please PM me
please PM me
I don't.
I don't believe in god. I beileve in Theory of evolution
Same +3
I believe in God and the Theory of Evolution. I don't believe in DSM
I’m an agnostic… I don’t know either wayand if there is great and if there isn’t oh well.
What I don’t believe in is organized religion! I just see organized religion as another form of social control and mass delusion.Some of humanities greatest atrocities were committed in the name of religious fervor…
I dont believe...
I believe in jah.
I'm Rasta mon
I am Agnostic as well. I do not believe that mankind has the ability to know who or what God is. Because of this, mankind can not know which organized religion, if any, will bring him closer to God. I have not been to church since I was given the option to keep going or not when I was 11 YO. But I do believe in God. God is not the perverbiable "mean kid sitting on the ant hill". Science and belief do not have to be at odds with one another.
There probably is a one and only God. Knowing what or who it is is a different story. The story of Jesus on the other hand is a complete bag of garbage IMO.
Big Sexy ...what's your point ?
I just do not think I am any more important than animals or other living things. Of course I care about myself and my life more, but just in the scheme of things, I dont feel like I am going to heaven. I think I am just smart enough to be afraid of death and need something to comfort myself at times hoping this is not all there is. In any event, Einstein says we should believe because it does not cost anything and there is nothing to lose. But I cant make myself believe as it is like ghosts or Santa, in my mind.
I'm pretty lost with it all now, after a year of going through boat loads of information, literature. But feel to PM me with questions you might have, I am always up for a discussion.
What makes the God in todays religions any more credible than the ones Greeks, Romans and Egyptians worshipped 2000 + years ago? None, only those civilisations died out..
Wouldnt a messanger of god tell the writer that there was life way before christ? Would this mean that all the people before christ went to hell? I dont want to get into a whole argument because your entitled to your opinion.... My opinon is that "god" was created for people to behave and keep society in check. The creation if "god" was also a great thing dont get me wrong because it helped millions of people change for the better and still to this day helps millions of people around the world.
i dont believe, its evolution for me
God is a concept brought by human kind as a way of trying to understand. as a race, we need to know how things work- hence we have science. when people years ago could not explain something, they said it must be an act of 'god' whereas nowadays, we say "i dont know, but lets take what i do know, try and expand that, and get my answer with science"
think of it, u get a small illness, you pretty much always tell yourself you have the cold/flu. imagine you got a big sicker, and you saw a doctor, who told you he has no idea what is wrong- you would panic. if he didnt know what was wrong, but told you you had the flu, you would instantly feel better. its a way of feeling calmer and better about things
what i find amusing is how if we dont believe in the christian god (I mention christian god because I no more about this religion as it got rammed down my throat for 10 years of my life!) then we go to hell- nevermind people who have heard of this god but choose Islam or Bhuddism, but what about people who live in tribes and have never come across the christian god? they believe in a god but not the christian one, certainly isnt fair!
im gona PM
Im agnostic so I am confused on the subject -.-
That question is at the root of Agnosticism. Mankind can not know.........
If you were given up for adoption as an infant and never knew your birth parents, does that mean that you did not have birth parents?
Quoted from "Enkidu"
An agnostic is a person who believes that the existence of a greater power, such as a god, cannot be proven or disproved.
Agnostics on religion (Christianity, Islam, Buddhists, etc): Religious zealots are often viewed as ignorant by agnostics’ because of their blind following of a supreme being which may or may not exist. Agnostics will often question the existence of a supreme power because a lot of modern religious beliefs have no basis in modern logic; therefore blind following of popular religions is viewed as an easy out for people who chose not to think for themselves.
Agnostics on atheism: On the other end of the spectrum, unlike atheists, an agnostic uses a more scientific approach to their belief system. An agnostic knows that just because there is no physical proof of the existence of a higher being, it dose not automatically mean that one does not exist. An agnostic views an atheist on the same plane as a religious zealot; often because the belief that human beings are the pinnacle of intelligence and there are few things that we do not or have the potential to understand.
The realization of knowing that “we cannot know everything” is the backbone of the agnostic belief.
Last edited by Logan13; 01-05-2008 at 06:48 PM.
any christians want to discuss with me, PM me as well
I dont understand this post. If i don't believe in god why would i want to PM you bible thumpers![]()
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