Just curious what people think? Just turned it on..at least they invited Ron Paul this time
Just curious what people think? Just turned it on..at least they invited Ron Paul this time
Hannity & Colmes have this text the winner of the debate to 36288..and so far Ron Paul is winning with 35% of the votes!!
u better not be kiddin. what channel is it on. i couldnt find it
its on fox news..the debate is over and hannity & colmes are interviewing the candidates and theyre saving ron paul for last it appears..im not kidding about the text votes so far..but its still open for voting
No way Ron Paul gets nominated by Republicans. You cant be anti military. You guys see the break down of the Republican leaning panelists they had? Paul got the lowest numbers when he started bad mouthing the war.
Fred Thompson got the highest when he said we need to introduce them to those virgins they've been looking for...lol
(speaking of terrorists)
with the articles "that just surfaced" from some one making a newsletter with his name... his chances are getting slimmer with every day. Make sense though....the democratic candidate won by crying on tv for publicity...so it makes sense that in an age of media drunken voters...some one would snipe his chances out of the race with dirt.
Ron Paul actually won the vote after the debate last night and Hannity & Colmes were so pissed off about it when they had to announce it..Hannity said there was no way Ron Paul won the debate, he actually lost it...in a very pissed off voice!! Thompson and Huckleberry Finn came in 2nd and 3rd respectively.
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