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Thread: Best Movie One-Liners

  1. #81
    Coming to America.

    Prince on fire escape of newly rented apartment: GOOD MORNING MY NEIGHBOURS.

    Guy in street: HEY FVCK YOU!

    Prince: YES! YES! FVCK YOU TOO!

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    ****ing what the ****ing, ****. who the ****, **** this ****ing howd you 2 ****ing ****s....****! - boondock saints

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    flying from the ashes
    dont you love the smell of napalm in the morning

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    caddyshack- rodney dangerfield----- this is my freind wang, no offense.

    Batman-jack nicholson-- never rub another mans rhubarb.

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    in the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by buffgator View Post
    Richard Chesler: [Reading a piece of paper] The first rule of Fight Club is you don't talk about Fight Club?
    Narrator: [Voice-over] I'm half asleep again; I must've left the original in the copy machine.
    Richard Chesler: The second rule of Fight Club - is this yours?
    Narrator: Huh?
    Richard Chesler: Pretend you're me, make a managerial decision: you find this, what would you do?
    Narrator: [pauses] Well, I gotta tell you: I'd be very, very careful who you talk to about that, because the person who wrote that... is dangerous.
    [Gets up from the chair]
    Narrator: [Talking slowly] And this button-down, Oxford-cloth psycho might just snap, and then stalk from office to office with an Armalite AR-10 carbine gas-powered semi-automatic weapon, pumping round after round into colleagues and co-workers. This might be someone you've known for years. Someone very, very close to you.
    Narrator: [Voice-over] Tyler's words coming out of my mouth.
    [Snatches the piece of paper from boss' hands]
    Narrator: [Voice-over] And I used to be such a nice guy.
    Narrator: Or maybe you shouldn't bring me every little piece of trash you happen to pick up.
    [Phone rings]
    Narrator: [Into phone] Compliance and Liability...?
    Marla Singer: My tit's gonna rot off.
    Narrator: [to boss] Would you excuse me? I need to take this.
    Yo buff your da man bud,I was actually pissing myself reading that whole thing,thank you for that.I gotta say that was probably my favorite scene from that movie man you definitly get an A for effort brother.Kick a s s

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    The South West
    well thank you. I am always blown away by that movie and book, how do people think of such poetic stuff.

  7. #87
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    source check [email protected]
    Almost any qoute from The Departed was good

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    although moonstruck is a total chick flick, it's a great movie. olympia dukakis as the italian mother saying to her father in law: "old man, if you give your dogs any more of my food i'm gonna kick you till you're dead"

  9. #89
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    in the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by buffgator View Post
    well thank you. I am always blown away by that movie and book, how do people think of such poetic stuff.
    Definitly some awesome writing.

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    an a$$hole is an a$$hole..............from the movie mr brooks

  11. #91
    I would say probably the most used one liner in the world, people use it not even knowing where it originated from

    Taxi Driver. "You talking to me?"

  12. #92
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Odpierdol_sie! View Post
    Coming to America.

    Prince on fire escape of newly rented apartment: GOOD MORNING MY NEIGHBOURS.

    Guy in street: HEY FVCK YOU!

    Prince: YES! YES! FVCK YOU TOO!
    love that movie

  13. #93
    Gunnery sgt. hartman...."I will rip out your eyes and skull **** you"

  14. #94
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by the hulkster View Post
    Gunnery sgt. hartman...."I will rip out your eyes and skull **** you"
    ^ good one....

    "Share that with the dhali lama jackass" - Wedding Crashers

  15. #95
    I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself a question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?

  16. #96
    [Harry is getting a dressing-down for his most recent arrest]
    District Attorney Rothko: You're lucky I'm not indicting you for assault with intent to commit murder.
    Harry Callahan: What?
    District Attorney Rothko: Where the hell does it say that you've got a right to kick down doors, torture suspects, deny medical attention and legal counsel? Where have you been? Does Escobedo ring a bell? Miranda? I mean, you must have heard of the Fourth Amendment. What I'm saying is that man had rights.
    Harry Callahan: Well, I'm all broken up over that man's rights!

  17. #97
    [Harry Callahan has to explain why he shot a man]
    Harry Callahan: Well, when an adult male is chasing a female with intent to commit rape, I shoot the bastard. That's my policy.
    The Mayor: Intent? How did you establish that?
    Harry Callahan: When a naked man is chasing a woman through an alley with a butcher's knife and a hard-on, I figure he isn't out collecting for the Red Cross!
    [walks out of the room]
    The Mayor: He's got a point.

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