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Thread: Does this ever happen to you?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind

    Does this ever happen to you?

    Ok, I already told SOLID this story, but i figured it'd be good for yall to know as well. Anyway,

    I'm at the grocery store, this week Bottom Eye Round Steak is on sale $1.99/lb. I'm like "Giddy up! Time to stock up for the winter!". So i proceed into the grocery store, and buy all my canned goods and boxed products (So my steak won't be in the "danger zone" and get to warm by the time i get home). Isn't that smart?? Back to the story, so i finally mozy my way over to the steak, and my mouth starts to drool looking at all the Grade A+++++ Beef. That girl's ass was sooooo plump. I wanted to.... Ok, back to the steak..I keep getting sidetracked. So I go up to the freezer case where the steak is sitting there staring at me, telling me to take them home and grille em up.There's about 10 packages of steakleft, and they all add up to about $25 or so. There is a few old people looking around and stuff for some meat as well. I figured this was my chance, I had to grab them ALL before they had a chance to steal my claim. So i start growling at them, and i got foam coming out of my mouth. I snap at them, and they step back. I then grab all the steaks that are left in the case, and they look at me with puppy dawg eyes, begging me to give them one. So i tell them, "Hey, you're too late you old geezers, go buy some canned tuna and hush up. There over near the Depends." By this time, security has been called, and i find myself running for my life throwing money at the cashier and hallin ass out the door. They can not catch me, i am unstoppable.

    Well, anyway, that's my story. Hope you enjoyed it.

  2. #2
    CYCLEON Guest
    uhhhhhhhh.......... PPP, are you in any way related to amaf/uou/m0f0/stfu_m0f0 ????????? all that needed was "I met them strenght to strength...... cause my suplex cannot be broken"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Hey P to the third need to send me whatever you're on...WTF was that?!?!?
    What happens here, stays here

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Trips....dude, when you feel resistance...stop pushing the Q-tip in!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Cyc- No relations mista mod.

    Primo- High on life.

    Pistol Pete- I haven't used a qtip since 83.

    Well, i told the story that way, because the way it REALLY happened wasn't exciting. Here's the real way. Everything about getting canned and boxed goods was true. GRabbing all the meat was true, but the old people didn't beg. The just looked at me like "Asshole! Their are other people that have to eat! Share the wealth! " Screw that, they just eat for pleasure, i eat for fuel. If steak wasn't good for me, i wouldnt eat it, simple as that. That's the REAL/BORING story.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    You're a funy man time I'm in your neck 'o' the woods we'll head out for a real steak (medium rare) and some ice cold frosty rockets!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Jeez I had to read that twice and to be honest I still don,t get it - must be the english SOH we don,t get anything

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Don't feel bad, i read it ten times since i posted it and i dont get it either.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

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