oh lighten up, its just the end of the worldOriginally Posted by muriloninja
oh lighten up, its just the end of the worldOriginally Posted by muriloninja
the media is the worst; all they focus on are the tradgedys of life. murders. theft. death. failing economy. global warming.starving kids. war. crooked politics. negative negative and more negative! add the celebrity gossip on top of that and we all get served a big spoonful of catatrophe every single day. i cant stand the negative dose every single day and i cant watch the news anymore. i dont believe i should hide my head in the ground like an ostritch. but i can only take so much. i know it is bad. i dont have to be reminded every second about it. it would be nice to see some positive once in a while to remind us all of the good, happiness and hope that life has to offer
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