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Thread: Several Major Busts This Week Alone-please Read!!!

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    anyone have a CC of emails people have received?

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

  3. #83
    They are saying here on WEEI sports radio in Boston, that there are going to be an UNPRECIDENTED number of arrests made.

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Middle East
    Quote Originally Posted by Odpierdol_sie!
    Im totally impartal, i dont think using gear is right (probably from the fact of legislation) in the same breath i dont believe it is wrong in certain circumstances and i believe it is up the the user at the end of the day.

    I dont smoke because of the health risks but on the occasion i drink.
    i drink coz i like it, if it was illegal i wouldnt do it.

    On that i dont use anything whos possession of that is illegal, i know the score, but just out of personal interest and free access to info on the web when i hear damning or conflicting reports from the media.

    What gets to me in situations like this is the authorities. They know an illegal act is probably going to be commited, but they still let it go on and then punish the person for doing so. i thought our authorities were there to protect us, why leave it go that far. why not stop the availibility of access to web sites that are out side the country and that are known for illegal activity in that country?

    what are they going to do with the guys in china who are supplying this stuff?? nothing becasue they cant do a thing and they know it so they go after the easy pickings.
    I cant help but to point out the naevity of a post such as this. You think your government is there to protect you? Maybe on some abstract philosophical level they are. However, governments are about one thing, DOLLAR SIGNS $$$$$$$$$$...Cigarettes kill 600,000 people a year and they're legal. 1,500 people a year die from Adverse Drug Reactions, PRESCRIBED TO THEM BY THEIR PHYSICIANS LEGALLY. Steroids kill 0 people a year. What is the government protecting us from?

    I am flabbergasted that you actually propose censoring the internet? You see, when you propose such an idea, it starts out ok, and then it gets completely out of control. You think the government should be able to filter what content you are able to access on the internet? Where does it end, its really easy for you to propose such an idea, until it affects something that YOU'RE interested in.

    To be honest, I really dont have time to waste on the 'holier than thou' subject with a person who will obviously go on MINDLESSLY accepting whatever bogus legislation makes it onto paper. However, I do feel compelled to warn you of the dangers of such things. You see, you make the jump from 'censoring the internet' and then to laws such as 'it is illegal to speak harshly of your government' very quickly and very subtlely. That is just not how 'free society' works and was founded on.

    Why should the government control what i CHOOSE to put into my own body, so long as it does not affect any other human beings? Personal use of steroids affects NO ONE other than the user, and mostly in positive ways. If you could give me one scientifically verifiable reason as to how steroid use can affect a 2ndary individual then please do. However, I know that you cannot, because that information does not exist. Incidentally, thousands are killed by drivers under the influence of alcohol(a legal substance), thousands more are killed each year by 2nd hand smoke( a legal substance). Then add up the other couple thousand people that are going to be killed each year in motor vehicle accidents, maybe we should make cars illegal as well?

    Your argument is baseless. Your methodology is seriously flawed, and the fact that you are willing to be led in any direction by your government, without ever stopping to question the authority, or the grounds on which such laws were written... IS SAD!

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Middle East

    Operation RAW DEAL- 56 UGL's busted/124 arrested

    NEW YORK -- In a four-day series of daylight raids that ended Sunday, Drug Enforcement Administration agents shut down 26 underground steroid labs and made more than 50 arrests across the country, capping what agents are calling the largest performance-enhancing drug crackdown in U.S. history. The DEA also has identified 37 Chinese factories that purportedly supplied the raw materials for the labs, a DEA spokesman told ESPN.

    The raids capped an 18-month probe that has netted 124 arrests in 27 states and closed 56 labs. The agency also seized $6.5 million and 532 pounds of raw steroid powder -- 308 pounds of it in the past week. Most of the raids took place in quiet suburban neighborhoods.

    The investigation also focused on message boards where advice is traded about obtaining raw materials, as well as on the Web sites that help the labs sell finished products to the public. Hundreds of thousands of e-mails were intercepted, according to Dan Simmons, a San Diego-based special agent for the DEA. Simmons said that no professional athletes have been implicated so far but that the e-mails are being compiled into a massive database of names and are being analyzed.

    Open supply lines

    The Chinese government talks a good game when it comes to cracking down on the availability of performance-enhancing drugs in advance of the Beijing Olympics, but ESPN The Magazine's Shaun Assael found that the supply lines are still wide open. Story

    "I don't think we even know what we have yet," he said. "There's no part of the country that wasn't impacted by this."

    The crackdown, dubbed "Raw Deal," grew out of a 2005 operation targeting eight Mexican labs that were responsible for 80 percent of America's underground steroid trade. Several large Chinese factories had been supplying the Mexican labs. When the Mexican labs were closed in what came to be known as "Operation Gear Grinder," those Chinese factories redirected their pipeline to the U.S.

    "We came to find that 99.9 percent of the steroids in the U.S. were coming from China," Simmons said.

    Drug agents in Mexico, Belgium, Germany, Denmark and Thailand cooperated in the Raw Deal probe, setting up shell companies to order the raw materials. They also focused on the makers of kits that help underground drugmakers turn raw materials into sellable drugs.

    "This wasn't us going after one organization," said Rusty Payne, a DEA spokesman in Washington, D.C. "We went after lots of little cells. There's no one ringleader."

    In Westbury, N.Y., the DEA raided the home of an unidentified 38-year-old resident who had boxes of Chinese steroid powder stacked in his garage beside a shiny white Corvette. Agents carted away an estimated 800,000 doses of steroids from the Long Island home, which was described as newly renovated with flat-screen TVs in every room. A lab in the Midwest was so coated with steroid powder that agents said they created footprints in the living room when they entered. Courtesy of DEA

    In this storage locker on Long Island, N.Y., DEA agents discovered trash cans and bins full of illegal performance-enhancing drugs.

    "We want 17-year-olds to know that the stuff they're buying on the Internet isn't what they think," Payne said. "A lot of the time, what they're putting in their body has been mixed in someone's dirty kitchen sink."

    In a tragic turn, the subject of another raid in the New York area committed suicide last week after being arraigned on charges of conspiracy and money laundering, according to a law enforcement source familiar with the death. No further information was immediately available.

    It is unclear what impact the case will have in China, where the Chinese government is preparing for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. Already reeling from a series of food and drug scandals that led to the execution of the head of its state food and drug administration earlier this year, the government has promised the cleanest Olympic Games in history. But it is also keenly aware that performance-enhancing drugs are a source of great profit. The World Anti-Doping Administration estimates that Chinese factories are responsible for as much as 70-80 percent, or up to $480 million worldwide, of an annual $600 million black market in human growth hormone. Courtesy of DEA

    Agents take away an unidentified suspect charged with running an underground steroid lab in New York.

    Simmons said he and other agents traveled to Beijing to brief their Chinese counterparts in February and handed over information on 10 labs. Since then, he said, the DEA has received information about only one of those 10 being closed. The government reportedly has floated several reform proposals, including banning steroids in pharmacies around Beijing and lowering export quotas to stem the flow of steroids and HGH. But so far, no definitive steps appear to have been taken.

    "We're keeping the Chinese in the loop and asking them to do the same," Simmons said.

    The DEA is particularly eager to stem the flow of Chinese HGH, which is not approved for sale in the U.S. by the Food and Drug Administration. Because it often sells illegally for one-third the price of approved brands, Chinese-made growth hormone is proving irresistible for anti-aging clinics and pharmacies that specialize in making generic drugs.

    In a separate probe, the Albany, N.Y., district attorney has indicted more than two dozen doctors and pharmacists for running bogus prescription mills for HGH and, in so doing, has helped reveal the widespread use of HGH in sports. St. Louis Cardinals outfielder Rick Ankiel and New England Patriots defensive back Rodney Harrison are among those who have acknowledged getting prescriptions from the main pharmacy in the Albany case, Signature of Orlando. Ankiel insists he received a legitimate prescription while rehabbing from elbow surgery in 2004. Courtesy of DEA

    Among the items seized in a Long Island, N.Y., raid is this box, thought to contain raw steroid powder sent from China.

    Albany prosecutors have met with officials from Major League Baseball and the NFL, and NFL commissioner Roger Goodell has remarked that he has no reason to believe any other player will be linked to HGH. But the existence of a separate, and much larger, roster of names in Operation Raw Deal is certain to create a new round of concern.

    Simmons said the DEA is considering whether to share the Raw Deal names with other law enforcement agencies and Congress. He also said the agency expects to be making arrests based on the evidence for months, if not years.

    "In Gear Grinder, we didn't target the end user," he said. "Now, we have investigative leads everywhere."

    News conferences about the operation are scheduled for Monday in Kansas City, Mo.; Providence, R.I.; San Diego; Houston; and New York.

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    NEW YORK -- In a four-day series of daylight raids that ended Sunday, Drug Enforcement Administration agents shut down 26 underground steroid labs and made more than 50 arrests across the country, capping what agents are calling the largest performance-enhancing drug crackdown in U.S. history. The DEA also has identified 37 Chinese factories that purportedly supplied the raw materials for the labs, a DEA spokesman told ESPN.

    The raids capped an 18-month probe that has netted a total of 124 arrests in 27 states and closed 56 labs. The agency also seized $6.5 million and 532 pounds of raw steroid powder -- 308 pounds of it in the past week. Most of the raids took place in quiet suburban neighborhoods.

    The investigation also focused on message boards where advice is traded about obtaining raw materials, as well as on the Web sites that help the labs sell finished products to the public. Hundreds of thousands of e-mails were intercepted, according to Dan Simmons, a San Diego-based special agent for the DEA. Simmons said that no professional athletes have been implicated so far but that the e-mails are being compiled into a massive database of names and are being analyzed.

    "I don't think we even know what we have yet," he said. "There's no part of the country that wasn't impacted by this."

    The crackdown, dubbed "Raw Deal," grew out of a 2005 operation targeting eight Mexican labs that were responsible for 80 percent of America's underground steroid trade. Several large Chinese factories had been supplying the Mexican labs. When the Mexican labs were closed in what came to be known as "Operation Gear Grinder," those Chinese factories redirected their pipeline to the U.S.

    "We came to find that 99.9 percent of the steroids in the U.S. were coming from China," Simmons said.

    Drug agents in Mexico, Belgium, Germany, Denmark and Thailand cooperated in the Raw Deal probe, setting up shell companies to order the raw materials. They also focused on the makers of kits that help underground drugmakers turn raw materials into sellable drugs.

    "This wasn't us going after one organization," said Rusty Payne, a DEA spokesman in Washington, D.C. "We went after lots of little cells. There's no one ringleader."

    In Westbury, N.Y., the DEA raided the home of an unidentified 38-year-old resident who had boxes of Chinese steroid powder stacked in his garage beside a shiny white Corvette. Agents carted away an estimated 800,000 doses of steroids from the Long Island home, which was described as newly renovated with flat-screen TVs in every room. A lab in the Midwest was so coated with steroid powder that agents said they created footprints in the living room when they entered.

    "We want 17-year-olds to know that the stuff they're buying on the Internet isn't what they think," Payne said. "A lot of the time, what they're putting in their body has been mixed in someone's dirty kitchen sink."

    In a tragic turn, the subject of another raid in the New York area committed suicide last week after being arraigned on charges of conspiracy and money laundering, according to a law enforcement source familiar with the death. No further information was immediately available.

    It is unclear what impact the case will have in China, where the Chinese government is preparing for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. Already reeling from a series of food and drug scandals that led to the execution of the head of its state Food and Drug Administration earlier this year, the government has promised the cleanest Olympic Games in history. But it is also keenly aware that performance-enhancing drugs are a source of great profit. The World Anti-Doping Administration estimates that Chinese factories are responsible for as much as 70-80 percent of a $600 million black market in human growth hormone, or up to $480 million worldwide, annually.

    Simmons said he and other agents traveled to Beijing to brief their Chinese counterparts in February and handed over information on 10 labs. Since then, he said, the DEA has received information about only one of those 10 being closed. The government reportedly has floated several reform proposals, including banning steroids in pharmacies around Beijing and lowering export quotas to stem the flow of steroids and HGH. But so far, no definitive steps appear to have been taken.

    "We're keeping the Chinese in the loop and asking them to do the same," Simmons said.

    The DEA is particularly eager to stem the flow of Chinese HGH, which is not approved for sale in the U.S. by the Food and Drug Administration. Because it often sells illegally for one-third the price of approved brands, Chinese-made growth hormone is proving irresistible for anti-aging clinics and pharmacies that specialize in making generic drugs.

    In a separate probe, the Albany, N.Y., district attorney has indicted more than two dozen doctors and pharmacists for running bogus prescription mills for HGH and, in so doing, has helped reveal the widespread use of HGH in sports. St. Louis Cardinals outfielder Rick Ankiel and New England Patriots defensive back Rodney Harrison are among those who have acknowledged getting prescriptions from the main pharmacy in the Albany case, Signature of Orlando. Ankiel insists he received a legitimate prescription while rehabbing from elbow surgery in 2004.

    Albany prosecutors have met with officials from Major League Baseball and the NFL, and NFL commissioner Roger Goodell has remarked that he has no reason to believe any other player will be linked to HGH. But the existence of a separate, and much larger, roster of names in Operation Raw Deal is certain to create a new round of concern.

    Simmons said the DEA intends to share the Raw Deal names with other law enforcement agencies and Congress. He also said the agency expects to be making arrests based on the evidence for months, if not years.

    "In Gear Grinder, we didn't target the end user," he said. "Now, we have investigative leads everywhere."

    News conferences about the operation are scheduled for Monday in Kansas City, Mo.; Providence, R.I.; San Diego; Houston; and New York

  7. #87
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Holy Sh*t! However, everybody may just need to chill for a minute. They haven't managed to get rid of all of the other illegal narcotics in the world. Drug dealers are like weeds-pull one up and two more will pop in its place. As long as there is a supply their will be a demand.

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Middle East
    This is not the end of the game...It just may be the end of plentyful DOMESTIC sources at the moment. I predict that most likely things will revert back to international sources more heavily, and us having to risk it with customs if we want to continue doing AAS.

  9. #89
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Good point. So should "end-users" have to worry. I am too paranoid to think its safe to stash my gear somewhere else for the time being. Like most guys-I just trying to look good at the beach. How that is a crime is mind blowing.

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    S.Florida by way of NY
    I saw this article on ESPN .... things are getting crazy.

  11. #91
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    damn.. yeah. anyone have info on which labs?...

  12. #92
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    just think of how many huge guys there would be out there if any and everyone could get steroids and growth though. this will continue to scare the newbies away and let us continue being the studs. You've got to find the positive in every situation.

  13. #93
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

  14. #94
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Thank goodness I am in the Middle East

  15. #95
    I agree with free society. i am not completely against authority, but i do not take people wearing a uniform and flashing a warrant card as a peer
    arent we all equal? if so why do these people get away with being able to judge others?

    On what has happened, i believe people should be able to do what ever they liked so long as it didnt harm or effect others.

    What is the score with juice in the US? is it illegal to take or illegal to posses it? i know in the UK its not illegal to take any drug so if it is not illegal to take it how can it be illegal it possess it???

    I know its all about $$$$$$
    i like a beer, who doesnt
    i drink maybe a few pints a week on average.
    im not harming anyone, but i dont go drivign down the road pissed.
    even if i did, what is the big deal? do the authorities care? nah course not, im driving my car that i payed tax on to buy, i am using my fuel that on every £10 about £8 is to the tax man. i crash on a public road (that i pay tax to use) and i damage a wall belonging to the council that i pay tax to annually. i get taken to court, get a fine and have to pay the damages to boot on top of tax. my insurance doesnt cover me so no loss there just a gain for the tax man from me paying premiums for it.

    legislating the sale of any kinda drug is much more difficult because it is harder to controll so make it illegal and that solves the problem doesnt it.
    yeah course it does coz people wont use anything then.

    Im impartial for my own reasons. But i do know the score. And i know whos side im on too.

  16. #96
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    Quote Originally Posted by Odpierdol_sie!

    I know its all about $$$$$$
    i like a beer, who doesnt
    i drink maybe a few pints a week on average.
    im not harming anyone, but i dont go drivign down the road pissed.
    even if i did, what is the big deal? do the authorities care? nah course not, im driving my car that i payed tax on to buy, i am using my fuel that on every £10 about £8 is to the tax man. i crash on a public road (that i pay tax to use) and i damage a wall belonging to the council that i pay tax to annually. i get taken to court, get a fine and have to pay the damages to boot on top of tax. my insurance doesnt cover me so no loss there just a gain for the tax man from me paying premiums for it.
    That is the most ignornant statement I have ever heard. Why dont you say that to face of someone who had a family member killed by some stupid drunk driver?

  17. #97
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    ESPN boys

    There covering the chinese busts on ESPN everyonce in a while. Saying there actully targeting the purchaser now and not just the lab.

    LOTS of busts going down boys. stay safe.

  18. #98
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    It's sad there's so much better things they can be doing! I can think of many other things that are far worst that we can buy OTC yet the goverment chooses to ban gear...

  19. #99
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    these Government employeees have nothing better to do than to bust people who produce our good medicine ;-)

  20. #100
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Out of Control
    Yeah, this bust is unfortunate...but shouldn't this thread be moved to the lounge?

  21. #101
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Yeah my question is if the site your using got busted, how do you know? Like do they take the site down?

  22. #102
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Getting madcow treatments
    You get an email, just toss your shit and email the pigs back that they can go eat a dick.

    Quote Originally Posted by bpm1
    im worried bout gettin a damn e-mail from the cops now like others have gotten.with these new busts. i wonder if anyone knows what ugl's got busted?, if anyone does please pm me, this is some scary s**t if u ask me

  23. #103
    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814
    That is the most ignornant statement I have ever heard. Why dont you say that to face of someone who had a family member killed by some stupid drunk driver?
    Hang on a minute there, im not meaning to offend anyone here and am sorry if i have, im was playing devils advocate. Please dont take what i said out of context.
    I dont drink and drive and never will.
    I have no sympathy for those who do, i was simply pointing out that as much a fuss authorities make about things like that, they really dont care.

    If the public see that drug supply spiral out of controll they blame the authorities, if they some innocent person gettins killed by a drunk driver they blame the driver it has no baring on the govornment. at the end they take money from the life the drink driver leads. If it was turned around and the guy was a dealer and sold some bad gear to someone even though it is the dealer who is labaled by the public all the authorities get is the bill for clearing up the mess.
    People wont target the govornment for drink problems or smoking problems because too many of the voters like it.

    Drugs are different and when you are talking about steroids it is even a smaller number again. the govornment can spin all the tales they want, the public are going to believe what they are told by the media not including me you and a few others. If i was wrong there i dont think we would be having this discussion.

    In the end of it all, they take say 100 dealers of the street, be it weed or gear. where do those funds siezed go? do the money go to help the families who have been effected from all these 'bad steroids'? or do they go right back in the pocket of the capitalist machine?

    If all this was for a worthy cause id support the feds, but its in vain, they are taking something that is relitively harmless away and not really stopping a major problem, well not any problem at all to be honest all they are doing is lining their own pockets and that is testement becasue they dont make an arrest the instant a crime is commited they let things get more
    and more out of hand
    They want to get my vote, clear up the mess that they cause like the middle east, poverty and unemployment, education and ofcourse national health.
    That goes for the Uk as much as the States

    Im not trying to pose my opinions here, i am in agreement with you on this. I just dont partake in the use of any substances.

    and some things u say u have to say!... if you get me.
    Big brother IS watching

  24. #104
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    lost in translation
    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    You get an email, just toss your shit and email the pigs back that they can go eat a dick.
    there u go

  25. #105
    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    This is not the end of the game...It just may be the end of plentyful DOMESTIC sources at the moment. I predict that most likely things will revert back to international sources more heavily, and us having to risk it with customs if we want to continue doing AAS.
    Yeah well as much as the authorities dont like it, you will always get places like greece giving the finger to EC and USA

    on what i said about the net, i dont believe in censorship but hey want to have an answer and they could get it easy enough but doing that, but that woudnt be good for their pockets now would it.

  26. #106
    Join Date
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    Playing w/ tits
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    No offense, and I hope this isn't against board rules but fvck the DEA.

    They are shisty little bastards. They're allowed to sell drugs to buyers? Thats BS.
    When I got arrested (for serious charges a while back) I reported the fvcking undercover cop had done illegal narotics (when I thought this was a way to prove they weren't DEA or LE)
    They said "that was all part of the operation and you have more to be concerned ab out now".
    HOW THE FVCK can a cop engage in illegal behavoir than dismiss is as inadmissable in court?
    I hate the DEA, LE, they can all suck my ass for all I care.

    They are scared worthless pricks. I do believe in social order and law. I don't beleive in the DEA.
    Anytime I get pulled over by a cop its an hour long fiasco cause I bust their balls.
    "Yes officer I'm on parole".
    "No officer you can't search my car".
    "Why, because I don't like you".

    I actually enjoy getting pulled over by cops, call me sick or w/e, I have to much fun showing them thier "authority" means shit to me.

    I hate to say it but I'm with him on this one, I flip cops all the time that do that speed trap shlt and it's protected under law, so here's one more for them If we all cower in fear of their "authority" it will revert back to the old days when they fuked with everyone and you had to just take it
    Stand up and say fukkkkk yoooouuuu

  27. #107
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    Btw, that was the only time I ever agreed with him

  28. #108
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Wow WTF is up with all these busts. BASTARDS
    Go arrest a few bus lickers

  29. #109
    Join Date
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    lost in translation
    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    Btw, that was the only time I ever agreed with him
    it hurts doesnt it,lol

  30. #110
    Join Date
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    Playing w/ tits
    Quote Originally Posted by bpm1
    it hurts doesnt it,lol

    Fuked up my whole day

  31. #111
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    This is big guys, I'm sure a few good ugl's will go down.

  32. #112
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    GTA, Canada
    This is why I always laugh at people on here when nearly everyone here says "domestic only!", "domestic only!", "domestic sources are the best", etc..

    How great is your domestic source now? THey probably have your email address, name, etc. This is why I will never ever go with domestic. International all the way.

    I've said it before and i'll say it again: the worst that could happen if you go international is your package gets siezed at customs and you get a letter. If a domestic source goes down, you either lose your money in a sting operation, they get your name and all the info about you, and you get busted. LE can't bust international sources. Period.

  33. #113
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    A SAD day bros! This just set pro sports back 20 F***ING yrs. Here's some irony for ya. Today MLB shattered the attendance record with a week in the regular season to go. We'll be dead and gone when this gets close to being broken again when guys aren't breaking records and staying healthy and the long ball isn't as frequent. It's good to be a pitcher! Our priorites as a nation are so unexceptable it makes me ashamed. We're all sheep..tryn to get a piece of the pie and what's good for us. If something doesn't directly effect us then we just blow it off. Atleast they freed Paris......huh? The roid nation being such a threat and all. What have we come to bros?

  34. #114
    Join Date
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    Playing w/ tits
    I know war79, California banned .50" r***es yet not one person has been killed by them in a crime and you sure can't conceal them, so why did they do it? Makes head lines.

  35. #115
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    I have some MT2 on order that is suppose to be delivered in the next couple of days. They are not going to be all worried about MT2 are they? Do I need to be sweating this. I can't seem to logon to the company I ordered the gear from either. Creeping me out.

    I am so glad that I am not running Tren right now. I would be freaking out.

  36. #116
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I wonder how all this will affect the labs in Canada and the influence all this will have north of the boarder.

  37. #117
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    i just recently made a INTERNATIONAL order, should i be worried?

  38. #118
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by kaberle_15
    I wonder how all this will affect the labs in Canada and the influence all this will have north of the boarder.
    Canada was one of the countries that cooperated. However, I wouldn't be as concerned as a UGL based in the US.

    Everyone needs to know that this is a very big operation and nothing to play around with. A couple of guys that were still operating in China have been indicted (not arrested) and this entire thing is far from over.

    This is an operation that has been going on for almost two years and was kicked off, by a large-scale guy giving up everyone to LE. Then, LE used this info to build cases against these guys and get to the big fish, which they did. It's one big mess with everyone rolling on anyone they can.

  39. #119
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
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    anyone know if lion is still good?

  40. #120
    Join Date
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    Margaritaville (I wish)

    forget it

    forget it
    Last edited by Biff Studly; 09-24-2007 at 05:38 PM.

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