well its official. wed i raised my hand and took the oath. i get sent to boot camp on feb 11th...i was hoping around march so i could try and prepare for it a lil better, but what can you do.
member give it 110% becuase there always looking for those special few. You can get a chance at sniper and even reacon school put u have to be best of the best
yeah im gonna. thats why im trying to to get ready for it now so i can stand out of everybody there. thats what i want to do either sniper or recon so im gonna give it all i got plus more to try and achieve that
Good luck brother and stay safe
Testosterone aside.....I want you to consider something as you choose a career field, if you haven't already. Whether you plan to do the minimum and get out or make it a career, you need to think LONG TERM. Consider sniper, recon, etc. Unless you want to get out and go to work for companies like Blackwater or Dynocorp, certain careers in the military don't translate well to the outside. With that said, I'm not trying to discourage you from seeing your dream of being the best warfighter you can be, but keep in mind that life is tough on the outside. Even after 22 years of doing what I did in the Navy, a job didn't just get dumped in my lap. If you choose to go into those types of fields, make sure that you either obtain a college degree in something that will be marketable in the "real" world, or save your money so you can do it when you get out. Also, don't be stupid (like me) and pass on contributing to your GI Bill and take advantage of the TSP if the USMC offers it. If you start saving and investing now, you will have a great future when you get out.
Good luck.
1. Once a cheat always a cheat!
2. YES, SHE can get pregnant the first time!
3. NO, PULLING out IS NOT a RELIABLE method of Birth Control. DAMMMMIT..... Wrap that shyte UP!!
Women over 30 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it.
For all those men who say, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free". Here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage, why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire Pig, just to get a little sausage.
What the mind can conceive....the body will achieve!
Its not for everybody.
I gradtuated basics at Paris Island jan 2002.
Got my Honorable discharge noong 2005.
Well, we all have our reasons like my intent after my enlistment in the corps, i was to come home here in the phil but coz of incurred debt i took the enlistment bonus in the Navy.
So yes i did two branches.
Regrets or not, you had your reason. Same reason why instead of me comming home, i cross serviced in the USN.
My big regret but i had my reason
semper fi.
Cpl. Tango
This guy is right. Well for the Army side anyway, you get a lot of @ss (not me, I'm married) from being in the military. Some army chicks are like "Oh Marines" and you can bone down with them no prob. hahaha my boy Mulder got his chick taken away from a marine about 2 weeks ago. We all laughed at his ass cause this guy looked like a flippen dork bro. Kinda like Carrot top
Good luck importeater91!!!!
yeah im gonna take advatage of the free schooling that they offer. get my batchlors and what ever else is gonna help me when i get out. i dont know if im gonna make a career out of it yet. ill just wait and see when i go in, but im def take advantage of everything that comes my way
We all have good intentions and high aspirations when we join but things like conflicts and wars get in the way! The world is not a safe place now-a-days. Good luck with everything!
This thread is old, but for all those looking for a hardcore challenge.. join the Army Rangers... we seperate the boys from men... eat leg Marines for snacks..
oh, also... no marine would have taken my chick from me just cause he was a marine....lol![]()
There is nothing like being a marine. I miss it; I miss it like an ex-lover. I can’t tell you weather to go or not because you will see action. So that is a big decision you have to make on your own. Most guys in the marines are in there 20’s so your age is no biggie. I can only think if a handful of guys in basic that where under 20. There is nothing like it.
well im finnaly back.. at the beginning i got sick lost 10-15 lbs and lost some muscle too.time to get back on my old schedual and try and gain all that muscle i lost back. do you think ill be able to keep all that i gain while im here on leave when i go to SOI or will i loose it like i did in BC?
Welcome back Import....what battallion were you in? ALso did you go to PI or Hollywood???
What was your MOS?
Are you going to SOI for MCT or ITB?
Either or, is a whole lot of hurry up and wait.....and a bunch of MRE's which have like 6000 calories a piece so be careful. I got so sick of them when I went through SOI that I basically just stopped eating them and lost more weight.
Anyways, Congrats on getting through bootcamp MARINE!!!!!
im pretty sure everyone gets sick at the begining of basic, i know 80% of my platoon did, germs coming half the US into one small room plus the overtraining and sleep deprivation
i was in 2nd battallion. i went to PI. my MOS is infantry so im going to SOI for like 52 days. yeah i cant believe how many calories are in the MRE's. they dont even have that much in them either. well it never filled me up. i gotta hit up the gym, ive just been hanging around eating crap. it seems like my stomach is like a bottom less pit lol. but if i start hitting up the gym hard like before and eating right. do you think i could gain alot back before i leave again? i leave on the 19th
Depends on how much muscle memory you got going for you. Might be able to gain a little bit back but most likely you will lose it again in ITB. You are out in the field for like 45 of those 52 days. Don't let the instructors f-ck with you too much. Most of them are douche bags. It is a B-billet now so all of them were basically too scared to go to DI school and went to be an ITB or MCT instructor.
hows SOI gonna be? is it like bootcamp? i know we get sat and sun off, but do they f-ck with you alot? will we have any time to work out so i dont loose any more muscle? whats it like. the DI's told us that its alot harder than bootcamp and were gonna be doing alot of hiking.
Try drowning, surviving a winter Hellweek followed by 2 weeks of hydrographic reconnaisance, followed by 2 months of dive training, followed by 2 months of land warfare, followed by 18 months of incrementally harder training.
Hooyah biatches...
Seals need to stick to the water ops... I have worked with some seals on the land and you guys still had a lot to learn... also a couple of seals in Ranger school and we had to pull them through it.... Seals are some in shape mofo's that is for certain....
I am not dissin on ya! just game talk....... we held different mission scopes.... btw, Rangers lead the way!
Okay I am going to try and answer all of your questions for you.
How is SOI??? IT sucks man but at the same time it is better than Boot Camp.
Do they f-ck with you alot??? Not in the way your drill instructors did...but once you leave you will never want to be called Devil Dog again...it is their form of recruit. You will only have time to workout when you aren't in the field, which will be on your libo days of Sat & Sun. But sometimes you are out in the field on those days.
And the DI's were just f-cking with you....it is not harder than bootcamp.
When I was in ITB I got to go to the RECON INDOC but I signed up for it before even going to Bootcamp. You should try it but make sure you are a strong swimmer first. RECON is the way to go buddy.
lots of guys go in in their 20's. i miss it everyday. i still think of going back.
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