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Thread: anti depressants

  1. #1
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    anti depressants

    Anyone here been on anti depressants?
    My doc put me on them about a month ago, and have some bizarre side effects. My feet are numb when ever I lay down, i"m hornier than a goat all the time (which isn't anything really new) but the difference is I can't orgasm.

    anyone relate?

  2. #2
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    Sounds about like me...
    I can't cum worth a damn half the time.. not matter how long I go unless I am on test.. then it is like the old days!
    And yea, for the first few weeks i felt very weird, almost drunk...
    they will both go away.. well you will be able to orgasm more regularly but probably not as easy as before the meds...

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by fenceguy View Post
    Anyone here been on anti depressants?
    My doc put me on them about a month ago, and have some bizarre side effects. My feet are numb when ever I lay down, i"m hornier than a goat all the time (which isn't anything really new) but the difference is I can't orgasm.

    anyone relate?
    What did the Doctor prescribe and at what dose?

    Doc M

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Doc M View Post
    What did the Doctor prescribe and at what dose?

    Doc M
    would like to know this too. ive been thinking about going on zoloft....

  5. #5
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    I am on lexapro 10 mg day. I love this stuff!!!! I also had a problem cumming so the doc perscribed welbutrin with the lexapro and that took care of it. The first month has it problem but it will pass.

  6. #6
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    Some of the other meds are known to slow your mataba

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazycrab View Post
    I am on lexapro 10 mg day. I love this stuff!!!! I also had a problem cumming so the doc perscribed welbutrin with the lexapro and that took care of it. The first month has it problem but it will pass.
    same. lexapro 10 mg a day. It really is amazing, within days started to feel better.

    glad to hear i'm not alone on this one.

    thanks bro

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by fenceguy View Post
    same. lexapro 10 mg a day. It really is amazing, within days started to feel better.

    glad to hear i'm not alone on this one.

    thanks bro

    It really helps to handle stress. I'm self employed and some times I just bury my head from all the stress. Lexapro helps me a hole lot.

  9. #9
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    I've used Lexapro and thought it was good. My girl was using "cymbolta" (i think that is how it is spelled) and had nerve problems and stuff with it. Coming off it was really hard for her. She just moved away and was trying to quit taking it because she was on it for a year. Watching her come off it almost makes me need to go back on Lexapro, it really messed with her.

  10. #10
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    Yes"gymazapane"Translation Gym

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5ifthCitizen View Post
    would like to know this too. ive been thinking about going on zoloft....
    Keep in mind that although Zoloft is a great drug for depression, it also carries side effects that are sometimes unappealing for many men. The main complaint is sexual sides and usually shows itself in the form of decreased sex drive and difficulty in erections/ejaculation. Dizziness, light-headed, dull headaches are also a few of the other common side effects. This does not present itself in all people though. Lexapro tends to offer a lot of the same benefits and less sexual side effects.

    Doc M

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by fenceguy View Post
    same. lexapro 10 mg a day. It really is amazing, within days started to feel better.

    glad to hear i'm not alone on this one.

    thanks bro
    Lexapro 20 here... so ya your not alone..

  13. #13
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    10mg Paxil... Love the stuff

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54 View Post
    10mg Paxil... Love the stuff
    Paxil made me a walking zombie for 6 months.

    I believe all of the SSRIs,SNRIs,A-typicals,etc. are way too freely prescribed. The problem with these drugs is that there is no "test" that can be done to find out if its working or not. It's trial and error, and always at the expense of the patient. If you research some of these drugs sometimes the mechanism of action is listed as "unknown." That scares me to be honest, I've also read peer reviewed journal publications showing some really significant rates of suicide from people who had bloodlevels of SSRIs at the time of their suicide.

    I'm basically voicing my concern about the way in which doctors prescribe these medications, and how little effort they seem to make in making you aware of the potential side effects. In my own personal experience the side effects that I dealt with from the medication far outweighed any potential benefit from them. I also do not believe they are a life long fix for the problem, and I'm just theorizing that most of the symptoms people are experiencing are from their current life situations and not from any actual biological problem like a chemical inbalance in the brain.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Paxil made me a walking zombie for 6 months.

    I believe all of the SSRIs,SNRIs,A-typicals,etc. are way too freely prescribed. The problem with these drugs is that there is no "test" that can be done to find out if its working or not. It's trial and error, and always at the expense of the patient. If you research some of these drugs sometimes the mechanism of action is listed as "unknown." That scares me to be honest, I've also read peer reviewed journal publications showing some really significant rates of suicide from people who had bloodlevels of SSRIs at the time of their suicide.

    I'm basically voicing my concern about the way in which doctors prescribe these medications, and how little effort they seem to make in making you aware of the potential side effects. In my own personal experience the side effects that I dealt with from the medication far outweighed any potential benefit from them. I also do not believe they are a life long fix for the problem, and I'm just theorizing that most of the symptoms people are experiencing are from their current life situations and not from any actual biological problem like a chemical inbalance in the brain.
    totally agree with you on everything you said with that last condition you gave. however, many people with anxiety and depression have the conditions because of these chemical imbalances. Therapy, whether it be one on one, cognitive, group, meditation, etc. simply does not work for these people and medicine is the only resort and the last resort. somebody who has never suffered from one of these conditions biologically could never possibly understand the issues involved.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5ifthCitizen View Post
    totally agree with you on everything you said with that last condition you gave. however, many people with anxiety and depression have the conditions because of these chemical imbalances. Therapy, whether it be one on one, cognitive, group, meditation, etc. simply does not work for these people and medicine is the only resort and the last resort. somebody who has never suffered from one of these conditions biologically could never possibly understand the issues involved.
    Amen 5th. couldn't agree more. I am one of these. My life is amazing, I have a great job, great woman in my life, love and support of friends and family, training is going well, I have the best body of my life,finances are good, but my brain seems to get shorted out, and I can not find Joy in anything and there is no logical reason for it. It hasn't happend in years, last time it happend though I didn't get help, and it got worse and worse and worse until one day a local park ranger found me sitting in my truck, in the middle of the woods 1/2 a mile from the nearest "road" with a garden hose taped to the exhaust. You want to talk about devine intervention!!!!
    so I don't ever want to end up in that situation again nor wish for anyone else to.
    Last edited by fenceguy; 12-06-2007 at 05:54 AM. Reason: typo

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5ifthCitizen View Post
    totally agree with you on everything you said with that last condition you gave. however, many people with anxiety and depression have the conditions because of these chemical imbalances. Therapy, whether it be one on one, cognitive, group, meditation, etc. simply does not work for these people and medicine is the only resort and the last resort. somebody who has never suffered from one of these conditions biologically could never possibly understand the issues involved.
    Agree 100%

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5ifthCitizen View Post
    totally agree with you on everything you said with that last condition you gave. however, many people with anxiety and depression have the conditions because of these chemical imbalances. Therapy, whether it be one on one, cognitive, group, meditation, etc. simply does not work for these people and medicine is the only resort and the last resort. somebody who has never suffered from one of these conditions biologically could never possibly understand the issues involved.
    I dont disagree with that either. In fact, I am one of those people with a genuine biological problem. I'm still on medication to this day actually. However, I was more trying to assert a point that our culture now has people "quick to jump" on a psych med if they're having a bad week. People often say "Im Depressed" as opposed to "Im having a bad day." When in actuality most people dont know what it is to be clinically depressed.

  19. #19
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    One of the most over perscribed and un-needed drugs imo. Doctors are so fast to give them to a patient not thinking of the long term efeects. If you have a sickness, then they are what what you need, but if just feeling down or bad times theres many drugs that can help, valuim being one that has waaaaaay less sides. Man Ive seen anti-d's fuc people up, cry for days when taken off of them, suicidal thoughts. If I were you I would stop them asap and try to find a better way.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  20. #20
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    I agree that some people should not be on them. My problem was some days you would feel great ( better then normal) the very next day I could be so depressed that it seemed like the world was ending. Then I could get very aggresive when depressed and that makes family life very stressful. The doc said I was an aggresive depressive. Some depressed people just stay to them selfs and do not eat ect.... Some become very moddy and aggresive. I have a pretty succesful life. I can afford to do the thing I love and own my owned bussiness for last 8 years. Most people would be happy with that. But I would get depressed and think life sucks because of a inbalance in the brain. Anti depressants are great for people with cemical inbalances. It changed my life and probably saved my marrage of 13 years.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    I dont disagree with that either. In fact, I am one of those people with a genuine biological problem. I'm still on medication to this day actually. However, I was more trying to assert a point that our culture now has people "quick to jump" on a psych med if they're having a bad week. People often say "Im Depressed" as opposed to "Im having a bad day." When in actuality most people dont know what it is to be clinically depressed.
    i agree with u godfather. i know a lot of people that have gone to therapists to ask for medication or other help claiming that they have anxiety or depression when the reality is that they are simply bogged down with school, work, or personal life. your statement on people claiming "im depressed" or "i have anxiety" can be very frustrating for people like u and i who actually know what the words mean.

  22. #22
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    right...note to're never ever never going to take an antidepressant no matter how many doctors try to shove it in your mouth.....i'll keep my ability to cum thank you

  23. #23
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    Well I think that penis problems of any sort will only add to your depression / low self esteem. It is best to stay off all that shite if at all possible!!!

  24. #24
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    My doctor was very hesitant to give me anything. I explained to her my physical problems (panic attacks, vomiting, irregular heart beats) and she ran a number of tests (endoscopy, heart monitor thing, blood work) to determine if it was a physical problem. After all the testing was negative, she then decided to try Paxil and the panic attacks, vomiting, and all that other stuff went away and I felt ten times better. I went off Paxil earlier in the year because I did not want to have to rely on a prescription drug to feel better and at first I was doing well but then this past summer I had a panic attack while I was out at the bar, the first time I had a panic attack since I started Paxil. I went back to the doc and told her about it, and I went back on Paxil.

  25. #25
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    aas are my anitdepressants. and they do a good job at it

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54 View Post
    My doctor was very hesitant to give me anything. I explained to her my physical problems (panic attacks, vomiting, irregular heart beats) and she ran a number of tests (endoscopy, heart monitor thing, blood work) to determine if it was a physical problem. After all the testing was negative, she then decided to try Paxil and the panic attacks, vomiting, and all that other stuff went away and I felt ten times better. I went off Paxil earlier in the year because I did not want to have to rely on a prescription drug to feel better and at first I was doing well but then this past summer I had a panic attack while I was out at the bar, the first time I had a panic attack since I started Paxil. I went back to the doc and told her about it, and I went back on Paxil.
    I had panic attacks,but as soon as I went to the Doc and found out what they were I don't get em anymore it's been 7yrs now....I did find if I smoke weed I will get them so,no 420 for me...I take amitriptyline for migraines..

  27. #27
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    What about doing Juice while on Anti's?

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3bd View Post
    aas are my anitdepressants. and they do a good job at it
    Well said 3bd. BUT i would really like to get some Ambien .... Tai?

  29. #29
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    anti depressants are prescribed too much, i agree. If im having a bad week, or super stressed, a little bit of herbage at the end of the night before bed does wonder to spot-treat that stress. Sometimes yoga-ish stuff or meditation can work too. Or reading a book. I guess it depend person to person

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by tadpoleboyy View Post
    anti depressants are prescribed too much, i agree. If im having a bad week, or super stressed, a little bit of HERBAGE at the end of the night before bed does wonder to spot-treat that stress. Sometimes yoga-ish stuff or meditation can work too. Or reading a book. I guess it depend person to person
    This site do not allow for advertising of your bad habits.PLEASE READ THE RULES!

  31. #31
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    legal herbs, of course. Me and the cat go half n half on the catnip

  32. #32
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    30mg of Paxil here

  33. #33
    What about natural legal herbs like St johns wart and HTP5.. I heard these both are supose to help with seritonan levels in the brain. Has anyone tryed these. And luck with these.. I too, may think, that im a bit depressed. But its weird so I dont know if I am. Its like each day I have high highs and low lows. Yesterday I was driving home and a song come on the radio that i loved in HS. And I had the highest high and no one could bring me down. And today my GF didnt call me today after work and I felt depressed? Then she ends up calling me later on and I was like depressed talking to her. Thats no good. WTF. I havent touched juice in 4 years and that is when I first started getting the high highs and low lows, was on juice. Anyone else experiance this.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by solid-d View Post
    What about natural legal herbs like St johns wart and HTP5.. I heard these both are supose to help with seritonan levels in the brain. Has anyone tryed these. And luck with these.. I too, may think, that im a bit depressed. But its weird so I dont know if I am. Its like each day I have high highs and low lows. Yesterday I was driving home and a song come on the radio that i loved in HS. And I had the highest high and no one could bring me down. And today my GF didnt call me today after work and I felt depressed? Then she ends up calling me later on and I was like depressed talking to her. Thats no good. WTF. I havent touched juice in 4 years and that is when I first started getting the high highs and low lows, was on juice. Anyone else experiance this.
    Hey Solid-d. Please just always remember that we arent robots but human beings with feelings, Everyone gets their off days now and then but u just push through them, i believe that depression is a choice and if you wake up in the morning and believe and make it your choice NOT to be depressed then you wont be. I know that feeling is shyte but just try and set mind over matter.... When im on AAS i rarely get depressed but rather a sense of wellbeing.

  35. #35
    I agree with the sense of wellbeing while on AAS but what about right after a cycle. Im sure you get the low lows with losing your gains, being shut down, ect.. I know you get the highest highs while on cycle. For me now, and I havent used AAS for 4 years, I still get the high highs and low lows. Almost on a daily basis. Again, has anyone tryed the HTP 5 or the St Johns Wart with good results. Also, whats the point of taking anti-Ds if you get sexual sides?? I dont understand that one.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by *El Diablo* View Post
    Hey Solid-d. Please just always remember that we arent robots but human beings with feelings, Everyone gets their off days now and then but u just push through them, i believe that depression is a choice and if you wake up in the morning and believe and make it your choice NOT to be depressed then you wont be. I know that feeling is shyte but just try and set mind over matter.... When im on AAS i rarely get depressed but rather a sense of wellbeing.
    You obviously don't have any type of chemical inbalances, I respect your opinion however, but from personal experience I can tell you it's not a choice, also suffering from depression doesn't mean you have to be sad, you could be mad, irritable, fatigued, etc...Trust me, without taking Paxil I am a mean irritable person, I realize I am that way, but physically cannot stop myself, when I run out of my meds, I have to walk around apologizing all the time, cuz I become a prick. I WISH it was a choice, but it's not, and its not cuz I have a lack of will power, I've stopped doing a lot of things cold turkey, drugs, booze, cigs, etc...can't seem to "kick" the depressed mad person I can be, without pills.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by AaronJM1984 View Post
    You obviously don't have any type of chemical inbalances, I respect your opinion however, but from personal experience I can tell you it's not a choice, also suffering from depression doesn't mean you have to be sad, you could be mad, irritable, fatigued, etc...Trust me, without taking Paxil I am a mean irritable person, I realize I am that way, but physically cannot stop myself, when I run out of my meds, I have to walk around apologizing all the time, cuz I become a prick. I WISH it was a choice, but it's not, and its not cuz I have a lack of will power, I've stopped doing a lot of things cold turkey, drugs, booze, cigs, etc...can't seem to "kick" the depressed mad person I can be, without pills.
    Hey Aaron,sure i get your point, its just that i find lately is that alot of people are now all of a sudden suffering from depression, first of all they walk around being negative and always trying to find fault and the see the negative in everything. I know that for some it really is a problem and without the Anti-Depression meds you are a horrible person this that and the other. That was just my personal opinion ...Nuffing else.

    El D

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by *El Diablo* View Post
    Hey Aaron,sure i get your point, its just that i find lately is that alot of people are now all of a sudden suffering from depression, first of all they walk around being negative and always trying to find fault and the see the negative in everything. I know that for some it really is a problem and without the Anti-Depression meds you are a horrible person this that and the other. That was just my personal opinion ...Nuffing else.

    El D
    I agree, doctors seem pretty quick to label someone as something, b4 it was ADD, now its bipolar, or depression, personally I think alittle bit of antidepressants in our drinking water might make a happier world to live in, j/k

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazycrab View Post
    I am on lexapro 10 mg day. I love this stuff!!!! I also had a problem cumming so the doc perscribed welbutrin with the lexapro and that took care of it. The first month has it problem but it will pass.
    Doctors are idiots.

    He did not need to prescribe wellbutrin WITH lexapro. There is a window of tolerance to develop that he obviously didn't wait for, and most people on 10mg of lex soon get back their ability to orgasm like normal.

    Id personally get off the well and stick to the 10mg of lexapro. Lexapro is a great ssri. Zoloft is MUCH worse, paxil a bit better than zoloft, but overall 10mg of lexapro is perfect for most people.

    YES I also agree that ssri are prescribed too much but nobody here most likely realizes that most of these patients coming in to see their doctors are gung-ho for benzos. And any dr. that prescribes an ssri before a benzo has some idea what they are doing.

    For anyone with anxiety, social anxiety or GAD they do a little research, go to see a doctor and say "hey that xanax (or klonopin) looks like its a real good med". Some doctors give in, most however will start off with an ssri. WHY? because theres always another dr. out there who is more liberal, so if your patient is going to just go find that doctor might as well get them on an ssri and give them some hope rather than risk the chance of losing them to a liberal benzo prescriber.
    Main point being, its not always easy to see the true forces working in situations like this.
    I also haven't read all of the OP posts, but in regards to this one. You should always give 1 specific ssri a few months before moving on to another one. And when you move on to a new one you GET OFF the old one.
    Its common sense for more than a million reasons. Find a new doctor.

  40. #40
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    Agreed! Hell Paxil took 6-8 weeks to kick in for me, and I couldn't cum for that entire time, but everything is cool now, my girlfriend hated it for awhile but..

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