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Thread: Eggs: Can they kill you?

  1. #1
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    Question Eggs: Can they kill you?

    I've read that you can eat as many eggs as you want and it wouldn't effect your cholesterol levels and i've read that it can. So what's right??

    I eat 6 whole eggs a day but i wanna eat more. I just wanna confirm if that's right that you can eat as many eggs as you want and not effect my cholesterold levels.

  2. #2
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    No, you can't eat as much of anything as you want and not have it affect you in anyway. Dietary cholesterol doesn't have AS much as an affect on your blood cholesterol as saturated and trans fats do.

    Eggs do have some saturated fats in them, which will affect your cholesterol more so than the cholesterol in the eggs.

    If I were you, I'd wouldn't eat anymore than 6 eggs a day. You can always subsitute egg whites, and egg beaters if you crave any more eggs throughout the day. Also, don't forget to do a couple of sessions of cardio, and don't skimp on the flax seed oil, olive oil, and fish oil (just for health purposes).

    Oh, and just so you know I'm not bullshitting you, I'm studying to be an RD. So I have a pretty good idea of what I'm talking about.

  3. #3
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    One egg has anywhere from 70% to over 90% of your total recommeded daily intake of Cholesterol. If you eat alot of whole eggs it will definitely effect your cholesterol levels. Most, if not all of it in the yolks so if you are boiling your eggs just don't eat the yolks. The whites are where all the protein is anyway

  4. #4
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    i'll down 6-8 each day.. all hard boiled.. 1 or 2 yolks tops, the rest go in the trash.

  5. #5
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    i only do the egg whites, i get my fats from other sources, and i can deff do without the cholesterol

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno
    i'll down 6-8 each day.. all hard boiled.. 1 or 2 yolks tops, the rest go in the trash.

    I do the same. Some cholesterol is good for you, it's a precursor for testosterone. But I can't help but eat 4 fried eggs over-easy with a half pound of bacon and some blueberry pancakes, uhhh I think I'm gonna do that tomorrow morning. So good but so bad for you

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by bpm1
    i only do the egg whites, i get my fats from other sources, and i can deff do without the cholesterol
    Me too, high cholesterol and Heart disease runs in my family so I have to keep that in check. My mother almost had a heart attack when she was in her late 30's. She had to do 2 angioplasties to reduce a 98% blockage and my maternal grandmother had a quadruple bypass earlier this year

  8. #8
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    i love whole eggs..i scramble them with cheese..i hate eggs whites only but i eat 12-24 a day when im dieting

    i read it in this forum somwhere..someone said you can eat as many eggs as you want without it effecting your blood cholesterol and he has a link of a i dunno

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28
    Me too, high cholesterol and Heart disease runs in my family so I have to keep that in check. My mother almost had a heart attack when she was in her late 30's. She had to do 2 angioplasties to reduce a 98% blockage and my maternal grandmother had a quadruple bypass earlier this year
    pretty much the same story here, except its my grandfather who's had three bypass surgeries(some double, some triple, dont quite remember anymore).i too have naturally high cholesterol, it even tested high when i was vegan(for almost a yr), proof that genetics play a big role in that game.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by bossman_1986
    i love whole eggs..i scramble them with cheese..i hate eggs whites only but i eat 12-24 a day when im dieting

    i read it in this forum somwhere..someone said you can eat as many eggs as you want without it effecting your blood cholesterol and he has a link of a i dunno
    id love to see that, im not callin bs but iono

  11. #11
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bpm1
    pretty much the same story here, except its my grandfather who's had three bypass surgeries(some double, some triple, dont quite remember anymore).i too have naturally high cholesterol, it even tested high when i was vegan(for almost a yr), proof that genetics play a big role in that game.
    Yes, that's painfully true

  12. #12
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    Well I know Arnold ate like 12 a day in some of his diet routines, whole. He said how most of the protein was in the yolk, rather then the white, so I don't know. I believe I read it in the Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding. And yes, I know how many people say that his stuff is, "outdated"... But shit, I'd rather look outdated (arnold) then most of the people who follow the new routines today.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018
    Well I know Arnold ate like 12 a day in some of his diet routines, whole. He said how most of the protein was in the yolk, rather then the white, so I don't know. I believe I read it in the Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding. And yes, I know how many people say that his stuff is, "outdated"... But shit, I'd rather look outdated (arnold) then most of the people who follow the new routines today.
    Well said lawman

  14. #14
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    olive oil is my preferred source of fats personally....I will get anywhere from 100-120 grams of fats from just olive oil daily

    I feel really good over all

  15. #15
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    even a few yolks for me, not that i think its bad, just overall, i feel better without them....I feel yolks for some reason tend to put fat on me

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018
    Well I know Arnold ate like 12 a day in some of his diet routines, whole. He said how most of the protein was in the yolk, rather then the white, so I don't know. I believe I read it in the Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding. And yes, I know how many people say that his stuff is, "outdated"... But shit, I'd rather look outdated (arnold) then most of the people who follow the new routines today.
    Lol so now Arnold is a nutrition specialist as well? You can't follow what people eat just because they look a certain way. My friend is 6'4 230lbs and is always in the single digits in terms of body fat. What does he eat all daY? JUNK FOOD! Just because it worked for Arnold doesn't mean it will work for you.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Renesis
    Lol so now Arnold is a nutrition specialist as well? You can't follow what people eat just because they look a certain way. My friend is 6'4 230lbs and is always in the single digits in terms of body fat. What does he eat all daY? JUNK FOOD! Just because it worked for Arnold doesn't mean it will work for you.
    That is true... But hey, it's working so far so.... If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018
    That is true... But hey, it's working so far so.... If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
    You dont know if its broke unless your getting blood work.

    I dont wouldn't eat that many yokes

  19. #19
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    My cholesterol gets check every year at work. Plus it was checked dozens of times during my military and college years. I've eaten 4 raw eggs every morning since I was 14 years old and have never had an issue with cholesterol, and I imagine I could eat more with little change. Even though cholesterol issues do not run in my family, I still feel that if it is natural there will be little detremental health affects. It's all the man-made crap that kills you, e.g. McDonnald's.

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