If hate leads to the darkside, well everyone must be there then! For it is human nature to "hate". For would you not hate the murderer of a close friend or family member???
Or would you try to deny your hatred through repentance to god and asking of his forgiveness and his blessing to help you love??? Or would you try and leave your vengefulness and hatred to god being that you "pray for your enemies"
well if that isn't hypocrisy then what is???
For denying hatred is denying a natural human emotion. Learn to embrace it, that it is in fact right to have hate to those who deserve it.
Many religious followers are dammned to their guilty conscience. They try to self deny there natural human desires, emotions, and instincts. Take for example "sex". It's in the 10 commandments "thou shalt not commit adultery" Well then take a religious christian who believes this is what's "right" If he chooses to engage in sexual intercourse he does so willingly knowing intellectually it's wrong. Afterwords he feels bad and is cursed with a guilty conscience and then repents to god and asks for his forgiveness. Also in keeping so he feels guilty when he thinks certain thoughts, etc.
However in satanism we realize this is a natural human instinct/desire. Go ahead an indulge in the pleasure you desire, for there is nothing wrong with it.
When you truely believe this you no longer have "good" and "evil" nor the seperation between ones "conscience" "emotions" and "desires". Now they are all in one the same and on the same page. This leads to a truely happy life which is what I'm living right now and loving every second of it