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Thread: active duty vs reserves

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    active duty vs reserves

    ive seen a lot of good info from recruiters, active and ex military people.

    are the benefits the same in reserves as active duty personel? pay checks,college money, gi bill, signing bonuses 2/2 or 4/4 terms etc.

    besides keeping a civilian job and having a choice for mos as reserves, what do you lose/gain enlisting as reserve?

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheUglyOne View Post
    ive seen a lot of good info from recruiters, active and ex military people.

    are the benefits the same in reserves as active duty personel? pay checks,college money, gi bill, signing bonuses 2/2 or 4/4 terms etc.

    besides keeping a civilian job and having a choice for mos as reserves, what do you lose/gain enlisting as reserve?
    if you join now, ull almost definatly be activated right after boot camp

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheUglyOne View Post
    ive seen a lot of good info from recruiters, active and ex military people.

    are the benefits the same in reserves as active duty personel? pay checks,college money, gi bill, signing bonuses 2/2 or 4/4 terms etc.

    besides keeping a civilian job and having a choice for mos as reserves, what do you lose/gain enlisting as reserve?
    From what I understand you get about 500 a month going reserve, about half that of active. You get money for college but it's hardly anything compared to what they give you active. Not sure of any bonuses, I know the Army loves to throw those out.

  4. #4
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    Active is the way to go unless you have a good job civ wise. You will more then likely be activated though.. Just all depends what branch

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018 View Post
    From what I understand you get about 500 a month going reserve, about half that of active. You get money for college but it's hardly anything compared to what they give you active. Not sure of any bonuses, I know the Army loves to throw those out.
    Where did you get that info from? Also I was national guard for 4 years and you get the same benefits in Active Duty. REserves sucks, most people who join reserves first either go active duty during that time or go after. Seriously active duty members go around the world, they tour war zones up to 1 year deployments although its usually 6-7 months. You get to meet so many different women, dont have to pay for housing, get 3 meals a day for chow and get money for college. If you were smart you would go active duty for at least 4 years then when you are out you get 100% of college paid for! National guard gets 100% of college paid for while they are in and when they get out. Only problem is within your 8 year contract (6years reservist and 2 years inactive-ready) you will probably get deployed 3-4 times. That is 3-4, 18-24 month deployments and THEY SUCK THE BIGGEST BALLS ON THE PLANET! Luckily I only did one deployment and now im done. I want to go active duty Air Force or Coast Gaurd becuase you do SOOO much more in active duty then while you are a weekend warrior.

  6. #6
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    That's what the Marine Recruiter told me when I was in DEP for the Marines considering Reserves...

  7. #7
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  8. #8
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    WHy the fuk would you want to join the military in this time in history? Slap yourself upside the head, there's no honor in the shlt, that's how they sucker you into the shlt!!!!!!! My cousin just got out of the va hospital for being fuked in the head from all the shlt he saw in iraq, he was a medic. You want to die in a fuking desert? Grow up and wise up. You want to give yourself for cheney and those fools so they can get richer?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents View Post
    WHy the fuk would you want to join the military in this time in history? Slap yourself upside the head, there's no honor in the shlt, that's how they sucker you into the shlt!!!!!!! My cousin just got out of the va hospital for being fuked in the head from all the shlt he saw in iraq, he was a medic. You want to die in a fuking desert? Grow up and wise up. You want to give yourself for cheney and those fools so they can get richer?
    Wow, talk about crap! There is always honor in serving your country instead of yourself. Some people put there country before them.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by rana173 View Post
    Wow, talk about crap! There is always honor in serving your country instead of yourself. Some people put there country before them.
    Yeah, they feed off that crap

  11. #11
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    I'll keep all my limbs, I'm not going to be fuked up to serve this government!!!!

  12. #12
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    I wish the country was like it should and then I think every citizen should serve because they would want to but this country is fuked, our military is being staffed by people that think they are going to college or some shlt, most of them have never shot a gun in their lives

  13. #13
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    All I read is a bunch of crap. I have had the honor of serving my country for over 18 years and I am still serving them. So who would you like running our country?

  14. #14
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    i try and stay out of some threads. i have 21 years 3 months in the service. 4 years active and 17 years as a reservist. 25 years as a firefighter, 20 of those years worked as a medic on a ambulance on my days off. i"ve retired and still, if i would see someone choking or on fire i would help....even for free. goodcents, please bro, think of what your saying....we cant let the battle front come home to the USA. wait a sec.....goodcents would you bear arms to protect your family and neighbor ? sure you would. give our soldiers a pat on the back and not a foot up the butt or some rant. no flame bro, just the way i am

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by wascaptain5214 View Post
    i try and stay out of some threads. i have 21 years 3 months in the service. 4 years active and 17 years as a reservist. 25 years as a firefighter, 20 of those years worked as a medic on a ambulance on my days off. i"ve retired and still, if i would see someone choking or on fire i would help....even for free. goodcents, please bro, think of what your saying....we cant let the battle front come home to the USA. wait a sec.....goodcents would you bear arms to protect your family and neighbor ? sure you would. give our soldiers a pat on the back and not a foot up the butt or some rant. no flame bro, just the way i am
    I'm talking in present tense with the iraq war, I'm very much pro military. My whole family has served some way or another (not me) I think it's sad beyond belief the way the military is run at this present moment. They have stripped the soldiers of honor and just ship them home when their time is over, no parade or anything I would love to see the military in the honorable place it should be, but it has been spit on by recent events Keep in mind I write this with my cousin in mind since he has lost his 4 kids, his wife and is in and out of the va hospital since he was a medic in iraq and had to see the worst of the war. Ps why is it that I speak out at the way they are treating these boys with hype that I'm against our soldiers? (not directed at you Captain, just a general question) Dam that was alot of typing

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by wascaptain5214 View Post
    i try and stay out of some threads. i have 21 years 3 months in the service. 4 years active and 17 years as a reservist. 25 years as a firefighter, 20 of those years worked as a medic on a ambulance on my days off. i"ve retired and still, if i would see someone choking or on fire i would help....even for free. goodcents, please bro, think of what your saying....we cant let the battle front come home to the USA. wait a sec.....goodcents would you bear arms to protect your family and neighbor ? sure you would. give our soldiers a pat on the back and not a foot up the butt or some rant. no flame bro, just the way i am

    I stillWe are on the same side. Talking about iraq war here and I would talk anyone out of joining till they stop this madness. I think everyone that gets orders to go to iraq should just as one big group say to bush, cheney and all the other sick fuks that kill their own people for profit.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by rana173 View Post
    All I read is a bunch of crap. I have had the honor of serving my country for over 18 years and I am still serving them. So who would you like running our country?

    Me The military would love me, we would do real good not political stupid shlt

  18. #18
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    Honeslty Id rather join blackwater right now. Little politics and free range to do whatever you feel like with the government backing you. Just a bit more risky tho....

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by wascaptain5214 View Post
    i try and stay out of some threads. i have 21 years 3 months in the service. 4 years active and 17 years as a reservist. 25 years as a firefighter, 20 of those years worked as a medic on a ambulance on my days off. i"ve retired and still, if i would see someone choking or on fire i would help....even for free. goodcents, please bro, think of what your saying....we cant let the battle front come home to the USA. wait a sec.....goodcents would you bear arms to protect your family and neighbor ? sure you would. give our soldiers a pat on the back and not a foot up the butt or some rant. no flame bro, just the way i am
    I have to agree. I might not agree with the war but i back our soliders 100%.

    BTW If i were running the military the first thing i would change are them ugly dog tags. After i am elected this would be the new official dogtag.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    I have to agree. I might not agree with the war but i back our soliders 100%.

    BTW If i were running the military the first thing i would change are them ugly dog tags. After i am elected this would be the new official dogtag.

    Oh that will get them started

  21. #21
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    All pile on dsm

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents View Post
    All pile on dsm
    Lets make a man-mountain ! I'll be the foundation

  23. #23
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    ^Like that episode of southpark where they all start boofing each other to keep from multipling "all pile in"(find that pic, dial takes too long)

  24. #24
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    Post the gay flag raising one too

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents View Post
    ^Like that episode of southpark where they all start boofing each other to keep from multipling "all pile in"(find that pic, dial takes too long)

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Damn, I have to get dsl if I don't get the salon sold soon

  27. #27
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    keep em' coming

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents View Post
    Damn, I have to get dsl if I don't get the salon sold soon
    So have you pierced guys ding-dongs ?

    If yes, could you hire me to get the guys preped before?

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    So have you pierced guys ding-dongs ?

    If yes, could you hire me to get the guys preped before?
    I don't do the piercings and I'm selling the tanning salon not the body jewelry store

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents View Post
    I don't do the piercings and I'm selling the tanning salon not the body jewelry store
    I use to have a cartilage piercing but it closed up like a day after i took it out, weak.

  31. #31
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    Yeah they heal quick, we sell the piercing kits, alot of them great profit makers.

  32. #32
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  33. #33
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    it is the politics that suck for sure goodcents. and your right, you didnt speak out against our soliders just the leadership. i need to look deep inside me, as my daughter just graduated college this last week and i would hate to have her sent off to iraq. heck, if the draft was back in order, i hate to say it but i think i would do everything yo keep her out of thier. so, i guess i am the hipocrite.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by wascaptain5214 View Post
    it is the politics that suck for sure goodcents. and your right, you didnt speak out against our soliders just the leadership. i need to look deep inside me, as my daughter just graduated college this last week and i would hate to have her sent off to iraq. heck, if the draft was back in order, i hate to say it but i think i would do everything yo keep her out of thier. so, i guess i am the hipocrite.
    Not at all, why would any father send their kid to die for a bunch of rich people that kill their own soldiers for profit. I don't have any pity for people joining now and getting sent to iraq, I mean duhhh They brain wash these kids. A girl that worked for me was thinking about reserves and the recruiter which is her best friends dad swore that they would not deploy her, I mean wtf? her best friends dad, what a fuk, she passed but we got in a big fight about it since she is close to me (you know another one I couldn't fuk) Capt do whatever you have to to keep her safe if she gets stupid and thinks about joining.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents View Post
    Not at all, why would any father send their kid to die for a bunch of rich people that kill their own soldiers for profit. I don't have any pity for people joining now and getting sent to iraq, I mean duhhh They brain wash these kids. A girl that worked for me was thinking about reserves and the recruiter which is her best friends dad swore that they would not deploy her, I mean wtf? her best friends dad, what a fuk, she passed but we got in a big fight about it since she is close to me (you know another one I couldn't fuk) Capt do whatever you have to to keep her safe if she gets stupid and thinks about joining.
    God all you say is shit. Brain washed; everyone makes there own decision, it sounds like you are brained washed with all the kool aid shit you talk. How can you call someone stupid for serving there country? What have you done for your country? Problem not shit!!!! Of course you have no pity for anyone joining, you have already stated your false support in earlier post, plus no one wants your pity. Fathers don't send there kids to die, no one joins the military to die, they go to defend there country. Plus who the fuk are you to call Capt's daughter stupid if she wants to join.
    You fcking libs say out load how you support the troops but you could give a shitless about them.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by rana173 View Post
    God all you say is shit. Brain washed; everyone makes there own decision, it sounds like you are brained washed with all the kool aid shit you talk. How can you call someone stupid for serving there country? What have you done for your country? Problem not shit!!!! Of course you have no pity for anyone joining, you have already stated your false support in earlier post, plus no one wants your pity. Fathers don't send there kids to die, no one joins the military to die, they go to defend there country. Plus who the fuk are you to call Capt's daughter stupid if she wants to join.
    You fcking libs say out load how you support the troops but you could give a shitless about them.
    Feel better nowSo wtf should I be doing for "my" country? Go to iraq? Who are we defending over there again? I am doing something for our troops, I'm keeping them from getting planted in the name of glory and honor. Ask the reservist if they believe in the war, you will get a better picture. I'm a lib, great, another label

  37. #37
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    Ps, wtf is kool aid shlt?

  38. #38
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    I like capt, I was speaking to him as an internet buddy that he should do whatever he can to protect her from going if she ever decided to go. I would hate to see him start a thread how his girl was killed in an ambush Ps, they kill women over there

  39. #39
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    I have to go home now but I will catch up tommorrow

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents View Post
    Feel better nowSo wtf should I be doing for "my" country? Go to iraq? Who are we defending over there again? I am doing something for our troops, I'm keeping them from getting planted in the name of glory and honor. Ask the reservist if they believe in the war, you will get a better picture. I'm a lib, great, another label
    I hate to give you bad news, I am a reservist. 10 years active duty, 8 years reserves. I was in Iraq all of 2006 SO I DO HAVE THE PICTURE.

    Back in the 1930's Americans said the same thing about Hitler, why worry about him? He is thousands of miles away he can't hurt us. Having that wait and see attitude will get us killed.

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