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Thread: NeW vEhIcLe!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    NeW vEhIcLe!

    Ok, so here is the plan. Currently I own a 2004 Dodge SRT-4 that im still payin off. My roomate wants to buy it and I told him to jsut take over payments (owe more then its worth). I was lookin around and just want something cheap like a small truck. Still want "some" coolness to it I was actually looking to buy a 2000-2001 dodge dakota R/T club cab. Ive foudn some pretty cool ones and thats the type of truck I want...small, lowered a bit, big endine. Was reading and their only 250hp and 364fl/lbs stock so its decent. They are runnin in the area of $7000.00 so not too bad, and you probably could chew some of that down a bit. so bout 2 grand cash and 5 from the bank will get this. Whats your guys view opinions of this truck if any? I also want to buy a bike so that is why im going with this instead of an 04 Ford lightning

    So I figure ill have a bike and a truck to haul my food for the week. Any other decent cars/trucks in this price range????

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Bump anyone? Just want peoples opinions on this truck.

  3. #3
    Im always amazed how people are willing to put there credit on the line by letting someone else just take over the payments. Definetly the stupidist idea ever

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Canada - No source checks
    dont buy an r/t. they're horrid on gas. I had a 2001 dakota quad cab and the thing gave me nothing but problems. you have a better vehicle right now.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Yeah I know, my dad had a dakota club cab with the 4.7 and he had it for 100,000 miles before he basically gave it to me. I lvoed it but wanted a car so off it went! Never had problems with it tho. I know they are gas guzzlers too Oh and I would sign the title over to my buddy so it would be clean and clear of my hands. It would be in his hands then.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    does it have to be daimler-chrysler? I like GM and Ford myself. I owe a Chevy Colorado and its a good truck.

    Id say go with the 2008 3.7L colorado z71 4x4 LS but thats just my opinion. Reg, Ext, or Crew cab options. I like extended cab cause reg and ext have 6 ft bed but crew cab only has 5ft bed. ext and crew have same wheel base tho

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Also if gas mileage is big concern and you want to save $3k at the buy, chevy/gmc now make 4x2 z71s.

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