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Thread: Please help me if your from another country than the US. I have a paper due tom!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Please help me if your from another country than the US. I have a paper due tom!

    Pathetic I know, but I need help. I just need to ask a few simple questions for my Speech Class. My teacher wants us to interview a foreigner, so if anybody can help in answering these couple questions I would be so greatful. Do a good me. *She say's it can't be Canada or Mexico either.

    1. I need you to tell me about a folktale, a work of art or architecture, or a song that has special meaning for your culture.

    2. Have you ever been uncomfortable talking to someone from a different cultural background?

    3. What are the rules of courtship your culture teaches?

    4. Do you have rules on self-disclosure --telling others personal information about yourself?

    I also need to know what culture it is that your representing. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    3,498'on, i know we have some foreigners here

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    1. I need you to tell me about a folktale, a work of art or architecture, or a song that has special meaning for your culture.

    >> We have the Millenium Dome in London - a huge round tent like structure that cost over a billion to build yet not many people wanted. No one wants to pay very much to buy it off the government so they are pretty much giving it away. Good use of tax-payer money right? Grrr...

    2. Have you ever been uncomfortable talking to someone from a different cultural background?

    >>Yes, frequently. I used to work with people from all around europe and each culture has their own methods of socialising, slightly different with each others. This combined with their accents makes communication a slightly nerve wracking experience! Once you get to know them better though these worries mostly disappear though they still retain the ability to surprise you when you are least expecting it! LOL

    3. What are the rules of courtship your culture teaches?

    Erm, that's the problem. They aren't really taught anymore. Parents are getting lazier with each generation which isn't really helping and the advent of new mediums such as lonely hearts columns and the interenet have mixed things around a bit. It is now regarded as normal over here to not get married even if living in the same house; having 'intimate relations' or even having kids. Saves getting a divorce later on I suppose, lol. Single occupant home buyers now are now nearly 50% of the market...

    4. Do you have rules on self-disclosure --telling others personal information about yourself?

    Yes, so that's it bye................ lol

    It depends on who you are talking to of course, and how well you know and trust them. It's a sliding scale. You'll hopefully tell your partner everything and a total stranger just the most public and well known facts about yourself or others.

    HTH! Anything else just PM me bro.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.
    Originally posted by Big Rush'on, i know we have some foreigners here
    Yes, but as part of our 9/11 security measures, we're banning them all.

    (Chill out, guys, it was a joke!)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Johannesburg S.A.
    1. I need you to tell me about a folktale, a work of art or architecture, or a song that has special meaning for your culture.

    the black people of south africa beleive in a "tokelosh", a small creature that comes at night and brings bad luck, so what they do is they lift there beds on bricks so that he can't jump into your bed at night, and we have a building in Pretoria called Voortrekker monument which was errected for remembrance of the Afrikaans people which shows how the founded the country, fought the zulus and british.

    2. Have you ever been uncomfortable talking to someone from a different cultural background?

    here in south africa we have 11 offical languges zulu/ xhosa/ tswane / afrikaans/ english / sotho just to name a few, so you work it out, all are from different cultural backgrounds

    3. What are the rules of courtship your culture teaches?

    in the african culture you must pay a "labola" meaning if you want to marry a woman you must pay so many cattle which is "labola"

    4. Do you have rules on self-disclosure --telling others personal information about yourself?


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    BIGRUSH, your the man bro thanks for the support!!!



    thanks guys, I think I'll be one of the few in the class that got this paper done. Appreciate it BIG TIME!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    thanks guys just got back from class. It worked out perfect...much appreciated.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    No worries bro, well done!

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