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Thread: Ron Paul 2007

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    I havent been following the whole thing really. But my friend sent me this a few days ago. lol, hes not a ron paul fan.

    Some Ron Paul Facts:

    -Ron Paul opposes abortion because he believes women should essentially have no say when it comes to their body

    -Ron Paul thinks we should trade gold pieces (because they totally never tried this in the 12th century)

    -Ron Paul doesn't support women's rights

    -Ron Paul doesn't support minority rights

    -Ron Paul wants to eliminate minimum wage

    -Ron Paul believes that the UN and all of its peacekeeping missions are nonsense.

    -Ron Paul wants to get rid of public schools. Yes, Virginia, he wants everything to be privatized.

    -Ron Paul wants to eliminate tax benefits that help Americans with lower incomes such as the gift and estate tax, elderly credit tax, and the child care tax

    -Ron Paul believes that the Second Amendment can be interpreted as leverage for turning America into a real life version of "Turok the Dinosaur Hunter".

    -Ron Paul doesn't support secular government.

    -Ron Paul hates gays, lesbians, and bisexuals

    Ron Paul Quotes:

    "By far the most powerful lobby in Washington of the bad sort is the Israeli government" and that the goal of the Zionist movement is to st***e criticism.

    "Given the inefficiencies of what D.C. lau***ngly calls the `criminal justice system,' I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal,"

    "If you have ever been robbed by a black teen-aged male, you know how unbelievably fleet-footed they can be."

    "Through perverse court decisions and years of cultural indoctrination, the elitist, secular Left has managed to convince many in our nation that religion must be driven from public view. The justification is always that someone, somewhere, might possibly be offended or feel uncomfortable living in the midst of a largely Christian society, so all must yield to the fragile sensibilities of the few. The ultimate goal of the anti-religious elites is to transform America into a completely secular nation, a nation that is legally and culturally biased against Christianity."

    "Abolishing the Federal Reserve will allow Congress to reassert its constitutional authority over monetary policy… Though the Federal Reserve policy harms the average American, it benefits those in a position to take advantage of the cycles in monetary policy. The main beneficiaries are those who receive access to artificially inflated money and/or credit before the inflationary effects of the policy impact the entire economy. Federal Reserve policies also benefit big spending politicians who use the inflated currency created by the Fed to hide the true costs of the welfare-warfare state. It is time for Congress to put the interests of the American people ahead of
    the special interests and their own appetite for big government."

    Couldn't have said those any better myself. People are going to call him everything in the book from Racist to Conspiracy Theorist etc because they know he speaks the truth.

    If you read more into Ron Paul and his outspoken stance on the Federal Reserve and the "Elite" who truly control the gov't you would not doubt vote for him if you are a true American.
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  2. #42
    Please act like adults or we will remove the thread.

    Completely Cleanse Your Body of Steroids in Only 5 Days!

  3. #43
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    Tom Tancredo!!!

  4. #44
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    He's a politician who believes in the founding fathers' principles and his only loyalty seems to be for good of America and its people. Very rare qualities to see in a politician... no doubt he will be slandered hard.
    Last edited by Wino; 12-17-2007 at 05:59 AM.

  5. #45
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    Sep 2006
    """"Ron Paul is a crazy libertarian with racist background, it's evident through his through some of the quotes on there. His libertarianism might be a barely valid argument for ridding of affirmative action including legislation protecting women in the workplace but it is backed by intolerant religious dogma.
    As for the United Nations, Ron Paul doesn't support the UN because he is a devout isolationist, which in its nature is selfish. A prime example of isolationism were those who did not want to intervene in WWII to stop the genocide against the Jews. Actually, that's exactly what Ron Paul wants, because he does not want to aid Uganda, Sudan, Rwanda, and other nation where genocide is present.
    Ron Paul also wants to destroy the federal reserve, which if you know anything about economics, is essential to a nationwide credit system.
    As for schools, social security, yes, virginia, he really wants to abolish any state supported aid. That's old school conservatism, you know the kind that lets the rich selfishly hoarde their money and not aid their country. This goes for his no tax policies as well.
    All in all, Ron Paul's policies would set us up for another Great Depression. Ron Paul's policies might work if people were perfect and could regulate themselves but this is not true. John Locke even said that people must be willing to sacrifice a fraction of freedom for protection or else a country would be dominated by elitists. If you want to live a society where the government does not to protect its citizens then maybe you should live in the third world country of your choice. After about 10 years of conservatism, I am ready to see the United States develop after a growth stunt due to intense conservatism.

    So even though I might be exaggerating for comedic purposes, it is YOU who is LYING"""""

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    """"Ron Paul is a crazy libertarian with racist background, it's evident through his through some of the quotes on there. His libertarianism might be a barely valid argument for ridding of affirmative action including legislation protecting women in the workplace but it is backed by intolerant religious dogma.
    As for the United Nations, Ron Paul doesn't support the UN because he is a devout isolationist, which in its nature is selfish. A prime example of isolationism were those who did not want to intervene in WWII to stop the genocide against the Jews. Actually, that's exactly what Ron Paul wants, because he does not want to aid Uganda, Sudan, Rwanda, and other nation where genocide is present.
    Ron Paul also wants to destroy the federal reserve, which if you know anything about economics, is essential to a nationwide credit system.
    As for schools, social security, yes, virginia, he really wants to abolish any state supported aid. That's old school conservatism, you know the kind that lets the rich selfishly hoarde their money and not aid their country. This goes for his no tax policies as well.
    All in all, Ron Paul's policies would set us up for another Great Depression. Ron Paul's policies might work if people were perfect and could regulate themselves but this is not true. John Locke even said that people must be willing to sacrifice a fraction of freedom for protection or else a country would be dominated by elitists. If you want to live a society where the government does not to protect its citizens then maybe you should live in the third world country of your choice. After about 10 years of conservatism, I am ready to see the United States develop after a growth stunt due to intense conservatism.

    So even though I might be exaggerating for comedic purposes, it is YOU who is LYING"""""
    Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
    Please I beg of you don't post ignorant statements about a candidate, paul is NOT an isolationist hes a constitutional non-interventionist... and he believes in what we did for WWII because WE DECLARED WAR... he just doesn't want to OCCUPY THE 120 COUNTRIES WE OCCUPY NOW... GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT.

    And about the depression are you aware what caused the depression....I mean really do you have any idea? Are you aware that we are near another one because we have a central bank? because the central banks policies and greenspans actions created the real estate bubble with artificially low interests rates... I'm a mortgage banker... don't talk about what you don't know!!!

    I want you to do me a favor if you would... look up what the US comptroller is telling us will happen in the next 40 years with our benefits... Hes going around the country independantly... Also you may with to look at the fact we're in a recession now thats being masked by the decrease in dollar value.... if we keep heading down this path depression is very possible.... maybe to look up why the terrorists actually attack us... I'll give you a hint...(because we fund both sides of almost every confict Al"CIA"da)

    You sound complete deformation of truth... All I'm asking is that you do some digging rather then believe what gulliani and the mainstream media tells you in the debates...

  7. #47
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    Ron Paul is Overated far to much in my opinion, besides the fact he believes in small govt and free will, most of his views are from a 18th century Adam Smith Neoclassical view and are completely unrealistic.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    """"Ron Paul is a crazy libertarian with racist background, it's evident through his through some of the quotes on there. His libertarianism might be a barely valid argument for ridding of affirmative action including legislation protecting women in the workplace but it is backed by intolerant religious dogma.
    As for the United Nations, Ron Paul doesn't support the UN because he is a devout isolationist, which in its nature is selfish. A prime example of isolationism were those who did not want to intervene in WWII to stop the genocide against the Jews. Actually, that's exactly what Ron Paul wants, because he does not want to aid Uganda, Sudan, Rwanda, and other nation where genocide is present.
    Ron Paul also wants to destroy the federal reserve, which if you know anything about economics, is essential to a nationwide credit system.
    As for schools, social security, yes, virginia, he really wants to abolish any state supported aid. That's old school conservatism, you know the kind that lets the rich selfishly hoarde their money and not aid their country. This goes for his no tax policies as well.
    All in all, Ron Paul's policies would set us up for another Great Depression. Ron Paul's policies might work if people were perfect and could regulate themselves but this is not true. John Locke even said that people must be willing to sacrifice a fraction of freedom for protection or else a country would be dominated by elitists. If you want to live a society where the government does not to protect its citizens then maybe you should live in the third world country of your choice. After about 10 years of conservatism, I am ready to see the United States develop after a growth stunt due to intense conservatism.

    So even though I might be exaggerating for comedic purposes, it is YOU who is LYING"""""

    I hope you are kidding! And what I bolded only shows your ignorance of reality.

    President Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 and shortly after stated

    "I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is now controlled by its system of credit. We are no longer a goverment by free opinion, no longer a goverment by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a goverment by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."

    ~Woodrow Wilson

    You keep drinking the kool-aid son, you are a good sheep. They have trained you well. To bad the truth is not hard to find if you do a little research. Anybody that believes the Federal Reserve is a "good" thing has absolutely no knowledge of what it is and what it stands for.

    What is sad is that there are millions upon millions that also believe in this farce. It's time they wakeup.
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  9. #49
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    doesnt the federal reserve determine the value of the dollar during exchange or is that something else?

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by cookiemonstR View Post
    Ron Paul is Overated far to much in my opinion, besides the fact he believes in small govt and free will, most of his views are from a 18th century Adam Smith Neoclassical view and are completely unrealistic.
    Just like our constitution, it's a 18th century replica full of BS, we should continue to let the gov't ignore it.

    I mean look around, our country is amazing, what more could we ask for? I got my new XBOX360 and a pizza in the oven, **** it. They can do whatever they want, just leave me alone.


    A promising future is "unrealistic" to those who sit on their ass and do nothing except tell everyone how "unrealistic" this is, or that is etc.

    Typical American ideology anymore, "We can't do anything about it" bla bla bla

    The media and the gov't have done a damn good job in making people believe there are no power in numbers. Funny how a shitload of Blacks get together to protest something and immeditely get a reaction, yet Americans as a whole do not think they can do it.

    These "Elite" keep everyones focus off of them and keep everyone focused on Democrat vs Republican (there is no ****ing difference), Racism etc...

    It will be funny to hear what all these naysayers have to say when they are chipped with the RFID chip. "It's for our safety", "I feel safe knowing where my kids are". At this rate, the majority will take it and not even question it.
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  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kingweb50 View Post
    doesnt the federal reserve determine the value of the dollar during exchange or is that something else?
    The Federal Reserve is a private banking entity with partners all over the world. These "Elite" who run the show have attempted to control our nations money flow since the Civil War and finally succeeded in 1913 when our so called "Gov't" sold us out.

    They are now in sole control of the printing and reporting of "OUR" nations wealth. This wealth belongs to the people, or shall I say did belong to its people. They can control the economy with a stroke of the pen. They no longer report the measure of our money (M3 Summit), $1 in reality is reported to be worth 4 cents.

    They continue printing paper money with no backing, money is only a piece of paper, what gives it value is gold. The Federal Reserve is "holding" our nations wealth (gold) as collateral for all the money we borrow from them. Our taxes (income tax) which there is no law for (whole other arguement) pay the interest on the money we borrow from the Federal Reserve.
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  12. #52
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    Hitler said 80% of people are sheep. Unforunately for Ron Paul, the sheep will be hard pressed to leave the herd. Thats exactly what the candidates such as Hilary are banking on.

    Tell someone something over and over again and they eventually believe it. Its a shame

  13. #53
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    After your post I like him even more....

    Like Ive said before, you cant beat pauls domestic policy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fat Guy View Post
    Being a working/ union man myself I have to say Ron Paul is a douche bag!

    He is against unions, public education, and public health care assistance programs. Being a working guy I don’t make much money and the only thing that saves my a$$ from complete exploitation from my company is my union and like many Americans I could not afford to send my 3 kids to private school or to pay for health care for my family.

    Dr. Ron Paul is without a doubt an elitist whose interest is not for the average guy like me and many other Americans. He is a constitutionalist, which is usual for big money making guys like himself, with the rhetoric of fewer taxes and less government for all. The only thing I agree with him on is to end the Iraq War outside of that I’m just an average guy who is grateful to have union protection at work, a decent school to send my kids, and when my kids need braces for their teeth there are programs out there to help me with that cost…

    This is why IMHO Ron Paul is an Elitist Douche… He’s not the working guys’ candidate.

    Live Better… Work Union!

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    Hitler said 80% of people are sheep. Unforunately for Ron Paul, the sheep will be hard pressed to leave the herd. Thats exactly what the candidates such as Hilary are banking on.

    Tell someone something over and over again and they eventually believe it. Its a shame

    You do know who you quoted right?

    His actual words were

    "“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

    Dr. Joseph Goebbels
    Nazi Reichsminister of Propaganda

    Goebbels was a genius like Hitler in that he understood people and knew how to manipulate emotions. He is known as the father of propaganda. He was the first to utilize it over a wide spread medium, radio.

    Here are some more quotes from Goebbels:

    “The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over”

    "Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.”

    "In politics stupidity is not a handicap.”

    "Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber.”

    "Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives.”
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  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja
    You do know who you quoted right?

    His actual words were

    "“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

    Dr. Joseph Goebbels
    Nazi Reichsminister of Propaganda

    Goebbels was a genius like Hitler in that he understood people and knew how to manipulate emotions. He is known as the father of propaganda. He was the first to utilize it over a wide spread medium, radio.
    i just finished a world history class, i know it was Goebbels, i am just making a generalization to get the point across

  16. #56
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    We do not learn from the future, we learn from the past (History). There is no excuse for us not to realise what is going on in this country.
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  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    i just finished a world history class, i know it was Goebbels, i am just making a generalization to get the point across
    I am sure you have heard him speak before? He was only second in line to public speaking to Hitler. They could manipulate a crowd and hold them in the palm of their hand for an entire afternoon.

    I speak German and am mesmerized with the power and authority in which they spoke. Most notably in Goebbels "Totaler Krieg" (Total War) speech in which he rose the crowd to such fanaticiscm I don't think the world has seen since.
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  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    """"Ron Paul is a crazy libertarian with racist background, it's evident through his through some of the quotes on there. His libertarianism might be a barely valid argument for ridding of affirmative action including legislation protecting women in the workplace but it is backed by intolerant religious dogma.
    Affirmative Action is REVERSE racism. It is a racist policy in and of itself. It automatically PRECLUDES X number of white people from being hired, even when equal credentials and experience are furnished. That alone should be reason enough to want this policy eliminated. All this policy has done is taken the pendelum and swung it from one extreme to the other!

    As for the United Nations, Ron Paul doesn't support the UN because he is a devout isolationist, which in its nature is selfish. A prime example of isolationism were those who did not want to intervene in WWII to stop the genocide against the Jews. Actually, that's exactly what Ron Paul wants, because he does not want to aid Uganda, Sudan, Rwanda, and other nation where genocide is present.
    You have made the same mistake that John McCain did. You do not seem to know the difference between Isolationism and Non-Interventionist foreign policy. There is nothing wrong with giving aid to those countries, if they ASK us for us, and if the people ACTUALLY WANT US THERE! Do not be fooled by it, the Iraqi people do not want us or OUR DEMOCRACY. They have made it clear they want an Islamic government, and they are fully entitled to govern thier country HOWEVER THEY SEE FIT. Ron Paul realizes the futality of foreign entanglements, the resources it demands, the debt, and the blowback/fallout that it creates for every citizen here at home. Please educate yourself a little bit more, many of the problems around the world today ARE NOT OUR PROBLEM! If those countries populace WANTS freedom then let them FIGHT FOR IT the same way we did during the Revolutionary War. It is a natural process, there is no need to speed it up.

    Ron Paul also wants to destroy the federal reserve, which if you know anything about economics, is essential to a nationwide credit system.
    As for schools, social security, yes, virginia, he really wants to abolish any state supported aid. That's old school conservatism, you know the kind that lets the rich selfishly hoarde their money and not aid their country. This goes for his no tax policies as well.
    All in all, Ron Paul's policies would set us up for another Great Depression. Ron Paul's policies might work if people were perfect and could regulate themselves but this is not true. John Locke even said that people must be willing to sacrifice a fraction of freedom for protection or else a country would be dominated by elitists.
    What is the country dominated by now? Elitists, so without using any speculation here on what Ron Paul proposes, I am at least willing to try something different, because what is in place now is NOT WORKING!

    If you want to live a society where the government does not to protect its citizens then maybe you should live in the third world country of your choice. After about 10 years of conservatism, I am ready to see the United States develop after a growth stunt due to intense conservatism.

    So even though I might be exaggerating for comedic purposes, it is YOU who is LYING"""""
    My comments and replies to this post are in RED

  19. #59
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    Sep 2006
    lol guys guys guys, dont kill the messagenger aka me

    im actually glad my buddy typed that, and u all gave yr sides.
    a nice deal of information.

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    Ron Paul also wants to destroy the federal reserve, which if you know anything about economics, is essential to a nationwide credit system.
    As for schools, social security, yes, virginia, he really wants to abolish any state supported aid. That's old school conservatism, you know the kind that lets the rich selfishly hoarde their money and not aid their country. This goes for his no tax policies as well."""""
    Do you think this stuff up out of thin air, or just find it convieneint to TOTALLY misconstrue what Ron Paul advocates? He does not want to abolish any state supported aid. He wants to revitalize the economy and get these people BACK TO WORK, and he wants to drive down inflation so that more people can make a living and not be in debt to the "elites" for the rest of their lives. Surely the founding fathers did not envision an entire nation of serfs, INDEBTED FOREVER to an elite group of bankers known as "The Federal Reserve," and surely that was not the American dream, to be in so much debt that it is fiscally impossible to pay back.

    To reiterate what I said earlier. He wants these people on entitlements to get jobs. He also wants to leave these entitlement programs UP TO THE STATE, and not to Washington. That means each state would be able to establish their own "wellfare system." But the evidence is clear, when you start to give people entitlements they lose any motivation to actually provide for themselves. What ever happend to PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY? It seems like everyone in this country, as Dr.Paul puts it, wants the government to take care of them "from cradle to grave."

    I dont know about you xlxBigSexyxlx, but I am NOT OK with some lazy piece of shit who is perfectly able to work, taking 33% of the money I EARNED out of my paycheck, to pay for their food, housing, and healthcare.

    HEALTH CARE IS NOT A RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    lol guys guys guys, dont kill the messagenger aka me

    im actually glad my buddy typed that, and u all gave yr sides.
    a nice deal of information.
    Is your buddy a card holding member of the Socialist party?

  22. #62
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    heres some more for u guys

    OF COURSE HE'S GONNA SAY THAT HE SUPPORTED WORLD WAR II! Anyone'll say that now that it's over and justified, but a constitutional non interventionist is pretty much the same thing as an isolatonist. We're a world power now and what GW may have said may have worked for a (what's another word besides isolated?) self sufficient country (because we totally produce everything that we need)

    whoa, whoa, whoa, are YOU aware what cause the great depression? Unprotected banks and an unmediated economy. FDR's new deal done a great deal to fasten the economy.

    You know, killing the federal reserve isn't going to solve our benefits problem because then we're gonna have to give out that much gold.

    Also, Austrian economics don't work, they ignore trends and times, they're fail to factor in anything else besides idealistic human behavior. We're in a depression because of ridiculous military spending and horrid tax cuts.

    I know reinventing the American government may seem romantic but it really is illogical and analgous to a child running away after his parents spanked him. "Back to the Constitution" would be the equivalent of ignoring everything that's happened since the founding of the United States; growing down instead of growing up.

    But now with that being said, Ron Paul is hypocritical in the sense that he favors Christianity's unhealthy presence in American legislation. The man is an anti-semite, a misogynist, and a racist. Not to mention, he, along with every other rich patrician family member, hates gays. Though his anti-affirmative action policies coincide with libertarianism, they are the will of a prejudice, elitist politician. The denial of civil liberties is a growing problem that, with consent from both political parties, is overshadowed by the state of the economy. However, it is this generation's problem and all future generations' problems to come until it is resolved.

    Ron Paul doesn't support the founding fathers, or the well being of the economy, he supports rich people, their ideology, and them coveting their money. Sadly enough, money does not "trickle" down.

  23. #63
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    ok this seems like its going in a big circle.

    From a neutral standpoint, i do have to say im liking ron paul so far
    nice job guys

    but please dont bash too much on my friend, lol.

  24. #64
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    ^^^Please stop posting your, uhmmm. excuse me, your "friends" warped sense of reality. Have we not bitch smacked him enough with common sense?
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  25. #65
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    Reverse racism is bullshit, it doesn't exist, it doesn't happen, this country is still very much inclined to favoritism. White people aren't out of work, look around, there are no Harvard graduates who are starving. Women still get paid less than men, in fact, there is even a bias against Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama. It hasn't swung put all the weight on the otherside of fulcrom. What is it with conservatives and this unhealthy nightmare that rich white people are gonna switch sides with poor urban blacks? Is it because that maybe they've treated them badly? I certainly hope not.

    And yes, Ron Paul is racist! Did you read the quotes? Do you hear the news? If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, then Ron Paul is racist.

    I don't think you get the point about the federal reserve. You want a money backed by something hard, be it gold, silver, or some other commodity. IT DOESN'T WORK! It doesn't allow for national debt, which is necessary in running a world economy.

    No! You don't know what you want to try. Libertarianism is running away from a problem that needs resolution. The elitist dominating us now are those of the Republican party which has turned horribly conservative. They have taken away freedoms with the "Patriot Act" and other "wartime necessities" that are completely unjustified.

    I DO NOT SUPPORT THE IRAQ WAR. Ron Paul IS an isolationist though, non of this non-interventionalist nonsense. Of course countries under oppression need help. Are you saying that CCCP, Mao-China, and Nazi-Germany needed no regulations because none of their countries "asked" for help? The Iraq war is a horrible war fueled by profiteers and lobbyists. I think we can both agree on that.

    "Ron Paul sees the futility..."

    Anyone who truly believes that won't garner a vote from me or anyone with a good head on their shoulders. That makes Ron Paul sound weak, lazy, and selfish; which I am sure that he is.

    Federal Aid is a necessity or else states would not care for their foster children, their poor, their drug-addicted people. People need help and a lot of those times they just can't get up and say "No more dependency, I am gonna start a multibillion-dollar company." Ron Paul doesn't believe in freedom for people! He really doesn't! He believes in protecting the rich from participating in a society.

    Are you a confederate? You certainly sound like one because you advocate state freedom so much. Since you want to rid of the federal reserve then you'll probably support Ron Paul when he says that each state should have their own currency and ally themselves with different foreign powers. Wait, isn't that hypocritical? Isn't that the confederation of states? the reason why we adopted the constituion and a federal government?

    I think it is!

    Healthcare is a right! You're part of a society! Realize that. You don't live on your own island where you grow gold coins. This is the future, of course you won't like when you have to help but you don't see the ends. And it's not creating a nation of addicts, it's helping people survive. Ok, ok, ok; let's look at some countries that don't aid their poor: India, Vietnam, the Baltic countries, South America, and "just a few" others. But it's ok because these people all fend for themselves, probably why they've earned the name "the untouchables". Some many different countries are developing a healthcare system for the poor.

    Fine, if you don't want people to take your money then please, take your money somewhere else! Please go somewhere so that there can be one less Ron Paul vote. In fact, start your own country, maverick; one where you can get Mexicans to do your work but you don't need to pay them because they don't eat or need care

    And for Christ's sake, of course we need more taxes for schooling! Look at your spelling! "Indepedant/depedant"
    "wellfare" "Interventionist" "Pendelum". Sounds like the public school you went to wasn't funded enough or that the private school wasn't as good as Ron Paul thought it would be.

    And I am on the verge of ignoring you completely; for the last time, WHAT ABOUT WOMEN'S RIGHT TO ABORTION AND CIVIL LIBERTIES FOR GAY/LESBIAN CITIZENS?
    Last edited by xlxBigSexyxlx; 12-17-2007 at 04:26 PM.

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx
    And I am on the verge of ignoring you completely; for the last time, WHAT ABOUT WOMEN'S RIGHT TO ABORTION AND CIVIL LIBERTIES FOR GAY/LESBIAN CITIZENS?
    if you want those rights, you have to come to Canada

  27. #67
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    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    Reverse racism is bullshit, it doesn't exist, it doesn't happen, this country is still very much inclined to favoritism. White people aren't out of work, look around, there are no Harvard graduates who are starving. Women still get paid less than men, in fact, there is even a bias against Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama. It hasn't swung put all the weight on the otherside of fulcrom. What is it with conservatives and this unhealthy nightmare that rich white people are gonna switch sides with poor urban blacks? Is it because that maybe they've treated them badly? I certainly hope not.

    And yes, Ron Paul is racist! Did you read the quotes? Do you hear the news? If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, then Ron Paul is racist.

    I don't think you get the point about the federal reserve. You want a money backed by something hard, be it gold, silver, or some other commodity. IT DOESN'T WORK! It doesn't allow for national debt, which is necessary in running a world economy.

    No! You don't know what you want to try. Libertarianism is running away from a problem that needs resolution. The elitist dominating us now are those of the Republican party which has turned horribly conservative. They have taken away freedoms with the "Patriot Act" and other "wartime necessities" that are completely unjustified.

    I DO NOT SUPPORT THE IRAQ WAR. Ron Paul IS an isolationist though, non of this non-interventionalist nonsense. Of course countries under oppression need help. Are you saying that CCCP, Mao-China, and Nazi-Germany needed no regulations because none of their countries "asked" for help? The Iraq war is a horrible war fueled by profiteers and lobbyists. I think we can both agree on that.

    "Ron Paul sees the futility..."

    Anyone who truly believes that won't garner a vote from me or anyone with a good head on their shoulders. That makes Ron Paul sound weak, lazy, and selfish; which I am sure that he is.

    Federal Aid is a necessity or else states would not care for their foster children, their poor, their drug-addicted people. People need help and a lot of those times they just can't get up and say "No more dependency, I am gonna start a multibillion-dollar company." Ron Paul doesn't believe in freedom for people! He really doesn't! He believes in protecting the rich from participating in a society.

    Are you a confederate? You certainly sound like one because you advocate state freedom so much. Since you want to rid of the federal reserve then you'll probably support Ron Paul when he says that each state should have their own currency and ally themselves with different foreign powers. Wait, isn't that hypocritical? Isn't that the confederation of states? the reason why we adopted the constituion and a federal government?

    I think it is!

    Healthcare is a right! You're part of a society! Realize that. You don't live on your own island where you grow gold coins. This is the future, of course you won't like when you have to help but you don't see the ends. And it's not creating a nation of addicts, it's helping people survive. Ok, ok, ok; let's look at some countries that don't aid their poor: India, Vietnam, the Baltic countries, South America, and "just a few" others. But it's ok because these people all fend for themselves, probably why they've earned the name "the untouchables". Some many different countries are developing a healthcare system for the poor.

    Fine, if you don't want people to take your money then please, take your money somewhere else! Please go somewhere so that there can be one less Ron Paul vote. In fact, start your own country, maverick; one where you can get Mexicans to do your work but you don't need to pay them because they don't eat or need care

    And for Christ's sake, of course we need more taxes for schooling! Look at your spelling! "Indepedant/depedant"
    "wellfare" "Interventionist" "Pendelum". Sounds like the public school you went to wasn't funded enough or that the private school wasn't as good as Ron Paul thought it would be.

    And I am on the verge of ignoring you completely; for the last time, WHAT ABOUT WOMEN'S RIGHT TO ABORTION AND CIVIL LIBERTIES FOR GAY/LESBIAN CITIZENS?
    This is just insane so basically let me get you straight you want federal government to control every facet of your existence, Energy, education, your money, health care(tell you what suppliments/medication you can take and what you cant, transportation(where your allowed to drive), tell you who can have a gun, who can speak freely and who can marry, including completely dissolving state rights and borders.

    So that about sums up your ideal "republic" huh? guess what buddy thats tyranny thats socialism.... thats a non constitutional republic..

    Do you even understand the socioeconomic impact the fed is currently causing right now.... inflation tax dissolves the class system and creates 2 classes Rich/poor... end of story.... go READ SOMETHING INSTEAD OF PARROTING BS YOU HAVE NO IDEA ABOUT....AND INSISTING THAT THE LIES YOUR SPOUTING ARE TRUTH...
    Last edited by soulstealer; 12-17-2007 at 04:57 PM.

  28. #68
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    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    And I am on the verge of ignoring you completely; for the last time, WHAT ABOUT WOMEN'S RIGHT TO ABORTION AND CIVIL LIBERTIES FOR GAY/LESBIAN CITIZENS?

    Have fun buddy...

    Oh and if you need any more help actually staying in touch with the reality of a situation don't hesitate to ask
    Last edited by soulstealer; 12-17-2007 at 05:21 PM.

  29. #69
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Middle East
    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    Reverse racism is bullshit, it doesn't exist, it doesn't happen, this country is still very much inclined to favoritism. White people aren't out of work, look around, there are no Harvard graduates who are starving. Women still get paid less than men, in fact, there is even a bias against Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama. It hasn't swung put all the weight on the otherside of fulcrom. What is it with conservatives and this unhealthy nightmare that rich white people are gonna switch sides with poor urban blacks? Is it because that maybe they've treated them badly? I certainly hope not.
    You have totally sidestepped the issue. Does Affirmative Action preclude a certain number of whites from being hired or doesn't it? Once you answer that, then you will see that the policy is in fact a form of reverse racism.

    And yes, Ron Paul is racist! Did you read the quotes? Do you hear the news? If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, then Ron Paul is racist.

    I don't think you get the point about the federal reserve. You want a money backed by something hard, be it gold, silver, or some other commodity. IT DOESN'T WORK! It doesn't allow for national debt, which is necessary in running a world economy.
    I want my currency backed by nothing, which in essence makes it worth 4 cents? Pass.

    No! You don't know what you want to try. Libertarianism is running away from a problem that needs resolution. The elitist dominating us now are those of the Republican party which has turned horribly conservative. They have taken away freedoms with the "Patriot Act" and other "wartime necessities" that are completely unjustified.

    I DO NOT SUPPORT THE IRAQ WAR. Ron Paul IS an isolationist though, non of this non-interventionalist nonsense. Of course countries under oppression need help. Are you saying that CCCP, Mao-China, and Nazi-Germany needed no regulations because none of their countries "asked" for help? The Iraq war is a horrible war fueled by profiteers and lobbyists. I think we can both agree on that.

    "Ron Paul sees the futility..."

    Anyone who truly believes that won't garner a vote from me or anyone with a good head on their shoulders. That makes Ron Paul sound weak, lazy, and selfish; which I am sure that he is.

    Federal Aid is a necessity or else states would not care for their foster children, their poor, their drug-addicted people. People need help and a lot of those times they just can't get up and say "No more dependency, I am gonna start a multibillion-dollar company." Ron Paul doesn't believe in freedom for people! He really doesn't! He believes in protecting the rich from participating in a society.

    Are you a confederate? You certainly sound like one because you advocate state freedom so much. Since you want to rid of the federal reserve then you'll probably support Ron Paul when he says that each state should have their own currency and ally themselves with different foreign powers. Wait, isn't that hypocritical? Isn't that the confederation of states? the reason why we adopted the constituion and a federal government?

    I think it is!

    Healthcare is a right! You're part of a society! Realize that. You don't live on your own island where you grow gold coins. This is the future, of course you won't like when you have to help but you don't see the ends. And it's not creating a nation of addicts, it's helping people survive. Ok, ok, ok; let's look at some countries that don't aid their poor: India, Vietnam, the Baltic countries, South America, and "just a few" others. But it's ok because these people all fend for themselves, probably why they've earned the name "the untouchables". Some many different countries are developing a healthcare system for the poor.

    Fine, if you don't want people to take your money then please, take your money somewhere else! Please go somewhere so that there can be one less Ron Paul vote. In fact, start your own country, maverick; one where you can get Mexicans to do your work but you don't need to pay them because they don't eat or need care

    And for Christ's sake, of course we need more taxes for schooling! Look at your spelling! "Indepedant/depedant"
    "wellfare" "Interventionist" "Pendelum". Sounds like the public school you went to wasn't funded enough or that the private school wasn't as good as Ron Paul thought it would be.

    And I am on the verge of ignoring you completely; for the last time, WHAT ABOUT WOMEN'S RIGHT TO ABORTION AND CIVIL LIBERTIES FOR GAY/LESBIAN CITIZENS?
    Ok, give me a break on the grammatical errors when we are having a debate on an internet forum, I save the heavy verbiage and spell checker for writing papers and dissertations, not debating someone’s Socialist tyrannical views on a bodybuilding forum. Typical, you cannot debate me on the issues, so you attack my inability to hit F7 on the computer?

    I have to run at the moment, but I will be back to touch on the rest of your arguments later tonight.

  30. #70
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Ok, give me a break on the grammatical errors when we are having a debate on an internet forum, I save the heavy verbiage and spell checker for writing papers and dissertations, not debating someone’s Socialist tyrannical views on a bodybuilding forum. Typical, you cannot debate me on the issues, so you attack my inability to hit F7 on the computer?

    I have to run at the moment, but I will be back to touch on the rest of your arguments later tonight.
    yeah i thought the interent spelling argument was rather weak myself.
    but yes, please get back to them if u have the time.

  31. #71
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    Apr 2007
    Canada - No source checks
    i love how politics brings out the fire inside.

  32. #72
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    i love how politics brings out the fire inside.
    lol i know right.

  33. #73
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    i love how politics brings out the ignorance inside.
    True that!
    ***No source checks!!!***

  34. #74
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    Apr 2007
    Canada - No source checks
    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja
    True that!

  35. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by cookiemonstR View Post
    Ron Paul is Overated far to much in my opinion, besides the fact he believes in small govt and free will, most of his views are from a 18th century Adam Smith Neoclassical view and are completely unrealistic.
    And it is those views that this great country was founded on, built on and grew on, never forget your foundation.

  36. #76
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    May 2002
    Fort Worth
    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    I've seen Ron Paul talk on this. I forget exactly what he said, but I'm ok with it (and yes, I'm gay). Personally, he's uncomfortable with the topic (same thing with abortion), but he doesn't think that his personal views should affect whether or not individuals have the right to be treated equally under the Constitution.

    Look at this website:

    Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul’s libertarian roots came out full force during an interview with ABC’s 20/20. Rather than taking a direct stand against gay marriage, the Texan expressed tacit approval of state-based marriages, but insisted he thinks the traditional institution should stay in the church:

    John Stossel: Homosexuality. Should gays be allowed to marry?
    Ron Paul: Sure.
    Stossel: The State says, we will believe in this?
    Paul: Sure they can do whatever they want and they can call it whatever they want , just so they don’t expect to impose their relationship on somebody else. They can’t make me, personally, accept what they do, but they gay couples can do whatever they want. In fact, I’d like to see all governments out of the marriage question. I don’t think it’s a state function. I think it’s a religious function. There was a time when only churches dealt with marriage, and they determined what it was. But 100 years or so ago for health reasons they claim that the state would protect us if we knew more about our spouses and we did health testing and you had to get a license to get married and I don’t agree with that.

  37. #77
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    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Tock View Post
    I've seen Ron Paul talk on this. I forget exactly what he said, but I'm ok with it (and yes, I'm gay). Personally, he's uncomfortable with the topic (same thing with abortion), but he doesn't think that his personal views should affect whether or not individuals have the right to be treated equally under the Constitution.
    And their in lies the beauty He will tell you his moral beliefs and will use them for his basis for sound judgment but believes exclusively that his beliefs and no ones beliefs for that matter should be imposed on others... that the states should create the laws the the Federal government has no right to do so...and if you don't like like your laws move to another state.... as it should be...We must understand that our republic was designed as such.. and works as such... the federal government is a way to bring together state government to one common goal... and only has true jurisdiction over federal land.... And that my friends is why we are called The United States of America and not the Federation of America or some crap... States Standing United is the idea...
    Last edited by soulstealer; 12-17-2007 at 09:50 PM.

  38. #78
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    So Cali. Inland Empire
    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack View Post
    After your post I like him even more....

    Like Ive said before, you cant beat pauls domestic policy.
    I guess you’re just not an average working guy like many of are… You either must be special in that you are independently wealthy or you are special in like ride the short bus to school special…

    Live Better/ Work Union!

  39. #79
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    Mar 2003
    Great White North
    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    I don't think you get the point about the federal reserve. You want a money backed by something hard, be it gold, silver, or some other commodity. IT DOESN'T WORK! It doesn't allow for national debt, which is necessary in running a world economy.
    This is 100% wrong. Having a fiat currency doesn't equal the ability to lend/borrow. You must be implying that before 1971 then United States never borrowed any money from another country. Or just about any major European power pre-WWI.

    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    No! You don't know what you want to try. Libertarianism is running away from a problem that needs resolution. The elitist dominating us now are those of the Republican party which has turned horribly conservative. They have taken away freedoms with the "Patriot Act" and other "wartime necessities" that are completely unjustified.
    Libertarianism, whether you believe it or not, is a political philosophy based in economics, psychology & biology. Don't mistake neocons with those that believe in classical liberal thought (yes, liberal once meant libertarian before the word was perverted). Most libertarians want nothing more than a prosperous and free society where man is capable of achieving anything. This has corollary effects for the 'less fortunate' (ie increased standard of living).

    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    Federal Aid is a necessity or else states would not care for their foster children, their poor, their drug-addicted people. People need help and a lot of those times they just can't get up and say "No more dependency, I am gonna start a multibillion-dollar company." Ron Paul doesn't believe in freedom for people! He really doesn't! He believes in protecting the rich from participating in a society.
    Again you are mistaking Ron Paul's philosophy as some sort of elitist conspiracy. Ron has pictures of Friedrich Hayek, Murray Rothbard, and Ludwig von Mises hanging in his office (google those). His approach is carefully constructed and the product of several hundred years of classical liberal philosophy. He is one of the most articulate modern defenders of such.

    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    Fine, if you don't want people to take your money then please, take your money somewhere else! Please go somewhere so that there can be one less Ron Paul vote. In fact, start your own country, maverick; one where you can get Mexicans to do your work but you don't need to pay them because they don't eat or need care
    Isn't that what the Founding Fathers did?

  40. #80
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Middle East
    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    Reverse racism is bullshit, it doesn't exist, it doesn't happen, this country is still very much inclined to favoritism. White people aren't out of work, look around, there are no Harvard graduates who are starving. Women still get paid less than men, in fact, there is even a bias against Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama. It hasn't swung put all the weight on the otherside of fulcrom. What is it with conservatives and this unhealthy nightmare that rich white people are gonna switch sides with poor urban blacks? Is it because that maybe they've treated them badly? I certainly hope not.
    I touched on this in RED in an earlier post.

    And yes, Ron Paul is racist! Did you read the quotes? Do you hear the news? If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, then Ron Paul is racist.
    I have seen no evidence to support this, please point to DIRECT evidence of his "racist" views. From everything I have read he believes all people should be treated equally, and that does mean that a black, hispanic, or any other minority should not have MORE rights or MORE entitlements based on race. Equality means that we all get the same treatment across the board. Giving more aid or entitlements because someone is a minority, is not treating all people as equals, as is stated in our Constitution.

    I don't think you get the point about the federal reserve. You want a money backed by something hard, be it gold, silver, or some other commodity. IT DOESN'T WORK! It doesn't allow for national debt, which is necessary in running a world economy.
    You would rather have a system of debt put in place, that makes it impossible to pay back? So in essence, you believe the American people should become indentured servants to the Federal Reserve, a non-governmental institution with absolutely no oversight what so ever, owned by private bankers, who get rich lending the United States money at interest. They print money ILLEGALLY, only the United States government can print currency, as is stated in the Constitution.

    No! You don't know what you want to try. Libertarianism is running away from a problem that needs resolution. The elitist dominating us now are those of the Republican party which has turned horribly conservative. They have taken away freedoms with the "Patriot Act" and other "wartime necessities" that are completely unjustified.
    Have you ever heard Ron Paul speak on these issues? He is against everything that you just named. He has even stated that the Republican party has "lost its way," those were his exact words. He sticks to traditional Republican ideals. He has said he will immediately repeal the Patriot Act.This is clear evidence you have never investigated what he actually stands for, you prefer to parrot people like Bill O'Reilly and Glen Beck, who are basically Facists.

    I DO NOT SUPPORT THE IRAQ WAR. Ron Paul IS an isolationist though, non of this non-interventionalist nonsense. Of course countries under oppression need help. Are you saying that CCCP, Mao-China, and Nazi-Germany needed no regulations because none of their countries "asked" for help? The Iraq war is a horrible war fueled by profiteers and lobbyists. I think we can both agree on that.
    I am saying, what business does the United States have imposing its viewpoints or its ideologies on other SOVERIEGN NATIONS? Absolutely none. We are a super power now, that is your justification to invade countries who do things that we do not agree with? It was my understanding the United Nations dealt with the crimes against humanity, and that the burden was not rested solely on the United States. That is one of the main reasons people around the world are so unhappy with us presently, we run all over the world screaming "YEEEHAWWWW" and dont stop to consider what other countries or the UN would do. If I recall correctly, the United Nations did have troops on the ground in Rawanda, and they chose NOT TO INTERFERE, so if you would like to cast blame on someone for the 1,000,000 people killed with machedes, put that one on the powers that be at the UN. We have to help countries who are being "oppressed?" Ok, well who actually gets to determine that, and what would your definition of oppressed be. It is in fact, not our job to help countries who oppress their people, at least not militarily. That is the point of sovereignty, they rule thier country the way they want, and we rule ours the way we want. If the people wanted to change their countries government bad enough, they will have a rebellion. This has proven true throughout HISTORY. Meddling in the affairs of sovereign nations only creates problems for us here at home, blowback/fallout.

    "Ron Paul sees the futility..."

    Anyone who truly believes that won't garner a vote from me or anyone with a good head on their shoulders. That makes Ron Paul sound weak, lazy, and selfish; which I am sure that he is.
    Weak, lazy, and selfish? I would like you to reconsider those thoughts, and consider how you would feel if you were the one signing the paper to sentence 3,000+ US soldiers to their deaths, and twice that amount wounded and maimed for life. In addition to the 500,000+ Iraqi non-combatants which have been killed thus far. Ron Paul realizes that these deaths are completely unnecessary and that putting our soldiers lives at risk should only be done when there is an imminent threat to this country. There is no mention or room for pre-emptive military strikes in the Constitution. The logic used for these strikes is FUTILE, and the motives behind them are to limit our liberty's at home, so perhaps you should read into this a little bit more. Actions speak much louder than words. So stop listening to what the politicians who start these military campaigns SAY, and watch what they DO. They invade Iraq, we have the Patriot Act to limit our freedoms, and then we say we are in "wartime" so now domestic's can be held as POW's and denied all of their rights essentially. A Boston man was held at Guantanamo Bay for 4 years without any charges being filed, and recently released. Then fast forward to today where the Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Act is introduced, to allow the government to view any dissenters as enemies of the state(sound familiar?) and jail you as such for speaking out against government.

    Federal Aid is a necessity or else states would not care for their foster children, their poor, their drug-addicted people. People need help and a lot of those times they just can't get up and say "No more dependency, I am gonna start a multibillion-dollar company." Ron Paul doesn't believe in freedom for people! He really doesn't! He believes in protecting the rich from participating in a society.
    Man, your views just show how little you actually know about the issues and they honestly border on dillusional. How will the states pay for their foster children, poor, and drug-addicts? WITH EXCISE TAXES! They dont need Federal money to do this, jesus christ. I cant believe I actually have to explain this to someone. The tax's we pay to the state through various means, property tax, cigarettes, gas, etc, all pays for state functions. Thats why there is no provision in the Constitution for an income tax, because its not needed. But I'm sure your one of the people who will say "If we dont have an income tax how will we pay for highways." Well, to inform anyone reading, 100% of the paid income tax each year goes towards the national debt (I.E.-the interest that the Fed charges us to print our own currency).

    Are you a confederate? You certainly sound like one because you advocate state freedom so much. Since you want to rid of the federal reserve then you'll probably support Ron Paul when he says that each state should have their own currency and ally themselves with different foreign powers. Wait, isn't that hypocritical? Isn't that the confederation of states? the reason why we adopted the constituion and a federal government?
    I think it is!
    Please show me the quotation or video where he said each state should have their own currency? Who said this Glenn Beck? Bill O'Reily? He said that the US government should print its own currency and do so on the gold/silver standard. He also said he would like to allow for competing currencies, but never stated the specifics. It would allow private industry to start their own currency as well. This is totally acceptable in a free-market economy.

    Healthcare is a right! You're part of a society! Realize that. You don't live on your own island where you grow gold coins. This is the future, of course you won't like when you have to help but you don't see the ends. And it's not creating a nation of addicts, it's helping people survive. Ok, ok, ok; let's look at some countries that don't aid their poor: India, Vietnam, the Baltic countries, South America, and "just a few" others. But it's ok because these people all fend for themselves, probably why they've earned the name "the untouchables". Some many different countries are developing a healthcare system for the poor.
    Helping people survive? Ron Paul does not advocate leaving everyone hanging out to dry. He advocates helping the people who absolutely need the help. The current system of entitlement ENCOURAGES and FOSTERS laziness and gives people NO INCENTIVE to work and survive on their own. They cause huge tax increases because so many people are addicted to entitlements like welfare, section 8 housing, food stamps, etc. All of these systems breed laziness. Health care is not a right, and the government meddling in health care will only serve to LOWER THE QUALITY OF HEALTHCARE and make it even more inefficient. Your oh so great universal healthcare makes the quality of healthcare worse for EVERYONE, so that a marginal amount of society can get free healthcare, that doesnt sound very democratic.

    Get Majority of people OFF entitlements=Lower Tax's

    Lower Tax's=More people working lower income jobs keep more of their money and can SURVIVE without the state/governments help.

    A rather simple equation.

    Fine, if you don't want people to take your money then please, take your money somewhere else! Please go somewhere so that there can be one less Ron Paul vote. In fact, start your own country, maverick; one where you can get Mexicans to do your work but you don't need to pay them because they don't eat or need care
    You never stop do you. Are you one of the people who believe that "Mexicans do the jobs that Americans dont want to?" Lol, I love that idiotic argument. Americans will not do the same jobs as illegal immigrants AT THE RATE THEY ARE WILLING TO PAY. The only reason the employers pay less, is because these people BREAK INTO OUR COUNTRY and provide their services for a cheaper salary, UNDERCUTTING THE AMERICAN WORKER!!! This is terrible for our economy because many of these illegals do not pay tax's, yet they still use our services. I would be much more apt to pay a higher rate for labor, to tax paying American citizens.

    And for Christ's sake, of course we need more taxes for schooling! Look at your spelling! "Indepedant/depedant"
    "wellfare" "Interventionist" "Pendelum". Sounds like the public school you went to wasn't funded enough or that the private school wasn't as good as Ron Paul thought it would be.

    And I am on the verge of ignoring you completely; for the last time, WHAT ABOUT WOMEN'S RIGHT TO ABORTION AND CIVIL LIBERTIES FOR GAY/LESBIAN CITIZENS?

    I'm extremely frustrated trying to make you understand how warped and idealized your viewpoints are. Have you come to the realization that you are in fact a Socialist? As we have seen, Socialism fails as an effective system of government over a large population, time and time again. This is America, where we practice Democracy(or a warped form of it today), so if you dont like it, why dont YOU get out and take your vote and money elsewhere. You are obviously unhappy with the principals of democracy and would much rather have a tyrannical socialist government that is involved in every aspect of its citizens lives....

    Additionally, I am interested to know your credentials so that I have better insight into where your viewpoints originated from and how much education you have on the issues.

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