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Thread: job interview

  1. #1

    job interview

    at the begining of the month im going for a job interview for the union.i really want this job, what can/should i do to make a good impression on them to hire me. ive never been to a real interview. my first job for this field, my HS hoocked me up with it and my last one a friend of mine got me in. so ive never really been to an interview like this. i know i should dress good and look presentable. should i bring my resume? if so what should i put on it? i know there gonna ask me what i can for my job(im a carpenter). what else should i expect and be ready for?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    You should be able to get in with you telling them your skills and talent. Make sure you keep eye contact and be confident. They will judge you on your personality and skills. Good luck with the interveiw.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I would bring resume and references.How to dress not sur ebut you do want to make a good impressinon Talk to a lot of people about it and you will get good info. I talk to a lot of people at the gym about my interveiw I aced it and landed the job.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Oh and remember your selling your self.(slut ) kiddin. Also never bad mouth any of you previous imployers.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by dupa95 View Post
    Oh and remember your selling your self.(slut ) kiddin. Also never bad mouth any of you previous imployers.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by dupa95 View Post
    Oh and remember your selling your self.(slut ) kiddin. Also never bad mouth any of you previous imployers.
    oh i agree and i would never bad mouth any employers. thats one thing i do rember in business management from school.. i know i should be confident in describing an what i know how to do but what else should i say that they would like to hear? im a lil shy and my mind goes to a blank so i just want to get things ready so that doesnt happen when i get in there.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Yes, take a resume. Google search resume templates and it will show you a lay out of what one should have/look like.
    An interview is a chance for you to present yourself, not as a job beggar, but as a resource person.
    Research the company before going in.
    Know the 50-50 rule, mix speaking and listening 50/50 on yr part and the employers.
    When answering questions, spend at least 20 seconds, but no more than 2 minutes, answering.
    Determine to be seen as part of the solution, not part of the problem.
    Bring evidence of yr skills if u can.
    Do not bad mouth yr previous employers
    There are only 5 questions u need to focus on answering:
    1. Why are you here?
    2. What can you do for us?
    3. What kind of person are you?
    4. What distinguishes you from the 19 others who can do the same thing as you?
    5. Can I afford you?
    Keep in mind, employers really dont care about yr past, they just ask about it in order to try and predict yr future behavior.
    freshly bathe, shave, clean fingernails, and deodorant....fresh clothes, no bad beath, and do not over do the cologne
    Always send a thank you note, wether u get it or not, the very same night!
    Never be the first to metion a salary figure.
    before the interview, do some research on salaries in yr field. some clevage!!!
    just be cool...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Make sure you stay in the right frame of mind, you are shopping for a career, and they are trying to *sell* you one. Ask lots of questions. The longer term the better. I.E.: What kind of retirement plan are they using? Write everything down!!!! Almost every place I have worked has had (at least) one drawback, At the interview they will not tell you about it, you have to find it on your own. It could be anything, sporadic work to no vacation time, but if you find out the drawbacks before the commitment or even intertain an offer, you have a huge advantage over all the applicants. Find someone who works for them and have a long talk, you will be *amazed* at the difference it will make going through the hiring process.

    Make sure that you don't give them a commitment at the interview, tell them you will need a couple of days to compair everything.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    Yes, take a resume. Google search resume templates and it will show you a lay out of what one should have/look like.
    An interview is a chance for you to present yourself, not as a job beggar, but as a resource person.
    Research the company before going in.
    Know the 50-50 rule, mix speaking and listening 50/50 on yr part and the employers.
    When answering questions, spend at least 20 seconds, but no more than 2 minutes, answering.
    Determine to be seen as part of the solution, not part of the problem.
    Bring evidence of yr skills if u can.
    Do not bad mouth yr previous employers
    There are only 5 questions u need to focus on answering:
    1. Why are you here?
    2. What can you do for us?
    3. What kind of person are you?
    4. What distinguishes you from the 19 others who can do the same thing as you?
    5. Can I afford you?
    Keep in mind, employers really dont care about yr past, they just ask about it in order to try and predict yr future behavior.
    freshly bathe, shave, clean fingernails, and deodorant....fresh clothes, no bad beath, and do not over do the cologne
    Always send a thank you note, wether u get it or not, the very same night!
    Never be the first to metion a salary figure.
    before the interview, do some research on salaries in yr field. some clevage!!!
    just be cool...
    theres gonna be way more than 19...they only do interviews twice a yr and when i went to fill out the application i talked to one of the guys that does the hiring and he said there should be roughly 300 people( all the people that they hire arnt just going to one company.. the x amount of people that they hire they give to the employers that are part of the carpenters union) after i filled out the app i had like a mini interview and he explaind roughly how much i would be making and the benifits package and all of that. he seemed very helpful on doing his best on trying to get hired.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by goaheadandhitme View Post
    Make sure you stay in the right frame of mind, you are shopping for a career, and they are trying to *sell* you one. Ask lots of questions. The longer term the better. I.E.: What kind of retirement plan are they using? Write everything down!!!! Almost every place I have worked has had (at least) one drawback, At the interview they will not tell you about it, you have to find it on your own. It could be anything, sporadic work to no vacation time, but if you find out the drawbacks before the commitment or even intertain an offer, you have a huge advantage over all the applicants. Find someone who works for them and have a long talk, you will be *amazed* at the difference it will make going through the hiring process.

    Make sure that you don't give them a commitment at the interview, tell them you will need a couple of days to compair everything.
    yeah i dont think they give any vaca time but i get a raise at least every 5-6 months.

    thanks for all of the fast responses guys!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Do your research on the company, the history, the size, all the locations etc...
    Believe it or not many people apply for a job not knowing shit about the company and interviewers might ask you what you know about them. When I interview people I ask them them to tell me about the company! If they do ask you let me know.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Standing Above Weakness
    all good advice here... i do a lot of interviewing for my job and here are a few standard questions i ask that i would advise you to have answers for:

    1. Tell me a bit about yourself and your current duties and responsibilities
    2. What do you think your job as a _____ will demand?
    3. Do you like your current job? Why do you wish to leave?
    4. What are your long term goals?
    5. How do you handle pressure?
    6. How do you go about developing your budget?
    7. Have you ever been faced with conflict in the workplace and how did you handle it?
    8. Have you ever been faced with the necessary discepline with an employee and what steps did you follow to accomplish resolve?
    9. What motivates you?
    10. Describe yourself
    11. If I were to ask your former employer to describe yourself, how would he/she do so?
    12. What is your sales or management style or philosophy?
    13. How do you make decisions related to marketing efforts?
    14. Be prepared to get drilled over what you put in your resume.
    15. How do you utilize your staff and what are your expectations from them?
    16. What are your strenghts/weaknesses?'
    17. If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?
    18. What are your expectations from a company and from a supervisor?
    19. Why hire you over all of the other candidates?
    20. Salary expectations?

    hope this helps man. if you need help with any answers to any particular questions, pm me and i'll give you some additional tips.

    good luck!


  13. #13
    thanks for all of the help guys!

  14. #14
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    Most big companies no longer do the old style interview... "What can you bring to this company..." "How does stress effect you..." "What are your goals..." "What sets you apart from the other candidates..." - that kinda crap

    They now do behavioral interviews. Google it and it will give you examples of the type of questions they ask. It's much harder to Lie in this way. It requires you to think on your feet and be able to articulate things. It also enables them to figure out what type of person you really are

    These type interviews can be intense, I've had to do a couple of them...good luck

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Standing Above Weakness
    yup, that's more good advice from the dizz.... go over these questions an answers agagin and again and even if the exact questions aren't asked you'll have responses for whatever comes your way.

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