Yes, take a resume. Google search resume templates and it will show you a lay out of what one should have/look like.
An interview is a chance for you to present yourself, not as a job beggar, but as a resource person.
Research the company before going in.
Know the 50-50 rule, mix speaking and listening 50/50 on yr part and the employers.
When answering questions, spend at least 20 seconds, but no more than 2 minutes, answering.
Determine to be seen as part of the solution, not part of the problem.
Bring evidence of yr skills if u can.
Do not bad mouth yr previous employers
There are only 5 questions u need to focus on answering:
1. Why are you here?
2. What can you do for us?
3. What kind of person are you?
What distinguishes you from the 19 others who can do the same thing as you?
5. Can I afford you?
Keep in mind, employers really dont care about yr past, they just ask about it in order to try and predict yr future behavior.
freshly bathe, shave, clean fingernails, and deodorant....fresh clothes, no bad beath, and do not over do the cologne
Always send a thank you note, wether u get it or not, the very same night!
Never be the first to metion a salary figure.
before the interview, do some research on salaries in yr field. some clevage!!!

just be cool...