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Thread: all this work for nothing... darn

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Your mom's room

    all this work for nothing... darn

    so ive been working 14 hour days, peak season combo job for ups. im in need of money so i really had no choice. i built myself up to 174 lbs which was the heaviest ive ever been. then up to about 2 and a half months ago i started this. living off of pseudoephedrine, coffee, ibuprofen, and weight gainer shakes. and snacks here or there when i get the chance.

    i get home, eat a quick meal and go to sleep. im down to 148 lbs...

    i look and feel like death. rant over.

    maybe something has to do with the letro im taking at 2.5mg's ed for gyno reversal? ive seemed to have lost tons of water weight.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by dirtball_619 View Post
    so ive been working 14 hour days, peak season combo job for ups. im in need of money so i really had no choice. i built myself up to 174 lbs which was the heaviest ive ever been. then up to about 2 and a half months ago i started this. living off of pseudoephedrine, coffee, ibuprofen, and weight gainer shakes. and snacks here or there when i get the chance.

    i get home, eat a quick meal and go to sleep. im down to 148 lbs...

    i look and feel like death. rant over.

    maybe something has to do with the letro im taking at 2.5mg's ed for gyno reversal? ive seemed to have lost tons of water weight.
    Hey man, hang in there. I will not even try to compare my work situation with yours but I have been working 9 hour days and it sucks.

    All I can tell you to do is pack up plenty of pre-made meals, beef jerky, shakes, bars, popcorn, peanuts--things of that nature.

    Also, Letro will @ 2.5mg ED will MOST DEFINATELY make you drop water weight dude! Thats probably why you think you have gotten so small--Letro = deflate muscle

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Your mom's room
    i had a feeling it was partly due to letro. i still feel strong. im vascular as hell right now, but im starting to get the shape of one of those faggety abercrombie models.... wack! im just hoping to regain my base after this is all over and bulk as hard as i can naturally for awhile.

    one perc is my abs are showing more than i have ever seen them. but being 5,7" 148 ... makin me look like a string bean. i hate it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    It's probably a lot of water wieght you lost with the letro and stimulants.

    I do the same thing in the summer. I was able to maintain my wieght this summer by getting a back pack cooler and premaking meals to eat every few hours. I normally would just cook chicken breast and cover it in alfredo sauce. Working that much a lot of times you do not even feel like eating too

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    S.Florida by way of NY
    How did the 2.5mg of Letro help with the gyno ?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by QuieTSToRM33 View Post
    How did the 2.5mg of Letro help with the gyno ?
    I used it for the same problem....existing gyno.

    I used letro @ 2.5mgs daily, just used 3 bottles of it and it seemed to help a little.

    I can take Nova though, 20mgs 3xdaily and that actually worked better, but it came back.

    I'm trying Clomid now, 150mgs a day and then I'm going to go on letro after that 2.5mgs daily for 30 days and then nova for 2 weeks after letro to test it out.

    I'm on PCT all the time trying to find what works, lol.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Your mom's room
    im actually doing all three! the lump only hurts sometimes and its almost like it goes away periodically and only gets inflamed once in awhile... wierd. im gonna finish this bottle, then switch to nolva 40 mg's ed and clomid 150mg ed for 3 weeks then taper down. should be agressive enouph to get rid of it.

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