okay- this crazy girl i hooked up with during thanksgiving break called me this morning and said she was knocked up. she doesn't know i am on steroids, but besides that, i am on and have been on 1000 mgs of sust for the last 3 or 4 months along with decca at 600 mgs- wouldn't this decrease the hell out of the probability of getting her knocked up? not only that she had the ring in her when i hooked up with her, i felt it and asked..
she called me this summer a month after i hooked up with her and said she was late and she could have been pregnant but it turned out she was lying. also- she said she took a pregnancy test and it tested positive- i know if they test positive then it means you are knocked up due to the hormone (hcg) is floating around, so..
odds are it is bs and she really didn't take a pregnancy test and she is a week late- who takes a pregnancy test only after one week. she also said that it was finals week and she thought she was stressed out so it may have cause her to be late, but besides that, with me taking as much shiet i am and the fact that my nuts are as small as sun dried tomatoes, is there a good probability of getting someone knocked up?
pleaaaase help me..