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Thread: the satanic bible and satanism

  1. #1
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    the satanic bible and satanism

    Just wonder who on AR is a satanist???

    I just so happened to read the book and discovered I was one.

    It was quiet amazing to read this book because it was basicly my philosophy and outlooks on life, same exact ones, just that someone took the time to sit down and write them out in greater details.

    No satanism isn't what religion classifies it as it has nothing to do with the worshiping of satan, the sacrifcing of unbaptized babies, raping, murder, or anything else unmoral of that sort...

    Don't give me the hardships of your religion and try to say how I'm wrong or how you feel for me...

    I feel truely enlightened (ie; having my eyes opened and my own views to the ways of the world) for finding my own path, if your path happens to be christianity or buddhism or whatever. Then so be it, to each his own, what might be the way of one man isn't quite the way of the other. Satanism is finding that path to which you belong to, which can differ from person to person so no satanist is completely alike. So long as what you do doesn't hurt, harm, or affect other people in a negative way.

    I'm sorry but satanism is nothing how the modern religions describe it nor is it in any terms what hollywood classifies it as. In fact satanism doesn't believe in the existence of "satan" persay... Just the fact that the word for the flesh and earthly things happens to be such.

    So, who are my fellow satanist's on AR???

    If you choose to post against and in argument to satanism well feel free to, under one condition, NO IGNORANT POSTS PLEASE!!! If you want to shoot satanism out of the sky well then do so with the proper knowledge, nothing I hate more than ignorant people. I love knowledge, and I love to grow in knowledge and learn about the things I love.
    Last edited by unclemoney; 09-19-2007 at 11:35 PM.

  2. #2
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    S.Florida by way of NY

  3. #3
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    OK, so if satanism is not what you perceive we think it is please outline the basic principles/beliefs for us.

  4. #4
    yeah, what is it about? I don't have any religion. so I'm agnostic.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    OK, so if satanism is not what you perceive we think it is please outline the basic principles/beliefs for us.
    As I would love to do that, only one problem comes forth. Ever told a newbie to the forums to use the "search" button to find the knowledge they seek??? Well then why be hypocritical. No I don't mean use the search button on our board in the literal meaning, but in meaning that you yourself should search and obtain this knowledge.
    Last edited by unclemoney; 09-20-2007 at 01:37 AM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by freddy666
    yeah, what is it about? I don't have any religion. so I'm agnostic.
    Satanism, while being a religion, is more or less ones philosophy and outlook on life. I recommend reading The Satanic Bible, drawing your own conclusions, and seeing if this expresses your true views on life.

  7. #7
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    Satan's greatest achievement is when he convinces man that he doesnt exist. The base word of satanism is satan. How can it not be based on satan?
    The English suffix -ism was first used to form a noun of action from a verb. For example, baptize (or literally derived from "to dip") becomes "baptism." It is taken from the Greek suffix -ismos, Latin -ismus, and Old French -isme, that likewise forms abstract nouns from verbal stems. It is also used to form a noun of action from another noun. For example, mormon becomes "mormonism". So, "satanism" IS the act of acting as satan as "mormonism" is the act of acting like a mormon. Satan wants us all to fixate on the, as you put it, "flesh and worldly things" so that we lose focus on the lord.
    Im not tryin to preach to you. I think that its great that you are doing some soul searching. I used to be an athiest. though my conversion to a christian has been tough and I struggle IMMENSELY with "faith" I believe there MUST be a God. While you are doing this soul searching you should readThe Case for a Creator. Its the most amazing book I have ever read. It was written by an athiest lawyer who set out, along with his wife, to disprove Christianity. YOU WILL BE ABESOLUTELY AMAZED AT THEIR DISCOVERIES. If you read the book, let me know what you think. I would be willing to bet you will see the world and the beginning of time, life, matter, and space in a whole new light.

  8. #8
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    "You are Gods gift to yourself, what you do with yourself is your gift to God."

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY
    "You are Gods gift to yourself, what you do with yourself is your gift to God."
    What if that "God" is yourself, ie; the living flesh? Best of both worlds

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    What if that "God" is yourself, ie; the living flesh? Best of both worlds
    Yep, that would be great, but I dont quite think I have reached "divine" status yet. Im working at it though, one rep at a time....

  11. #11
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    If there is no God, then there is no absolute foundation for right or wrong. So, I guess if you dont believe in God it is ok to have sex with 12 year olds or steal from the blind elderly.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY
    If there is no God, then there is no absolute foundation for right or wrong. So, I guess if you dont believe in God it is ok to have sex with 12 year olds or steal from the blind elderly.
    Ah, but that is not true! Perhaps you should re-read the last part of my 1st post in this thread. No ignorance, cmon!!!

    As for the sexual part, as long is it between consenting persons of age then it doesn't matter what they do.

    As for stealing, we don't steal, we see something we want or don't have which causes envy, envy causes ambition to make more money to be able to purchase that which is envied... Or perhaps you envy your favorite bodybuilder which motivates you to work even harder and eat even more to obtain what's envied and perhaps out the person by making yourself better than them.

    And as for your statement above that "one rep at a time". Don't you workout/bodybuild to better oneself, to be as big as possibly achieveable, to be "better" than anyone else, for your own self satisfaction, and perhaps for the look the ladies give you??? For this is stuff us satanists believe in, we love our power, looks, ego, pride, etc. We love to indulge rather than avoiding indulgence through self-denial which leads to combulsiveness (which is what happens with a lot of people following modern day religions).
    Last edited by unclemoney; 09-20-2007 at 02:08 AM.

  13. #13
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    all i have to say is search this same forum for the Zeitgeist movie or got to ei's might be backwards) and let me know what you think. its a 2 hr movie but the first 20min or so talks about religion.

  14. #14
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    shit i guess im going to barns and nobles to buy both books! im guessing im gonna be out $50.

  15. #15
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    Athiest, Bertrand Russell wrote about how science had presented us with a world that was "purposeless" and " void of meaning". He said,
    " that man is the product of causes which had no prevision of the end they were achieving; that his origin, his growth, his hopes and fears, his loves and beliefes are but thye outcome of accidental collocations of atoms; that no fire, no heroism, no intensity of thought and feeling, can preserve an individual life beyond the grave; that all the labors of the ages, all the devotion , all the inspiration, all the noonday brightness of human genious are destined to extinction.... that the whole temple of mans achievement must inevitablely be buried-all these things, if not quite beyond dispute, are yet so nearly certain, that no philosophy which rejects them can hope to stand . Only within the scaffolding to these thuths, only on the firm foundation of unyielding despair, can the soul's habitation henceforrth be safely built."

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    Ah, but that is not true! Perhaps you should re-read the last part of my 1st post in this thread. No ignorance, cmon!!!

    As for the sexual part, as long is it between consenting persons of age then it doesn't matter what they do.

    As for stealing, we don't steal, we see something we want or don't have which causes envy, envy causes ambition to make more money to be able to purchase that which is envied... Or perhaps you envy your favorite bodybuilder which motivates you to work even harder and eat even more to obtain what's envied and perhaps out the person by making yourself better than them.

    And as for your statement above that "one rep at a time". Don't you workout/bodybuild to better oneself, to be as big as possibly achieveable, to be "better" than anyone else, for your own self satisfaction, and perhaps for the look the ladies give you??? For this is stuff us satanists believe in, we love our power, looks, ego, pride, etc. We love to indulge rather than avoiding indulgence through self-denial which leads to combulsiveness (which is what happens with a lot of people following modern day religions).
    I wasnt trying to be offensive. My statement is true. If there is no God, where do morals and standards come from?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01
    shit i guess im going to barns and nobles to buy both books! im guessing im gonna be out $50.
    No need to purchase it, download it here
    Last edited by unclemoney; 09-22-2007 at 08:55 PM.

  18. #18
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    I refuse to believe that my love for my son, and family are just chemical reactions in my brain. Do you believe that?

  19. #19
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    roger doger

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY
    I refuse to believe that my love for my son, and family are just chemical reactions in my brain. Do you believe that?
    i do

  21. #21
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    your love for your family is a chemical reaction in your brain. why you ask. because your love will cause you to protect your family. and hopefully protecting your family will cause your family to be able to spread its genes. and your childs genes are yours. so in a way you live on.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01
    your love for your family is a chemical reaction in your brain. why you ask. because your love will cause you to protect your family. and hopefully protecting your family will cause your family to be able to spread its genes. and your childs genes are yours. so in a way you live on.
    Man, what a bleak outlook. Have you tried explaining that to your son? How about your brothers, sisters, mother, father, wife.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01
    your love for your family is a chemical reaction in your brain. why you ask. because your love will cause you to protect your family. and hopefully protecting your family will cause your family to be able to spread its genes. and your childs genes are yours. so in a way you live on.
    Man, what a bleak outlook. Have you tried explaining that to your son? How about your brothers, sisters, mother, father, wife.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01
    your love for your family is a chemical reaction in your brain. why you ask. because your love will cause you to protect your family. and hopefully protecting your family will cause your family to be able to spread its genes. and your childs genes are yours. so in a way you live on.
    Man, what a bleak outlook. Have you tried explaining that to your son? How about your brothers, sisters, mother, father, wife.

    Oops, did I repeat myself?

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY
    I refuse to believe that my love for my son, and family are just chemical reactions in my brain. Do you believe that?
    What does refusing to believe that love is a chemical reaction have to do with "satanism"???

    For a Satanist loves and hates.

    Christianity says "love thy enemy as thy neighbor". Well now tell me, if you really did "love" everyone, well then how strong would that "love" be for your family???? Without hate one can not realize what true love is!

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    As I would love to do that, only one problem comes forth. Ever told a newbie to the forums to use the "search" button to find the knowledge they seek??? Well then why be hypocritical. No I don't mean use the search button on our board in the literal meaning, but in meaning that you yourself should search and obtain this knowledge.
    No I haven't - I'm not that sanctimonious...

    Ah well, you had my interest for a brief second, now it's gone - my guess is that your reluctance to explain is due to your own lack of understanding...

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    What does refusing to believe that love is a chemical reaction have to do with "satanism"???
    I dont get what your saying here ^^^^^

    Let me ask you this, do you believe in evolution?

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    What does refusing to believe that love is a chemical reaction have to do with "satanism"???

    For a Satanist loves and hates.

    Christianity says "love thy enemy as thy neighbor". Well now tell me, if you really did "love" everyone, well then how strong would that "love" be for your family???? Without hate one can not realize what true love is!
    Hate leads to the darkside. - Master Yoda.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    No I haven't - I'm not that sanctimonious...

    Ah well, you had my interest for a brief second, now it's gone - my guess is that your reluctance to explain is due to your own lack of understanding...
    Nope, quite the contrary. However, I'm not going to let your reverse psychology of your stating that I lack understanding in my OWN philosophy which is Satanism guilt me into sitting here and doing the leg work for the lazy who would probably be ingrateful even if I took the time to do such a thing. This is another thing satanism teaches, and why I love it and hold it dear.

  30. #30
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    my family is a bunch of closed minded ignorant(sp? funny) people that havent been out of the state of Texas in over a decade. and i used to be all about god. you know the ol' "the devil put dinosaur bones on earth to fool us" kind of a dude. but after seeing infants and prego women get shot and killed before my own eyes with a .50cal, i started to question him. what kind of a god allows such a thing? so if even if there is one, i dont want a damn thing to do with his sorry ass. Sorry for the Rant.

  31. #31
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    dont worry. no lightning yet.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    Hate leads to the darkside. - Master Yoda.
    If hate leads to the darkside, well everyone must be there then! For it is human nature to "hate". For would you not hate the murderer of a close friend or family member???

    Or would you try to deny your hatred through repentance to god and asking of his forgiveness and his blessing to help you love??? Or would you try and leave your vengefulness and hatred to god being that you "pray for your enemies"

    well if that isn't hypocrisy then what is???

    For denying hatred is denying a natural human emotion. Learn to embrace it, that it is in fact right to have hate to those who deserve it.

    Many religious followers are dammned to their guilty conscience. They try to self deny there natural human desires, emotions, and instincts. Take for example "sex". It's in the 10 commandments "thou shalt not commit adultery" Well then take a religious christian who believes this is what's "right" If he chooses to engage in sexual intercourse he does so willingly knowing intellectually it's wrong. Afterwords he feels bad and is cursed with a guilty conscience and then repents to god and asks for his forgiveness. Also in keeping so he feels guilty when he thinks certain thoughts, etc.

    However in satanism we realize this is a natural human instinct/desire. Go ahead an indulge in the pleasure you desire, for there is nothing wrong with it.

    When you truely believe this you no longer have "good" and "evil" nor the seperation between ones "conscience" "emotions" and "desires". Now they are all in one the same and on the same page. This leads to a truely happy life which is what I'm living right now and loving every second of it
    Last edited by unclemoney; 09-20-2007 at 02:51 AM.

  33. #33
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    Some facts about evolution.
    1) Darwins theory states that all life began from a common ancestor. He later states that fossil records do not reflect this. On the contrary, fossil records have, over the years have shown the exact opposite. "Even in Darwins days the fossil evidence showed the opposite: the rapid appearance of phylum-level differences in what's called the Cambrian explosion. Darwin believed that future fossil discoveries would vindicate his theory- but that hasnt happened. Actually Fossil records have shown over the last 150 years have turned Darwins "tree of life" upside down by showing the Cambrian explosion was even more abrupt and extensive than scientists once thought.
    The Cambrian explosion was a geological period that scientists believe started more than 540 million years ago. The cambrian explosion has been called the "biological big bang" because it gave rise to the sudden appearance of most of the major animal phyla that are still alive today, as well as some that are now extinct". Here is a good way to visualize it: "Imagine yourself standing on one goal line of a football field, that line represents the first fossil, a microscopic, single celled organism. Now srart marching down the field. tou pass the yard line, the forty yard line, tou pass mid field , and start approaching the other goal line. All that you have seen this entire time are these microscopic, single celled organisms. You come to the sixteen yard line on the far end of the field, and now you see these sponges and maybe some jelly fish and worms. Then ----BOOM---- in the space of a single stride all these other forms of animals suddenly appear. As on evolutionary scientist said, the major animal groups apear in the fossil record as Athena did foom the head of Zeus- full blown and raring to go."
    Sound familiar? if it doesnt, read the first book of the bible, Genesis.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    If hate leads to the darkside, well everyone must be there then! For it is human nature to "hate". For would you not hate the murderer of a close friend or family member???

    Or would you try to deny your hatred through repentance to god and asking of his forgiveness and his blessing to help you love??? Or would you try and leave your vengefulness and hatred to god being that you "pray for your enemies"

    well if that isn't hypocrisy then what is???

    For denying hatred is denying a natural human emotion. Learn to embrace it, that it is in fact right to have hate to those who deserve it.

    Many religious followers are dammned to their guilty conscience. They try to self deny there natural human desires, emotions, and instincts. Take for example "sex". It's in the 10 commandments "thou shalt not commit adultery" Well then take a religious christian who believes this is what's "right" If he chooses to engage in sexual intercourse he does so willingly knowing intellectually it's wrong. Afterwords he feels bad and is cursed with a guilty conscience and then repents to god and asks for his forgiveness. Also in keeping so he feels guilty when he thinks certain thoughts, etc.

    However in satanism we realize this is a natural human instinct/desire. Go ahead an indulge in the pleasure you desire, for there is nothing wrong with it.

    When you truely believe this you no longer have "good" and "evil" nor the seperation between ones "conscience" "emotions" and "desires". Now they are all in one the same and on the same page. This leads to a truely happy life which is what I'm living right now and loving every second of it
    ok, I want an answer this time. If a pedophile "wants and desires" sex with a child does that mean it is ok because he is only indulging in a " Pleasure that he desires"? Is it ok for your wife to sleep with another man behind your back? This is NOT ingnorant question. Try answering it.... If not, why not?

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY
    Some facts about evolution.
    1) Darwins theory states that all life began from a common ancestor. He later states that fossil records do not reflect this. On the contrary, fossil records have, over the years have shown the exact opposite. "Even in Darwins days the fossil evidence showed the opposite: the rapid appearance of phylum-level differences in what's called the Cambrian explosion. Darwin believed that future fossil discoveries would vindicate his theory- but that hasnt happened. Actually Fossil records have shown over the last 150 years have turned Darwins "tree of life" upside down by showing the Cambrian explosion was even more abrupt and extensive than scientists once thought.
    The Cambrian explosion was a geological period that scientists believe started more than 540 million years ago. The cambrian explosion has been called the "biological big bang" because it gave rise to the sudden appearance of most of the major animal phyla that are still alive today, as well as some that are now extinct". Here is a good way to visualize it: "Imagine yourself standing on one goal line of a football field, that line represents the first fossil, a microscopic, single celled organism. Now srart marching down the field. tou pass the yard line, the forty yard line, tou pass mid field , and start approaching the other goal line. All that you have seen this entire time are these microscopic, single celled organisms. You come to the sixteen yard line on the far end of the field, and now you see these sponges and maybe some jelly fish and worms. Then ----BOOM---- in the space of a single stride all these other forms of animals suddenly appear. As on evolutionary scientist said, the major animal groups apear in the fossil record as Athena did foom the head of Zeus- full blown and raring to go."
    Sound familiar? if it doesnt, read the first book of the bible, Genesis.
    ROFL, I used to be a christian but I now denounce it. And I HAVE read the bible already!

    Like I said, I love knowledge and I love to expand my knowledge. I'm not ignorant on the subject. I love to learn As do Satanist's love knowledge.

  36. #36
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    on Zeitgeist- a man said that god loves all, he loves every man, woman and child. he loves us so much he sacraficed his only son for the love of everyone else. but yet he condems those that dont follow to HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but yet he wants us to forgive but yet he wont forgive us that dont follow. im gonna have to raise the ol' bullshit flag on that one.

  37. #37
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    I will post more facts about the THEORY of evolution and Darwinism later.

  38. #38
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    wow i just typed a lot of but yets.

    anyones else notice how people speak and write different when talking about god. we all start to talk like the bible. WEIRD.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    ROFL, I used to be a christian but I now denounce it. And I HAVE read the bible already!

    Like I said, I love knowledge and I love to expand my knowledge. I'm not ignorant on the subject. I love to learn As do Satanist's love knowledge.
    Yep, me too. I like stimulating conversation. We'll have to continue this debate another time. out

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01
    on Zeitgeist- a man said that god loves all, he loves every man, woman and child. he loves us so much he sacraficed his only son for the love of everyone else. but yet he condems those that dont follow to HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but yet he wants us to forgive but yet he wont forgive us that dont follow. im gonna have to raise the ol' bullshit flag on that one.
    I'll watch this movie eventually, I saw a thread about it here recently but didn't watch as it was a long movie, I'm sure I'll get around to it though within the next few days.

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