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Thread: USA Property???

  1. #1

    USA Property???

    Hey guys n girls,

    Ive been a fan of the States from as far back as i can remember. Ive been wondering what the property market is like there.
    I guess for the time being it is just something to dream about, but one day i would so love to move there.

    Ive noticed the property there is way way bigger and nicer thant the shite you get in the UK also appearing to allow more bang for your buck!

    Im a country boy really, but live in london and am under no doubts that one day i will be fed up with it here and having lived in the most tranquil place and the busiest in teh UK there is no where left id want to live, so not if but WHEN that time comes id like to have an idea of where to go to next.

    USA is huge as im sure everyone is aware and im told has absolutley everything desired. im just toying with the idea of where the hell would i start! any ideas?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Getting madcow treatments
    Depends on where you want to live. The real estate market is down right now and its a perfect time to buy.

  3. #3
    yeah well that is the problem i know i am going to be faced with. I grew up in a hick town in mid wales so the coutry i always a good bet and because where i grew up i love scenery. If i was going to have a place it would have to be out in the hills somewhere.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Getting madcow treatments
    What type of climate? Are you going to need to be near a major metro area for your job?

    Quote Originally Posted by Odpierdol_sie!
    yeah well that is the problem i know i am going to be faced with. I grew up in a hick town in mid wales so the coutry i always a good bet and because where i grew up i love scenery. If i was going to have a place it would have to be out in the hills somewhere.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Moms Basement
    the united states is pretty big... we could be here all night suggesting places...

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    What type of climate? Are you going to need to be near a major metro area for your job?
    I like climates that vary.
    You know hot sumers, hard winters.

    I love hard winters for some reason, not arctic type weather but cold enough to go skiing.

    Eastern Europe really appeals to me, but its the language barrier and the cultural differences that have stopped me and the fact my missus is from Poland and she dont wanna go back there.
    USA seems the best place for me (i reckon i coudl talk her round to it).

    Im an out doorsy kinda person, always have liked stuff that keeps me busy.
    But on the other side i like the creature comforts of Metro life, coffee houses, live music in bars, big events in stadiums, people too busy to talk to you kinda stuff.

    I think the ideal place would be somewhere in the out back somwhere, with in a hour or 2 from a decent city, again because of the missus, she would go potty in a place hundreds of miles from anywhere that sells Guccii and Gina etc, id be comfy as there tho, ill keep my wellies and straw hat at the ready though.

    I am not really planning on work being a big issue. If i need to work in the city, id commute for the time im working.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by pewntang
    the united states is pretty big... we could be here all night suggesting places...
    yeah i know, i thought id best ask you guys and get a better idea or i will be spending the next 30 years moving from place to place. Kinda like an Irish human version of the Littlest Hobbo lol

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    yap, i have to move too

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Ir0n
    yap, i have to move too
    My family is from Roscommon,
    were you from?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

  11. #11
    Ah cool, i lived over there for a while in my cousins in Harrolds Cross when i was 17. Came back to the UK to joined the Fire Brigade, been trapped ever since.
    Where you wanna move to?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Well some place in the US hopefully but i'm a settler like yourself. Unless something major happens i doubt that i'll look for a real deal.

  13. #13
    Yeah, one thing that has stopped me wanting to live out my days here is the fact im way outpriced on the property market. If there aint a crash ill never get a place of my own.

    Ive looked at places like france and stuff, but i think if im going to seriously consider it i need a country whos first language is English to help me get work if i need it. looked at the likes of OZ but its a long way away and i get bored too easy, i need somewhere with lots of veriety u no.

  14. #14
    Sooo many places...Suburbs of Philly, Harleysville. 90* Summers, 20* winters...
    20 minutes out from philly, average house is 150,000, for about 2,300 sq feet...

    Anywhere out west, youll have beautiful scenery, tall mountains, with small towns or go even to denver, Big city, HUGE mountains... tons of options, and theres plenty of jobs, if your willing to work for em!

    Hope you come by the states, i just moved to myrtle beach, south carolina, got a 3500 sqf house for 200k, its cheap down here, and i live 10 miles from the beach

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by boarder034
    Sooo many places...Suburbs of Philly, Harleysville. 90* Summers, 20* winters...
    20 minutes out from philly, average house is 150,000, for about 2,300 sq feet...

    Anywhere out west, youll have beautiful scenery, tall mountains, with small towns or go even to denver, Big city, HUGE mountains... tons of options, and theres plenty of jobs, if your willing to work for em!

    Hope you come by the states, i just moved to myrtle beach, south carolina, got a 3500 sqf house for 200k, its cheap down here, and i live 10 miles from the beach
    Sounds great, i like the idea of Denver. I have heard it is really lovely round there.
    The idea of small towns is appealing though, i have heard of people who traveled the states years back that some of the most inviting places were places you wont find on a map. well that was back in the 80's lol.

    I like the idea of the property being so freaking huge there.
    This place you pay £200k for a one bedroom flat in a city about 500sqft or a 3 bedroom terrace house for about £150k in a small town, probably about 1200 sqft.
    my parents have one simmilar and although it is nice, come to sell it and not much chance of finding a bargain else where in the country.

  16. #16

    thats harleysville, its just outside philly like i said about 20 to 30 minutes, i grew up there my whole life till my house burnt down, my father commuted back and forth from philly everyday, and he never really complained too much lol

    alright so theres my old house as you can tell lol

    and thats just outside of denver!

  17. #17
    Fair bit of a burn out that sorry about that.
    People from round here dont like the houses because in the US because they see that alot are build from timber, me on the other hand i dont mind them. i know that if they catch fire they burn just the same and if they do catch a decent fire they will both need demolishing. you try telling someone in the UK that.

    Lovely scenery though, what am i doing here???

    what is the population of Harleysville?

  18. #18

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Odpierdol_sie!
    I like climates that vary.
    You know hot sumers, hard winters.

    I love hard winters for some reason, not arctic type weather but cold enough to go skiing.

    Eastern Europe really appeals to me, but its the language barrier and the cultural differences that have stopped me and the fact my missus is from Poland and she dont wanna go back there.
    USA seems the best place for me (i reckon i coudl talk her round to it).

    Im an out doorsy kinda person, always have liked stuff that keeps me busy.
    But on the other side i like the creature comforts of Metro life, coffee houses, live music in bars, big events in stadiums, people too busy to talk to you kinda stuff.

    I think the ideal place would be somewhere in the out back somwhere, with in a hour or 2 from a decent city, again because of the missus, she would go potty in a place hundreds of miles from anywhere that sells Guccii and Gina etc, id be comfy as there tho, ill keep my wellies and straw hat at the ready though.

    I am not really planning on work being a big issue. If i need to work in the city, id commute for the time im working.

    MADISON, WI. From what you've listed we have all of that.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Getting madcow treatments
    Northern Michigan if you really like skiing and snowmobiling...

  21. #21
    U.S. has alott to offer, do your research lol we have, to vail colorado, to boston, to san diego we got it all lol

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Learnin from the best...
    anywhere in Canada...hahaha

  23. #23
    haha... this aint gonna be easy is it lol

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    KTM country!
    I bet you'd love the Reno-Tahoe area of Nevada. Four seasons, skiing up the wazoo, ANY outdoor activity you can imagine is done here, and San Fransico is only 3 -1/2 hours away if you get a desire for the big city offerings (that may seem far in the UK, but that's not a long way at all by US standards), although you can find about anything you want or need in Reno as well.

    P.S. Did I mention the brothels?

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by 3**
    I bet you'd love the Reno-Tahoe area of Nevada. Four seasons, skiing up the wazoo, ANY outdoor activity you can imagine is done here, and San Fransico is only 3 -1/2 hours away if you get a desire for the big city offerings (that may seem far in the UK, but that's not a long way at all by US standards), although you can find about anything you want or need in Reno as well.

    P.S. Did I mention the brothels?
    haha brothels lol nah not for me. everything else is all good tho.
    Nevada hmm never thought about there. To be honest im not too bothered about the distance from the UK, you are talking what 4-5 hours flying to NY? i could live with that easy. not that ill be makin the trip to the UK that often.
    If i lived in the states i doubt i would leave there very often.

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