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Thread: the satanic bible and satanism

  1. #281
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Fort Worth
    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    Satanism, while being a religion, is more or less ones philosophy and outlook on life. I recommend reading The Satanic Bible, drawing your own conclusions, and seeing if this expresses your true views on life.
    I read The Satanic Bible, um, geez--it's been 15 years, and I found it interesting. I didn't beleive in any particular religion, and thought that Anton LeVay's approach to it via his version of Satanism intriguing. If I recall (it's been a while since I read his book), he asserted that Satanism was only for the more intelligent or richer people, not everyone. I vaguely recall that after I wrote his organization for more information, he sent me a membership application which called for a donation of $100. I got the impression that they'd be expecting more later.

    After reading his later books, I got the impression that he had drifted to some sort of beleif in the efficacy of magic ritual, and that he had abandoned atheism. I tried a few of the rituals he published, but (as I expected, and contrary to his predictions) they had no effect on anything.

    So, I dunno about Anton LaVey. He was a colorful character who created rituals and ideas that were meaningful to him and some other folks, and I say, "Good for them." Personally, his ideas seemed a bit harsh to me, although not entirely without merite. I toyed with them for a while, and went on to other things, like determinism (which while I don't "beleive" in it, it does make an awful lot of sense to me).

    Here, chew on this for a little while . . .
    Determinism is a name employed by writers, especially since J. Stuart Mill, to denote the philosophical theory which holds -- in opposition to the doctrine of free will -- that all man's volitions are invariably determined by pre-existing circumstances.

  2. #282
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    TRUE knowledge, THE light
    Quote Originally Posted by Tock
    I read The Satanic Bible, um, geez--it's been 15 years, and I found it interesting. I didn't beleive in any particular religion, and thought that Anton LeVay's approach to it via his version of Satanism intriguing. If I recall (it's been a while since I read his book), he asserted that Satanism was only for the more intelligent or richer people, not everyone. I vaguely recall that after I wrote his organization for more information, he sent me a membership application which called for a donation of $100. I got the impression that they'd be expecting more later.

    After reading his later books, I got the impression that he had drifted to some sort of beleif in the efficacy of magic ritual, and that he had abandoned atheism. I tried a few of the rituals he published, but (as I expected, and contrary to his predictions) they had no effect on anything.

    So, I dunno about Anton LaVey. He was a colorful character who created rituals and ideas that were meaningful to him and some other folks, and I say, "Good for them." Personally, his ideas seemed a bit harsh to me, although not entirely without merite. I toyed with them for a while, and went on to other things, like determinism (which while I don't "beleive" in it, it does make an awful lot of sense to me).

    Here, chew on this for a little while . . .
    Determinism is a name employed by writers, especially since J. Stuart Mill, to denote the philosophical theory which holds -- in opposition to the doctrine of free will -- that all man's volitions are invariably determined by pre-existing circumstances.
    Agreed, however... Man can always change!

  3. #283
    I have the greatest question of all. What created atoms that created all of life ?

  4. #284
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    TRUE knowledge, THE light
    Quote Originally Posted by tbrocato
    I have the greatest question of all. What created atoms that created all of life ?
    Ok, and in keepings with the same sequence... If there was a god, who created all of this, who created/made god???

  5. #285
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Front toward enemy
    Quote Originally Posted by tbrocato
    I have the greatest question of all. What created atoms that created all of life ?

    There are things smaller than atoms. The nucleus is about 10,000 times smaller than the atom itself, then you have things like tetrons, tachyons, etc. Thats the one thing that defeats the human mind, SIZE. We cannot grasp how big or small things are. You think you can but you cant. We dont have the technology to see if there's anything smaller than mentioned but why cant there be? Where does it stop exactly? To then suggest that a "God" created it all and is fully aware of EVERYTHING going on, simultaneously, no matter how big or insignificant is mind boggling impossible.

    One "theory" on where atoms came from
    Last edited by Flagg; 09-28-2007 at 06:28 AM.

  6. #286
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    This just proves my point, the answers are out there for those who seek it... It's SOOO much easier to just use or say "god" just as way back in time when science wasn't as advanced as it was today they blamed the thunder storms and other unexplained events and such on "god" by saying it was "god"

  7. #287
    Join Date
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    Religion in my opinion is just another form of superstition and even if we become technologically or more scientifically advanced, religion will endure in some form. It will change, become something different, but like everything else it will endure.

    Why? Cause people need there to be something that gives their life meaning.

  8. #288
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Long Island, NY
    Determinism is not a religion but I guess it qualifies, as does any given religion, as a worldview. Determinism is always associated with it's opposite, namely, free-will. That's the fundamental debate: Free will versus determinism. The research on this debate untimately ends in a truce: To some degree we have free will but in many ways we are also determined (environmentally, or through contingencies such as the type of reinforcement or punishment following a behavior; with humans there is also the intervening thought(s) that determines a response or lack thereof.

    Given this awareness of determinism, however, one can use free will to arrange his or her contingencies or reinforcements to determine behavioral change. I'm in sales and I'm familiar with much of the "science of compliance" or persuasion in general and the starting point for research (as well as the sales approach) assumes determinism. Political strategists (and the media outlets that work for them) assume and manipulate determinism too. The determinists are keen on knowing which "hot bottons" or triggers to push to determine the support for their agenda. For Carl Rove and the fox news network, one hot botton/trigger played upon fear. The message that "You're in danger and we are tough on terrorism (problem and solution)" was a really profound manipulation of the American masses. We know where the "evil ones" are and we're going to smoke them out - cowboy style! This message was really two birds (two hot bottons or triggers) with one stone because after a traumatic event (e.g., 9/11) people tend to gravitate toward nationalistic jingoism, cultural symbols, or of course "determined" leaders with easy answers to complex problems. The cards were definately stacked in their favor. Then you had fox network with those color-coded images that supposedly indicated the "level of threat" at a given point in time. When terrorist theats were high, I think it was a red color at the bottom of the fox news screen right? It's like they were playing the public like an organ and the notes were made of color. The threat is high (next, a pitch for policy). Oh, now the threat is low (Bush is on vacation again).

    Here's a good everyday demonstration of determinism. Ask the next person you see to pronounce the letters S-H-O-P. They'll say "shop." Then ask them, what happens when you come to a green light. Then they'll probably say, "stop." In that case, the phonetic prime of "stop" determined the wrong answer of "stop" when one gets to a green light. Neat stuff.

    I'm really fascinated by existential philosophy which really assumes that man is, in the words of Sarte, "condemned to be free." It's this freedom, the existentialist argue, that creates anxiety, confusion and an enormous burden for the responsibility of choice while understanding the uncertainty of any decision given many alternatives. That's why man fundamentally look to, in Eric Fromm's words, "escape from freedom." That's why he's fundamentally slavish and looking to be lead or more generally, looking for absolute, black and white answers to a problem. Hence the appeal of fascists or the Bush administration or maybe Logan 13 who sees it all very clearly - black and white.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tock
    I read The Satanic Bible, um, geez--it's been 15 years, and I found it interesting. I didn't beleive in any particular religion, and thought that Anton LeVay's approach to it via his version of Satanism intriguing. If I recall (it's been a while since I read his book), he asserted that Satanism was only for the more intelligent or richer people, not everyone. I vaguely recall that after I wrote his organization for more information, he sent me a membership application which called for a donation of $100. I got the impression that they'd be expecting more later.

    After reading his later books, I got the impression that he had drifted to some sort of beleif in the efficacy of magic ritual, and that he had abandoned atheism. I tried a few of the rituals he published, but (as I expected, and contrary to his predictions) they had no effect on anything.

    So, I dunno about Anton LaVey. He was a colorful character who created rituals and ideas that were meaningful to him and some other folks, and I say, "Good for them." Personally, his ideas seemed a bit harsh to me, although not entirely without merite. I toyed with them for a while, and went on to other things, like determinism (which while I don't "beleive" in it, it does make an awful lot of sense to me).

    Here, chew on this for a little while . . .
    Determinism is a name employed by writers, especially since J. Stuart Mill, to denote the philosophical theory which holds -- in opposition to the doctrine of free will -- that all man's volitions are invariably determined by pre-existing circumstances.
    Last edited by Mike Dura; 09-28-2007 at 12:03 PM.

  9. #289
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Long Island, NY
    Nobody! How 'bout them apples?

    Quote Originally Posted by tbrocato
    I have the greatest question of all. What created atoms that created all of life ?

  10. #290
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Long Island, NY
    Wouldn't it be better to exemplify Christianity through example? Talking often dimishes the spirit of Christ because the real spirit transcends words and words often fill in the lack of. Show me love! Show me compassion! Show me "love thy enemy" and never mention that an ideology or prescription was down-loaded into your head. There are atheists who better exemplify Christianity through their actions and attitudes. You don't need words when you've got action! So stop preaching and take action! These sentiments are especially relevant nowadays - people are sick of lip service and they're looking for substantive action! Be that action! Baby!

    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    Absolutely I am a Christian and indeed I am called to preach about my beliefs. I'm always willing to preach about my faith to those that are interested in hearing it. But never will I force my beliefs upon anyone, nor will I criticize the beliefs of others. I will lead by a Christian example at all times, and I'm more than willing to talk about the example that I lead by for those who are not overly guarded.
    Last edited by Mike Dura; 09-28-2007 at 12:23 PM.

  11. #291
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Dura
    Wouldn't it be better to exemplify Christianity through example? Talking often dimishes the spirit of Christ because the real spirit transcends words and words often fill in the lack of. Show me love! Show me compassion! Show me "love thy enemy" and never mention that an ideology or prescription was down-loaded into your head. There are atheists who better exemplify Christianity through their actions and attitudes. You don't need words when you've got action! So stop preaching and take action! These sentiments are especially relevant nowadays - people are sick of lip service and they're looking for substantive action! Be that action! Baby!
    LOL - Mikeeeeey!

    I think that is exactly what Mavs was saying he does my man!

  12. #292
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Frisco, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    LOL - Mikeeeeey!

    I think that is exactly what Mavs was saying he does my man!

    That's right. In my post where it says, "I will lead by a Christian example", well that means actions. Not words.

  13. #293
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    TRUE knowledge, THE light
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Dura
    Determinism is not a religion but I guess it qualifies, as does any given religion, as a worldview. Determinism is always associated with it's opposite, namely, free-will. That's the fundamental debate: Free will versus determinism. The research on this debate untimately ends in a truce: To some degree we have free will but in many ways we are also determined (environmentally, or through contingencies such as the type of reinforcement or punishment following a behavior; with humans there is also the intervening thought(s) that determines a response or lack thereof.

    Given this awareness of determinism, however, one can use free will to arrange his or her contingencies or reinforcements to determine behavioral change. I'm in sales and I'm familiar with much of the "science of compliance" or persuasion in general and the starting point for research (as well as the sales approach) assumes determinism. Political strategists (and the media outlets that work for them) assume and manipulate determinism too. The determinists are keen on knowing which "hot bottons" or triggers to push to determine the support for their agenda. For Carl Rove and the fox news network, one hot botton/trigger played upon fear. The message that "You're in danger and we are tough on terrorism (problem and solution)" was a really profound manipulation of the American masses. We know where the "evil ones" are and we're going to smoke them out - cowboy style! This message was really two birds (two hot bottons or triggers) with one stone because after a traumatic event (e.g., 9/11) people tend to gravitate toward nationalistic jingoism, cultural symbols, or of course "determined" leaders with easy answers to complex problems. The cards were definately stacked in their favor. Then you had fox network with those color-coded images that supposedly indicated the "level of threat" at a given point in time. When terrorist theats were high, I think it was a red color at the bottom of the fox news screen right? It's like they were playing the public like an organ and the notes were made of color. The threat is high (next, a pitch for policy). Oh, now the threat is low (Bush is on vacation again).

    Here's a good everyday demonstration of determinism. Ask the next person you see to pronounce the letters S-H-O-P. They'll say "shop." Then ask them, what happens when you come to a green light. Then they'll probably say, "stop." In that case, the phonetic prime of "stop" determined the wrong answer of "stop" when one gets to a green light. Neat stuff.

    I'm really fascinated by existential philosophy which really assumes that man is, in the words of Sarte, "condemned to be free." It's this freedom, the existentialist argue, that creates anxiety, confusion and an enormous burden for the responsibility of choice while understanding the uncertainty of any decision given many alternatives. That's why man fundamentally look to, in Eric Fromm's words, "escape from freedom." That's why he's fundamentally slavish and looking to be lead or more generally, looking for absolute, black and white answers to a problem. Hence the appeal of fascists or the Bush administration or maybe Logan 13 who sees it all very clearly - black and white.
    For those that wish to learn more of this, check out this video on masonry, I came across this from another thread on here.

    There's a ton of useful info, one just has to sift through the bullshit as this is put on by an ex 90th degree mason who is now a "believer" in the "faith"

  14. #294
    Join Date
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    Bubba Army
    what a moron

  15. #295
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by kloter1
    what a moron
    Yeah, agreed, that dude is pretty pathetic.

  16. #296
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04
    Through my own research into the situation... This whole "based on a true story" or "based on a true event" is bogus. A little research will take out all of these rediculous claims... Take a couple of these for example:

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