Last edited by steropower; 01-16-2008 at 08:53 AM.
yup its true classic case of abuse (synthol)and using dirty needles
hell yeah!! there was a special on the discovery health channel early last year about that dude. instead of "using" he started "abusing". ol dude got locked up for a little bit for selling that shyt too. his arm size was absolutely ridiculous!!!!
Greg Valentino--check out AR Forum, where there is a lengthy form discussion on him. A lot of misperceptions regarding what really happened.
The Ramblin Freak
dudes insane
u know that young lad from kidlington, england on it, that was me
that guys my uncle
seems to be alot of talk of him lately
that guy is me
If that was really you, you're a fvcking retard. I hope you've changed your ways, sorry.
Otherwise, I find it hard to believe that was you. If it was, why would you send out such a bad message about steroids to the public who were watching that piece of crap documentary? You make the responsible AAS-using community look like fools.
well iam gregs mother please dont talk bad about him
wow....ummmmm well greg valentino really gained my respect for allowing us to take a peep into his perrsonal life. i saw it as an educational video to be honest.
thats the best comment yet^^^
any dude that mans up and goes public about how he screwed up and what he's done to recover from all of that gets respect from. he's obviously a better man than half of these mo fo's in the forum......LOL!!! thats just my thoughts.
y does doin a tv show wen i was 16 make me a idoit?
hey joe!!! they just hatin man!!! like kanye west said, "hatin dudes will marry hatin bytches and will end up have hatin children". nuff said.
The dude is a tool.
is that all u can say why is a tool ?
I've read about him, watched clips of him and just think he's an idiot. Dealing drugs, using synthol, and trying to medically take care of his owm problems under no doctor supervision. I respect him for coming out with his TLC documentary, but think he's an idiot for the decisions he has made.
i dnt regret anything about doing it, i got to meet flex lewis who i stil email now, i met dianne bennett who invited me to her house for the weekend to train which i stupidly turned down for being shy, i spoke to marcus ruhl on the fone and i met william tierney (chaiman of the ebff)
Your age, nor doing a TV show makes you an idiot. I didn't say that!
It's the things you said on that show that gives us responsible users a bad name! I mean, some of the quotes I can just remember you saying,
"There's nothing more satisfying than being the best, you know. And if that means taking steroids, taking lots of steroids, lots of tablets... to me it's worth it."
Do you think that's smart? You even mentioned steroids are your ticket to fame. Do you realize what kind of mindset and trouble you are setting yourself up for later on?
And you're only 19 now, that's not smart at all.
Greg’s arm "exploded" is a not exactly correct.
I would say, an arm with an abscess, from injecting with no safety in mind. He is not the first person for that to happen too.
I also believe him when he said it was caused by site injects of prop, and other AAS, and was not synthol.
Not that there is a difference in effect from the site injection. Just it was not specifically a sterile oil only, and was actually a mix of site injections, with different AAS, used at hazardous amounts, in a similar fashion that one would use synthol, however was not exactly synthol.
Anyhow, the result is virtually the same as if it were synthol. Bloated looking muscles with odd contours that do not follow the natural shape.
I really would have to see an ultra sound, or biopsy to see exactly what is going on in there, but I put my money on both a lot of scar tissue, as well as capsulated AAS and oils that the body did not absorb, surrounded by another layer of scar tissue.
I am sure there is actually muscle in there, but I think a lot of the size is scar tissue.
What kills me is when people try to “educate me” by telling me about a guy they saw on TV who used so many steroids his arms exploded.
With wonderful disregard for medical facts as well as the laws of physics I may add.
Please do NOT take this the wrong way, but do NOT tunnel vision your life around BBing.
In todays world BBing is no longer a ticket to fame, and while having a good physique can help in some walks of life, putting all your money and investments into it, will NOT be a good idea.
It is like the guy who would bet all his money on making it into the NBA, or NFL, or MLB, yet the statistical chance of becoming Mr.Olympia is 1 in 6 billion+, and for those other sports one would still have a better chance of being struck by lightning.
So go ahead and bodybuild, naturally I may add until you are at least 21, and get the other parts of your life going.
Bodybuilding does not owe you a living, nor will it provide you with one. That you need to figure out how to do in some other way.
Could it relate to bodybuilding? Sure it could, go to school and become a Dietician, and make a fortune helping fat ****ers loose fat.
There are all sorts of things you can do that do not interfere with bodybuilding, even if they do not directly have anything to do with it either. Ronnie Coleman was a cop for example.
On the other hand, for those young men who want to become Mr.Olympia, and mono-focus on it only, better get used to the taste of semen.
Your choice.
All I got to say about that.
i hate the fact that idiocy seems to be the biggest ticket to fame now days.. but what ever..
I saw the guy on tv and immediatley thought the guy was an idiot, he seemed a little obsessed, and not to mentioned when I looked at him my thoughts were not man hes big but man he is deformed.
He has a reality tv show he has been working on that will be out soon..
I have to see that Merc
cant wait for that
any idea what the name of it is??
I think I've seen this post more times then anything else.
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