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Thread: The power of music ain't it the shite.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    in the gym

    Post The power of music ain't it the shite.

    I'm a percussion man my self but music really is my calling but I just never answered.

    Ok I'm getting back in my car to leave my buddies house to go to the gym tonight.My buddy is an extra curricular activity kinda guy just like I used to be and does pretty well too.With all the bills and bull crap,no money no nothing just the security that my bills are paid I have a gym membership and my child support's paid,I was getting my self siked up like fuk it it's time to be the man again but on a modest level.I turn the key in my car and on the radio I hear "They call this jimmy's town"He's the one they call Dr feel good he's the one that makes you feel alright"Which is one of the baddest songs ever I don't care who you are you gotta like that jam.Man I fukin said it's on,that's all the motivation I need,and then I said nah this point in my life it's nesseccery to exercise a little restraint on my impulses,to much risk I'm a dad and I can't take those chances anymore,and then thought but it would be cool thow,I change the station again and the next song I hear from the very fukin begining like it was meant to be Areosmith's "I'm back in the saddle again"And I honestly laughed out loud it was one of those feelings you get that only music can be responsible for.Am I crazy?no Music is just the shite period.

    Music can be so powerful in so many ways.It really is something only so many people in the world can feel.The way Mudvayne's song dig can make you blast through that last rep or the way Bullet for my valentine's "All the things I hate revolve around me" get me pumped up to murder each and every friggin set in my workout out.The way you feel when you watch the movie blow for the first time and they make the deal with pablo and they play blinded by the light ,for that brief 10 seconds your almost there like damn that must of been insane.

    Music my first love for now and forever.
    Last edited by dedic8ed1; 11-15-2007 at 08:28 PM.

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