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  1. #1
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    Ever run into a situation where you see it coming?

    Probably a word for it.

    I know it is coming, I guess I have for a little.

    It’s not even like we argue, we get along great. I just know we cannot make it though some things.

    She is going to cosmetology school in a month. It takes about a year, she’ll be home a few days a week maybe. I can sense in her conversations though, that she does not really want to come home. She keeps bringing up things like, “if I get a job down there I might not be able to come home as often”. I pretty much support her as it is.

    I’ve not said anything, but I know we cannot make it though a long distance relationship. I’ve always been the glue in our relationship and have always been loyal and try my best to be there for comfort and guidance. I don’t want to put her in a position where she might think “I have to pick him or this”. If we cannot make it though this we cannot make it though right?

    I don’t even really want to bring up the job issue either, because I don’t want her to sense this. I can’t really stop her or make her want things to work out so what’s the point? It’s frustrating I don’t know whether to be mad, happy, or just not care.

    You see it coming, you want to stop it, but you know it’s not the right thing to do. 5 years and I’m still confused by this one.

  2. #2
    Igifuno's Avatar
    Igifuno is offline AR's Italian Tonic
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    ya there's a word or words for it Dogg... life, destiny.

    i was in a situation like that in my early 20's... ended up breaking up over long distance but i realized i couldn't do it either.. at least not while being faithful.

    sometimes you wait around and see how things will happen, other times you make happen what you want in life... all up to you bro. good luck with it - it aint easy.


  3. #3
    WEBB's Avatar
    WEBB is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    sometimes you wait around and see how things will happen, other times you make happen what you want in life
    the choice is all up to you are either a follower or a leader...only you can change your life and make it go in the direction you what is best for you.....

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