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Thread: Went on a date, but I WANT HER FRIEND!

  1. #41
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    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by ronan the barbarian
    idiot,choosing between two girls happens to everyone many times through life,thats not what i was taking the piss about,asking strangers for advice is what i find funny.
    The Lounge was designed for posts like this. I don't take this advice as the be-all/end-all of information to govern my every decision in life.

    What better place to get advice on women than a pool of THOUSANDS of guys who have had different experiences with different women?

    Also, the determining factor in whether or not hot women want to fcuk you is how you present yourself. If you are confident and KNOW that you can have any woman you want, they pick up on this...and you become more desirable because you are not "easy" or "desperate" like most guys.

    Also, I never said they were hot models...haha. They are very attractive women with huge tits...and nice asses...but models, no.

  2. #42
    Gear's Avatar
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    Take them both.


  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    Erm, so why were you demanding pictures as proof and calling BS if it is so commonplace?

    Can I just mention you have a real nice way about you mate...

    your right,was being an arse,had a rough day and got one on me,but lets face it theres a lot of bs in the lounge.usually love a good old rant but noone was playing till i went over to the right to carry a weapon

  4. #44
    If you want another shot at them, tell the lesser one that you are out having some drinks and your buddy is meeting you. Then both of them show, and your buddy doesnt. Pretend to call him and then tell them something come up, ie family issues etc. Then buy lots of drinks and lay it on them all night and see what happens. BTW, you might want to have some viagra or cialis on hand so you can back up all the sh!t you been laying on them all night...

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by ronan the barbarian
    your right,was being an arse,had a rough day and got one on me,but lets face it theres a lot of bs in the lounge.usually love a good old rant but noone was playing till i went over to the right to carry a weapon
    New saying for the english "we shoot loads, not people"(changed sides just to mix it up )

  6. #46
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    london uk
    Quote Originally Posted by liftin4life
    The Lounge was designed for posts like this. I don't take this advice as the be-all/end-all of information to govern my every decision in life.

    What better place to get advice on women than a pool of THOUSANDS of guys who have had different experiences with different women?

    Also, the determining factor in whether or not hot women want to fcuk you is how you present yourself. If you are confident and KNOW that you can have any woman you want, they pick up on this...and you become more desirable because you are not "easy" or "desperate" like most guys.

    Also, I never said they were hot models...haha. They are very attractive women with huge tits...and nice asses...but models, no.
    Thats very true. Most guys nowdays are just so desperate its a joke, you gotta pitty them tbh.

    Any decent ish looking girl comes along and theyll try anything to get at it, theyve got no sweet lyrics and no can tell this by just looking at internet dating sites ie faceparty, or myspace aswell...look how many views the womens profiles get compared with the mens. Ask any woman on there and she'll tell you she gets at least 10 messages a day trying to lead to sex...the real fit ones probably get over 100 a day. Funny thing is that as i worked as a head doorman in a big bar in england i saw some of the 'wannabe trendy' supposed 'models' who had all their faceparty/myspace pictures totally airbrushed/professionally taken...the ones the guys were drooling over...hahahahaha pmsl most looked nothing like they did in their pics and one in particular who looks stunning in her modelling pics just looks a bit weird in real life and was hanging around with some real dorky guys. She prob gets 100 or so messages a day from desperate guys.

    A few months back i took this beautiful girl on a date, she was a model, was the cover model for a new band here in england, only 20 years old. Whilst this chick was extremely sexy she said something that put me totally off her, about how she goes into bars and clubs and all the guys perv on her, that she literally gets 40 guys per night touching her and groping and trying it on...she used to call me up when she was working (as a dancer) to moan saying that guys were perving on her and touching her...??? What the fuk do you want me to do about it love??? Shall i just quit work, run upto your work and start a fight with every guy that tries to pull you?

    But she was right in a way, whilst i just laughed off what she was saying (i could tell she was arrogant) there are just so many desperate guys out there and they give us guys who know that women arent the be all and end all of life a bad reputation, because we are also tarnished with their stupid brush as we are 'men'.

    Whenever this happens i politely remind the girl 'hunny, look at me and then look at the guys that try this with you, do i look like the guy that needs to go around perving?' I'll even say something c*cky like 'if it doesnt work out with you then i'll just go find someone else, its not hard'...but add...'but i dont want to find someone else because im attracted to you and i think we get along really well, i dont just want sex with you, id like to talk and chill and unwind babe'

    If girls are gonna get all big headed because they get a load of desperate men perving on them, they should realise that there are some guys out there who can pick and choose or play if they want to.

    An example is lap dancers...lap dancers dance and get money from men all night long, so this gives them the attitude that all men fancy them...but what they dont realise is that most decent and well respected men will NOT date someone in the sex industry whether its porn or lap dancing etc, they wont even consider dating one. Also, the type of guys who go to the strip clubs are NOT the type of guys who will be big buff good looking guys going out and getting their pick of the women in clubs/bars etc...these guys dont need to pay for sex. I had an argument with my ex gf who is a lap dancer (never again will i go out with one, infact i dont want to sleep with any again either after some of the things ive seen and heard), we were about to get back together after i finished it. We were talking about how good sex was and how we are really into each other (she had a drug/drink problem thats why i ended it), i had also kind of started seeing another girl aswell but only just. My ex then persisted to tell me over the phone how she can get guys drooling over her and that i should be lucky (haha i should be the lucky one) that she wants to get back with me and she will have sex with me, wtf??? Pmsl...i was already getting sex from another girl and this girl wasnt riddled with issues either. So i told her straight that with that attitude she gets absolutely nothing from me at all...i then had her txting me apologising and trying it on again lol...these girls get such a big head because of all the desperate men (and lesbians) out there that they think they can get anyone they want...its a load of bollox.

    Any update on the situation mate. (what a long post)

  7. #47
    That was a pleasant way of them telling you that they wanted to do you, you know, like tag team wrestling! But when they kept throwing hints your way you balked, then i am sure they looked at each other and said, "he's all show and no go" get rid of the dud, hench the let's take a walk, YOU FOOL...
    When you left, trust me, the went down on each other all night, what a dope.. You could have been the cream filling they were looking for.... GAWD i love chicks...
    BTW you do not have to tell me, i know you live in California! I been tag teamed 4 times in my life, every time it happened i was in California, visiting my brother.
    Last edited by BadBenny; 10-16-2007 at 06:56 AM.

  8. #48
    Join Date
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    Thats what I was thinking.

    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969
    Dude, you missed your opportunity, what the fukk.

    When youre in the room with two girls and they both say they're horny, THATS when you score the 3some.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Hey now....the stage is set...

    Tomorrow roommie and I are going to hang with them all night...he's playing wingman so I can get the hottie.

    If it backfires, we'll go with our originally set-up dates.

    For the 3-sum...I would have to hang out with both of them...and ditch my roommate....damn...SHOULD I TRY THAT INSTEAD? haha!

  10. #50
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    Dudes friend ditches him and bangs both chics

    ok, ok you take the ugly one ok? "sure dude, I got your back" wtf? man I would slap my friend upside the head if he said some stupid shlt like that

  11. #51
    Join Date
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    london uk
    So what happened? Did you both splat in the girls faces and slap hands together before running off lau***ng and shouting 'owned biatches!!!'...Or what???

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by britbb View Post
    So what happened? Did you both splat in the girls faces and slap hands together before running off lau***ng and shouting 'owned biatches!!!'...Or what???

    Haha...actually I've been with the ORIGINAL one for 3 months now. It's going amazingly well!

    My roommate emailed the hot friend and said "I normally date prettier women" so he screwed himself over on that one.

    BOTH of the women (one is my gf) are moving into my house in 4 months...muah ha ha. Maybe I can hope for a rainy day with alcohol.

  13. #53
    Ya, you should have done both of them.

  14. #54
    Join Date
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    See if she has a good looking brother

  15. #55
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    See if she has a good looking brother
    Why DSM why?

  16. #56
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by rana173 View Post
    Why DSM why?
    A mans touch is so devine

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    A mans touch is so devine
    I am going to have to say NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO to that.

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by rana173 View Post
    I am going to have to say NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO to that.
    "Please don't knock it, until you try it." 2 Live crew

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    "Please don't knock it, until you try it." 2 Live crew
    I tried it and did not like it...LOL

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by rana173 View Post
    I tried it and did not like it...LOL
    Did you really ?

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Did you really ?
    No, I was kidding. I bet got turned on for a sec. I have been to a couple of gay bars because a old friend of mine is gay. Let's just say I did not pay for one drink.

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by rana173 View Post
    No, I was kidding. I bet got turned on for a sec. I have been to a couple of gay bars because a old friend of mine is gay. Let's just say I did not pay for one drink.
    LOL. My brother does the same $hit ! He asks me "Where you going tonight?" I said <insert gay bar name here>. His reply "Yo, can i come with you ? I want to drink but don't have any money !"

    Ahhh family is great.

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    LOL. My brother does the same $hit ! He asks me "Where you going tonight?" I said <insert gay bar name here>. His reply "Yo, can i come with you ? I want to drink but don't have any money !"

    Ahhh family is great.
    I know, my friend was scared when he first told me he was gay. He thought I would totally be pissed off, I really don't care. It was funnier when I said I would go to the bar with him, I have to admit that there was some hot trannies.

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by rana173 View Post
    I know, my friend was scared when he first told me he was gay. He thought I would totally be pissed off, I really don't care. It was funnier when I said I would go to the bar with him, I have to admit that there was some hot trannies.
    I was scared sh!tless when i told my best friend. We were friends all throughout high school and i thought he would just hate me. Turned out he could really care less and our friendship has grown even stronger. It shows that kind of person you are rana.

    Trannies are not my thing in the least but your are right some of them are hot ! lol

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    I was scared sh!tless when i told my best friend. We were friends all throughout high school and i thought he would just hate me. Turned out he could really care less and our friendship has grown even stronger. It shows that kind of person you are rana.

    Trannies are not my thing in the least but your are right some of them are hot ! lol
    Thanks, trust me I don't have a problem with it. I know when he told he wanted to cry because it was no problem with me. Then he was even more shocked when I went to the bars with him. I actually had a good time because his friends knew I am straight and they tried to pick me up all night long.

    Hell some of those trannies looked prettier then most chicks

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by rana173 View Post
    Thanks, trust me I don't have a problem with it. I know when he told he wanted to cry because it was no problem with me. Then he was even more shocked when I went to the bars with him. I actually had a good time because his friends knew I am straight and they tried to pick me up all night long.

    Hell some of those trannies looked prettier then most chicks
    I never understood how when straight guys get hit on by gay guys they get so intimidated/angry. The guys do the same thing to my brother and he just laughs about it. He will tell them "Im straight" and they say "thats ashame" lol

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    I never understood how when straight guys get hit on by gay guys they get so intimidated/angry. The guys do the same thing to my brother and he just laughs about it. He will tell them "Im straight" and they say "thats ashame" lol
    Same here, hell if I am ever in your area I will let you take me out. Just remember nothing is happening between us.

    My old brother freaks out when guys hit on him, he is a total homophobe.

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by rana173 View Post
    Same here, hell if I am ever in your area I will let you take me out. Just remember nothing is happening between us.

    My old brother freaks out when guys hit on him, he is a total homophobe.
    lol. I F with alot of people on here but i am just a down to earth type guy. If you knew me and i didnt tell you i was gay you would have 100% no clue which is what makes it hard when i come out to people. Their jaws drop to the ground lol. I always get the "but you don't act gay."

    Give your brother a kiss from me.

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    lol. I F with alot of people on here but i am just a down to earth type guy. If you knew me and i didnt tell you i was gay you would have 100% no clue which is what makes it hard when i come out to people. Their jaws drop to the ground lol. I always get the "but you don't act gay."

    Give your brother a kiss from me.
    LOL, if I even mention having anal sex with a chick he totally freaks out, that is a bit weird. Dude if we met I could totally tell you are gay, do you know why? Cuz you would be totally checking me out, BIG TIME...LOL

  30. #70
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    Did we have group sharing while I was gone?

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents View Post
    Did we have group sharing while I was gone?
    You missed out, DSM and I cried together. Where were you?

  32. #72
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    I agree with everyone else... You just have to go for it. Next time the three of you are together, maybe get a little tipsy. Not drunk, just a little buzz. When the conversation turns sexual, mention a massage. Lie down and have them both massage you. One of the girls on one side (by right arm), other on the opposite side. Then have "the friend", and you and "your girl" massage her. Lastly, have "your girl" lay down, both you and "the friend" massage her. While you are massaging lean over and kiss "the friend". You either get slapped, or things proceed from there. It might take some balls, but it works.

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by rana173 View Post
    You missed out, DSM and I cried together. Where were you?
    We did. Althought rana is a good shoulder to cry on goodcents hands are out of this world !

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01 View Post
    did you get a new haircut? f'cken skanks!!!!! i think yall need to do some more drinking together.
    Great f'ing call! Just tell these chicks..."Lets **** now...I'm in the ****ing ZONE"! lmao

    Then when its done....****ing skanks!

    Take it for what it is! A good time!

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