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Thread: Man it's a FAT world when...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Man it's a FAT world when...

    You know it's a sad saw state of affairs when THIS becomes necessary!

    Obese dummy for rescue training

    The dummy will be used to train crews how to lift obese people

    A 28-stone training dummy has been created to help emergency services cope with the growing number of obese people they have to rescue.

    Ruth Lee Fire & Rescue Equipment from Corwen, Denbighshire, says it created the mannequin because of the demand from fire and rescue services.

    It says it has already had interest from other developing countries.

    The heavyweight dummy, which takes six people to lift, is believed to be the heaviest and largest in the world.

    The company, which manufactures fire and rescue and resuscitation dummies, said the demand for its new product reflected the growing obesity problem.

    A government-commissioned Foresight report, which is due to be published on Wednesday, is expected to claim that half the UK population could be obese within 25 years.

    Lawrence Lee, a director of family-run Ruth Lee Fire & Rescue Equipment, said the 28-stone dummy had to be carefully designed with specific characteristics in place.

    "It isn't possible to simply add dead weight to one of our existing dummies, as that does not accurately represent the weight distribution in a larger person," he said.

    Growing interest - the firm has had international inquiries

    "Our aim was to achieve a 'fluidity of movement' and our top designer Sarah Hughes created a dummy that replicates, as closely as possible, the body mass of a large person, creating a realistic training tool.

    "Rescuers need specific training in lifting a person of this size safely, both in terms of avoiding further damage to the casualty, and in preventing injury to the rescuers," he added.

    Ieuan Wyn Jones, Minister for the Economy and Transport, said the company was targeting a niche market with considerable success.

    Working in conjunction with International Business Wales (IBW), the Welsh Assembly Government's overseas trade and investment arm, he said the company had seen exports rise significantly in the last three years.

    "There are potentially major new markets to target and the Assembly Government, through IBW, has the expertise and knowledge to help companies like Ruth Lee Fire & Rescue Equipment tap into these markets," he said.

    The company currently exports to the USA, Europe (including Germany, Scandinavia, Eire, and Portugal), Canada, Australia, and the Middle East.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    source check [email protected]
    thats when you know obestiy is becoming a big problem

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Land of the Free(kind of)
    That's great....don't discriminate against the fat asses of the world..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Hey I used to be a fat-ass, I did something about it!

    Now I'm one of the peope who has to rescue/carry those fatsos. We had one a few weeks ago, was so fat we needed the 2 ambulance paramedics + all 4 FF's off my engine to get him from his bed to the stretcher.

    No wonder so many paramedics have back problems!!!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Red Ketchup
    Hey I used to be a fat-ass, I did something about it!

    Now I'm one of the peope who has to rescue/carry those fatsos. We had one a few weeks ago, was so fat we needed the 2 ambulance paramedics + all 4 FF's off my engine to get him from his bed to the stretcher.

    No wonder so many paramedics have back problems!!!

    all we had was 2 firefighters on a engine and 1 on a truck. you make captain red?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Standing Above Weakness
    Quote Originally Posted by Red Ketchup
    Hey I used to be a fat-ass, I did something about it!

    Now I'm one of the peope who has to rescue/carry those fatsos. We had one a few weeks ago, was so fat we needed the 2 ambulance paramedics + all 4 FF's off my engine to get him from his bed to the stretcher.

    No wonder so many paramedics have back problems!!!

    i have a paramedic friend... he often has stories about having to carry big fat people down 3 flights of stairs.. and yes, he has back probs as well... lol

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Red Ketchup
    Hey I used to be a fat-ass, I did something about it!

    Now I'm one of the peope who has to rescue/carry those fatsos. We had one a few weeks ago, was so fat we needed the 2 ambulance paramedics + all 4 FF's off my engine to get him from his bed to the stretcher.

    No wonder so many paramedics have back problems!!!


    Hey Red maybe next time you can just lead him out with a box of twinkies

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by wascaptain5214
    all we had was 2 firefighters on a engine and 1 on a truck. you make captain red?
    We are also staffed 2ff on an engine, 1ff on a truck (plus driver and officer). All medical calls are run by engines. Normally we leave when the ambulance company gets there. In that case I had to get the driver and officer to help us carry "Mr Big"

    Nah, I'm no Captain (I don't know how you guys deal with all the crap in a station! I don't have the patience!) I'm just #1 medic on my shift (the way it work here is: at any non medical call the Captain is in charge, but at a medical call Medic-1 takes charge). Maybe some day I'll go to the Captain exams... but thats a big maybe!


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Shane35aa
    Hey Red maybe next time you can just lead him out with a box of twinkies
    He he he! I'm sure that would work!


  10. #10
    Heres what I would do..

    U bust in the house...rescue teams go in...Look into the situation.

    Oh its a 400lb chick. I didn't see anything....lets head back to the station...problem solved

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Playing w/ tits
    Quote Originally Posted by football2007
    Heres what I would do..

    U bust in the house...rescue teams go in...Look into the situation.

    Oh its a 400lb chick. I didn't see anything....lets head back to the station...problem solved
    That's just wrong (in a good way)

  12. #12
    Or put a

    "Be back in 5 minutes" sign on her

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by football2007
    Or put a

    "Be back in 5 minutes" sign on her
    LMFAO ...Nice one!

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