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Thread: You Have Got To Read This

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    You Have Got To Read This

    Not my doing, I found this on a website...

    Now, this is a central theory of a secret power within. I can't state all of this as fact, only that there are many facts and much evidence to support this stuff. Here is the theory:

    In various cultures around the world there is talk of a race of gods who flew here from the clouds. They came in massive space ships, and used 'flying saucers' to explore the world with. There were a group of human-like aliens -- humanoids -- who called themselves the Sons of the Serpent. This stuff is recorded in the runes and symbols of ancients, and by the ancient knowledge of the shamans. The evidence is all around, and anyone curious enough can explore it. Thing is, although all the evidence shows that the majority of alien races are peaceful, the evidence shows that the ones that came here, about 40 thousand years ago I believe, are not. They became the masters of the world, and given their godly technology, magical abilities and great wisdom, the human race was greatly inspired by them. Although, women were more inspired and showed more understanding than men, and thus were imitated as the leaders of humankind, as partly the aliens believed women were superior (the exact event which created sexism, and men have never forgiven women for their 'betrayal' long ago.)
    Some women became lovers of these alien overlords, and these especially became queen-like figures. They were called Virgins, as they did not mate with human males, and if they gave birth this was called a Virgin Birth (sound familiar?) Many of the earlier results of alien-human relations proved disastrous; there was something in the meeting of the DNA which would not hold together. However, in some cases it proved highly successful. The aliens, call them the Reptilians if you like -- although some researchers believe that the Reptilians were created later by the aliens as a warrior race to combat the humans for control -- became unsettled as men began rebelling against them and their appointed female leaders. So, the aliens tampered with human DNA to change the genetic makeup of some humans, and turned them into a super race -- a race which was partially human, partially alien. These were the first kings, and their rules would be succeeded by bloodline, as they were encouraged to breed only within their circles; to maintain their super human genetics.

    Only, these super humans defied their masters and left. The alien overlords were obsessive over gold, and using humanity as a race of miners and builders ... and there are many theories for why gold was so important to them, but gold has ever since remained of material interest to humans. The aliens tampered with the DNA of humans, and especially in the genetic makeup of the males, to make them more mindless and obedient. But the advanced leaders swept over the masses with wisdom and encouragement, and inspired a major revolution which caused the alien overlords to lose power. Outraged, the alien overlords used their advanced technology to take control by force. The advanced ones led humanity to rebel. This was known as the War of the Gods, and appears in many ancient writings. There are descriptions of whole armies of sword and bow wielding warriors being destroyed by a single energy blast of the enemy. But the advanced ones stole alien technology and fought back. This caused so much radiation that there was much deformity, and some people grew third eyes or extra limbs, or were born very small or very large, according to the ancient texts (the ‘giants’, and so forth.)

    A major catastrophe disrupted this war when it was at its height -- and event some believe was an alien world coming very close to ours, and the very same one which is hidden from the public although astrologers can prove it exists due to its gravitational influence on the other planets of our solar system. Others believe it was another celestial body passing through. But it caused much water to come down from above, and the waters of the world multiplied. This was the Great Flood, recorded throughout the ancient world. The War of the Gods never ended. If the aliens had won, all we'd have in the world today is evil and control. If the good had one, we'd have peace and enlightenment. So, the struggle goes on...
    The children of the alien-human relationships, as well as some branches of the advanced ones, continued their leadership and struggle for world dominance under the secret direction of the aliens. The Illuminati is the aliens' following, their children and the advanced ones who follow them, through bloodline connection to this day. They are centred in England, in London specifically. The British Empire was their empire (it was modeled by them and was under their secret control.) But its attempts to conquer the world, through war and through culture, failed. Yet again, human spirit bested the superior genius of the alien cult. But they would not stop for anything, and so went back to the old drawing board, yet again, to orchestrate a more manipulative plan, one which took the spirit and awareness of humanity to heart.

    They concluded that the people will always rebel in the end, so the way to conquer was by doing it secretly. How does one escape a cell he does not know he is in? They created the Political System. This gave the people the illusion of say and influence, of power, without them really having it ... in theory. The people would believe in their influence, and would be coaxed into loving their Political Systems through their national achievements, religions and beliefs, and cultural strengths. They would be put into conflict with each other, to make them insecure about each other, and thus patriotic; believing in the Political System. Their minds would be assimilated, through the media, which would tell them how to think, and coax them into it with entertainment. Belief was vital to this, and so religion would play a vital role -- including Hinduism, but the Vatican is a central organization working for the alien overlords (the US government still pays rent to the Vatican, and its secret services and NASA's findings still have to pass approval of the Vatican's secret service. It remains the most official central power in the world.)

    Even a few hundred years ago, the average person knew about aliens and UFOs extending back to the ancient times. Today, they don't. Even a few hundred years ago the average person knew about magic as a real power. Today, they don't. Even a few hundred years ago the average person knew the Roman Catholic Church was working hard to cover up much of the ancient knowledge, and taking over spiritually charged sites and claiming their happenings as Christian happenings. Today, they don't. In the time of the 'info super highway', the people are quite ignorant of many things. The Internet can help, but ultimately people keep to their enforced views, interested in observing the 'paranormal', but rarely interested in pealing back the layers to find the answers. People are comfortable with a sensation of deeper meaning, without finding it. Our world has become disgustingly sensationalistic ... living on the surface, afraid to look deeper, stuck up and blinded in common perspective which have been manufactured for them. School, religion and the media are the three major tools which the Illuminati use to suppress you. If you continue to buy into them, they will win.

    The Illuminati love symbols. The Serpent, of course, which represents their proud alien bloodline, is their favourite. The letter ‘G’ represents a serpent, as in the lower case -- g -- it appears as a snake. Their soldiers all wear the same symbols, whether they're Nazis or British soldiers, or American or Canadian ones. People die on both sides of orchestrated wars for their patriotism, not knowing it was all designed. The Sons of the Serpent admire the sun, which is represented by the lion. They see the sun as the ruling power of existence, in mythical terms. Thusly, you find the symbols of the dragon and the lion in many places, of governments and banks. Dragons = flying serpents. Gargoyles = guarding serpents. The letter S also represents the snake, and is to be found in many places. Such as the dollar sign: $. Why do royals walk the red carpet? It represents the bloodline. Why do political leaders walk it? For the same reason. 32 American presidents had very close blood relation to Charlemagne, for example. All presidents had closer royal blood connection than their opponents. A democracy?

    The ancient Illuminati still rule. England still leads the world, not America. America is being used as the means to an end. It has been built up as the new enemy of the world, to create mayhem and destruction, as a way of taking people's eyes off England (now, I love England, and don't mean anything against the British. Just saying the Illuminati are cantered there.) The War on Terrorism has been orchestrated (study the evidence on how the World Trade Center was really collapsed if you don't believe me.) The same symbols of the Illuminati are found everywhere, if you can take the time to look. Your presidents and prime ministers and religious figures still walk the red carpet, your soldiers still don the same symbols, like your government buildings. The people are not interested in symbolism, but the Illuminati are obsessed with it. If you look for yourself, you will see it. And maybe you will begin to question things, to stand back and attempt to peal back the layers of deception, to see how we've been used. Like sheep, sheep dogs have been created to scare us, and leaders have been set up to lead us.


    To be perfectly honest, I do not know if these 'alien overlords' exist or not. There is a lot of evidence to show that they do, in whatever shape or form. What is clear, however, is that the Illuminati are an ancient group, represented everywhere by the symbol of the Serpent, and are the true but unseen rulers of the world. According to one woman's testimony, the War on Terrorism was in the planning decades ago. A War on Asteroids was to follow, and finally a War on UFOs, after which, in theory, the Illuminati would have taken power through their long planned New World Order, and will be in total and ever-lasting control. By the way, further DNA manipulation is planned, to make us even more mindless and obedient. The human race is to be further enslaved, body, mind, and soul. Unless they are stopped. And as long as their plans are unseen, how can they be? The people must take interest in looking for the truth. I believe that recent best selling novels like “the Da Vinci Code” and “the Templar Legacy” reflect a growing interest in the truth, sparked by those who have tried to peal back the layers.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Here's a video for it as well... Although it doesn't explain quite as much as this story above.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    oh my god.. my secrets out.. im an alien overlord.. and i wouldve gotten away with it too

  4. #4
    if it weren't for those meddling KIDS!!!!

    on a side note.. I dunno about serpant lords and sheit but I DO know this whole geopolitical scene is BULLSHIT and I do not take stock in any of it!! I ive my life as I choose and I do not get caught up trying to please the gov't.. fuk'em

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    in dreamy land
    hey.....i'm related to charlemagne.....i always knew i was special....i'm a gol damn alien!!

  6. #6
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    source check [email protected]
    somones been watching to much sci fi movies

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    in dreamy land
    Quote Originally Posted by Lexed View Post
    somones been watching to much sci fi movies
    i don't think so......if i'm not incorrect the prophecies refering to 2012 refer to a reptilian race and the iluminati are real.....wish i had the funds to dig into this.......i also developed a theory on the way to class about magic and the law of attraction.....what if magic is just a very very controlled focused application of the law of attraction because some of the ways in which magic is represented is very similar....and that would explain why no one can do it now because the secrets have been kept from us by organizations like the government

  8. #8
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    source check [email protected]
    ya I heard about Eduard Casey about him saying that the pyramids weren't built by Egyptians but by a for more superior race of humans 10,000 years ago and that the secret of " Atlantis" are inside the left paw of the syphinx and for some reason the Egyptian government allows no archivists to dig up there. He also said when the time is right we will find it... its supposedly the hall of knowledge. Like other profits he too said that at 2012 some major shit is gonna happen

  9. #9
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    source check [email protected]
    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    i don't think so......if i'm not incorrect the prophecies refering to 2012 refer to a reptilian race and the iluminati are real.....wish i had the funds to dig into this.......i also developed a theory on the way to class about magic and the law of attraction.....what if magic is just a very very controlled focused application of the law of attraction because some of the ways in which magic is represented is very similar....and that would explain why no one can do it now because the secrets have been kept from us by organizations like the government
    what about dsm?

  10. #10
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    in dreamy land
    Quote Originally Posted by Lexed View Post
    ya I heard about Eduard Casey about him saying that the pyramids weren't built by Egyptians but by a for more superior race of humans 10,000 years ago and that the secret of " Atlantis" are inside the left paw of the syphinx and for some reason the Egyptian government allows no archivists to dig up there. He also said when the time is right we will find it... its supposedly the hall of knowledge. Like other profits he too said that at 2012 some major shit is gonna happen
    really now....*packs bags* *buys ticket to egypt*

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lexed View Post
    Like other profits he too said that at 2012 some major shit is gonna happen
    yeh the london olympics,they will be in major shit too if they dont finish the stadium,its not even started yet

  12. #12
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    source check [email protected]
    who cares about the olympics lol... do all the shit you can before 2012 so you wont regret ur life lol

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    pffftt Yeah I got some magic beans for sale guys hurry quick theyll be gone soon...

  14. #14
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    source check [email protected]
    how much?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan2 View Post
    pffftt Yeah I got some magic beans for sale guys hurry quick theyll be gone soon...
    my thoughts exactly.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    in dreamy land
    rofl well y'all wait till it's here and ur not prepared and the lizards start landing

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