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Thread: Strike or not to strike Iraq?

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    i agree with that article
    i am sick of calling some phone # and hearing press 1 for english and 2 for spanish
    f#$@ that it should only be english if you dont want to be an american(or canadian) get back on your camel or fruit truck and get the f$^& out of here
    taking God out of our pledge---what the f$%* is that wether you believe in God or not our entire way of life and government was based on that belief---get the f@#% out if you dont like it--go live in a mud shack,take no showers,drive a f&^%$#* camel and be happy if you dont want to hear God in our country

    bros i never go off on anything but i'm sick of these bleeding heart asses who let child rapists and murders out of jail cause they feel sorry for them and they are a product of their environment,and they tell us to be nice to and accept the foreniers who come over here and the government gives them money to open businesses and dont have to pay taxes so they open all these piss smelling convience stores and hotels---what about us -- take care of our own --tell them to live our way or go to f$#*
    thanks bros i feel a lot better

  2. #42
    Join Date
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    Your Girls House
    Jimmy Bravo
    I read that letter before and i agree with 1 million %
    The Liberal Bullshit in this country has to stop its bringing our country down the Road we cannot aford to travel. We have grown weak and soft
    during the clinton yrs and that softness is the direct cause for this attack. Do you guys think these fuckers would have pulled this shit if Ronald Regan Was the president. I was in the military during the clinton presidency and i know first hand what that gutless bastard did to this country with all his happy political correctness. Shit clinton had Osama on missle Lock and didnt kill him because he was afraid of inocents getting killed. So fuck it let 3000 people die instead. Damn im ranting
    ill stop now. Just pisses me off

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Originally posted by Jimmy_Bravo
    Here's something we all have to understand. These types of people will never change. They are Zealots, Fanatics, and Lunatics, that no matter how much we try, will always feel this way about us. You cannot reason with these animals. And when I use the term animal, I literally mean it. It's as if they act on their primitive animal instincts, and can't comprehend the ways of civilized people. Another point we must understand, is that their women give birth to thier children. Their children are raised as they themselves were. Every one of them is a threat! How can we tell between the terrorists, and the decent ones? (If there even are any... ) WE CAN'T! The terrorists that flew those planes were living in America for quite awhile. I'm sure they acted perfectly normal, and how were we to know otherwise? Anyways, the point is, that yes, they all must die.

    I can tell you i have alot of friends that are from Palestina, Iran, Kurdistan and Turkey and they are not a threat to any of us anymore then you are. They would not do what the bastards did on 9/11. It´s there religios belives and disrespect for other living that make the terrorists different and dangerus. Saying they all must die makes me look at you like a certain person who ruled Germany and wanted to whipe out the jews...

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    wonderful world of oz,where juice is free,plentiful,sterile, and not toxic to the liver
    Bush has no military intelligence or training nor does he know about war. He was in the national gaurd b/c his daddy set him up a deal. He is pissed off b/c his daddy couldn't get iraq last time so he wants to go in and bomb the shit out of them. In my opinion iraq is being pretty calm about this situation,i mean bush is bullying them just so iraq can make the first move,america has jets flying over iraq daily just in hopes that soemone will fuck up. Then the press propaganda will make bush look like a hero just the way he wants. Poor fucking Bush

  5. #45
    Join Date
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    wonderful world of oz,where juice is free,plentiful,sterile, and not toxic to the liver
    I say we send his ass over there in the first bomber plane,see if he wants to start shit then

  6. #46
    chinups Guest
    Saddam executed 1500 people last year, and there was 1600 people missing and never accounted for.There is a really godd articel on cnn, I readit and everyhting points to us going, although they are trying to get out of it. but we aren't go ing to agree. Then we bomb

  7. #47
    chinups Guest
    Iraq is being cool. As they develope mass destruction weapons. And break all the rules the every fucking country respects. Why are they special st82hellnbak. I am not defending Bush nor the press, they both suck but we have to do what we have to do. We made the UN for a reason, and we aren't going to let one mutha make his own rules. Obey the rules or lose the battle. Kinda like jump on or get jumped on.
    Last edited by chinups; 09-12-2002 at 01:54 PM.

  8. #48
    Join Date
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    wonderful world of oz,where juice is free,plentiful,sterile, and not toxic to the liver
    I understand ,I was basically portraying my opinion based on almost no political or international socialism. The opinion I gave was based on several small facts analyzed in my little yet knowledgable mind and bye the influence of word of mouth. I am only 18 years old so this doens't interest me much but what i have heard does make sense and i could believe that bush has to be atleast a lil sour over the events of desert storm

  9. #49
    Join Date
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    Your Girls House
    This has nothing to do with desert storm this has to do with a country that harbors Killers and backs them with money and training. As Far as bush bullying them thats shit they signed a peace treaty and they have not lived up to it at all.

  10. #50
    Join Date
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    wonderful world of oz,where juice is free,plentiful,sterile, and not toxic to the liver
    I dont care what you say, bush is still picking a fight,he's waiting for iraq to fuck up so he can bomb the crap out of them. He'll have no support to do it until Iraq is pushed beyond limitations and takes out one of our subs,planes, or battleships

  11. #51
    chinups Guest
    st82hellnbak. Do me a favor and read this article and a couple others. I know media is bullshit but you have to at least hear some facts on it. They also believe that many of the people we want (top10 wanted) are hiding in Iraq, and why not, they don't let anyone in to see shit. Scary shit when you can look out your back door and look toward the beautiful skyline I once had and see nothing but smoke man. And the smoke wasn't for one day, it was for a week man.
    educate yourself

  12. #52
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    Of course he is picking a fight. A fight that they started.
    We have to fight this War Period. What does it say for a country that doesnt defend itself. As far as waiting for Iraq to fuck up LOL they have been fucking up for over 10 yrs.
    If someone that hated you blew up your house and killed your family what would you do ???

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    wonderful world of oz,where juice is free,plentiful,sterile, and not toxic to the liver
    thanx chinups that was informative. And yes i do agree that sadaam deserves his issue. I just believe that Bush is really really anxious to do it. And i dont blame him,but if Iraq is genuine in their claim to work with america and nato then we shouldn't pound at the country,but rather take the threshold out of they're hands and assasinate hussein. If Iraq doesn't cooperate lets take em out.

  14. #54
    Join Date
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    Your Girls House
    WTF he has over 10yrs to cooperate. The Time is Now. If i had the most powerfull nation on earth wanting to kill me id say everything they wanted to hear. Strike first or be a victim

  15. #55

    As a Canadian myself

    I feel that if Bush can give the U.N. solid evidence that Iraq is close to building nuclear weapons than it would be a hell of alot smarter to get him now. Look at what happened to the WTC last year. We're dealing with a group of insane fanaticals. Look what the israeli's did in 1981 when Saddam's nuclear plant was almost ready for production. They flew over and bombed it. Let's go get him. We owe it to the people who died last Sept. 11/2002. Also I'm ashamed of the Canadian Government's spineless position on Iraq. God Bless America.

  16. #56
    chinups Guest

  17. #57
    Join Date
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    Your Girls House
    Mighty Mouse that post brought a smile to my face.
    The Canadian Govt That Disbanned The Canadian Airborne Regt because they were too macho for thier own good.
    The Canucks have been with us in almost every conflict we have been in
    since WW2 i hope that they will stand with us now as well

  18. #58
    chinups Guest
    Hey did you guys ever read the letter. I received it in a e-mail. It was a letter that was read over the radio about how we stand by everyone and noone ever stand by us, or something like that. IT WAS BAD AS HELL. GOT ME JACKED!

    Canadians got to know what I am talking about

  19. #59
    Join Date
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    Your Girls House
    Ive read that letter Jacked me UP.
    There are smart people out there

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    a canadian writer wrote that article--it was true and great
    good one mighty mouse 2
    st82 the reason we first went to war with iraq is they were attacking defensless people and jacking the us. sadam used nerve gas and biological weapons on his own people to see if they will work on others--what does that tell you
    he funds terrorism,harbors terrorists,supports them and helps with their plans. he was almost nuclear before and will be soon--maybe already
    also mighty mouse i dont think bush will be able to prove nuclear ability cause cant get into country but spies have said he is close

    how much can we put up with---how many years can we do this let them get first blow attitude--lose thousands of lives before we nail someone
    if they are a threat take them out before they get us
    if someones in your house with a gun do you wait for them to shot or cap their ass---strike first and eliminate the threat

    yes the first bush should have finished the job--but thats over and behind us now, bush 2 the revenge needs to do the job now
    as far as you saying bush sucks--all politicions suck,but it could be a lot worse than bush---gore would still wonder what to do,and clinton would just be trying to get his noodle wet. bush has actually impressed me with the handling of the last year and changed my vision of him

  21. #61
    Join Date
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    Your Girls House
    I can Only Imagine where we would be with Gore.
    My god we probably have surrendered By now

  22. #62
    Fuck Iraq, decapitate the head the body will fall....

  23. #63
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    I dont really see the point,as we have been here once before and we should of delt with it then.Why will this time around be any different?

    The UN should be dealing with this that is why they are there the UK and US should only get involved when all else fails and the UN has not got any response from him.Then it will be time to fight and remove this situation once and for all
    Last edited by Danny UK; 09-13-2002 at 03:11 PM.

  24. #64
    Join Date
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    Your Girls House
    the UN is weak and pathetic
    all hot air they have no back bone

  25. #65
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    un told irac today to allow inspectors and irac said no
    now what?

  26. #66
    Join Date
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    wonderful world of oz,where juice is free,plentiful,sterile, and not toxic to the liver
    Time to hydroblast their asses, yes hydroblast,send a nuke so far up sadaam's ass it floods the rest of the world with fear. dont fuck with us, a great movie is swordfish, John Travolta quotes that "terrorist will think it unimaginable to attempt an act against the U.S b/c of what I will do to them.

  27. #67
    Join Date
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    Your Girls House
    Hellnbak did you have a change of heart ??????

  28. #68
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Originally posted by MBaraso
    they should have taken care of them when we were over there the last time....


    Yeah we should have..... Big mistake not finishing the job the first time...

  29. #69
    Join Date
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    East side
    I think that it comes down to whoever acts first because if we let this go and we talk peace well probably get taken advantage of and get knocked down like on 9/11. We must take them out, its us or them. I dont know about you guys talking peace, I dont think you know who/what were dealing with.

  30. #70
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    I think Pres. Bush is doing an amazing job at President! He is in very tough shoes right now!! Give him some credit! I feel like we should go into Iraq and kill Sadam!

  31. #71
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    hellnbak welcome to the war bro
    i knew with some true info youd see what we were talking about

  32. #72
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    911 had nothing to do with IRAQ , get your facts straight !!!!

  33. #73
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    wow pal...look at when this thread is from

  34. #74
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Gothenburg in Sweden
    Quote Originally Posted by TOMMY-GUNN
    wow pal...look at when this thread is from
    ... ...

  35. #75
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Great White North

    There is a DATE on posts... if its 2 years old i dont give a ****ttttttttttttt

    I'm going psychooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosajklfj asfdjad

  36. #76
    I agree, d@mn n00bs need to stop bumping year old posts!!!!

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