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Thread: ordered company keeps calling me about the order, wat do i do??help!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    new york

    ordered company keeps calling me about the order, wat do i do??help!!

    I just got a call from my credit card company about the last 5 orders on my card. They were about to transfer me over to a "fraud prevention analyst". Yesterday I placed a order for gh. I've never gotten a call like this before, what do I do when they ask me about the gh order??? They keep calling me back, I'm running out of excuses to hang up. Help!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Thumbs down none of their business

    Quote Originally Posted by Baron View Post
    I just got a call from my credit card company about the last 5 orders on my card. They were about to transfer me over to a "fraud prevention analyst". Yesterday I placed a order for gh. I've never gotten a call like this before, what do I do when they ask me about the gh order??? They keep calling me back, I'm running out of excuses to hang up. Help!!!
    It's none of thier business about what you buy. They are just prob. going by your address vs. the address of where you bought it. I'm guessing it is overseas and they try to cover their ass when it comes to fraud prevention because you could claim fraud and they would be the one left holding the bag. They could shut down your supplier from accepting cards if you do that so don't. But again, it is none of their business what you buy and ask if the vendor you made a purchase from is on a "match list." Or a terminated merchant list. If not then ask why they are questioning it. If they don't have a legit answer then I would tell them that you could do business with another company if they want to judge your every move.
    Just my 3 cents.

  3. #3
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    I had that happen once. I just told them yes I authorized that purchase, they said ok we where just checking since it was foreign, end of conversation. Go western union from now on. I know that the fee for sending money sucks, but it is more private.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I see. But if I just don't answer my phone, are they gonna leave the order alone?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    The South West
    most likely. They might keep calling though.

  6. #6
    if you don't answer they'r emore than likekly going to cancel the order IMO. answer and tell them you made the purchase and all is well.

  7. #7
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    If you don't authorize the transaction they will not pay the order.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baron View Post
    I just got a call from my credit card company about the last 5 orders on my card. They were about to transfer me over to a "fraud prevention analyst". Yesterday I placed a order for gh. I've never gotten a call like this before, what do I do when they ask me about the gh order??? They keep calling me back, I'm running out of excuses to hang up. Help!!!
    they are just concerned that you didnt place the order yourself. All you have to do is say it was you. THey dont have any idea what you ordered. There is a lot of fraud over the internet. Last year someone bought $600 worth of sports clothing on my credit card over the internet.

  9. #9
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    in bed, or at the gym
    just call and confirm that you were the one using your cc and not someone else, thats all they want to know

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baron View Post
    I just got a call from my credit card company about the last 5 orders on my card. They were about to transfer me over to a "fraud prevention analyst". Yesterday I placed a order for gh. I've never gotten a call like this before, what do I do when they ask me about the gh order??? They keep calling me back, I'm running out of excuses to hang up. Help!!!
    tell them it's was purchased by you.. it's simple, they don't really know what you bought.. just that it was outside of your normal buying history..
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  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Ya i just called to confirm it was me. I was paranoid, I thought it was a cop-trap or something. Thnx guys

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    they are only authorizied to make sure you are the one that placed the order, thats all, just verify the purchase,

    was the amount of money charged a larger sum then you usually spend, if so that will send up a flag

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Yeah I got some goodies from a pharm. in mexico and I live right near the border so they just called to make sure it was me who made the purchase like 15 min after I bought it, they don't know what I bought, for all they know I bought asprin and antibiotics. As long as you didn't buy from "we only sell illegal" or something then don't worry, just use wu from now on the less paper trail the better.

  14. #14
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    having your name directly linked by cc to is not the smartest thing, especially in this day with the heat around AS

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Why bother with western union....Moneygram is only 9$ and some change for transferring money international.....

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