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Thread: WoodStock 2009

  1. #1

    WoodStock 2009

    Just wondering if any of you are planning to go? id love to...
    Was talking with the gf the other day and i guess this one couldl actually be like 69, could possibly be fronted like 69 as in opposition for a war that is just a political act and nothing more, or a war that is never going to be won.
    i aint going down the political path just food for thought as you might get a few hundred thousand anti war protesters turning up also... summer of love eh, acid and hashish all over again
    Last edited by Odpierdol_sie!; 01-16-2008 at 06:15 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I would think about it. I would def be staying in a hotel though, I'm like a little girl and very germaphobic about using public toliets and showers. I have been skiing near woodstock lately and know some great hotels near by. Also a deciding factor would be if it looks like it will turn into a riot like 99. My friend went in 99 and he said people were rioting cause they were pissed off for having to pay 8 dollars for water, and 12 dollars for a burger!!!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    In the gym
    I lived 2.2 miles from 1999's site in Rome, NY. It was the first concert I had ever been to and man was it crazy. Yes it was a disaster in many aspects but the bands were what was good at the time. I knwo everyone rips on them now, but they had their moment and that part of the festival was good. The prices, heat, lack of control, and the 'wrong' crowd added to its downfall.

    I would love to see another woodstock on 2009. Truth be told I am actually putting a little money away every now and then in hopes that the super expensive tickets will go on sale.... someday.

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