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  1. #1
    DCB83 is offline Associate Member
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  2. #2
    LawMan018's Avatar
    LawMan018 is offline Senior Member
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    Haha wtf? She returned it and asked if that was a swastika on it? How stupid do you have to be not to know what a swastika is? And who the hell buys something without even looking at it! Ridiculous...

  3. #3
    DCB83 is offline Associate Member
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    Someone on the inside is trying to bring zara down. For sure! How do you fVck that up?? lol

  4. #4
    Prada's Avatar
    Prada is offline Anabolic Member
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    I don't see what the problem is. The swastika did not originate from Nazi Germany, it was from India and the word Swastika is derived from the hindu language, Sanskrit. I think it means "well being". The symbol is used in hindu and Buddhist culture. The exact swastika that the 3rd reich used is quite distinct, in terms of colors used. Hence if someone wants to equate that symbol used by Zara with Nazi Germany well then its there interpretation that needs reasoning.

  5. #5
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prada View Post
    I don't see what the problem is. The swastika did not originate from Nazi Germany, it was from India and the word Swastika is derived from the hindu language, Sanskrit. I think it means "well being". The symbol is used in hindu and Buddhist culture. The exact swastika that the 3rd reich used is quite distinct, in terms of colors used. Hence if someone wants to equate that symbol used by Zara with Nazi Germany well then its there interpretation that needs reasoning.
    Don't even try to make people realise the truth. They have had BS taught to them since the end of the war in 1945. Instead of actually studying, they listen and believe whatever they are told.

    All of these cultures used the "Swastika" and it was known as the word following the country.

    China - wan
    England - fylfot
    Germany - Hakenkreuz
    Greece - tetraskelion and gammadion
    India - swastika

    I think people also get uptight about not only from Nazi Germany but the fact the these ****ing moron skinheads run around using the symbol like complete bafoons.

    It is also interesting to note that During World War I, the swastika could even be found on the shoulder patches of the American 45th Division and on the Finnish air force until after World War II.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  6. #6
    auslifta's Avatar
    auslifta is offline Retired MONITOR
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prada View Post
    I don't see what the problem is. The swastika did not originate from Nazi Germany, it was from India and the word Swastika is derived from the hindu language, Sanskrit. I think it means "well being". The symbol is used in hindu and Buddhist culture. The exact swastika that the 3rd reich used is quite distinct, in terms of colors used. Hence if someone wants to equate that symbol used by Zara with Nazi Germany well then its there interpretation that needs reasoning.
    almost true, it was reversed by hitler meaning the lines that come off the cross were the other way around, it also means goodluck in buddism

  7. #7
    Prada's Avatar
    Prada is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    Don't even try to make people realise the truth. They have had BS taught to them since the end of the war in 1945. Instead of actually studying, they listen and believe whatever they are told.

    All of these cultures used the "Swastika" and it was known as the word following the country.

    China - wan
    England - fylfot
    Germany - Hakenkreuz
    Greece - tetraskelion and gammadion
    India - swastika

    I think people also get uptight about not only from Nazi Germany but the fact the these ****ing moron skinheads run around using the symbol like complete bafoons.

    It is also interesting to note that During World War I, the swastika could even be found on the shoulder patches of the American 45th Division and on the Finnish air force until after World War II.

    Well that is where the problem is, its the third reich that adopted the symbol, they are not the creators. So are all hindus and buddhists suppose to find new symbols due to the nazis perversion? The actual Nazi symbol is quite distinct, with red background, white interior and black swastika.

  8. #8
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prada View Post
    Well that is where the problem is, its the third reich that adopted the symbol, they are not the creators. So are all hindus and buddhists suppose to find new symbols due to the nazis perversion? The actual Nazi symbol is quite distinct, with red background, white interior and black swastika.

    Preaching to the choir here buddy.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  9. #9
    SnaX is offline Anabolic Member
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    It is what it is.

    Once a peace sign, then used by mass-murderers. It was only 60-ish+ years ago the war happened.

    Someone of any generation could have grown up with an ORIGINAL understand of that symbol meaning Peace, then later it was used for evil... they still have that original understanding and can accept that symbol once more into their cultures,.. yet STILL they will always remember WHO tried to mis-use it.

    And of generations of today, they first learn of it as being used for evil, and that is THEIR original interpretation of that symbol... so when they learn secondly that the symbol BEFORE it's evil use, was originally a peaceful symbol, it's still a big NO NO to them, and they won't allow it in their culture.

    This discussion getting THIS far is ridiculous, and as meaningful as a discussion between two potheads talking about something really dumb that has no beneficial outcome whatsoever.

    So like I said, it is what it is, and I don't know who made the handbag... but they DID make it onto the news for their judgment call in fashion design and marketing.

    I couldn't give two sh1ts about that handbag.

  10. #10
    auslifta's Avatar
    auslifta is offline Retired MONITOR
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    did you all miss my previous post it is a different symbol it was reversed by hitler

  11. #11
    Odpierdol_sie!'s Avatar
    Odpierdol_sie! is offline Senior Member
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    what a load of bollox!!!

    so what if someone came in to power n decided to use that christian emblem that people put on the back of their cars? the one that looks like a fish, would that be a sing of evil and never be able to be used by some lord praising christian?

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