" constantly referred to. To anyone who thinks this way, make up a non-sense word. Does something new come into existence beyond the word? If Darth Vader is constantly referred to as a metaphor, do we run the risk of Darth Vader literally existing and reaking havok on people?

    I think the image of Satan is a perfect one. The metaphore of Satan can also represent "the maverick" or the anti-Christian or anti-establishment in general. I think that true life lies beyond the status-quo so in many ways the image of Satan is more lively as it challenges the status-quo and general corruption of many established institutions. Take for example, the executive branch of the current "Christian" influenced administration.

    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    Just wonder who on AR is a satanist???

    I just so happened to read the book and discovered I was one.

    It was quiet amazing to read this book because it was basicly my philosophy and outlooks on life, same exact ones, just that someone took the time to sit down and write them out in greater details.

    No satanism isn't what religion classifies it as it has nothing to do with the worshiping of satan, the sacrifcing of unbaptized babies, raping, murder, or anything else unmoral of that sort...

    Don't give me the hardships of your religion and try to say how I'm wrong or how you feel for me...

    I feel truely enlightened (ie; having my eyes opened and my own views to the ways of the world) for finding my own path, if your path happens to be christianity or buddhism or whatever. Then so be it, to each his own, what might be the way of one man isn't quite the way of the other. Satanism is finding that path to which you belong to, which can differ from person to person so no satanist is completely alike. So long as what you do doesn't hurt, harm, or affect other people in a negative way.

    I'm sorry but satanism is nothing how the modern religions describe it nor is it in any terms what hollywood classifies it as. In fact satanism doesn't believe in the existence of "satan" persay... Just the fact that the word for the flesh and earthly things happens to be such.

    So, who are my fellow satanist's on AR???

    If you choose to post against and in argument to satanism well feel free to, under one condition, NO IGNORANT POSTS PLEASE!!! If you want to shoot satanism out of the sky well then do so with the proper knowledge, nothing I hate more than ignorant people. I love knowledge, and I love to grow in knowledge and learn about the things I love.
    Last edited by Mike Dura; 09-21-2007 at 05:04 PM.

  15. #175
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Dura
    Hey, good luck with that one condition! Lol. In my understanding of Satanism, it's anti-Christian and anti-hypocrisy both of which seem like overlapping concerns. It's been a while but I also had the impression that it's kind of an ego-religion. By that I mean, it's practical and it's about free will and self-interest - which seem at variance with social interest but in as far as it's against hurting others - maybe it promotes win-win over win-lose. In many ways, I think of typical Christians as "lip service" Christians and authentic Satanists in practice - at least in some ways.

    The images or metaphore of satan is, as I recall, pro-nature. The snake represents the carnal while Jesus or God are symbols for ideals or abstract thinking in general. The stuff of the sky! By contrast, Satanism is more "down to earth." So in as much as I'm right about the above, I'd say there are elements of Satanism I can appreciate (just as there are elements of Christianity I can appreciate). Nevertheless, I'd trust a typical Satanist over a typical Christian any day! Darkness definately has a way of cloaking itself in white.
    Very well put!

  16. #176
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04
    so, your will can influence certain events by process of ritual.......that makes magic a supernatural power.......How can you have a supernatural power without a higher being?
    Lets see if I can attempt to explain this... As I don't have a complete grasp on this but satanism is to each his own. But from my understanding and what is said in the satanic bible.

    People need rituals in religions... It helps restore confidence in power.

    *satanist standpoint view* taken straight out of "the satanic bible" "a Satanic temple might be considered a training school for temporary ignorance, as are all religious services! The difference is the satanist knows he is practicing a form of contrived ignorance in order to expand his will"

    I'm currently reading "the satanic rituals" so as I read I should expand my knowledge on the subject and hopefully be able to answer this question.

  17. #177


    this can go on and on but the truth is U/we don't know were we will go after we pass point blank....this is what I go by,I feel that after I pass I will go to god, and we will review my life,good times and bad to c how I treated ppl and ppl treated me and we will decide where I go...IMO only

  18. #178
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    i have a strong reason to believe ghosts exist..... a VERY strong reason

    which leads me to believe in after life, which leads me to believe in jesus christ

  19. #179
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04
    i have a strong reason to believe ghosts exist..... a VERY strong reason

    which leads me to believe in after life, which leads me to believe in jesus christ
    If you wouldn't mind, shed some light on your reasoning as to why they exist.

  20. #180
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    Ok have heard alot about this thread .. Way to long for me to start reading now lol.. So can I get a brief summary of whats all going on here ??

    Thanks !!


  21. #181
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merc.
    Ok have heard alot about this thread .. Way to long for me to start reading now lol.. So can I get a brief summary of whats all going on here ??

    Thanks !!

    It would be worth your read!

  22. #182
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    Unclemoney, You said in an earlier post that anger isn't part of the Christian community. If you know about the bible as much as u claim, then you'd know that Jesus never said EVERY type of anger is wrong. He even became angry at the money lenders in the Temple because they were taking advantage of people (which you claim is acceptable). Christianity isn't opposed to justified anger. Also in reference to forgiveness being a sign of weakness. Just take a look at the Amish community that forgave the killer of their family members (the young girls that were shot to death in their school). Those people have got to be some of the STRONGEST people in order to forgive in that way. Jesus said that if we only love those who love us, what reward is there in doing that? In other words, it's easy to love those who love us, but difficult to love our enemies.

  23. #183
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    Quote Originally Posted by Texsun
    Unclemoney, You said in an earlier post that anger isn't part of the Christian community. If you know about the bible as much as u claim, then you'd know that Jesus never said EVERY type of anger is wrong. He even became angry at the money lenders in the Temple because they were taking advantage of people (which you claim is acceptable). Christianity isn't opposed to justified anger. Also in reference to forgiveness being a sign of weakness. Just take a look at the Amish community that forgave the killer of their family members (the young girls that were shot to death in their school). Those people have got to be some of the STRONGEST people in order to forgive in that way. Jesus said that if we only love those who love us, what reward is there in doing that? In other words, it's easy to love those who love us, but difficult to love our enemies.
    If you loved the killer of your daughter as did the amish, well then there must be something truely wrong with them! For who loves the killer of a beloved one???

  24. #184
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    If you wouldn't mind, shed some light on your reasoning as to why they exist.

    incident number 1

    - in my grandparents condo, in the bedroom......we have every electronic applianced completely unplugged.......their is no cop cars anywhere in the corner of the bedroom, at odd hours of the night, you can hear a womans voice rambling on and on.......its like their is somone in the room is unmistakingly a woman's voice, but muffled just enough so you cannot hear all of her words........their is a strange breakup that occurs about every 10 seconds or so, but it doesnt seem that she stops talking during these split second break ups..............the day we burried my grandfather, my family slept over at the condo, my mom slept the night in my grandfathers bed, the room this happens......she awoke to the rambling woman, freaked out, woke some of us up to go witness it for aunt, my grandma, my mom, and I all got to witness this first hand............according to grandma, it comes and goes, it happens on pretty random nights. my family is Catholic, and when ever i bring it up, they wont comment on what the think is going on......we think it might be radio waves coming from some waves need a speaker, we have no idea a. where radio waves could be coming from, and b. what could be playing the windows were closed the ac was on.....their may be a more logical explanation, but at this point in time, i think the most rational explanation is clear

    incident 2
    -at my moms work, only a thin wall seperates her office from the the end of the day, her and another lady are left alone in the office as they are the last ones to the end of the day, they often hear abnoxiously loud noises.....its sounds like 200-300 pound chains are falling 20 feet and landing on sounds like several hundred pound things are just spontaniously falling and crashing over.......its very disturbing, very loud......they often go to check the warehouse to find everything in place as if no one is in there.......when my mom and the other lady confronted their boss, she said that their had been a murder in the warehouse, somebody (not sure, possible could have been her father) had been, my mom and the other lady had no knowledge of the tragedy before approaching the boss

    incident 3
    -after the passing of my grandfather, my mom felt a strong strong strong presence, during this time, she was overwhelmingly (however you feel when a loved one dies)......she took it very hard.....the presence lasted for months and months, then once day, it vanished, she cried herself to sleep, and woke up feeling like a million bucks as if everything had been lifted off her shoulders

    incident 4
    -the last time i saw my grandfather, i believe that we underwent a mental was at the hospital, no body expected he was pass the very next day, we knew his time was coming, but we thought he had several more months.....he had alzeimers, so communication was not possible since he was so far into it.........when i left the hospital the day before he passed, we communicated telepathically......I knew it would be the last time, and i was the only one......his eyes said more than you could possible imagine. wouldnt you know, when we got the horrific phone call the next morning, we were 7 minutes to late........I didnt grieve at all, not one once of sadness, thats what he would have wanted

    incident 5
    a dancing ball of light over my crib when i was a baby.

    alot of these stories unfolded after I prayed to God one night "Lord, please, give me some kind of sign of your existance

    i have a couple more things unrelated to ghosts

    um, I know this is the internet, and you dont have to believe me......but i would not have taken the time to type all this up if i was bullshitting.......For what it is worth, you have no reason not to believe any of what I said.......feel free to have opinions, and form your own conclusions, but know that these events have truly taken place and are FACT fact fact

  25. #185
    I'm going to try my hand at this... Seems like an intelligent thread...religion appears to be a very touchy subject with people...

    I'm not too sure about about the whole notion of satanism... It seems like a very logical belief system... I can't help be feel there are underlying themes to it all...not necessarily evil, but not all is exactly as it seems... but in all honesty, i have no grounds for feeling that way, as i've done NO research or reading on it, other than what's in this thread... Seems like something worth studying though....
    On another note, We all have our preset notions of how we need to lead our lives, Religion included. It's all in what we're taught from birth. Very few people break from the beaten path to make their own. By this point in our lives, assuming we've all had at LEAST 20yrs. to make some sort of decision on the matter. No one, is going to change anyone else's mind on how to believe. That being said, All you guys trying to debunk the others thoughts and opinions need to sit back, take a deep breath, and realize... the person you're talking to, believes, what they believe... plain and simple. YOU are not going to change their mind, by trying to belittle or talk down about their thoughts, opinions, or relgion... In order to have a civilized and intelligent conversation, it takes understanding, comprimise, (i hate this cliche'), and an OPEN MIND (FROM BOTH PARTIES)... now THAT being said...

    I myself am on the fence, on the whole believing in god/satan stuff. I was born and raised in a christian home, my grandfather being a baptist preacher, my mother still leading the christian lifestyle. At one point, I considered myself saved. Until i kept feeling as if i was lying to myself each and every sunday... Before anyone says it, NO, i wasn't merely a sunday christian. I tried my best, to walk the straight and narrow, as it were. I kept questioning things, why things happened this way or that. Why prayers weren't answered... why god would let this happen and let that happen. Every question i had could be answered with a simple... It's all in god's plan... ALL in god's plan.. have faith... in god's time... god has a reason. To me, it all seems to be a cop out for a religion that only has grounds on Faith. The mere Thought that god and heaven is real. only a thought. No concrete evidence... only a book, that has been translated and changed and altered since all the books were collated and slapped together to make a nice story. To me, religion is only a crutch for the weak minded. People who NEED that crutch in order to feel whole, that crutch to help them get through the day, that crutch to make them feel like their life isn't incomplete, when in reality, they need to get their shit together, and get their life in order, how much more fullfillment does one need? I'm sorry, i can't find solice in the fact that I might go to heaven if I act nice... a heaven, that the only evidence of existence comes from a book.... a book which was translated... which means it can't possibly be verbatim from how it was written....A book that teaches us to have Faith. I can't for the life of me, figure out how SO many people, find comfort in faith. Am i the only that needs results, or answers to my questions to feel satisfied? Christians keep on believing, keeping the faith, despite the fact that, that their questions aren't getting answered? prayers aren't getting answered? WHY? because the good book told us too... the bible said to keep having faith. I'm repeating myself here, but all these things have all the familiar symptoms of a sham...
    lol... what a rant.

    Ok fellas... I'm gonna subscribe to this thread. If anyone would like to further this discussion, feel free to comment.

    To the starter of this thread. If you read this... Keep yur chin up, and believe what you believe. It's your life, lead it as you see fit.

  26. #186
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    Quote Originally Posted by bpm1
    thank u for enlightening us, do u have a deffinition so next time u monkey can use it correctly?
    Quote Originally Posted by Prada
    U monkey = uncle money?

    Well of course, Per se, Latin: Intrinsically.
    Often misspelled as persay.
    Quote Originally Posted by bpm1
    monkeys are cool damnit! except the satanic kind,lol

    Nice to see I have opposers! To all my fellow opposers (opposers of religious views that is) out there, shoot any questions you currently have, as I would love a question I not know the answer to so I can increase my knowledge.

  27. #187
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    unclemoney - did you miss post #171?

  28. #188
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    unclemoney - did you miss post #171?
    Nope, I didn't... I myself may not have answered them however, go read IronReload04 and Mike Dura's posts.

  29. #189
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    Nope, I didn't... I myself may not have answered them however, go read IronReload04 and Mike Dura's posts.
    I have read them and they far from answer my post...

    Mike touched on the metaphor issue but missed the point and went off at a tangent (typical Dura style) - I did not suggest that by using the metaphor of satan it would cause satan to be somehow brought to life I simply asked for satanism to be explained without relying on a metaphor - shouldn't be too hard.

    Ironreload gave his interpretation of "life after death through fulfillment of the ego" which is what I took it to mean which also does not make alot of sense, if there is no afterlife then it doesn't matter how inflated your ego is you are just dead.

    He also kinda misunderstood the hope thing, maybe I phrased it badly, ignore the word hope and answer: What is the aim/goal of satanism? - is there anything more to it other than simply pleasing onesself? If thats it then I fail to see what the fuss/excitement is about.

    The other issues I posed remain unanswered...

  30. #190
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    I have read them and they far from answer my post...

    Mike touched on the metaphor issue but missed the point and went off at a tangent (typical Dura style) - I did not suggest that by using the metaphor of satan it would cause satan to be somehow brought to life I simply asked for satanism to be explained without relying on a metaphor - shouldn't be too hard.

    Ironreload gave his interpretation of "life after death through fulfillment of the ego" which is what I took it to mean which also does not make alot of sense, if there is no afterlife then it doesn't matter how inflated your ego is you are just dead.

    He also kinda misunderstood the hope thing, maybe I phrased it badly, ignore the word hope and answer: What is the aim/goal of satanism? - is there anything more to it other than simply pleasing onesself? If thats it then I fail to see what the fuss/excitement is about.

    The other issues I posed remain unanswered...
    To the first and last part of your questioning. Perhaps you'll find the answers in this. Directly out of the satanic bible. It also will answer your questioning to "what is sin in satanism"

    Quote Originally Posted by SatanicBible
    The Nine Satanic Sins
    Quote Originally Posted by SatanicBible
    by Anton Szandor LaVey ©1987
    Quote Originally Posted by SatanicBible

    1. Stupidity—The top of the list for Satanic Sins. The Cardinal Sin of Satanism. It’s too bad that stupidity isn’t painful. Ignorance is one thing, but our society thrives increasingly on stupidity. It depends on people going along with whatever they are told. The media promotes a cultivated stupidity as a posture that is not only acceptable but laudable. Satanists must learn to see through the tricks and cannot afford to be stupid.
    2. Pretentiousness—Empty posturing can be most irritating and isn’t applying the cardinal rules of Lesser Magic. On equal footing with stupidity for what keeps the money in circulation these days. Everyone’s made to feel like a big shot, whether they can come up with the goods or not.
    3. Solipsism—Can be very dangerous for Satanists. Projecting your reactions, responses and sensibilities onto someone who is probably far less attuned than you are. It is the mistake of expecting people to give you the same consideration, courtesy and respect that you naturally give them. They won’t. Instead, Satanists must strive to apply the dictum of “Do unto others as they do unto you.” It’s work for most of us and requires constant vigilance lest you slip into a comfortable illusion of everyone being like you. As has been said, certain utopias would be ideal in a nation of philosophers, but unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately, from a Machiavellian standpoint) we are far from that point.
    4. Self-deceit—It’s in the “Nine Satanic Statements” but deserves to be repeated here. Another cardinal sin. We must not pay homage to any of the sacred cows presented to us, including the roles we are expected to play ourselves. The only time self-deceit should be entered into is when it’s fun, and with awareness. But then, it’s not self-deceit!
    5. Herd Conformity—That’s obvious from a Satanic stance. It’s all right to conform to a person’s wishes, if it ultimately benefits you. But only fools follow along with the herd, letting an impersonal entity dictate to you. The key is to choose a master wisely instead of being enslaved by the whims of the many.
    6. Lack of Perspective—Again, this one can lead to a lot of pain for a Satanist. You must never lose sight of who and what you are, and what a threat you can be, by your very existence. We are making history right now, every day. Always keep the wider historical and social picture in mind. That is an important key to both Lesser and Greater Magic. See the patterns and fit things together as you want the pieces to fall into place. Do not be swayed by herd constraints—know that you are working on another level entirely from the rest of the world.
    7. Forgetfulness of Past Orthodoxies—Be aware that this is one of the keys to brainwashing people into accepting something new and different, when in reality it’s something that was once widely accepted but is now presented in a new package. We are expected to rave about the genius of the creator and forget the original. This makes for a disposable society.
    8. Counterproductive Pride—That first word is important. Pride is great up to the point you begin to throw out the baby with the bathwater. The rule of Satanism is: if it works for you, great. When it stops working for you, when you’ve painted yourself into a corner and the only way out is to say, I’m sorry, I made a mistake, I wish we could compromise somehow, then do it.
    9. Lack of Aesthetics—This is the physical application of the Balance Factor. Aesthetics is important in Lesser Magic and should be cultivated. It is obvious that no one can collect any money off classical standards of beauty and form most of the time so they are discouraged in a consumer society, but an eye for beauty, for balance, is an essential Satanic tool and must be applied for greatest magical effectiveness. It’s not what’s supposed to be pleasing—it’s what is. Aesthetics is a personal thing, reflective of one’s own nature, but there are universally pleasing and harmonious configurations that should not be denied.

    To your question about life after death and how if there is none that you can't fulfill it through the ego, well that's your oppinion I happen to view this differently.

    Also To what is the goal/purpose of Satanism, well it's to choose to question things, find out stuff on your own, obtain knowledge, don't blindly accept things, live for oneself, etc, etc, etc... This question is too vague as that Satanist has multiple purposes while on earth vs. the single purpose of christianity in which it is to please god and be accepted into the afterlife.

  31. #191
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    RIP Brother...
    OK, I give up, no offence but either you do not understand the points I raise or you choose to ignore them because you don't have the answers.

  32. #192
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    ROFL!!! They have been answered countless times. Satanism is more of a philosophy and less of a religion. To each his own, you just choose to see your own opinions on things and I can't prove opinions.

    If satanism is your own philosophy, and then it goes on to say (which is very true) that no 2 satanist are identical. However there is a lot of common ground. However when you look at it this way the answers are endless!!! That's why it may not be the answer you wanted to hear, or my answer might not make sence to you, however your questions in my mind HAVE been answered... for to each his own!
    Last edited by unclemoney; 09-22-2007 at 01:55 AM.

  33. #193
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    OK but in previous posts when you refer to lucifer you say "he" and "him" and say he is the bearer of light etc - kinda sounds like a person...

    If he is not a person however, but just a metaphor then where did your "religion" and it's rules/principles come from? - Did someone just sit down and write down the basic principles of being self centred?

    Do satanists believe in anything other than the flesh? i.e. is there any "afterlife" and if so what qualifies one for it?

    You say above that you do not like the bible saying that sin lives within the flesh - look around the world at all the terrible things people do to one another - if sin is not within the flesh then where is it? - or are all these terrible things not sins to you and are acceptable because they are just people being their true selves?

    And if the satanist's answer to someone wronging them is to spite them back then where does it all end? - with us all descending into a spiral of revenge and retribution? Showing kindness to someone who wrongs you is not a sign of weakness or cowardice - it is a sign of strength and courage and breaks the cycle of revenge and retribution and if more people were of this mindset then the world would improve whereas your mindset can only make things worse and send the world downhill.

    What is the aim/goal of satanism, what hope does it offer?
    exactly. well said.
    Also, unclemoney, you say that you believe in math and science. If you only answer ONE question in this thread, answer this. Where did it all come from? Where did the atoms etc... come from. Did everything come from nothing? you gotta wonder.

  34. #194
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY
    exactly. well said.
    Also, unclemoney, you say that you believe in math and science. If you only answer ONE question in this thread, answer this. Where did it all come from? Where did the atoms etc... come from. Did everything come from nothing? you gotta wonder.
    this is why i think a higher being is the most logical possability

  35. #195
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    LI, NY kidd!!
    didn't i tell you boys this was gonna go way too far... lol... 5 pages on this junk already.... JESUS!!

  36. #196
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04
    this is why i think a higher being is the most logical possability
    Ok then, very well, this is your opinion, but is there any fact to support this??? You can speculate ALL you want, but there is no fact or truth that can support this therefore it is just an "opinion".

    Atoms just came forth because they already "existed" I'm sure there was plenty of other solar system out there b4 OURS!!!

  37. #197
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY
    exactly. well said.
    Also, unclemoney, you say that you believe in math and science. If you only answer ONE question in this thread, answer this. Where did it all come from? Where did the atoms etc... come from. Did everything come from nothing? you gotta wonder.
    actualy a good point and something i wondered once or twice,i mean if u subscribe to the big bang theory then it begs the question what is the ever expanding universe expanding into? and what was in existence before the big bang? what caused it? on the other side of the coin who or what created god? where did he get the stuff to make heaven and earth? why have so many absolute truths been disproved? i could go on,all in all there r less blank spaces in science than there r in the divine creation theory so im with the heathens

  38. #198
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    Quote Originally Posted by scaramouche
    actualy a good point and something i wondered once or twice,i mean if u subscribe to the big bang theory then it begs the question what is the ever expanding universe expanding into? and what was in existence before the big bang? what caused it? on the other side of the coin who or what created god? where did he get the stuff to make heaven and earth? why have so many absolute truths been disproved? i could go on,all in all there r less blank spaces in science than there r in the divine creation theory so im with the heathens
    And every day new discoveries and such bring us closer to the truth

  39. #199
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuffThaStuff
    did they magically disappear?
    i think the devil took them

  40. #200
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    Ok then, very well, this is your opinion, but is there any fact to support this??? You can speculate ALL you want, but there is no fact or truth that can support this therefore it is just an "opinion".

    Atoms just came forth because they already "existed" I'm sure there was plenty of other solar system out there b4 OURS!!!

    ya, but thats the whole point......sure their were plenty of other solar systems out their before ours, and other solar systems before other solar systems...

    but which one was first? at some point, you have to have a case of something from nothing

    einsteen was right about a lot of shit.....and he said, i believe it was him, energy can be neither created nor destroyed.......this remains consistant......."somthing" absolutely had to get things started, before the first solar have outerspace......was that just there from the beginning of time? were atoms and molecules just floating around since the beginning of time? "somthing, some force, somthing" had to get things rolling and initially defy physics

    this idea, plus my accounds of supernatural (which i hope you read), lead me to believe, that among the many possabilites, God is simply the most easy explanation

    ps- pretty sure einsteen believed in ghosts as well, but i cant prove it, unless someone else can one way or the other

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