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  1. #1
    mr_man is offline Associate Member
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    The best Trojan, virus protection program?

    Could someone tell me what is the best program available to protect my cpu from these dang things?
    Last edited by mr_man; 12-31-2007 at 09:29 PM.

  2. #2
    Bryan2's Avatar
    Bryan2 is offline Supplement Guru
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    Trend micro was rated number 1 this year by consumer reports.

    Its one of the best and doesnt slow your computer down on startup like the shitty norton and mccaffe antivirus do

    Stay away from ALL internet security programs as well slow your shit down hardcore

  3. #3
    mr_man is offline Associate Member
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    thanks I have mcafee right now and it has let a bunch of shit go in and do some damage. 4 trojans and 1 virus

  4. #4
    jegg21 is offline New Member
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    McAfee has one of the best anti-spyware programs out there, but the anti-virus is pretty lackluster. Norton Antivirus is very solid, but it is a memory hog, and as such will bring your machine to a crawl. Trend Micro has good products, but if your looking for something for free, AVG-Free is solid, free, and won't slow your system down at all.

  5. #5
    rodgerj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan2 View Post
    Trend micro was rated number 1 this year by consumer reports.

    Its one of the best and doesnt slow your computer down on startup like the shitty norton and mccaffe antivirus do

    Stay away from ALL internet security programs as well slow your shit down hardcore
    Yer Trend is good. I use Avast Pro personally. So may features and does not hog resources. It was also the first AV solution to run on 64 bit. BTW, the only think missing from that pic on your Avatar is my cock.

    I will add that there is one thing that 99.9% of people will agree on regarding AV solutions. Norton is a lump of shit.

  6. #6
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    i like norton personally. its worked well for me and ive resolved any virus problems on my computer simply and easily.

    yes, its a system hog, but it works. (for me at least)

  7. #7
    H4rdcore-HeaveN is offline Junior Member
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    AVG Free does the trick.

  8. #8
    Nstart is offline Associate Member
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    AVG is great since it is free, but I personally prefer and use NOD32.

    Stay away from mainstream anti virus scanners like Norton or Mcafee because virus writers work around the current detection schemes these two programs use.

  9. #9
    nevko is offline New Member
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    running Macffe and no problems

  10. #10
    StoneGRMI's Avatar
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    Ever since I switched from Norton to AVG I've noticed a much better performance from my computer. Those larger programs like mcafee and norton use up too much memory while running. AVG doesn't use much memory at all AND it's free. WORD.

  11. #11
    jr292 is offline Junior Member
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    nod 32

  12. #12
    qualityclrk1's Avatar
    qualityclrk1 is offline Senior Member
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    i use AVG......i have had norton and mcafee both...and both slowed down my computer and took up tons of space....go with AVG...and its free....

  13. #13
    rodgerj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    i like norton personally. its worked well for me and ive resolved any virus problems on my computer simply and easily.

    yes, its a system hog, but it works. (for me at least)
    Yer it will get rid of most stuff but it takes over everything and slows your shit down. It is a virus itself. Avast is the best. NOD32 is close but still not as good. Avast home addition is also free. AVG is shit shit shit. Just look at the comparisons of it to even NOD32, its worst on the list!

  14. #14
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodgerj View Post
    Yer it will get rid of most stuff but it takes over everything and slows your shit down. It is a virus itself. Avast is the best. NOD32 is close but still not as good. Avast home addition is also free. AVG is shit shit shit. Just look at the comparisons of it to even NOD32, its worst on the list!
    yeah ive always thought AVG was crap.

  15. #15
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  16. #16
    dfinc is offline New Member
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    you want best protection against trojans, spywares and viruses. there are many security programs. for spyware security you need to install an ANTI SPYWARE . good anti spyware is SUPER ANTI SPYWARE
    and for virus removal i suggest KASPERSKY antivirus that you can find in search. if you want one security program that protects from Spywares, viruses and trojans, than you should install THREAT FIRE, im also using his program, its good all in one security program by PCTOOLS , can be downloaded from here
    Good luck

  17. #17
    qwerty33's Avatar
    qwerty33 is offline New Member
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    eset nod 32 = best and highly rated by internet movie downloads (torrents) so you know its legit

  18. #18
    Bryan2's Avatar
    Bryan2 is offline Supplement Guru
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    norton antivirus 2009 is actually the fastest out now suprisingly,

    if you have good memory next would be kaspersky antivirus

    and then webroot antivirus

  19. #19
    Necrosaro's Avatar
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    Nortan has finally got out of the slow game and has really worked hard to speed up its process and startup. This is only the newest version though 2009.

  20. #20
    IM708's Avatar
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    You won't have any problems if you are smart about the sites you visit and what you download.

  21. #21
    mho's Avatar
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    I use ESET. It seems like the database is updated every hour, and it isn't a big resource hog like some of the other ones.

  22. #22
    T_Own's Avatar
    T_Own is offline Formula1 Aficionado
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    kaspersky ftw

  23. #23
    Necrosaro's Avatar
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    Personally being a computer technican; I don't run any antivirus programs since I am very knowlegable on that stuff. I do run ewido online scan the off time and Spybot S & D manually when I want to as well.

  24. #24
    annonymoose is offline New Member
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    I've been doing computer security and computer admin stuff for over a decade now and let me just say, norton and mcafee are crap, not horrible but on the crappy side.

    Personally I think these are by far the best:
    Avast home edition (free! or you can buy for more options). 1. You can start Avast in safe mode which really helps with auto loaders/installers and or keyloggers/adware. 2. the user interface is the easiest ive found (looks like a music player theres a triangle to start a search those two bars to pause ect...) just remember to scan archinves and put it on the most scan thourough setting. 3. You can run a boot time scan! this is by far one of the best options ive seen, what it does is enable you to run a scan before your true operating system boots up (windows XP, Vista, 2000, ect..) which is really nice becasue sometimes there are viruses that just f-up your system and are a true pain to get rid of.

    Kaspersky (like 60-70 bucks i think)
    1. Its just great
    2. why do you need to run a boot time scan when this does it all when OS is loaded.
    3. support is top notch, always ahead of the game for virus definitons and patches
    4. Just simply my favorite
    5. Flase detection rates are really low, so you wont accidently delete a file you just downloaded because is considered a 'Virus'

    AVG (free)
    its like avast but in my opinion not as good. Though it does do a great job. I havent tried the newer version of it, but its suppose to be better than the old one.

    Cloud AV from panda:
    This is a very interesting AV it uses VERY little recources and is brand new (free as well). The tests ive seen have been reporting only good things about it but its design is a 180 degree turn around from what we all conceive as a normal AV solution. As i said though ive only herd great things.

    Just awsome. Not free but the detection is top notch.

    Other thoughts:
    1. i cant spell very well and my grammar sucks, so no flamming please.
    2. A AV solution alone wont help you secure your system. Make sure you get a malware/spyware solution as well. Spybot search and destroy 1.6 for example is a great combo with some AV's. You do have to watch out, becuase it might not work with some AV's like Avast i think has a problem with it.
    3. Norton/McAfee/Trendmicro/Microsoft OneCare; These solutions in my professinalopinion, just suck. Norton has come a long way and so has McAfee; trendmicro, trillion, microsoft - just horrible. The reason i think more poorly of McAfee and Norton is because they are Av solutions for people who just surf the web. No downloading, no installing of freeware ect... but if thats what you do then they are fine solutions.
    4. If you PC is already infected with a virus, format you PC and THEN install a AV solution, after a clean format.

  25. #25
    annonymoose is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Necrosaro View Post
    Personally being a computer technican; I don't run any antivirus programs since I am very knowlegable on that stuff. I do run ewido online scan the off time and Spybot S & D manually when I want to as well.
    Im trying not to be mean but that is one of the dumbest things i have herd. You realize that just by going to web sites you can get a virusmalware/spyware installed. Unless you can constantly reformat you comp and not care about the files you have (which is perfectly fine, because computer techs do that constantly).

    I also understand you can lock down your browser so this doesnt happen, but then whats the point of browing the web with all pluggins diabled?

    and dont give me that BS like ' I dont go to those bad websites. ' Even Norton, McAfee, and yes even microsoft with all of their engineers, have had web pages on there systems exploited to where those legitimate web sites would install someone elses program on your comp.

    Please for the sake of sake's just get Cloud AV from panda at least it uses VERY little recources.

  26. #26
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    I am not saying every site is safe but being smart online goes a long way. I have never had a scan running in my background for 3 years and have never got one single malware or virus. I know you can talk to me till I am blue in the face but in all honesty, Antimalware and antivirus programs are for beginners and intermediate users. All my data is backed up that is important to me on my thumb drives and can easily do a reformat in 30 minutes if it comes down to that. I do however run Spybot and ewido online scan every so often though.

  27. #27
    Bio-boosted's Avatar
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    Zone alarm = firewall
    AVG or Avast! = Antivirus
    Ad Aware SE = antispy ware.
    CCleaner = registry cleaner.

    All free and good sh!t.

    everything else is bollox

  28. #28
    Necrosaro's Avatar
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    I have a 16gig thub drive and keep my important stuff on it; one movie I really enjoy,ati drivers for my video card, special computer technician files, stuff like that

  29. #29
    Tigershark's Avatar
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    I switched to Avast and it works great. Plus it is free.

  30. #30
    LLsoldier's Avatar
    LLsoldier is offline Junior Member
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    i suggest you AVG
    No doubt

  31. #31
    DEE151's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by H4rdcore-HeaveN View Post
    AVG Free does the trick.
    X2 thats what i use and it's FREE

  32. #32
    almostgone's Avatar
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    I'm stuck on Kaspersky.

    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  33. #33
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Norton is crazy , kaspersky all the way .

  34. #34
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    annonymoose im with you.... i doubt that guy is a computer tech because i was a computer tech and i would never have ran my comp without an up to date av.

    To the OP your best bet is not to be stingy and pay for an av dont download a free one.
    Youl find that the ones you pay for update pretty much daily and have alot more virus definitions in them making them safer. They have more people working 24/7 who are getting paid to prevent your computer from getting infected. Compare that to a free antivirus?? They just buy virus defs off of other AV programs once they are reasonably out of date 4-6 weeks, so your always behind the 8 ball.

    In my experience the best out there is CA ITM ( not CA internet secuiry suite which is the home version), we implemented that at medical clinics/doctors practices so had to be of the best quality.

    Your lookin at about 60 bucks for a license.

    Another great thing about ca itm is it never seems to interfere with 3rd party programs like symantec and mcaffee are famous for which is a pain the ass

  35. #35
    gigabitbucket's Avatar
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    its all good

    No one program is going to take care of all your needs,
    Defense in depth.

    use a firewall , use a Anti virus program , use a anti-spam program and update your computer on a regular basis.

    Symantec products have always worked for me.
    But , the say goes, its not if you are going to get a virus, but When...

    always back up your info, to reimage after you get the infection.

    hope this kinda helps

  36. #36
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gigabitbucket View Post
    No one program is going to take care of all your needs,
    Defense in depth.

    use a firewall , use a Anti virus program , use a anti-spam program and update your computer on a regular basis.

    Symantec products have always worked for me.
    But , the say goes, its not if you are going to get a virus, but When...

    always back up your info, to reimage after you get the infection.

    hope this kinda helps
    I thought that saying was for STD's

  37. #37
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    that too...

  38. #38
    jackjackson's Avatar
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    If someone wants in your pc they can simply change the signature via some special programs along with other stuff.
    If you have a black hat or gray hat targeting you, you have a much bigger problem.
    One to have is something behavior based and not via signature.

  39. #39
    mikenam69 is offline New Member
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    CYBERDEFENDER! Cleans up your system PLUS protecst by blocking future virus'

  40. #40
    gigabitbucket's Avatar
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    unplug your network cable

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