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Thread: Ignorance towards Gear

  1. #1
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    Ignorance towards Gear

    Does anyone sometimes get tired of the complete lack of knowledge the common person has about Steroids. People who have no experience with gear automatically think every shake, bar or pill someone takes to build muscle is automatically a steroid. Anything on a store shelf that says anabolic on it is a steroid. One of my buddies moms stopped talking to me when i got a job at GNC because i was "selling steroids".(retarded) Everytime i drank my Nitro G after i worked out in HS, the girls and little 9th graders would say i was taking steroids. these little retards led me to be piss tested 5 times by my hs just because i gained 40lbs in 3months (ya, its true. . a big guy in my gym told me bout how important diet was and i obviously listened). And i played no sport but Golf in the fall and Lacrosse for an adult team not related to school. I apologize for my rant, but i saw this pic and just got annoyed. Let me know if you can tell me what is wrong. Not to dis the guy in it just the statement below it. . . Im ranting and i havent even started my cycle yet. (damn you lion!)

    Whats wrong with this pic?

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    He's vascular because he put it in his veins lol

  3. #3
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    Lol in your veins. Yeah I can't even believe the amount of crap I get. I gained 30lbs in a few months as well during college and at the end the senior girls made a song which makes fun of people. They were like oh we will come back when Renesis gets off the roids! I was like really...

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by CheddaNips View Post

    Whats wrong with this pic?

    Other than his face,and hair style theres nothing wrong he looks to be in great shape

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    there is something wrong, they spelled veins wrong.

  6. #6
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    Lol Loser :P

  7. #7
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    In high school it was the same thing cause i would keep all my supplements in my locker and people would walk by and say that i have steroids in my locker and they assumed just becasue i worked out that i took steroids. One time in class i was mixing my no xpolde and a chick asked me if it was steroids because steroids really come in blue rasberry flavour fvcking dumb bitch.

  8. #8
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    Yeah I get irritated just about every damn day with the stupid shit people have in their heads out there about this stuff. I was just talking to someone a few hours ago and the idiot went and equated steroids with sperm and he said when you use steroids, you're injecting/ingesting sperm. WTF?!

    My uncle who is a biologist, I was talking to him a few weeks ago about androgen receptors on muscle cells, etc. and when we talked about how you must activate the receptor via weight training stimulus, I mentioned how on people think steroids are these magic pills that make you huge and ripped as you sit on your ass all day. He said "people don't know shit".

    I honestly don't think we will ever be able to reverse the stupid fvcking misinformation and stigma that has been attached to steroids. Even if this stuff becomes decriminalized or legal in the future, the stupid stigma and rampant stupidity people think about this stuff will still be there, thanks to 30+ years of the media and government demonizing steroids...

  9. #9
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    thank you government...for ****ing up the truth soooo much that most people are so ****ed they can't even see the truth anymore

  10. #10
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    People are so retarded. Some people think whey protein is a "mild steroid", ok, when you eat chicken or a steak you're eating protein is that steroids too? Fukking retards.

    You know its because people are jealous that they don't know how to transform their bodies so they have to put down your achievements.

    Its ALWAYS the fat asses that are like "Lifting that much isn't good for you" or "All that protein and supplements are bad" and my favorite... "If you stop working out, all that muscle will turn to fat" Yeah you really know what you're talking about with pizza shoved in your fat face you dumb bitch.

    and the word "Anabolic" OH MY GOD ITS STEROIDS!!! umm... actually, it means "muscle building" so lifting weights is anabolic, eating a ****ing steak is anabolic, WTF!!!!
    Last edited by AandF6969; 10-31-2007 at 10:12 PM.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by canadian meat View Post
    Other than his face,and hair style theres nothing wrong he looks to be in great shape
    please tell me this was a joke cuz i must have missed the sarcasim. . . lol

  12. #12
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    theres no escaping it unfortunately. people believe what the media tells them and steroids are portrayed in a pretty bad light. its taboo, like anything else that is misunderstood

  13. #13
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    tell me this isn't in good shape....
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	carrottop.jpg 
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  14. #14
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    This thread reminds me of how much Suzy Soccer-mom shits her pants when she hears that people are allowed to buy SEMI-AUTOMATIC ASSAULT R***ES... oh my god the TV said that was the same ones the Army uses that can fire hundreds of rounds per minute... and they look SO SCARY!!!

    But... in all actuality they're functionally no different than a hunting r***e.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28 View Post
    tell me this isn't in good shape....
    yes good shape but no lats and i bet no legs too

  16. #16
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    i hear the stupid comments everyday but i basically pretend they arent even speaking.. none of them are educated with their comments but every1 wishes that they could be in the shape people like us are in but they dont have the dedication..

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969 View Post
    People are so retarded. Some people think whey protein is a "mild steroid", ok, when you eat chicken or a steak you're eating protein is that steroids too? Fukking retards.

    You know its because people are jealous that they don't know how to transform their bodies so they have to put down your achievements.

    Its ALWAYS the fat asses that are like "Lifting that much isn't good for you" or "All that protein and supplements are bad" and my favorite... "If you stop working out, all that muscle will turn to fat" Yeah you really know what you're talking about with pizza shoved in your fat face you dumb bitch.

    and the word "Anabolic" OH MY GOD ITS STEROIDS!!! umm... actually, it means "muscle building" so lifting weights is anabolic, eating a ****ing steak is anabolic, WTF!!!!

    i swear i must hear that one at least once a response is....who care cause i'm never gonna stop lol

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969 View Post
    This thread reminds me of how much Suzy Soccer-mom shits her pants when she hears that people are allowed to buy SEMI-AUTOMATIC ASSAULT R***ES... oh my god the TV said that was the same ones the Army uses that can fire hundreds of rounds per minute... and they look SO SCARY!!!

    But... in all actuality they're functionally no different than a hunting r***e.
    This is so true. They just hype the hell out of stuff to "create" news on slow days

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by nowdenlid View Post
    yes good shape but no lats and i bet no legs too
    how can you tell he isn't doing a lat spread or even allowin his lats to show

  20. #20
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    the real question is why is he lifting naked

  21. #21
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    If I had my own private gym, i'd so lift naked.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    If I had my own private gym, i'd so lift naked.
    +1.. mee tooo and I'd have nice soft covers on all my benches

  23. #23
    I was drinkin a quick shake the other day (only cuz I ran outta food )

    this chick goes..."Are there steroids in that"????

  24. #24
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    or the occasional guy in the gym who wants to strike up a convo and ask.... so, you on something? Ya, i'm on a schedule so get out of my face..

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969 View Post
    People are so retarded. Some people think whey protein is a "mild steroid", ok, when you eat chicken or a steak you're eating protein is that steroids too? Fukking retards.

    You know its because people are jealous that they don't know how to transform their bodies so they have to put down your achievements.

    Its ALWAYS the fat asses that are like "Lifting that much isn't good for you" or "All that protein and supplements are bad" and my favorite... "If you stop working out, all that muscle will turn to fat" Yeah you really know what you're talking about with pizza shoved in your fat face you dumb bitch.

    and the word "Anabolic" OH MY GOD ITS STEROIDS!!! umm... actually, it means "muscle building" so lifting weights is anabolic, eating a ****ing steak is anabolic, WTF!!!!

    LOL my point exactly. I think its great when I am in a bar or something, chatting to a guy who has a beer in one hand, a cigarette in another, and has a gram of coke in his pocket GIVING ME ADVICE ON LOOKING AFTER MY BODY! suck my shit, asshole!
    Last edited by Timm1704; 11-03-2007 at 07:52 AM.

  26. #26
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    Scotty, beam me up
    To be realistic why should the avarage joe have a clue about steroids? It has no impact or effect on their life.

  27. #27
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    Jealousy & intrigue i'd guess, everyone wants to be bigger & better.

    When i was 'clean' i was raping people for size and strength, it was diet and training hard - amount of times i heard anything to do with steroids, like snide comments like hows diana (i got it, i wasnt totally dumb i did some research).

    **** them; they only believe what they read,, they must be reading biased shit, you cant get big by sitting on youtube and facebook, you need to be down the gym working out hard... with a good diet- that's the horrible misconception, all jealousy and not understanding the truth behind it.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by brianfantana View Post
    Jealousy & intrigue i'd guess, everyone wants to be bigger & better.

    When i was 'clean' i was raping people for size and strength, it was diet and training hard - amount of times i heard anything to do with steroids, like snide comments like hows diana (i got it, i wasnt totally dumb i did some research).

    **** them; they only believe what they read,, they must be reading biased shit, you cant get big by sitting on youtube and facebook, you need to be down the gym working out hard... with a good diet- that's the horrible misconception, all jealousy and not understanding the truth behind it.
    it's my recovery time rofl

  29. #29
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    true love is blind

  30. #30
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    This guy i know told me that steroids make ya dick small (im sure you've all heard that one) and he also said that once you're on them once you have to take them for the rest of your life!!! The dumbest smart guy that i know!

  31. #31
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    LOL the best thing I heard was in my school gym the other day. The guy was like steroids just make your body produce more testosterone thats why your balls shrink because they are producing way more than normal. WTF? I just looked at him and walked away.

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Kärnfysikern View Post
    To be realistic why should the avarage joe have a clue about steroids? It has no impact or effect on their life.
    they shouldn't....but they act like they do and try to express their "expert" opinion on things they know nothing about.

    Just like I wouldn't go telling someone they are tap dancing wrong...or playing the piano wrong

  33. #33
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    just ask them what "steroids" are, how they are derived. prepare for awkward silence.

    "what do you mean by "steroids"?"


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