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I've read an awful lot about genetics on this forum, does anyone actually thinks this makes a huge difference and how do you define genetics?
I know i'm going to get flamed a bit, i'm lucky i guess my genetics must be 'good' but none of my family are strong or built and no my mum didn't sleep with the milkman, i've not yet started my var cycle and i've only used creatine and protein thus far. I think it's in the head personally, if you're going to try your best you see the best gains, i'm sure the placebo effect of creatine [i thought it was like the dogs bollocks] had the biggest affect on how much i was lifting throughout 16-19 and of course this led to my build - no, im not comparing myself to arnie or anything!
How do you define genetics, is this like ****morphic, endo and ecto or is this something different, sorry if this sounds stupid, I keep reading arnie has fantastic genetics but surely his determination and training made him what he was not his genetics! If bill gates hit the gym solidly until he was 60 he might look something like arnie did if he had the drive and determination (albeit he may look older and saggier) and got on the aas of course.