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    convalescence69's Avatar
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    You want the Gov to stay out of your business? Want to make Gear legal?

    I hate to make a political plug, but I find it of the utmost urgency that people are made aware.
    First, I must say this, just to keep your attention: Ron Paul wants to decriminalize drugs! Thats right, you want to order your gear and not have the feds or the DEA busting your door down or invading your privacy? You want to Read the board rules. No rec drug references. and not go to jail? Ron Paul is the answer. Ron Paul is your man! He wants to seriously downsize the government and eliminate a ton of the corrupt and wasteful government programs, and get rid of the "Patriot" act (this act works against us Gear users here to, mind you). He is a champion of privacy, liberty, and freedom.
    Ron Paul wants to get back to the constitution, he is a libertarian that is registered on the Republican ticket. Watch him in the debates. For those that are concerned about the war, he is the only candidate, on either the Dem's or GOP, that has vowed to bring the troops home immediately. He doesn't want the US getting involved in foreign police activities, he wants to spend the money here at home, and mind our damned business.
    One thing that really struck home with me was this - He wants to get rid of the Federal Reserve and the Income Tax! Both are extremely and insanely unconstitutional. This guy has policies that appeal to both Left and the Right. He is a medical doctor, has delivered over 3000 babies, is a ten term congressman, has never voted to raise taxes, never voted on an unbalanced budget, opposes any bill or act that is not in line with the constitution, was a flight surgeon in the airforce. Dude is a badass.
    All the other candidates are full of crap, they dance around the issues and pander to the mob. The media has tried to ignore Ron Paul, and the other candidates have done whatever they can to ban him from the debates because he raises controversial questions that the others are affraid to face.
    The Neo-Cons want to rule your lives, monitor you from cradle to grave, fight costly un-winnable wars, invade your privacy, and bring religion into politics. The Democrats are turning into Socialist Commies, they want to redistribute all the money to more costly government programs, and give away money in welfare and aide packages to other nations. We're gonna end up bankrupt before you know it (on a side note, not sure many realize this, but for the first time ever, the Canadian dollar is worth the same as ours... this is very scary, never have I seen that happen, Canadian money was always considered crap).
    Ron Paul is the only candidate that wants to decriminalize drugs (he has vowed to end the war on drugs!), end the Iraq war immediately (the dems have even said they'd probably have troops there until 2012), protect our privacy and our freedoms, and is pro-free market. Please take the time to just check out his website, read it for just a few minutes. The guy is a real hero. www.r o n p a u l
    I am just a normal dude, I don't work for Ron Paul or his website. This is the first time I've ever felt so compelled by a candidate. I know it sucks being bombarded with political propoganda, but please consider what I've taken the time to type up here. Be well all.

  2. #2
    3bd's Avatar
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    Not a bad post, but the wrong thread. Needs to be moved to either the lounge or the news thread.

  3. #3
    Maldorf's Avatar
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    Yeah, I have 2 of his signs I am going to put up in my yard soon. I will vote for him in the primary, but its going to be hard for him to beat out the other candidates because they have so much more money in their campaigns. Hopefully more people will learn about him and contribute to his campaign. The 2 signs I bought were just $12 and help out the campaign.

  4. #4
    convalescence69's Avatar
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    Dude, thats awesome, frikken great man! Ron Paul raised more money than McCain last quarter, and that got him a lot of news time, thankfully. Last debate though, they only asked him one question, which really pissed me off, but he answered it well. Here's the clip of that question . Romney says some crap first, then Paul lays the smack down.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by convalescence69
    Dude, thats awesome, frikken great man! Ron Paul raised more money than McCain last quarter, and that got him a lot of news time, thankfully. Last debate though, they only asked him one question, which really pissed me off, but he answered it well. Here's the clip of that question . Romney says some crap first, then Paul lays the smack down.
    Nice! He needs more moments like this. Most of America doesnt even know who he is. I didnt know until about 2 weeks ago. I am so glad I discovered him, he gives me some hope that this country could turn around.

  6. #6
    convalescence69's Avatar
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    Yeah. The biggest problem is that his support base is online, and those people desperately need to get off their asses and out the door, talk to the older people that don't hang out online so much. Tell your parents and grandparents. Lets get the government out of peoples lives~!

  7. #7
    Maldorf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by convalescence69
    Yeah. The biggest problem is that his support base is online, and those people desperately need to get off their asses and out the door, talk to the older people that don't hang out online so much. Tell your parents and grandparents. Lets get the government out of peoples lives~!
    Yeah, ive been mentioning him to my family and friends as well as neighbors. I sent out some emails with a link to his site, so got the word out some.

  8. #8
    3bd's Avatar
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    Is anyone here old enough to remember Ross Perot?

  9. #9
    convalescence69's Avatar
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    Sure man, I remember him. He was crazy rich though, much better funded than Ron Paul. Many of the big $ heads and corporations stand to lose a lot if Ron gets in. Most of Ron Paul's money has come from working class people and students, so its amazing he got over 5 million last quarter.
    So yeah, what about Perot?

  10. #10
    convalescence69's Avatar
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    Here is some more links to information on how well Ron Paul stomps the other candidates in the polls, but still the Media won't cover him, they are terrified of him. These are the Straw Poll Results, he wins almost every one
    These are the debate polls, again, he wins almost every one

  11. #11
    3bd's Avatar
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    Ron Paul is today's Ross Perot. Trust me. His only purpose is to put Hilary into office (all orchestrated by the Clinton's of course), and it will be successfull. He will eventualy split theconservative vote and Hilary will win by default.

  12. #12
    convalescence69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3**
    Ron Paul is today's Ross Perot. Trust me. His only purpose is to put Hilary into office (all orchestrated by the Clinton's of course), and it will be successfull. He will eventualy split theconservative vote and Hilary will win by default.
    I would say this is a sound concern, however, what you say would only be true if Ron Paul did not get the republican nomination and decided to run as independent or third party. That is the only way he could "split" the conservative vote and hand the white house to hillary. As of now, Ron Paul has said he doesn't plan on running as an independent or third party.
    Oddly as it may sound, Ron Paul actually managed to acquire the support of some leftists. This is odd sounding to me, but he is the only candidate on both sides that has committed to getting the troops back asap (Hillary and Obama both said they'd have troops there for several more years).

  13. #13
    AandF6969's Avatar
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    Oh, and Ron Paul favors gun rights. And dissolving the ATF.

    +1000 for him.

  14. #14
    ironaddict69's Avatar
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    holy shit. thank you for starting this thread convalescence69. we NEED that guy in office. Now how the hell are we gunna do it?

  15. #15
    snoogans is offline Banned
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    Vote for that mofacka!!!! RON PAUL FTW!!!

  16. #16
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    for great justice!

    There's only 1 reason why I wish I was American right now: just so I could vote for Ron Paul.

  17. #17
    SB7 is offline New Member
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    I have his bumper sticker on my car. The guy rocks. We really, really need a champion of privacy and citizen rights in office.

  18. #18
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  19. #19
    zipster_dude's Avatar
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    Great Post, but he doesn't stand a chance. There are a few powerful people in the world who run the show.....

    America is not ready for a true capitalist in government...Too many soft people who believe in half capitalism, half socialism....

    Wellfare, social security, medicaid, medicare, disability, unemployment....If you research all of these, they are routed in socialism....

    If you remember Perot, he had unlimited budget and still only received like 5% of the popular vote....

    Too many straight Republicans and Dems.....

  20. #20
    goaheadandhitme is offline Associate Member
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    Quick history lesson for today: Does anybody know what happens to politicians who even whisper about the fact the federal reserve is totally un-constitutional? Lincoln, Kennedy, how many others?

    Personally I'm not "into" politics but history fascinates me.
    Last edited by goaheadandhitme; 10-13-2007 at 10:05 AM.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by goaheadandhitme
    Quick history lesson for today: Does anybody know what happens to politicians who even whisper about the fact the federal reserve is totally un-constitutional? Lincoln, Kennedy, how many others?

    Personally I'm not "into" politics but history fascinates me.
    So let's see if Ron Paul gets his head blown off.

    Then we'll definitely know.

  22. #22
    goaheadandhitme is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini
    So let's see if Ron Paul gets his head blown off.

    Then we'll definitely know.
    I think that trouble makers are delt with differently these days. He has my vote in any case.

  23. #23
    billybambam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3**
    Ron Paul is today's Ross Perot. Trust me. His only purpose is to put Hilary into office (all orchestrated by the Clinton's of course), and it will be successfull. He will eventualy split theconservative vote and Hilary will win by default.
    This is exactly the feeling I am getting from this guy.

  24. #24
    convalescence69's Avatar
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    I am going to a rally in Orlando after the Fox Debates on the 21st of this month. I may have the chance to meet him.
    I too have wondered and worried, I am figuring they will either rig the election, or he will be assassinated. Too many powerful corporations and big money heads would lose a lot with him getting into office, and I am sure they will do whatever they can to stop that from happening.
    I am doing whatever I can to make people more aware of this guy. The media is doing their best to ignore him. Tell your friends, and especially your parents and grandparents, those are the people that aren't online finding this stuff out, they are the ones watching the Tv that is ignoring this awesome guy and his message.
    We've been made for years to believe that we need the government to protect us from ourselves, and the media puts forth just either or options when there really are a whole lot more to choose from, and they just don't want you to hear the other options. Be well guys, rock out and VOTE RON PAUL!
    Also, I seen some Ron Paul supporters doing this; go to wal mart or whatever and get one of those paint markers and put Vote Ron Paul on your car rear window, gets a good amount of attention. If the media won't get his message out for us we have to do that work instead.
    Last edited by convalescence69; 10-13-2007 at 12:23 PM.

  25. #25
    convalescence69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by billybambam
    This is exactly the feeling I am getting from this guy.
    Earlier I responded to this concern. Ron Paul is under the republican ticket, though he is hard core libertarian. He is trying to get the republican nomination, if so he won't be splitting the republican vote. He has said he does not intend to run third party, so in this case there would be no splitting of the republican vote. Read up on him, he is totally legit. I couldn't find any dirt on him whatsoever, and believe me I tried.

  26. #26
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    This music video is Ron Paul's life story:

    Ron Paul = the guy who crashes down to earth, lol

  27. #27
    J-41-sd is offline Associate Member
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    The sad truth is that americans are sheep and go where the in crowd goes, the last election was a perfect example, scare tactics won that election. It amazes me because this is by far the worst, most corrupt and incompetent administration in U.S. history that has senselessly wasted tax dollars and more importantly American lives, it is truly a dark time in American history. People want a household name, someone that graces the cover of TIME, our party system is outdated at best, how can you always sit on one side of the fence or the other, left or right, black or white. No one person is always a dem. and not one person is always a rep. to group people in one or the other is wrong and it limits the choices the American public has as a matter of social control by 2 groups of people, very scary indeed.

  28. #28
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    He has little chances of winning and even less chance of implementing his ideas if he gets into office

  29. #29
    billybambam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J-41-sd
    The sad truth is that americans are sheep and go where the in crowd goes, the last election was a perfect example, scare tactics won that election. It amazes me because this is by far the worst, most corrupt and incompetent administration in U.S. history that has senselessly wasted tax dollars and more importantly American lives, it is truly a dark time in American history. People want a household name, someone that graces the cover of TIME, our party system is outdated at best, how can you always sit on one side of the fence or the other, left or right, black or white. No one person is always a dem. and not one person is always a rep. to group people in one or the other is wrong and it limits the choices the American public has as a matter of social control by 2 groups of people, very scary indeed.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by billybambam

    I know right billybambam...if it was up to you...we'd probably exhaust all of our resources running around the world killen them there 'rag heads' yellin YEEEHAWWWWWWW while smokin Winstons and scratchin our balls....eating cereal out of the dead combatants skulls right? We'd be teachin them a lesson and trying to convert them to Christianity, kinda like the Crusades all over again right? You'd like that wouldnt you....

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    I know right billybambam...if it was up to you...we'd probably exhaust all of our resources running around the world killen them there 'rag heads' yellin YEEEHAWWWWWWW while smokin Winstons and scratchin our balls....eating cereal out of the dead combatants skulls right? We'd be teachin them a lesson and trying to convert them to Christianity, kinda like the Crusades all over again right? You'd like that wouldnt you....

    Amen Brother, Preach it!

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by billybambam
    Amen Brother, Preach it!
    Appearently you missed the part where that is not seriously what I think we should do. Perhaps I would share those ideals, had I been a completely uneducated inbred hick with absolutely no ability for higher thinking or the ability to think on my own without some religious zealout telling me what I should think.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    I know right billybambam...if it was up to you...we'd probably exhaust all of our resources running around the world killen them there 'rag heads' yellin YEEEHAWWWWWWW while smokin Winstons and scratchin our balls....eating cereal out of the dead combatants skulls right? We'd be teachin them a lesson and trying to convert them to Christianity, kinda like the Crusades all over again right? You'd like that wouldnt you....
    Yeah baby, and get back to makin the US of A the Ultimate Hand of Power once again!

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by convalescence69
    I am going to a rally in Orlando after the Fox Debates on the 21st of this month. I may have the chance to meet him.
    I too have wondered and worried, I am figuring they will either rig the election, or he will be assassinated. Too many powerful corporations and big money heads would lose a lot with him getting into office, and I am sure they will do whatever they can to stop that from happening.
    "Did you ever stop to think about who it is we kill? It's always people who have told us to live together in harmony and try to love one another. Jesus, Ghandi, Lincoln, John Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Medgar Evers, Malcolm X, John Lennon. They all said "try to live together peacefully". BAM! Right in the fvckin' head! Apparently we're not ready for that. Yeah... that's difficult behavior for us. We're too busy sitting around trying to think up ways to kill each other."

    - George Carlin

  35. #35
    SnaX is offline Anabolic Member
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    I've become a fan of Ron Paul as of lately.

    Of course not everybody will agree 100% on all the things a certain candidate may have... So with this guy, I don't feel like I did in the last election... I felt before like I was voting for a piece of cat-sh1t instead of dog-sh1t.

    Ron Paul seems decent. Still doing lots of reading.

    Of course I'm not going to vote for the guy simply because he wants to legalize drugs. I'm a little bothered if that was your main point about the man. The process of legalizing drugs, and WHICh drugs are to be legalize will have to be looked at CLOSELY. I'm still for order, as I am for peoples' right to decide for themselves.

    The MAJOR problem I feel that people will face is NOT BEING EDUCATED on what they are doing in life! Especially on rec drug use, OR the use of aas.

    People can get themselves into a LOT of trouble health-wise, so there is a factor of EDUCATION that must be taken into consideration.

    I like the guy for other reasons as well. Eliminate the Income Tax.
    I would like to think this would put more money in the pockets of hard working Americans.
    Even if the taxes on products were raised, I still would rather have THAT than an income tax. Hopefully eliminating income tax will promote spending within America! And enable families to create a buffer in their budget rather than living from paycheck to paycheck as many Americans do.

    He also made the comment in an interview that I watched, about how money isn't backed by gold etc. Very interesting topic on how he wanted to give the DOLLAR greater worth.

    I think the man could do a lot of good for this country Maybe fix some foreign policy

    Time will tell. At the point I hope he does well enough to win.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by SnaX
    I've become a fan of Ron Paul as of lately.

    Of course not everybody will agree 100% on all the things a certain candidate may have... So with this guy, I don't feel like I did in the last election... I felt before like I was voting for a piece of cat-sh1t instead of dog-sh1t.

    Ron Paul seems decent. Still doing lots of reading.

    Of course I'm not going to vote for the guy simply because he wants to legalize drugs. I'm a little bothered if that was your main point about the man. The process of legalizing drugs, and WHICh drugs are to be legalize will have to be looked at CLOSELY. I'm still for order, as I am for peoples' right to decide for themselves.

    The MAJOR problem I feel that people will face is NOT BEING EDUCATED on what they are doing in life! Especially on rec drug use, OR the use of aas.

    People can get themselves into a LOT of trouble health-wise, so there is a factor of EDUCATION that must be taken into consideration.

    And I still dont see the problem with that? I think that is the entire point, let people make the decisions for themselves about what goes into their bodies. Whether they choose to educate or not is their perogative. When did politics become so altruistic? Ever heard of survival of the fittest? If some jackass is stupid enough to put some illicit drug into their veins that is proven to cause medical problems, it is a widely accepted FACT, then I say go ahead, the human population is all the more FIT for survival now that we've weeded those dumbasses out of the gene pool.

    Im sure that a lot of Americans can make the same argument about you/I chosing to put steroids into our bodies. They might say "Well, we cant make it legal because what if those guys aren't educated on the dangers, WHAT IF." See my point, it is up to the INDIVIDUAL to educate themselves before putting something into their own bodies. If they chose not to, they suffer the consequences, I think the intelligent human beings are soon seperated from the not-so-bright over time with a policy like this.

    I like the guy for other reasons as well. Eliminate the Income Tax.
    I would like to think this would put more money in the pockets of hard working Americans.
    Even if the taxes on products were raised, I still would rather have THAT than an income tax. Hopefully eliminating income tax will promote spending within America! And enable families to create a buffer in their budget rather than living from paycheck to paycheck as many Americans do.

    He also made the comment in an interview that I watched, about how money isn't backed by gold etc. Very interesting topic on how he wanted to give the DOLLAR greater worth.

    I think the man could do a lot of good for this country Maybe fix some foreign policy

    Time will tell. At the point I hope he does well enough to win.
    Read the RED

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by convalescence69
    I would say this is a sound concern, however, what you say would only be true if Ron Paul did not get the republican nomination and decided to run as independent or third party. That is the only way he could "split" the conservative vote and hand the white house to hillary. As of now, Ron Paul has said he doesn't plan on running as an independent or third party.
    Oddly as it may sound, Ron Paul actually managed to acquire the support of some leftists. This is odd sounding to me, but he is the only candidate on both sides that has committed to getting the troops back asap (Hillary and Obama both said they'd have troops there for several more years).
    Yes, this is a valid point, but I don't think there is a chance in hell he will get the Republican nomination. Don't get me wrong, the man inspires me... just like Perot did in '91. I felt like a dumbass when the election was over.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by convalescence69
    This is odd sounding to me, but he is the only candidate on both sides that has committed to getting the troops back asap (Hillary and Obama both said they'd have troops there for several more years).
    Both Mike Gravel and Dennis Kucinich (both Democrats) have said they'd pull troops out ASAP, no delay. Gravel is for abolishing the IRS and ending the drug war (treating drug abuse as a medical issue instead of a criminal problem). I dunno what Kucinich's thoughts on those are.


    Ron Paul's views on gay marriage are somewhat antiquated, though. Nevertheless, here's what I'm probably gonna do . . .
    Since I live in Texas, and Texas is gonna go "Red" anyway, I'm gonna vote for Ron Paul in the primary, and then (probably) vote in the general election for whoever's the Democrat.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock
    Both Mike Gravel and Dennis Kucinich (both Democrats) have said they'd pull troops out ASAP, no delay. Gravel is for abolishing the IRS and ending the drug war (treating drug abuse as a medical issue instead of a criminal problem). I dunno what Kucinich's thoughts on those are.


    Ron Paul's views on gay marriage are somewhat antiquated, though. Nevertheless, here's what I'm probably gonna do . . .
    Since I live in Texas, and Texas is gonna go "Red" anyway, I'm gonna vote for Ron Paul in the primary, and then (probably) vote in the general election for whoever's the Democrat.
    I've heard some nicer things about Kucinich, and nicer things about his wife (lol!). Gravel is another great option if you are going the way of the left, he too wants to decriminalize drugs and end the war, but he has absolutely no chance against Hillary, and I think Gravel puts a lot of people off with his demeanor of being frantic and angry. Hillary has followers that trip over their tongues as they drool, they are so fervently ravenous to get another Clinton in office, and I can't say I blame them one bit. The country was definitely in better shape with Bill in there, we had more money, we were safer, and the world had a much better opinion of us. However, I have to remind people, she is not Bill. Though having him back in there involved sounds nice, again I say, she is not Bill. I've heard of her ideas to give 5000$ to every child, or give 1000 bucks to everyone. Where the hell is this money going to come from??? And isn't this pandering to the mob method called bribery? On the bright side, I can't possibly see her being as bad as this buffoon we have in there now. Remember, the front runners in the Dem ticket have all said they could see having troops in Iraq until 2012-2013. This is INEXCUSABLE! We elected the dems as majority of house and senate because they said they'd get the troops back. They've been in office now for over 10 months and got jack sh*t done to get our troops back.
    A good thing happend today, as I drove around Tampa, I saw Ron Paul signs on the side of the road, lots of them, and people holding the signs up. Made my day! Maybe this will work out! I haven't seen any Giuliani or Romney signs, and I haven't heard anyone talk of any other candidates so highly as to think of them as heroic.
    Another note, regarding the mindless nature of the masses that I read someone posted. It is most unfortunate. I've often likened the american populace and their dealings with the elections like they deal with football teams. I fear this attitude will continue until something awful happens thats big enough to snap them out of it, I just hope it isn't too late and to the point where the Fed runs our lives.

  40. #40
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    how old are you convalesence?

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