Hello. I am currently a college senior looking for a job. I have been on several interviews, and have had a few offers. I was offered a job with one of the biggest insurance companies in the world in the public accouting department working with portfolios. The job seems pretty good. Starting salary is pretty good as well as the benefits and hours. I also got offered a second interview for a bank working in the hedge fund services branch. I would be a portfolio accountant, and I think I might like this a little bit more. I have to let the insurance company know about 3 days before I go on the second interview for the bank. I tried to extend the deadline for the insurance company but they only gave me an extra week. I am having a tough time making a decision, and was wondering if anyone has any advice? Anyone here know a lot about the finance industry? As far as pay I would think the bank would pay more but I am not sure. Anyone know the average salary for this field of work? Thanks guys.