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Alright, I haven't been this pissed in a while. I currently go to the Univ. of Delaware, and this is my last week of finals. I had to drive 2 hours to Jersey this morning for an interview, and then come back for a final tommorow. So I get back at like 10pm tonight, and my roomate is parked in my spot. I park behind him horizontally blocking him and my neighor in. They are both parked vertically so it is perpendicular. My other roomate comes running upstairs, and tells me this guy is about to tow my car. As soon as I come out he is like give me $75 right now or I am leaving with your car. I was like this guy is parked in my spot, and he was like you should have called it in to me. So it went back and forth, and then I was like whatever here is my credit card. This towing company drives around at 12am looking to tow cars away. How ridiculous is that? The guy didn't even identify himself and asked for my drivers license. I am about to call my credit card company and protest the charge, but I doubt it will work. Fvck I am pissed, and my other roomate is having people over and they are loud as shit, and I have to watch 5 hours of video lectures by 11am tomm. I am a broke college student, and my bank account is pretty damn low and I have to get my GF a nice present. Ok now I feel a little better.